Liturgy for wherever you are
Twelveth Sunday of Pentecost | Embodied Theology: Communal Body
John 12:1-11 | August 27th, 2023
welcome to WORSHIP
Liturgy is an ancient word for worship that is usually translated as “the work of the people.” You’ll hear the voices of our pastoral staff and our community each week, and we are so grateful that this is the work we get to do together. We prayerfully plan our worship services trusting that the Spirit will use each element to shape us and our desires as we pursue the path of Christ. To listen to previous liturgies, you can visit our Soundcloud page below to browse the archives.
This is Amazing Grace
Jeremy Riddle | Josh Farro | Phil Wickham
Who breaks the power of sin and darkness
Whose love is mighty and so much stronger
The King of Glory, the King above all kings
Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder
Who leaves us breathless in awe and wonder
The King of Glory, the King above all kings
This is amazing grace, This is unfailing love
That You would take my place, That You would bear my cross
You laid down Your life, That I would be set free
Oh, Jesus, I sing for, all that You've done for me
Who brings our chaos back into order
Who makes the orphan a son and daughter
The King of Glory, the King of Glory
Who rules the nations with truth and justice
Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance
The King of Glory, the King above all kings
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
Blessed Assurance
Fanny Jane Crosby | Phoebe Palmer Knapp
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
Perfect submission, perfect delight!
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending, bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blessed;
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
Jesus We Love You
Hannah McClure | Kalley Heiligenthal | Paul McClure
Old things have passed away
Your love has stayed the same
Your constant grace remains the cornerstone
Things that we thought were dead
Are breathing in life again
You cause your Son to shine on darkest nights
For all that You've done we will pour out our love
This will be our anthem song
Jesus we love You
Oh how we love You
You are the one our hearts adore
The hopeless have found their hope
The orphans now have a home
All that was lost has found its place in You
You lift our weary head
You make us strong instead
You took these rags and made us beautiful
Our affection our devotion
Poured out on the feet of Jesus
Edward Mote | Eric Liljero | Jonas Myrin | Reuben Morgan | William Batchelder Bradbury
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly trust in Jesus' name
Christ alone, Cornerstone
Weak made strong in the Savior's love
Through the storm
He is Lord
Lord of all
When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
When He shall come with trumpet sound
Oh may I then in him be found
Dressed in His righteousness alone
Faultless to stand before the throne
* CCLI # 108970
What a wonderful group of friends we had for this week’s service! Chip welcomed us, and he and Bill invited us into a communal practice of gratitude. Bill called us into worship. Lindsay introduced us to baby Sebastian and John Jay invited our congregation to love him as he grows. John Jay led us in communal prayer. Cindy read scripture. John Jay provided us with a teaching, sharing, anointing and offered up the benediction. Lindsay honored our Volunteer of the Month and invited us into a time of generosity through our offering. Our musicians this morning were Leslie, Bri, Ainsley, Rick, Jason E and Chris T. Chip reminded us of the different ways we are invited to participate in communal life together. Leslie oversaw the production while Abbey worked her technical magic to mix this special collaborative worship experience.
Much love from your church family at FBC Pasadena.