Liturgy for wherever you are
Eighth Sunday of Pentecost | Embodiment: Ears
Psalm 40 | July 23rd, 2023
welcome to WORSHIP
Liturgy is an ancient word for worship that is usually translated as “the work of the people.” You’ll hear the voices of our pastoral staff and our community each week, and we are so grateful that this is the work we get to do together. We prayerfully plan our worship services trusting that the Spirit will use each element to shape us and our desires as we pursue the path of Christ. To listen to previous liturgies, you can visit our Soundcloud page below to browse the archives.
Raise a Hallelujah
Jake Stevens | Jonathan & Melissa Helser | Molly Skaggs
I raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah Heaven comes to fight for me
I’m gonna sing in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes hope will arise
Death is defeated the King is alive
I raise a hallelujah with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah fear you lost your hold on me
Sing a little louder (Sing a little louder)
Sing a little louder (Sing a little louder)
Sing a little louder (Sing a little louder)
Sing a little louder (Sing a little louder)
Sing a little louder in the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder my weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder Heaven comes to fight for me
Sing a little louder
I raise a hallelujah
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Isaac Watts
My shepherd will supply my need
Jehovah is His name
In pastures fresh He makes me feed
Beside the living stream
He brings my wandering spirit back
When I forsake His ways
And leads me for His mercy's sake
In paths of truth and grace
When I walk through the shades of death
Thy presence is my stay
One word of Thy supporting breath
Drives all my fears away
Thy hand in sight of all my foes
Doth still my table spread
My cup with blessings overflows
Thine oil anoints my head
The sure provisions of my God
Attend me all my days
O may Thy house be my abode
And all my work be praise
There would I find a settled rest
While others go and come
No more a stranger, nor a guest
But like a child at home
Brock Human | Nathan Nockels
There was one when I was young
Who knew my heart
He knew my sorrow
He held my hand
And he lead me to trust him
Now I am hidden
In the safety of your love
I trust your heart and your intentions
Trust you completely
I'm listening intently
You'll guide me through these many shadows
As I grow
And as I change
May I love you more deeply
I will lean upon your grace
I will reap because your goodness is unending
You are my vision
My reason for living
Your kindness leads me to repentance
I can't explain it
This sweet assurance
But I've never known this kind of friend
I can't explain it
This sweet assurance
But I've never known this kind of friend
The sun, moon, and stars
Shout your name
They give you reverence
And I will do the same
With all my heart I give you glory
The sun, moon, and stars
Shout your name
They give you reverence
And I will do the same
With all my heart I give you glory
I want to seek you first
I want to love you more
I want to give you the honor you deserve
So I bow before you
I am overcome by the beauty of this perfect love
* CCLI # 108970
What a wonderful group of friends we had for this week’s service! John Jay welcomed us. Stephen L. invited us into a communal practice of gratitude. Grace called us into worship. Lindsay invited us to recognize the promotion of our rising sixth graders out of the children’s program. John S. led us in communal prayer. Chip read scripture. John Jay provided us with a teaching and offered up the benediction. Hazel invited us into a time of generosity through our offering. Leslie and Hannah provided the offertory. Our other musicians this morning were Riley, Jonathan, Natalee, Cynthia, Chris B. and Rick. John Jay and Chip reminded us of the different ways we are invited to participate in communal life together. Leslie oversaw the production while Harriet worked her technical magic to mix this special collaborative worship experience.
Much love from your church family at FBC Pasadena.