Liturgy for wherever you are
Listening Sunday | September 15, 2024
welcome to WORSHIP
Liturgy is an ancient word for worship that is usually translated as “the work of the people.” You’ll hear the voices of our pastoral staff and our community each week, and we are so grateful that this is the work we get to do together. We prayerfully plan our worship services trusting that the Spirit will use each element to shape us and our desires as we pursue the path of Christ. To listen to previous liturgies, you can visit our Soundcloud page below to browse the archives.
Higher Ground
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel | Johnson Oatman Jr.
I'm pressing on the upward way
New heights I'm gaining ev'ry day
Still praying as I'm onward bound
Lord plant my feet on higher ground
Lord lift me up and let me stand
By faith on heaven's tableland
A higher plane than I have found
Lord plant my feet on higher ground
My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay
Tho' some may dwell where these abound
My pray'r my aim is higher ground
I want to live above the world
Tho' Satan's darts at me are hurled
For faith has caught the joyful sound
The song of saints on higher ground
I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright
But still I'll pray till heav'n I've found
Lord lead me on to higher ground
Open Space
Kirby Kaple | Rob Kaple
Pull me in closer close to Your heart
May I be a pure reflection of all You are
Love that is patient love that is kind
And love that keeps no offenses or wrongs in mind
Make me like Jesus
Make me like Jesus
My heart is an open space
For You to come and have Your way
I'm open I'm open
You're faithful to find me right where I am
Though even in my wandering you call me friend
And mercy receives me and lifts me to my feet
And I'm caught up in the wonder and mystery
Of knowing Jesus
Of knowing Jesus
Do whatever You want to do
Say whatever You want to say
And move however You want to move
And change whatever You want to change
* CCLI # 108970
What a wonderful group of friends we had for this week’s service! Chip welcomed us and invited us into a communal practice of gratitude. John Jay led us in communion. Lindsay invited us into a time of generosity through our offering, and a time of blessing. Our musicians this morning were Leslie and Riley. Leslie oversaw the production while Steph worked their technical magic to mix this special collaborative worship experience.
Much love from your church family at FBC Pasadena.