Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,
I am so excited to hug you tomorrow! You and your kids remain in our prayers as you continue to navigate new norms and temporary plans. Pastor Mary and I are here to pray with and for you, so please let us know if you want a call or to meet for coffee. This past week it was so wonderful to know we had kids and caregivers in the building for some moments of play, joy, and connection. A huge thanks to Engry, Barbie, Cindie, Ruthie, Tilli, Warren, Mady, Michael, and Nori for being willing to create a safe and loving space for our kids!
An Opportunity for Kids to Give
Because the kids will be exploring Epiphany this week, Pastor Mary and I would like to invite our kids to join in giving gifts tomorrow. If your child would like, they can bring some money to donate toward the wildfire relief funds to church. It can be any amount—no amount is too small! Coins are welcome. We hope they learn that any gift given in love is also a gift for Jesus.
Childcare Needs this Week
We are trying to coordinate some childcare offerings again this week, so we would like to get a sense of your needs. If childcare would be helpful this week, can you let me know what days and blocks of time might be most useful to you? We are coordinating with our caregivers in hopes that we can offer a time that will work for as many as possible.
Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will explore the importance of asking for help and offering help.
Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week the kids will spend time exploring Epiphany and what it means to offer gifts just like the magi. We are excited for them to get back to their regular rhythm with their leaders!
Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:
What are some of the best gifts you have received?
What kind of gifts (both tangible and intangible) have you seen offered in response to the fires?
This week we are back on for our regular youth gathering after worship! Lunch is included, and youth can be picked up at 1:30 PM in the church park off Union Street. Looking forward to getting back to our regular Sunday rhythm with youth!
Prayers for moments of peace, grounding, and connection.
Love you fiercely,
Pastor Lindsay