FBCP Families | 02.04.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

I pray you experience rest, joy, and connection with your families this week. As I think about what Sabbath means for families with kids, those three things feel most resonant to my own household. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and sharing in worship together as a way to access rest, joy, and connection with our larger church family. (And if you're looking to get out and about after worship, tomorrow is a Museums Free-For-All Day in Los Angeles, and there are lots of places that have kid-centered activities and events.) See you tomorrow for a full morning together! 


We are so pumped to bring back a longstanding tradition of making and selling tamales as a youth retreat fundraiser, so get ready for this delicious chance to support our youth. Here is an order form and you can pick them up at our next all-church potluck after worship on February 19th. Our youth will make the tamales on Saturday, February 11th, from 11:00AM-3:30PM at the church. Lunch and snacks will be provided. 

Kids Camp Dates

Parents, just a reminder to mark your calendars for Kids Camp June 19-23. We are excited to reveal our new camp theme (shhh…not yet, though!) and to help our kids encounter God's love together with people from our church family.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join their families in the sanctuary for worship since this is a first Sunday of the month. We love their presence in our sanctuary and the chance to be together to share in communion and worship. Don't forget that Pastor Mary always has snacks and a fun survey for kids to fill out during worship. They can pick those up in the lobby on their way into the sanctuary. After a first Sunday, it's a great week to nurture some discussion at home about how your kids are experiencing church and what kinds of questions they are holding in wonder.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What moment stood out to you in worship this week?

  • What does it mean that we call ourselves a "church family" and a "community" at FBCP?


We are on for our regular  youth lunch this Sunday. We will gather in the front pews and then head to the youth room for lunch and discussion. You can pick your youth up in the church park at the Union Street gate at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

With much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 02.03.2023


  • Enjoy fellowship tonight at our Community Dinners around the city. Thank you to our seven host homes—Henson, Boctor-Winchell, Laski, Linscott, Loose, James and Ellis households. If you missed signing up for this dinner, keep an eye out for our next round in May.

  • Did you catch our Thursday text of this week’s audio? Pastors Lindsay and John Jay created a whimsical musical collab of Romans 5:1-11, and it’s worth a listen as we prepare for Sunday worship.


  • Winter Sunday School continues from 9-10 a.m., before worship service, through February 19th. See details in the last section of this email if you would like a reminder of our fabulous classes.

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for worship and for our regular youth gathering and lunch afterward. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This Sunday we are taking up a special offering called the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO). The RMMO acknowledges and shares our collective appreciation for the extraordinary commitment of those who serve God’s people. By participating in the RMMO, all congregants can celebrate the strength and perseverance of ministers, missionaries, and their widowed spouses by contributing to provide emergency assistance and “Thank You” checks. We are blessed to have many retired ministers and missionaries in our congregation, and their faithful service is a reminder of all those who have served in American Baptist churches. Through RMMO, we hope you are inspired to give to those who continue to transform and embody the spirit of Christ—and may we each be transformed by the opportunity to be generous in giving. To give, go here (select “RMMO” from the drop down menu).

  • After service this Sunday, we invite you to join our mission trip planning meeting. A group plans to serve in Oaxaca, Mexico this October 23-27 with Adventures in Life Ministry.  All are welcome to join the meeting as we get to know one another and prepare for an incredible week of ministry. Contact Nori or Pastor Chip for more info. Lunch will be provided.

  • Have you ordered your tamales? You can order tamales online here or by texting "tamale" to 626.727.9498. We will also have a paper sign-up at the Connections Desk on Sunday. You can pick your tamales up at our next all-church potluck after worship on February 19th. If you aren't able to pick them up then, you can email Pastor Lindsay to make other arrangements. Thank you for supporting our youth fundraiser!

  • This week, the Friends In Deed Food Pantry item is pasta and pasta sauce.

Future Happenings

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. next Sunday, February 12th, in his office (enter on Holly St.). Sign up by texting “coffee” to 626.727.9498 (limited to the first eight people). Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • Our next Public Theology meeting will be next Sunday, February 12th, after service. We will continue to study the cycle of organizing and the value of intentional one-on-one conversations. We value all voices, and we hope you can join us for lunch in the Southside Room.

  • Sunday, February 19th, kicks off the lenten season with our Mardi Gras potluck in the gym after service. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a side or salad (A-I), dessert (J-N), or main dish (O-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. We also need several volunteers to set-up and take-down the potluck, so please see the Volunteer Squad sign-up poster in the lobby.

  • Join us for a special worship service on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd, at 6:00 pm in the chapel. The service will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Childcare is provided for children four years old and younger.

  • Our Lenten Sunday School session will begin Sunday, February 26th, from 9-10 a.m. before worship. The class will run for six weeks and conclude on Palm Sunday, April 2nd.

  • Our next monthly FBCPride meeting will be on Sunday, February 26th, from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Southside Room. We will have our first female speaker share her story on growing as a Christian while also reconciling her LGBT identity with her faith, and what her experience has been like with family and church through the last several years. We would like to invite the LGBTQ community 16+, parents and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

  • Save the Date for our next Women’s Brunch on Saturday, March 4th!

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Winter Sunday School Session | Weekly thru 2/19 | 9:00 a.m. | Escribio Divino in Rm. 211 | The Passover & Crucifixion of Jesus in the Southside Room | Learning from MLK’s Letter from Birmingham Jail in Room 214

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | February 5th in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

2/5 - Oaxaca Missions Meeting
2/10-2/12 - Ski Trip to Big Bear
2/12 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
2/12 - Public Theology Meeting
2/19 - Winter Sunday School Ends
2/19 - Church Potluck/Tamale Pickup
2/20 - President’s Day—Office Closed
2/22 - Ash Wednesday Service
2/24-2/26 - Winter Youth Retreat
2/26 - Lenten Sunday School Begins
2/26 - FBCPride Meeting
3/4 - Women’s Brunch
3/5 - Prayer for Global Servants
3/12 - Public Theology Meeting

FBCP Families | 01.28.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Thanks for your patience with today’s email. The stomach bug went through my family this week, but we are grateful to finally be back to health today.

Last Sunday we gathered for worship right after receiving news about the shooting in Monterey Park, and this week has unfolded with more tragedy and pain in the headlines. I know depending on the age of your kids, you may have been navigating various conversations and feelings this week in your home on top of your own emotions and need to process. We are here to pray with you or to be a space to process, so let us know how we can come alongside you. I also wanted to share this resource from our own Zach Hoover, who received it from his son's school as a tool to help parents have conversations about violence with their kids.

This evening I am grateful for our church community and the ways we can hold lament and tragedy together with gratitude and love. I look forward to tomorrow's worship as a place to ground my own body in the love and peace of Christ as I worship alongside each of you. Today we had a training for nursery volunteer leaders, and it was an encouragement to my soul to be with a team of people willing to love our youngest kids and to tell them the story of God's love in the world. Thank you for being my church family and the church family for my kids. May we gather tomorrow and sense God's presence in each tender moment together.

Kids Camp Dates

Parents, just a reminder to mark your calendars for Kids Camp June 19-23. We are excited to help our kids encounter God's love together with people from our church family. I know it's still January, but we have learned in years past that parents plan early for summer camps and trips, so we hope it's helpful to get the dates to you now. We can't wait for summer fun together!


Thanks to all who have placed their orders to support our youth fundraiser! There is still time to order before February 8th, and we will have some to sell on the 19th on a first-come, first-served basis. Here is an order form, and you can pick them up at our next all-church potluck after worship on February 19th. Our youth will make the tamales on Saturday, February 11th, at the church. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM. (If you need help finding the upstairs classrooms, just text Pastor Lindsay and we will help you find your way!) This week we will learn more about Jesus' journey and examine our own spiritual journey with a creative activity. We'll also explore what it means to be fishers of men. 

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Who has been important in your own spiritual journey?

  • What have been some memorable moments in your life when you felt God's presence or help?

  • What does it mean to be fishers of people?


We are on for our regular  youth lunch this Sunday. We will gather in the front pews and then head to the youth room for lunch and discussion. You can pick your youth up in the church park at the Union Street gate at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

With much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 01.27.2023


  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Basics Class will take place immediately following worship service this Sunday, January 29th, in the Southside Room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details and/or if you are attending and will need childcare.

  • The tamale order form is here! Our Winter Youth Retreat will take place February 24-26. We are pumped to bring back a longstanding tradition of making and selling tamales as a youth retreat fundraiser, so get ready for this delicious chance to support our youth. You can order tamales online here or by texting "tamale" to 626.727.9498. We will also have a paper sign-up at the Connections Desk on Sunday. You can pick your tamales up at our next all-church potluck after worship on February 19th. If you aren't able to pick them up then, you can email Pastor Lindsay to make other arrangements.

  • Grab some earphones and catch up on this week’s latest recordings.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed Food Pantry item is soup/chili/stew.

Future Happenings

  • Community Dinners are set for Friday, February 3. If you signed up, keep an eye out for an email from your host family this week regarding details like time and address. Email Pastor Chip if you have any questions or would like to participate in the next round in May.

  • After service on February 5th, we will continue planning for our church mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico this October 23-27 with Adventures in Life Ministry.  All are welcome to join the meeting as we begin establishing the team and set the schedule for the coming months to prepare for an incredible week of service and ministry. Contact Nori or Pastor Chip for more info. Lunch will be provided.

  • Join us for a weekend of fun in the snow as we take a ski/boarding trip to Big Bear February 10-12. The cost is $250, and we have four spots left. Text "ski" to 626.727.9498 if you're interested, and secure your spot with a $50 deposit. Contact chip@fbcpasadena.com for more information.

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, February 12th, in his office (enter on Holly). Sign up by texting “coffee” to 626.727.9498 (limited to the first eight people). Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • Save the date for a potluck lunch after service on Sunday, February 19. Potlucks are a special time here at FBCP, so we hope you can make it for some fantastic food and fellowship.

  • Join us as we begin the Lenten season on Wednesday, February 22nd.  We will gather at 6:00 pm in the chapel for a worship service which will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Childcare is provided for children four years old and younger. Stay tuned for a Lenten Sunday School session beginning February 26th as well.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Winter Sunday School Session | Weekly thru 2/19 | 9:00 a.m. | Escribio Divino in Rm. 211 | The Passover & Crucifixion of Jesus in the Southside Room | Learning from MLK’s Letter from Birmingham Jail in Room 214

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | Next 2/5 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

1/29 - Basics Class
2/3 - Community Dinners
2/5 - Oaxaca Missions Meeting
2/10-2/12 - Ski Trip to Big Bear
2/12 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
2/12 - Public Theology Meeting
2/19 - Winter Sunday School Ends
2/19 - Church Potluck/Tamale Pickup
2/22 - Ash Wednesday Service
2/24-2/26 - Winter Youth Retreat
2/26 - Lenten Sunday School Begins
2/26 - FBCPride Meeting
3/4 - Women’s Brunch
3/5 - Prayer for Global Servants
3/12 - Public Theology Meeting

FBCP Families | 01.21.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Last summer our theme for kids camp was based on a theology of wonder. We invited our kids to explore how we are wired for wonder and asked them to consider why God designed us with such a capacity. This week I came across an article with some fun food for thought on what research says about the importance of wonder. Among many things, wonder helps us get outside ourselves and "self-preoccupation" while also calming our nervous systems and turning down the noise of negative self-talk. Yay for wonder and thanks be to God for creating so many opportunities for wonder in the natural world and in our relationships with one another.

On that note, we are already making plans for camp this summer, so parents please mark your calendars for June 19-23. We are excited to reveal our new camp theme (shhh…not yet, though!) and to help our kids encounter God's love together with people from our church family. I know it's still January, but we have learned in years past that parents plan early for summer camps and trips, so we hope it's helpful to get the dates to you now. We can't wait for summer fun together!

In the meantime, it's clearly still winter, and that means that our youth winter retreat is coming up soon. We are also so pumped to bring back a longstanding tradition of making and selling tamales as a youth retreat fundraiser, so get ready for this delicious chance to support our youth. We will be sending out an order form next week, and you can pick them up at our next all-church potluck after worship on February 19th. Our youth will make the tamales on Saturday, February 11th, at the church. Parents, I'll send out more information on the retreat and our tamale-making day this week.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM. (If you need help finding the upstairs classrooms, just text Pastor Lindsay and we will help you find your way!) This week we will explore the story of John the Baptist and Jesus' baptism. It's a great week to talk about baptism as a family and to make room for questions and wonder about what God was revealing in this story of John and Jesus.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What is baptism like in our church? 

  • What do we believe about the sacrament of baptism, and why do we do it?

  • Have you seen a baptism? What stood out to you?


We are on for our regular  youth lunch this Sunday. We will gather in the front pews and then head to the youth room for lunch and discussion. You can pick your youth up in the church park at the Union Street gate at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

With much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 01.20.2023


  • You are invited to join the Ropp Family in honoring the life of our beloved friend Bill Ropp on Saturday, January 21st, at 10 a.m. at Crescenta Valley Church  (4001 La Crescenta Ave, Glendale, CA 91214). Refreshments following the service.


  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Pastor Chip is taking sign-ups now for Community Dinners on Friday, February 3. Email Pastor Chip or text “dinner” to 626.727.9498 if you would like to participate by either attending or hosting, and more details will follow. This is a wonderful time to share a meal, and it is a great way to get to know other church members better. We hope you can participate!

  • Grab some earphones and catch up on this week’s latest recordings.

  • A new exciting Yarn Crafts Group, led by Whitney and Justine, invites all crafty folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to an initial interest meeting after service this week in the Southside Room. The purpose of the group will be fellowship, fun, and charity projects created by knitting, crocheting, and beyond. If you have materials, bring them with you! If not, let us know and we'll bring yarn, needles, and crochet hooks. Lunch is provided. Text "yarn" to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Our monthly FBCPride meeting will be this Sunday from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Southside Room. Our resident therapist Michael Mann will lead us through an exploration and expansion of how we understand identity. We would like to invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike ages 16+. Dinner included. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

  • Our new easy-going basketball group will continue this Sunday, and it will continue every other week. This group is for all non-competitive ages and it meets in the gym at 7 p.m. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed Food Pantry item is cereal.

Future Happenings

  • We will have our Basics Class after worship service next Sunday, January 29th, at 12:30 pm in the Southside Room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details and/or if you are attending and will need childcare.

  • After service on February 5th, we will continue planning for our church mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico this October 23-27 with Adventures in Life Ministry.  All are welcome to join the meeting as we begin establishing the team and set the schedule for the coming months to prepare for an incredible week of service and ministry. Contact Nori or Pastor Chip for more info. Lunch will be provided.

  • Join us for a weekend of fun in the snow as we take a ski/boarding trip to Big Bear February 10-12. The cost is $250, and we have limited spots available. Text "ski" to 626.727.9498 if you're interested, and secure your spot with a $50 deposit. Contact chip@fbcpasadena.com for more information.

  • Save the date for a potluck lunch after service on Sunday, February 19. Potlucks are a special time here at FBCP, so we hope you can make it for some fantastic food and fellowship.

  • Join us as we begin the Lenten season on Wednesday, February 22nd.  We will gather at 6:00 pm in the chapel for a worship service which will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Childcare is provided for children four years old and younger. Stay tuned for a Lenten Sunday School session beginning February 26th as well.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Winter Sunday School Session (9:00 a.m., Room Assignments Posted)
Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study (12 p.m., Parlor)
Easy-Going Basketball (January 22nd and every other Sunday at 7 p.m.)

Six Weeks at a Glance

1/21 - Bill Ropp’s Memorial Service (Crescenta Valley Church)
1/22 - Yarn Crafts Group
1/22 - FBCPride Meeting
1/22 - Easy-going basketball
1/29 - Basics Class
2/3 - Community Dinners
2/5 - Oaxaca Missions Meeting
2/5 - Easy-going basketball
2/10-2/12 - Ski Trip to Big Bear
2/12 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
2/19 - Winter Sunday School Ends
2/19 - Church Potluck
2/19 - Easy-going basketball
2/22 - Ash Wednesday Service
2/26 - Lenten Sunday School Begins
2/26 - FBCPride Meeting

FBCP Families | 01.14.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

As we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. this weekend and Monday, I thought you might enjoy reading this poem by Gwendolyn Brooks as a family. It's a reminder that we, too, are called to go "forth with gifts" God has given each of us as we proclaim that God's Kingdom is come, in Pasadena as it is in Heaven. We are excited to worship with you tomorrow and to enjoy learning and growing alongside our kids and youth.

As a reminder, the Rose Bowl Half Marathon will be taking place tomorrow morning with limited street access around the church from 6 am - 1 pm. Be sure to check out the road closure map so you can plan your route and give yourself extra time to get to service, especially if you live south of Green Street. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM. (If you need help finding the upstairs classrooms, just text Pastor Lindsay and we will help you find your way!) This week we will continue with our exploration of Epiphany and the ways that God leads and guides us (like God guided the Magi!). We'll also look at the way that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a guiding light for others by sharing his vision for justice and the Kingdom of Heaven. It's going to be a full and fun morning with our kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What are you wondering about as you think about the star that guided the Magi?

  • What are ways that God leads and guides you? 

  • Think about the way that God has made you (your talents, interests, things you enjoy and are good at). How might God be inviting you to lead others as you follow God?


We are on for our regular  youth lunch this Sunday. We will gather in the front pews and then head to the youth room for lunch and discussion. We are so thankful to be back with our youth!

Youth parents, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow during the preaching time, we will be exploring the theology behind our value and practice of inclusion. Since our youth will be present during worship, we will create space for our youth to discuss and ask questions after service during our youth gathering. We look forward to the chance to engage in thoughtful conversations with our youth around a theology of inclusion in light of their perspective and questions.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

With much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 01.13.2023


  • The Rose Bowl Half Marathon will be taking place Sunday morning with limited street access around the church from 6 am - 1 pm. Be sure to check out the road closure map so you can plan your route and give yourself extra time to get to service, especially if you live south of Green Street.

  • Winter Sunday School classes will start this week and end on Sunday, February 19. Classes will meet from 9-10 a.m., and childcare will be available so parents can attend, too. We’ll be offering the following four classes:

    • Escribio Divino | Led by Tyler & Galvin Brewington-Mathis

    • Passover & the Crucifixtion of Jesus | Led by Jerry Brown

    • Gilead | Led by Rene Scheys

    • Learning from MLK Jr.’s The Letter from Birmingham Jail | Led by Nori Ochi

    You can read more about each class and sign up online here.

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Grab some earphones and catch up on this week’s latest recordings. One is from Scripture and the other is a special reading for Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. Enjoy!

  • Our Public Theology meeting will be held in the Southside Room following service. We will review the listening campaign that we launched in 2022 and look at ways to more deeply involve the greater church community in this ongoing conversation. Our hopes are to set some goals around potential local organizing opportunities and harness our power to serve the least of these. Lunch is provided and childcare is available for those who need it. To RSVP text “local” to 626.727.9498 and please email lindsay@fbcpasadena.com if you need childcare.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed Food Pantry item is canned chicken or tuna.

Future Happenings

  • You are invited to join the Ropp Family in honoring the life of our beloved friend Bill Ropp on Saturday, January 21st, at 10 a.m. at Crescenta Valley Church on La Crescenta Ave. between Montrose Ave. and Honolulu Ave. Refreshments following the service.

  • A new exciting Yarn Crafts Group, led by Whitney and Justine, invites all crafty folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to an initial interest meeting after service on January 22nd in the Southside Room. The purpose of the group will be fellowship, fun, and charity projects created by knitting, crocheting, and beyond. If you have materials, bring them with you! If not, let us know and we'll bring yarn, needles, and crochet hooks. Lunch is provided. Text "yarn" to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Our next montly FBCPride meeting will be on Sunday, January 22nd, from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Southside Room. Our resident therapist Michael Mann will lead us through an exploration and expansion of how we understand identity. We would like to invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

  • We will have our Basics Class after worship service on Sunday, January 29th, at 12:30 pm in the Southside room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details and/or if you are attending and will need childcare.

  • Save the Date for our beloved Community Dinners on February 3. Email Pastor Chip or text “dinner” to 626.727.9498 if you would like to participate by either attending or hosting, and more details will follow. This is a wonderful time to share a meal, and it is a great way to get to know other church members better. We hope you can participate!

  • After service on February 5th, we will continue planning for our church mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico this October 23-27 with Adventures in Life Ministry.  All are welcome to join the meeting as we begin establishing the team and set the schedule for the coming months as we prepare for an incredible week of ministry later this year. Contact Nori or Pastor Chip for more info. Lunch will be provided.

  • Join us for a weekend of fun in the snow as we take a ski/boarding trip to Big Bear February 10-12. The cost is $250, and we have 12 spots available. Text "ski" to 626.727.9498 if you're interested, and secure your spot with a $50 deposit. Contact chip@fbcpasadena.com for more information.

  • Save the date for a potluck lunch after service on Sunday, February 19. Potlucks are a special time here at FBCP, so we hope you can make it for some fantastic food and fellowship.

  • Join us as we begin the Lenten season on Wednesday, February 22nd.  We will gather at 6:00 pm in the chapel for a worship service which will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Childcare is provided for children four years old and younger.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study (12 p.m., Parlor)
Easy-Going Basketball (January 22nd and every other Sunday at 7 p.m.)

Six Weeks at a Glance

1/15 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/15 - Public Theology Meeting
1/21 - Bill Ropp’s Memorial Service (Crescenta Valley Church)
1/22 - Yarn Crafts Group
1/22 - FBCPride Meeting
1/29 - Basics Class
2/3 - Community Dinners
2/5 - Oaxaca Missions Meeting
2/10-2/12 - Ski Trip to Big Bear
2/12 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
2/19 - Church Potluck
2/22 - Ash Wednesday Service
2/26 - FBCPride Meeting

FBCP Families | 01.07.2023

Hi Friends,

I hope that you have a gentle start to 2023, and I am praying for your families as many of you get back to regular school rhythms in the coming weeks. Because our kids love to create and express themselves with art, I wanted to share an opportunity for kids at Vroman's, our local bookstore. They are hosting a bookmark contest for kids in K-3rd and 4th-6th grades, and the winner will receive a Vroman's gift card and sets of bookmarks to share at school and home. You can check out all the contest details here, and we will gladly make a set of bookmarks for any design you want to share with us, too. Happy reading and drawing!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 10:20 AM. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week we will be celebrating Epiphany and the gifts brought to Jesus. We sure are excited to be back with our kids! Parents, please send your children in warm clothing in these colder months as our building can get a little chilly.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does "epiphany" mean?

  • What does the story of the Magi make you wonder about? What can we learn from it?


We are back on for our youth lunch this Sunday. We will gather after service for lunch and discussion, and then we will help take down decorations with our church family. We are excited to be back with our youth this week!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

With much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 01.06.2023


  • New folks, please join Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. in the parlor for a cup of coffee and pastries. Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church and our lead pastor through this casual time of conversation.

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for lunch and fellowship before helping to take down the Christmas decorations. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us after service for Taking Down of the Greens. The more hands the merrier, and lunch will be provided!

  • Pray with us for our global servants Mel Baggao (Lebanon) and Kit Ripley (Thailand) at our 20-minute prayer circle after service as well! Those who pray with us will still have time to join the group taking down Christmas decorations afterwards.

  • Sunday is also the start of a new easy-going basketball group. This group, headed by Jason C, is for all non-competitive ages. The group will meet every other Sunday at 7 p.m. in the gym. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed Food Pantry item is peanut butter or any kind of nut butter.

  • We would love to incorporate new vocalists into our beautiful FBCP choir in the new year. Practices resume Wednesday, January 11th, at 7 p.m. Please email Pastor Leslie leslie@fbcpasadena.com to let her know if you’re interested!

  • Grab some earphones! In case you missed yesterday’s two new audio reflections for you, one is from Scripture and the other is a special reading from Pastor Lindsay and Pastor Leslie. Enjoy!

Next Week

  • Winter Sunday School classes will start January 15 and end on Sunday, February 19. Classes will meet from 9-10 a.m. before service, and childcare will be available so parents can attend, too. We’ll be offering the following four classes:

    • Escribio Divino | Led by Tyler & Galvin Brewington-Mathis

    • Passover & the Crucifixtion of Jesus | Led by Jerry Brown

    • Gilead | Led by Rene Scheys

    • Learning from MLK Jr.’s The Letter from Birmingham Jail | Led by Nori Ochi

    You can read more about each class and sign up online here.

  • Our next Public Theology meeting will be held next Sunday following the worship service. How fitting to meet on MLK weekend as we remember the life and work of this beloved baptist preacher. We will review the listening campaign that we launched in 2022 and look at ways to more deeply involve the greater church community in this ongoing conversation. Our hopes are to set some goals around potential local organizing opportunities and harness our power to serve the least of these. Lunch is provided and childcare is available for those who need it. To RSVP text “local” to 626.727.9498 and please email lindsay@fbcpasadena.com if you need childcare.

Future Happenings

  • You are invited to join the Ropp Family in honoring the life of Bill Ropp at his Memorial Service on Saturday, January 21st at 10 a.m., at Crescenta Valley Church.

  • A new exciting Yarn Crafts Group, led by Whitney and Justine, invites all crafty folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to an initial interest meeting after service on January 22nd in the Southside Room. The purpose of the group will be fellowship, fun, and charity projects created by knitting, crocheting, and beyond. If you have materials, bring them with you! If not, let us know and we'll bring yarn, needles, and crochet hooks. Lunch is provided. Text "yarn" to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Our next montly FBCPride meeting will be on Sunday, January 22nd, from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Southside Room. We would like to invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

  • Join us after service on Sunday, January 29th, for our Basics Class. Learn about FBCP and what it means to be a member here. Lunch is provided.

  • Save the Date for our beloved Community Dinners on February 3. Email Pastor Chip if you would like to participate by either attending or hosting, and more details will follow. This is a wonderful time to share a meal, and it is a great way to get to know other church members better. We hope you can participate!

  • Join us for a weekend of fun in the snow as we take a ski/boarding trip to Big Bear, Feb 10-12. The cost is $250 and we have 12 spots available. Text "ski" to 626.727.9498 if you're interested, and secure your spot with a $50 deposit. Contact chip@fbcpasadena.com for more information.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study

Upcoming Events 2022

1/8 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
1/8 - Prayer Circle for Global Servants
1/8 - Taking down of the Greens
1/8 - Easy-Going Basketball
1/15 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/15 - Public Theology Meeting
1/21 - Bill Ropp’s Memorial Service (Crescenta Valley Church)
1/22 - Yarn Crafts Group
1/22 - FBCPride Meeting
1/29 - Basics Class
2/3 - Community Dinners
2/10-2/12 - Ski Trip to Big Bear

FBCP | 12.31.2022

Hi Friends,

Thank you for such a special Advent and Christmas season with your families! It was such a joy to anticipate the birth of Christ with you and to see some of you on Christmas morning as we worshiped together (with instruments, too!). I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for New Year's Day as we begin 2023 together.

Joy Jar

If you haven't met Tyler Brewington-Mathis, then you should definitely get to know her and her husband Galvin! They have been part of our church family for some months now, and we are so glad they have chosen to be part of our community. Tyler shared a fun and meaningful practice she does each year, and I wanted to pass it on in case it is something you want to try. It's a simple practice of taking note of joys in big and small ways. All you need is a jar of some kind and some sticky notes or slips of paper. Anytime you experience a joy or blessing (no matter how big or small), write it down on a piece of paper, fold it up, and drop it in the jar. At the end of the year, take them out and read them as a practice of remembering and giving thanks to God as you look ahead to a new year. Thanks for bringing us so much joy at FBCP!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 10:20 AM. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join their families in the sanctuary for worship. We love their presence in worship and the chance to be together to share in communion on this first Sunday of the month (and first Sunday of 2023!). This is a great week to have some discussion about how God might be inviting your family into a new practice to grow in faith and connection with each other. Invite your kids to help you brainstorm something that might be meaningful for your family's context. You could consider something like a joy jar, a monthly service opportunity, a practice of giving, or a weekly prayer time as a family where different family members lead it each week. Or, maybe just start by praying about it together! We would love to know if your family decides to try something new this year.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What are ways we could grow in our faith as a family this year?

  • Sometimes it helps to add something to our routine, and other times it helps to subtract. What do you think our family needs most in the coming year?


For this Sunday, we will take a break from our youth gathering so our youth can spend time with their families. We will be back on for our regular youth lunch next Sunday January 8th. Parents, stay tuned for more information about a youth winter retreat coming up in 2023!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

With much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 12.30.2022


  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together and celebrate the new year! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for worship. Our regular youth gathering after service will resume January 8th. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • We would love to incorporate new vocalists into our beautiful FBCP choir in the new year. Practices resume Wednesday, January 11th, at 7 p.m. Please email Pastor Leslie leslie@fbcpasadena.com to let her know if you’re interested!

  • This week, the Friends In Deed Food Pantry will take any items that you may have previously purchased but not had a chance to bring in, or any other non-perishables you wish to donate.

  • Thank you for your generosity in supporting Brian and Jen with meals! They welcomed baby Janie Emmalyn Young into the world on Monday, December 12th. There are a couple slots left if you would like to join in blessing them:

January 8th

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, January 8th, in the parlor. Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • Join us after service for Taking Down of the Greens. The more hands the merrier, and lunch will be provided!

  • Pray with us for our global servants Mel Baggao (Lebanon) and Kit Ripley (Thailand) at our 20-minute prayer circle after service. Those who pray with us will still have time to join the group taking down Christmas decorations afterwards.

  • Also on January 8th is the start of a new basketball group. This group, headed by Jason C, is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. The group will meet every other Sunday at 7 p.m. in the gym. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

January 15th+ Happenings

  • Winter Sunday School classes will start January 15, and classes will end on Sunday, February 19. Classes will meet from 9-10 a.m. before service, and childcare will be available so parents can attend, too. We’ll be offering the following four classes:

    • Escribio Divino | Led by Tyler & Galvin Brewington-Mathis

    • Passover & the Crucifixtion of Jesus | Led by Jerry Brown

    • Gilead | Led by Rene Scheys

    • Learning from MLK Jr.’s The Letter from Birmingham Jail | Led by Nori Ochi

    You can read more about each class and sign up online here.

  • Our next Public Theology meeting will be held on Sunday, January 15th, following the worship service. How fitting to meet on MLK weekend as we remember the life and work of this beloved baptist preacher. We will review the listening campaign that we launched in 2022 and look at ways to more deeply involve the greater church community in this ongoing conversation. Our hopes are to set some goals around potential local organizing opportunities and harness our power to serve the least of these. Lunch is provided and childcare is available for those who need it. To RSVP text “local” to 626.727.9498 and please email lindsay@fbcpasadena.com if you need childcare.

  • Save the Date for an exciting new group starting at FBCP! The Yarn Crafts Group, led by Whitney and Justine, invites all crafty folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to our initial interest meeting after service on January 22nd in the Southside Room. The purpose of the group will be fellowship, fun, and charity projects created by knitting, crocheting, and beyond. If you have materials, bring them with you! If not, let us know and we'll bring yarn, needles, and crochet hooks. Lunch is provided. Text "yarn" to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Our next montly FBCPride meeting will be on Sunday, January 22nd, from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Southside Room. We would like to invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

  • Join us after service on Sunday, January 29th, for our Basics Class. Learn about FBCP and what it means to be a member here. Lunch is provided.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study - on break this week

Upcoming Events 2022

1/8 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
1/8 - Prayer Circle for Global Servants
1/8 - Taking down of the Greens
1/8 - Easy-Going Basketball
1/15 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/15 - Public Theology Meeting
1/22 - Yarn Crafts Group
1/22 - FBCPride Meeting
1/29 - Basics Class
2/3 - Community Dinners

Weekly Updates 12.23.2022


  • Join us as we share the candlelight of Christ at our Christmas Eve Communion Service Saturday evening at 6 pm in the chapel. This will be a special time to light the Christ candle and spread the light with candles to one another.


  • Join us Christmas Day for a service of lessons and carols at 10:30am in the sanctuary. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up will join us for service to worship together as a family this Christmas morning. Youth are also invited to join us for worship. Please note there will be no youth gathering after service this Sunday.

  • The church office will be closed next week December 26th to 30th, but feel free to reach out with any prayer requests by text to 626.727.9498. Office transactions such as year-end giving may be made online or by email to marcie@fbcpasadena.com.

  • Our Thursday Noon Bible Study will be on break this week for the Christmas holiday.

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have one parking pass left for our garage available for the Rose Bowl Parade happening on January 2nd. If you’d like the pass, please email our office for more details.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed Food Pantry will take any items that you may have previously purchased but not had a chance to bring in, or any other non-perishables you wish to donate. We will resume our regular food item requests in two weeks.

  • We are so excited to share that Brian and Jen welcomed Janie Emmalyn Young into the world on Monday, December 12th. We have a meal train set up, and you can sign up to provide a meal using the link below. We rejoice and give thanks for this precious blessing and newest part of our church family!

Future Happenings

You’ll find a list of our regular weekly happenings and the upcoming events for the next six weeks at the very bottom of this page.

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, January 8th, in the parlor. Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • Join us after service on January 8th for Taking Down of the Greens. The more hands the merrier, and lunch will be provided!

  • Pray with us for our global servants Mel Baggao (Lebanon) and Kit Ripley (Thailand) at our 20-minute prayer circle after service on January 8th. Those who pray with us will still have time to join the group taking down Christmas decorations afterwards.

  • Also on January 8th is the start of a new basketball group. This group, headed by Jason C, is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. The group will meet every other Sunday at 7 p.m. in the gym. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • Winter Sunday School classes will start January 15, and classes will end on Sunday, February 19. Classes will meet from 9-10 am before service, and childcare will be available so parents can attend, too. We’ll be offering the following four classes:

    • Escribio Divino | Led by Tyler & Galvin Brewington-Mathis

    • Passover & the Crucifixtion of Jesus | Led by Jerry Brown

    • Gilead | Led by Rene Scheys

    • Learning from MLK Jr.’s The Letter from Birmingham Jail | Led by Nori Ochi

    You can read more about each class and sign up online here.

  • Our next Public Theology meeting will be held on Sunday, January 15th, following the worship service. How fitting to meet on MLK weekend as we remember the life and work of this beloved baptist preacher. We will review the listening campaign that we launched in 2022 and look at ways to more deeply involve the greater church community in this ongoing conversation. Our hopes are to set some goals around potential local organizing opportunities and harness our power to serve the least of these. Lunch is provided and childcare is available for those who need it. To RSVP text “local” to 626.727.9498 and please email lindsay@fbcpasadena.com if you need childcare.

  • Save the Date for an exciting new group starting at FBCP! The Yarn Crafts Group, led by Whitney and Justine, invites all crafty folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to our initial interest meeting after service on January 22nd in the Southside Room. The purpose of the group will be fellowship, fun, and charity projects created by knitting, crocheting, and beyond. If you have materials, bring them with you! If not, let us know and we'll bring yarn, needles, and crochet hooks. Lunch is provided. Text "yarn" to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Our next montly FBCPride meeting will be on Sunday, January 22nd from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Southside Room. We invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study - on break this week

Upcoming Events 2022

12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25 - Christmas Day Service
12/29 - No Noon Bible Study
1/2 - Limited Rose Parade Parking Available
1/8 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
1/8 - Prayer Circle for Global Servants
1/8 - Taking down of the Greens
1/8 - Easy-Going Basketball
1/15 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/15 - Public Theology Meeting
1/22 - Yarn Crafts Group
1/22 - FBCPride Meeting

FBCP Families | 12.23.2022

Hi Friends,

As we approach Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I am so thankful to have experienced Advent with you and your families. It is a gift to retell the story of Jesus' birth with your kids and youth as we lean into hope, peace, joy, and love. I pray that you find moments of awakened wonder and simple joys this weekend, whether it's in the light of a candle, laughter around a table, or a song that you sing. God is truly with us!

Meal Train for the Young Family

We are so excited to share that Brian and Jen welcomed Janie Emmalyn Young into the world on Monday, December 12th. We have a meal train set up, and you can sign up to provide a meal using the link below. We rejoice and give thanks for this precious blessing and newest part of our church family!

Christmas Services

We will have our annual Christmas Eve service in the chapel at 6:00 PM tomorrow. Families with kids of all ages are welcome to join us for this special evening of worship with candlelight. On Christmas Day we will have regular nursery childcare for our 10:30 AM worship service, but nursery kids are also welcome to join us in the sanctuary if they want. Our older kids are invited to be in worship with their families that morning. There will be a yummy Christmas treat for families with kids to enjoy before service if you would like to come a little early!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What is the importance of the manger in the story of Jesus' birth?

  • Which part of the Christmas story gives you the most hope? 

  • What does the Christmas story teach us about God's love?


For this Sunday and next, we will take a break from our youth gathering so they can spend time with their families. We will be back on for our regular youth lunch on January 8th. Parents, stay tuned for more information about a youth winter retreat coming up in 2023!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

With much love and prayers for a very merry Christmas,

Pastor Lindsay

FBCP Families | 12.17.2022

Hi Friends,

Kids and Youth, thank you for your beautiful and inspiring participation in worship at the Carol Service! You worked so hard leading up to last Sunday, and we thank God for your leadership and presence in our church. Thanks to the parents for bringing your kids to extra rehearsals. It was an absolute joy to sing and celebrate Christmas with your kids!

This week we will light the Advent candle for love. I have learned so much about love from this community and the ways you care for one another. May we grow in our understanding and willingness to love well as we reflect on God's love this Christmas. (And if you love poetry, you might enjoy this poem about experiencing love in the simple light of a Christmas tree.)

Welcome, Baby Young!

We are so excited to share that Brian and Jen welcomed Janie Emmalyn Young into the world on Monday, December 12th. Mom and baby are doing well, and they are hoping to head home today. Brian’s mom is in town to help until next week, so we have a meal train set up for when she leaves. You can sign up to provide a meal using the link below. Thanks for your prayers as they bring Janie home and for Elliot as he adjusts to having a baby sister. We rejoice and give thanks for this precious blessing and newest part of our church family!

Christmas Services

We will have our annual Christmas Eve service in the chapel at 6:00 PM this Saturday. Families with kids are welcome, and we will open up the doors between the chapel and parlor if any families need more space to worship that evening. On Christmas Day we will have regular nursery childcare for our 10:30 AM worship service, but nursery kids are also welcome to join us in the sanctuary. Our older kids are invited to be in worship that morning.  Pastor Mary is planning a yummy Christmas treat for families with kids to eat before service if you would like to come a little early! 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:55 AM for those whose parents are attending a Sunday School class. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship, and then they will be dismissed with their leaders to their classrooms. They are welcome to start service with their parents or to join Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week we will continue to explore the season of Advent and make some decorations to remind us of God's hope, peace, joy, and love. Here are some questions to ponder together as a family.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What part of the Christmas story stands out most to you this year?

  • What are you wondering as you think about the birth of Christ and all the people involved in his birth?


We are on for our youth programming after worship this Sunday, and this week is the youth Christmas party edition! They can gather in the front pews after service ends, and then we’ll have a fun time of lunch and Christmas joy. We’ll wrap up at 1:30 PM, and parents can pick up their youth at the park entrance off Union Street. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

So much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 12.16.2022

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we celebrate the fourth week of advent! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for a special Christmas party after worship this week. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Rene Scheys will teach the final session of our Advent Sunday School this Sunday at 9 a.m. in the parlor. The class will focus on the poetry of E. E. Cummings. Email Pastor Lindsay if you plan to attend and need childcare.

  • Stop by the Connections Desk in the lobby to pick up a free Advent devotional from SALT (or click here to download a digital copy) based on the poetry of E. E. Cummings. Also at the Connections Desk, pick up a copy of FBCP’s The Advent Album. Optional donation of any amount for the album is appreciated but not required.

  • Join us this Sunday from 5-6:30 p.m. for our monthly pride group in the Southside Room. This month will feature gingerbread houses, a Christmas potluck, fun and games! We invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike. Enter through the glass doors on Union St. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is canned chicken or tuna.

Advent Season Calendar

  • On Christmas Eve join us as we share the candlelight of Christ at 6:00pm in our Chapel. Then come back on Christmas Day Sunday for a family service of lessons and carols at 10:30am in the sanctuary.

  • Please note that we will not have children's classes for kids ages 5-10 for two Sundays, December 25th and January 1st, so our teachers can have a holiday break. Kids are invited to join their parents in the sanctuary for Sunday worship on these days.

Future Happenings

You’ll find a list of our regular weekly happenings and the upcoming events for the next six weeks at the very bottom of this page.

  • The memorial service for Ron Shultis will be Monday, December 19th, at 1 pm in the chapel. Ron was the beloved partner of Jerry Brown, a current member of our congregation. They were together for 50 years and made a large impact in the gay Christian community. There will be a light reception afterwards.

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have a handful of free parking passes for our garage available on a first-come, first-served basis for the Rose Bowl Parade happening on January 2nd. If you’d like one of the passes, please email our office for more details.

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, January 8th, in the parlor. Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • Also on January 8th is the start of a new basketball group. This group, headed by Jason C, is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. The group will meet every other Sunday at 7 p.m. in the gym. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • Winter Sunday School classes will start January 15, and classes will end on Sunday, February 19. Classes will meet from 9-10 am before service, and childcare will be available so parents can attend, too. We’ll be offering the following three classes:

    • Escribio Divino | Led by Tyler & Galvin Brewington-Mathis

    • Passover & the Crucifixtion of Jesus | Led by Jerry Brown

    • Gilead | Led by Rene Scheys

    • Learning from MLK Jr.’s The Letter from Birmingham Jail | Led by Nori Ochi

    You can read more about each class and sign up online here.

  • Our next Public Theology meeting will be held on Sunday, January 15th, following the worship service. How fitting to meet on MLK weekend as we remember the life and work of this beloved baptist preacher. We will review the listening campaign that we launched in 2022 and look at ways to more deeply involve the greater church community in this ongoing conversation. Our hopes are to set some goals around potential local organizing opportunities and harness our power to serve the least of these. Lunch is provided and childcare is available for those who need it. To RSVP text “local” to 626.727.9498 and please email lindsay@fbcpasadena.com if you need childcare.

  • Save the Date for an exciting new group starting at FBCP! The Yarn Crafts Group, led by Whitney and Justine, invites all crafty folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to our initial interest meeting after service on January 22nd in the Southside Room. The purpose of the group will be fellowship, fun, and charity projects created by knitting, crocheting, and beyond. If you have materials, bring them with you! If not, let us know and we'll bring yarn, needles, and crochet hooks. Lunch is provided. Text "yarn" to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Advent Sunday School (9 a.m. through December 18th)
Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study (noon - 1 p.m., Parlor)

Upcoming Events 2022

12/18 - Last Advent Sunday School Class
12/18 - FBCPride Group Christmas Potluck
12/19 - Ron Shultis’ Memorial Service
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25 - Christmas Day Service
12/29 - No Noon Bible Study
1/2 - Limited Rose Parade Parking Available
1/8 - Coffee with Pastor John Jay
1/8 - Prayer Circle for Global Servants
1/8 - Taking down of the Greens
1/8 - Easy-Going Basketball
1/15 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/15 - Public Theology Meeting
1/22 - Yarn Crafts Group

Weekly Updates 12.09.2022

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we celebrate the third week of advent! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular youth gathering after worship. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Thank you to everyone who signed up for the Friends In Deed Christmas for the Kids gift drive! Together we covered all 80 names, and we are grateful for your outpouring of generosity. Don’t forget to bring your unwrapped gifts this Sunday with the child’s name & family number attached to each gift. Please read full instructions on the link.

  • Rene Scheys will teach the third session in our 4-week Advent Sunday School this Sunday at 9 a.m. in the parlor. The class will focus on the poetry of E. E. Cummings. Email Pastor Lindsay if you plan to attend and need childcare.

  • We invite you to drop off cookies this Sunday morning to share with all our guests, family, and friends after the Candlelight Carol Service Sunday evening. Our hospitality team will accept your cookie donations at the Connections Desk.

  • Join us this Sunday at our 79th Candlelight Carol Service at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary! This will include reflections on scripture from our pastors as well as music from the choir, handbells, and children! Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided.

  • Stop by the Connections Desk in the lobby to pick up a free Advent devotional from SALT (or click here to download a digital copy) based on the poetry of E. E. Cummings. Also at the Connections Desk, pick up a copy of FBCP’s The Advent Album. Optional donation of any amount for the album is appreciated but not required.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is peanut butter and jelly/jam.

Advent Season Calendar

  • Celebrate Christmas Eve with us on Saturday, December 24th, at 6 p.m. in the chapel for our special service.

  • Join us in the sanctuary on Christmas Day for an all-church worship service from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 25th. We are excited for Christmas to fall on a Sunday this year, and we hope you can join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ.

Future Happenings

You’ll find a list of our regular weekly happenings and the upcoming events for the next six weeks at the very bottom of this page.

  • Join us on December 18th from 5-6:30 p.m. for our monthly pride group in the Southside Room. This month will feature gingerbread houses, a Christmas potluck, fun and games! We invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up if you’re new!

  • The memorial service for Ron Shultis will be Monday, December 19th, at 1 pm in the chapel. Ron was the beloved partner of Jerry Brown, a current member of our congregation. They were together for 50 years and made a large impact in the gay Christian community. There will be a light reception afterwards.

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have ten free parking passes for our garage available on a first-come, first-served basis for the Rose Bowl Parade happening on January 2nd. If you’d like one of the passes, please email our office for more details.

  • Save the Date for an exciting new group starting at FBCP! The Yarn Crafts Group, led by Whitney and Justine, invites all crafty folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to our initial interest meeting after service on January 8th in the Southside Room. The purpose of the group will be fellowship, fun, and charity projects created by knitting, crocheting, and beyond. If you have materials, bring them with you! If not, let us know and we'll bring yarn, needles, and crochet hooks. Lunch is provided. Text "yarn" to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Also on January 8th is the start of a new basketball group. This group, headed by Jason C, is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. The group will meet every other Sunday at 7 p.m. in the gym. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • We’ll be starting a winter session of Sunday School classes on Sunday, January 15th. Similar to before, classes will meet from 9-10 am before service. Childcare will be available so parents can attend, too. More information about the classes will be coming soon.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Advent Sunday School (9 a.m. through December 18th)
Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study (noon - 1 p.m., Parlor)

Upcoming Events 2022

12/11 - Candlelight Carol Service
12/11 - Friends In Deed Gift Drive Ends
12/18 - Last Advent Sunday School Class
12/18 - FBCPride Group Christmas Potluck
12/19 - Ron Shultis’ Memorial Service
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25 - Christmas Day Service
12/29 - No Noon Bible Study
1/2 - Limited Rose Parade Parking Available
1/8 - Yarn Crafts Group
1/8 - Easy-Going Basketball
1/15 - Winter Sunday School Begins

FBCP Families | 12.09.2022

Hi Friends,

This week we will light the Advent candle for joy, and that feels like a fitting theme as we look forward to our annual Candlelight Carol Service. We are so excited to reflect on the season of Advent and worship God together at this special service. Our kids and youth always are a joyful part of the evening, so be ready for a beautiful time together! I pray that we all encounter Christ this season as we ponder the mystery of his birth and presence on earth. 

Parents, remember that tomorrow (Saturday) is the Carol Service rehearsal for kids and youth from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Please meet us in the chapel and be ready for a fun morning together as we finalize our preparations for Sunday. We will provide some snacks to help everyone get through the morning. 

On Sunday evening, kids and youth can be dropped off at the chapel at 5:30 PM. We will provide substantial finger foods for dinner, and kids will remain under our supervision until the service is over. 


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 10:20 AM.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship, and then they will be dismissed with their leaders to their classrooms. They are welcome to start service with their parents or to join Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week we will continue to explore the season of Advent and focus on the theme of peace. We'll make some peaceful decorations to hang up at home to remind us of the peace of Christ. Here are some questions to ponder together as a family.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Where do you feel most peaceful?

  • How can we be peacemakers in the world?


We are on for our regular youth programming after worship this Sunday! They can gather in the front pews and then head up to the youth room together for lunch and small group time. We’ll wrap up at 1:30 PM, and parents can pick up their youth at the park entrance off Union Street.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

So much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

FBCP Families | 12.03.2022

Hi Friends,

Last week our kids made their own candles to use at home during the Advent season. Parents have sent photos showing us various practices their families have taken up with these candles. I pray that each of you find moments to ponder the themes of Advent, especially in the simple moments families share at home.

This week we will light the candle of peace during worship, and I have found myself grateful for the reminder and comfort of God's peace. Even the simple act of sitting in the presence of candlelight for a few minutes and slowing down to breathe can ground us in the peace we are always promised in Christ. I look forward to worship tomorrow as we continue to move through Advent together!

Kids Choir

We are so excited for our kids to help lead us in worship at our annual Candlelight Carol Service on December 11th. As a reminder, our kids above nursery age will be singing two songs at this special program, as well as participating in our nativity. For now we are focusing on the first song. Here is a song sheet and here is a recording so they can practice at home. Our hand-motion guru, the fabulous Cynthia, made this video to help kids practice their movements at home, too. Please mark your calendars for the dates:

  • December 10 — Carol Service Rehearsal for kids from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

  • December 11 — Carol Service (kids should arrive at 5:30 PM)

Public Theology and Local Partnerships Interest Meeting

You are invited to find out more about our partnerships with LA Voice and the Clergy Community Coalition before worship tomorrow at 9 AM in the Southside Room. Pastor John Jay, Andrea Vocos from LA Voice, and our own Cynthia Kirby will be there to share more about what these partnerships mean and ways for you to get involved with local outreach and initiatives to create a more just and thriving city. Breakfast will be served, and we will have childcare available at that hour for those with kids. Please let us know if you plan to attend and need childcare. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 10:20 AM. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join their families in the sanctuary for worship. We love their presence in worship and the chance to be together to share in communion. You might want to have some discussion this week about how your kids are experiencing church and our worship service. It's a great time to let them ask questions, too!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What is the meaning of the Advent candle we light?

  • What is one part of worship that you enjoyed? 

  • What are you still wondering about after being in worship this week?


This week our youth will gather for our regular lunch and discussion after worship. Yay! We are so excited to hang with our youth. Parents can pick them up at the park gate at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families. 

So much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 12.02.2022


  • We are looking forward to the art therapy workshop led by Kit Ripley from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Please enter through the Marengo Ave gates. It will be a creative and meaningful time together. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any questions.

  • The memorial service for Joseph Champion Singleterry will be tomorrow at 3 pm in the sanctuary. There will be a reception and meal afterwards in the gym. We hope you join us as we remember this dearly loved and special member of our congregation.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together and celebrate the second week of advent! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for worship and for our regular youth gathering and lunch afterward. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Rene Scheys will teach the second session in our 4-week Advent Sunday School this Sunday at 9 a.m. in the parlor. The class will focus on the poetry of E. E. Cummings. Email Pastor Lindsay if you plan to attend and need childcare.

  • We invite you to join Pastor John Jay, Andrea Vocos and Cynthia Kirby at 9 a.m. in the Southside Room for our Public Theology and LA Voice Interest Meeting. You will learn about opportunities to engage with public theology through our partnerships with LA Voice and the Clergy Community Coalition, which strive to create a more just and thriving community for all. There will be time for questions and discussion as we engage our theology in these meaningful ways together. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. Email Pastor Lindsay if you plan to attend and need childcare.

  • Stop by the Connections Desk in the lobby to pick up a free Advent devotional from SALT (or click here to download a digital copy), based on the poetry of E. E. Cummings. This devotional has wonderful ideas for individuals or families to reflect during this special Christmas season, and this material and more is being used in our Advent Sunday School class, as well!

  • Also at the Connections Desk, we invite you to pick up a copy of FBCP’s The Advent Album. Optional donation of any amount is appreciated but not required.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is cereal.

Future Happenings & Other News

You’ll find a list of our regular weekly happenings and the upcoming events for the next six weeks at the very bottom of this page. Event details will be provided as its date nears.

  • Partner with us in generosity through Friends In Deed’s annual Christmas for the Kids gift drive. Every year we get the honor of helping to provide gifts for Friends In Deed’s families with kids as we are reminded of God’s generous gift of Jesus to our world. We have 22 gift requests left and only 9 days until the gift drive ends! Click the button below to sign up to bring a gift. Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the church no later than Sunday, December 11th, and they should include the child's name and family number. Please read full instructions on the link.

  • Join us on December 18th from 5-6:30 p.m. for our monthly pride group in the Southside Room. This month will feature gingerbread houses, a Christmas potluck, fun and games! We invite the LGBTQ community, parents and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to sign up!

  • The memorial service for Ron Shultis will be Monday, December 19th, at 1 pm in the chapel. Ron was the beloved partner of Jerry Brown, a current member of our congregation. They were together for 50 years and together made a large impact in the gay Christian community. There will be a light reception afterwards.

Advent Season Calendar

  • Candlelight Carol Service—Come and bring your friends Sunday, December 11th, to join in our 79th Candlelight Carol Service at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary! Help us celebrate the Christmas season as we sing together and are reminded of hope made real in the birth of Jesus. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service.

  • Call for Cookies—We need your help with providing the cookies for the reception after the Candlelight Service! If you’re able, please bring 2-3 dozen cookies to share with all our guests, family, and friends. You can drop them off at the Connections Desk on Sunday, December 11th, before morning worship.

  • Christmas Eve Service—Celebrate with us on Saturday, December 24th at 6 p.m. in the chapel for this special intimate program

  • Christmas Day Service—Join us in the sanctuary for regular (but shortened) service from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 25th.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Happenings

Advent Sunday School (9 a.m. through December 18th)
Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study (noon - 1 p.m., Parlor)

Upcoming Events 2022

12/3 - Art Therapy Workshop with Kit Ripley
12/3 - Champ’s Memorial Service
12/4 - Public Theology & LA Voice Interest Meeting
12/11 - Candlelight Carol Service
12/11 - Friends In Deed Gift Drive Ends
12/18 - Last Advent Sunday School Class
12/18 - FBCPride Group Christmas Potluck
12/19 - Ron Shultis’ Memorial Service
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25 - Christmas Day Service
12/29 - No Noon Bible Study