Liturgy for wherever you are
Seventeenth Sunday of Pentecost
September 25, 2022
welcome to WORSHIP
Liturgy is an ancient word for worship that is usually translated as “the work of the people.” You’ll hear the voices of our pastoral staff and our community each week, and we are so grateful that this is the work we get to do together. We prayerfully plan our worship services trusting that the Spirit will use each element to shape us and our desires as we pursue the path of Christ.
Pat Barrett | Tony Brown
There's beauty in my brokenness
I've got true love instead of pain
There's freedom though You've captured me
I've got joy instead of mourning
You give me joy down deep in my soul
Down deep in my soul
Down deep in my soul
I've never been so free
Caught in Your love for me
Never been more secure
Knowing Your heart, Lord
You’ve never seen me like
You’ve seen me filled with joy
You’ve never seen me like
You’ve seen me filled with joy
You’ve never seen me like
You’ve seen me filled with joy
Joy forevermore
You’ve never known me like
You’ve known me filled with joy
You’ve never known me like
You’ve known me filled with joy
You’ve never known me like
You’ve known me filled with joy
Joy forevermore
King of My Heart
John Mark McMillan | Sarah McMillan
Let the King of my heart
Be the mountain where I run
The fountain I drink from
Oh He is my song
Let the King of my heart
Be the shadow where I hide
The ransom for my life
Oh He is my song
You are good good oh
You are good good oh
You are good good oh
You are good good oh
Let the King of my heart
Be the wind inside my sails
The anchor in the waves
Oh He is my song
Let the King of my heart
Be the fire inside my veins
The echo of my days
Oh He is my song
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
Christ Be All Around Me
David Leonard | Jack Mooring | Leeland Mooring | Leslie Jordan
As I rise
Strength of God go before lift me up
As I wake
Eyes of God look upon be my sight
As I wait
Heart of God satisfy and sustain
As I hear
Voice of God lead me on be my guide
Be my guide
Above and below me
Before and behind me
In ev'ry eye that sees me
Christ be all around me
Above and below me
Before and behind me
In ev'ry eye that sees me
Christ be all around me yeah
As I go
Hand of God my defense by my side
As I rest
Breath of God fall upon bring me peace
Bring me peace
Oh oh Christ be all around me yeah
Oh oh Christ be all around me yeah
Your life Your death Your blood was shed
For ev'ry moment ev'ry moment
* CCLI # 108970
What a wonderful group of friends we had for this week’s service! John Jay welcomed and invited us into a communal practice of gratitude. Shawn led us in our call to worship. John Jay helped us appreciate our volunteer of the month. Jesse led us in communal prayer. Tyler read scripture. John Jay provided us with a teaching to feed our spirits and returned at the end to offer up the benediction. Leslie invited us into a time of generosity through our offering. Our musicians this morning were Leslie, Astyn, Warren, Cynthia, Cindie, Dave, Rick, and Chris T. John Jay reminded us of the different ways we are invited to participate in communal life together. Leslie oversaw the production while Abbey worked her technical magic to mix this special collaborative worship experience.
Much love from your church family at FBC Pasadena.