Liturgy for wherever you are

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany

February 20, 2022

welcome to WORSHIP

Liturgy is an ancient word for worship that is usually translated as “the work of the people.” You’ll hear the voices of our pastoral staff and our community each week, and we are so grateful that this is the work we get to do together. We prayerfully plan our worship services trusting that the Spirit will use each element to shape us and our desires as we pursue the path of Christ.


This is Amazing Grace

Jeremy Riddle | Josh Farro | Phil Wickham

Who breaks the power of sin and darkness
Whose love is mighty and so much stronger
The King of Glory, the King above all kings
Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder
Who leaves us breathless in awe and wonder
The King of Glory, the King above all kings

This is amazing grace, This is unfailing love
That You would take my place, That You would bear my cross
You’d lay down Your life, That I would be set free
Oh, Jesus, I sing for, all that You've done for me

Who brings our chaos back into order
Who makes the orphan a son and daughter
The King of Glory, the King of Glory
Who rules the nations with truth and justice
Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance
The King of Glory, the King above all kings

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave

Reckless Love

Caleb Culver | Cory Asbury | Ran Jackson

Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me
You have been so, so good to me
Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
You have been so, so kind to me

Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn't earn it, I don't deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God

When I was Your foe, still Your love fought for me
You have been so, so good to me
When I felt no worth, You paid it all for me
You have been so, so kind to me

There's no shadow You won't light up
Mountain You won't climb up
Coming after me
There's no wall You won't kick down
Lie You won't tear down
Coming after me

All the Poor and Powerless

David Leonard | Leslie Jordan

All the poor and powerless
And all the lost and lonely
And all the thieves will come confess
And know that You are holy
And know that You are holy

And all will sing out hallelujah
And we will cry out hallelujah

All the hearts who are content
And all who feel unworthy
And all who hurt with nothin' left
Will know that You are holy

Shout it
Go on and scream it from the mountains
Go on and tell it to the masses
That He is God

Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King

John Wyeth | Robert Robinson | Thomas Miller

Come Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love

Here I raise mine Ebenezer
Here by Thy great help I come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wandering from the fold of God
He to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood

Come thou fount, come thou king
Come thou precious prince of peace
Hear your bride, to you we sing
Come thou fount of all blessing

* CCLI # 108970


What a wonderful group of friends we had for this week’s liturgy service! Chip welcomed and invited us into a communal practice of gratitude. Warren led us in our call to worship. Judy led us in communal prayer. Ada read our Scripture with underscore provided by Bennett. John Jay provided us with a teaching to feed our spirit. He and Chip introduced our newest FBCP members. Lindsay invited us into a time of generosity through our offering. Our music makers this morning were Leslie, Warren, Natalee, Rick, and Dann. Lindsay reminded us of the different ways we are invited to participate in communal life together before John Jay offered up the benediction. Leslie oversaw the production while Harriet worked her technical magic to mix this special collaborative worship experience.

Much love from your church family at FBC Pasadena.