Starting August 8th, we will be returning to our indoor sanctuary worship. At this time we are following indoor masking guidelines for all people who join us regardless of vaccination status. Bring your favorite mask, but if you forget we will have one for you. After 73 weeks away, it is good to be returning home.
This return is not without tension, since we are coinciding with a new phase of this plague season. Most of the last 73 weeks we spent outside worshipping in our parking garage. Until vaccines were widely available we found outdoors to be safest. Now our congregation has reached a very high vaccination threshold, substantially higher than the region at large. This fact gives us a unique island of shelter from the worst outcomes of the virus. If you choose to join us in worship, know you are joining a community built on kindness for one another and mutual trust. If you are not vaccinated and are eligible, please do so. If you cannot be vaccinated for health reasons, let us know so we can make sure to provide you with the care your vulnerability requires. We are returning inside with a mask requirement in place for all people, regardless of vaccination status. Our elementary kids will spend much of the time outside in our shaded park area.
For this strange season we will also continue to livestream the audio of our services on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. We will also keep our eyes on the horizon and maintain a curious posture, staying flexible for possible changes we need to make as the world continues to shift.
In the words of Julian of Norwich, all is well and all is well and all manner of things shall be made well.
See you Sunday.