Mission Statement

The mission of First Baptist Church of Pasadena is to create a community of moral formation under the lordship of Jesus Christ, where love of God and neighbor flourishes, where the church regularly gathers for corporate worship, and where lives are consecrated for service in the kingdom of God.


The highest priority of FBCP shall be to create and sustain Christians capable of fidelity to God,  able to discern the Spirit, and committed to nurturing the kingdom of God, in Pasadena as it is in Heaven.


A priority of FBCP shall be to gather regularly for embodied worship, marked by the formation of our desires toward love of God and neighbor, confession of our sins, blessings, prayer, singing, offering our gifts, and faithfully engaging with Scripture.

Vocation and Mission

A priority of FBCP is to discern and nurture the unique vocational identities of each person, aligning everyday labor with the larger purposes of the Gospel so that more and more people are in priestly service to the world.


A priority of FBCP shall be supporting the emergence of Christian friendship that leads to mutual support, reproach and upbuilding. The form this takes will be contextual to the season of the church’s life, but will be expressed in smaller gatherings and one-on-one relationships.   

Leadership Development

A priority of FBCP shall be identifying and training leaders for service to the church and community by developing and using their God-given gifts in team-based ministries and by increasing tithing and additional acts of giving by leaders and members.

Creation Care

A priority of FBCP shall be stewardship and care for God’s creation by forming Christians who care for one another and our environment as individuals and as a body, grounding this work in the witness of Scripture.

Healing and Restoration

A priority of FBCP is to tenderly receive new members needing various levels of spiritual, emotional and bodily repair. We will nurture an atmosphere of non-anxious love that is fitting to the wounds people carry, and we will practice the regular forms of confession, forgiveness and absolution necessary to persist as a healthy body.

Inclusive Belonging

A priority of FBCP is to celebrate the unique humanity of each person, integrating people into deeper belonging that honors their experiences, and continually assesses the boundaries of the community so that more and more people can encounter God through FBCP.