FBCP Families | 11.04.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

We are so excited for our kids ages 5-11 years old to help lead worship with singing in worship service tomorrow! Please bring your child to the sanctuary lobby at 9:30 AM to rehearse. As a side bonus, we'll have pastries for our parents in the courtyard. (If you are already attending an adult Sunday School class, you can grab a pastry after class gets out.) In order to keep the kids together and ready to sing toward the end of service, Pastor Mary and I will have them sit in a group with us. We will gather them to sit together after the 10:00 AM huddle. You are welcome to sit with your child in our section if you would like to be with them during worship. You can help your child practice a few more times at home with this song file and this lyric sheet. Here is the video of the sign language that goes along with the song. It's going to be a beautiful time of worshiping in song and movement!

Thanksgiving Volunteer Opportunity

Union Station Homeless Services, a local partner just down the street from us, has a variety of volunteer opportunities to make their Dinner in the Park programs possible, including food sorting, preparation, cooking, packaging, and serving! Volunteer registration for Dinner in the Park shifts is now open through the Volunteer Portal. If this is your first time volunteering with Union Station, you will need to attend a volunteer orientation prior to signing up for a Dinner in the Park shift on the Volunteer Portal. They are also in need of canned food items to create the perfect holiday meal for their clients and community. Canned food items they desperately need include canned corn, canned green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and jellied cranberry sauce. All items can be dropped off at their Adult Center (412 S. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA) any day of the week from 8:30am to 2:30pm. They are also in critical need of other meal ingredients and supplies for packaging and serving. Whether you shop directly from their Amazon Wishlist or Target Wishlist, your support in this area is necessary and much appreciated.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will explore the story of Abraham and Sarah.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship and a snack—Pastor Mary will have all of that ready in the lobby. We are thankful we can spend time together in worship and the practice of communion with our kids tomorrow.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Who is one person you would like to pray for this week?

  • Why is singing together part of what we do in worship? 

  • What stood out to you in worship today?


We are back on for our regular time of lunch and discussion this week! We'll finish at 1:30 PM as usual, and all youth can be picked up in the park on the Union Street side. Keep an eye out for an email this week with information about some upcoming weekday youth small group offerings.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 11.03.2023



  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30am as we partake in communion together (crackers are gluten-free)! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for worship and for our regular youth gathering and lunch afterward. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Immediately after Sunday service this week, November 5th, there will be a Town Hall meeting in the sanctuary to present the 2024 budget proposal for consideration as we prepare to vote on them at our Gratitude Night potluck on Sunday, November 19th. This is a time that we give thanks and remember God’s faithfulness this past year while also looking toward what God has for us in the months ahead. Here is the proposed budget that we will discuss on Sunday, and more information on Town Hall can be found here.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is cereal.

  • Check out the latest Genesis scripture audio on our Listen page.

Gratitude Night

  • We are planning a yummy potluck feast on Gratitude Night and we would love your help! We’ll meet in the gym at 6pm on Sunday, November 19th. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring dessert (A-G), a main dish (H-Q), or a side/salad (R-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBCP friends and family. We hope you join us for this dinner where we get to enjoy the FBCP choir, vote on business and enjoy fellowship as we potluck together. And thank you, Deacon Board, for your leadership on this evening!

Coming Up

  • Our next Public Theology meeting is Sunday, November 12th, after worship service. This month, we have a guest speaker, Bert Newton from Making Housing & Community Happen. We hope you can join us for lunch in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group, and lunch will be provided. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

  • The FBCPride Group invites anyone ages 16+ to join us for an Ally Panel on Sunday, November 12th, at 5pm in the Southside Room. Our friends Iris and Jason Chen, Mark Fields and Nori Ochi will be discussing what being an ally has meant to them, and our own Michael Mann will be facilitating the discussion. Whether you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, a parent or an ally, we would love to have your voice as we expand our understanding of the stories around us. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new.

  • Join us as we pray for our global servants around the world on Sunday, November 19th, after worship in the Parlor. We invite you for thirty minutes of prayer for our FBCP-supported American Baptist servants in Mexico, Lebanon, Turkey and Thailand.

  • The Yarn Crafts Group has two exciting invitations for all of you! First, you are welcome to attend the Fiber Fair with them in Pomona on Sunday, November 19th. Tickets are $15 online or $20 at the door. Participants will be able to explore amazing yarns at the fair while getting to know one another! Also, they invite you to help make blankets ahead of Christmas. They put together square kits and invite anyone interested to help knit one square that will be joined with other squares to create blankets for donation. Email Justine and Whitney if you are interested in this project or the Fiber Fair (or to arrange a carpool to the fair), and keep a lookout in the lobby on Sunday for the square kits!

  • Join us for our annual Hanging of the Greens on Sunday, November 26th, immediately following service. Under the leadership of Cindie and Dave Ekstrand, we invite you to help us transform our communal spaces to Christmastime. We’ll have lunch first before getting to work.

The Foundation

  • Interested in learning more about the Foundation of FBCP? Members of the Foundation help to steward a long-standing endowment, which supports the church financially when assistance is needed for projects that go above and beyond the regular church operating budget. More information about the Foundation’s mission and how to become a member can be found here.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Fall Sunday School thru 11/12 | Parlor | Southside Room | Room 211

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | Nov. 5th after Town Hall

Six Weeks at a Glance

11/5 - Town Hall Meeting
11/12 - Last Day of Fall Sunday School
11/12 - Public Theology Meeting
11/12 - FBCPride Group Meeting
11/19 - Prayer for Global Servants
11/19 - Fiber Fair with Yarn Crafts Group
11/19 - Gratitude Night
11/23-11/24 - Thanksgiving Break | Office Closed
11/26 - Hanging of the Greens
12/3 - Advent Sunday School Begins
12/3 - Hospitality Team Lunch
12/10 - 80th Annual Candlelight Carol Service

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 10.28.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

This week I have been in Oklahoma unexpectedly to visit a failing aunt. My mom and I made it just in time to see her before she died, and I am grateful we had the chance to be with her one last time. I’ve been reminded of how important it is to process and hold our grief in intentional ways. Tomorrow we will honor All Saints Day during our worship service,  which will include a special time to remember by name our loved ones who have died this year. It is always a beautiful reminder that our community is one where both our joys and our sorrows can be held and honored with sacred rituals. I have two family members on that list and am grateful that you are the ones who will help me lift their names to God. This practice is always a gift, so thank you in advance.  It will also be a fun-filled day for our kids, so read on for the plans we have for them.

Costumes and Treats

Our kids are invited to wear costumes to church tomorrow if they want! We'll have a fun time trick or treating upstairs in our hallway full of doors (all treats of course!). Thanks to our adults and youth who will help Pastor Mary make it a fun and special morning together. I hope this coming week is fun and full of intergenerational generosity to our neighbors in line with this Brief Theology of Halloween that I like to share every year. 

No Youth This Week

This week our youth will not meet for our usual time after worship. I have had a busy week traveling and could use some time with my family before another full week begins. I hope that your families can spend time together and perhaps have a more restful Sunday in the midst of the busy fall season. Thank you for understanding—I can't wait to spend time with the youth next week!

Kids Choir

Our Kids Choir is in full effect! Throughout the year we work with Pastor Leslie and Cynthia to create opportunities for our kids and adult choirs to sing together and for our kids to help lead the congregation in worship. We use time at the end of our Sunday mornings to rehearse and sing together, and it's a beautiful time to worship with our kids. Right now we are working on learning to both sing and sign the song "The Blessing." Our kids will be singing this in worship service next Sunday, November 5. Our own Kevin Bishop (who is an expert ASL teacher) is teaching our kids and adult choirs the sign language for the song, too. You can help your child practice at home with this song file and this lyric sheet. Here is the video of the sign language that goes along with the song. Please note that next Sunday, November 5, we will ask our kids to arrive at 9:30 AM to rehearse (and we'll have pastries for our parents!). It's going to be a beautiful time of worshiping in song and movement!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will explore the story of Noah and the animals on the ark.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM.  This week the kids will get to join in fun together receiving treats of all kinds! 

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What is a way we can love our neighbors in small but practical ways?

  • How can our family be open and generous to our neighbors all year long?


We hope you enjoy some time with family this week as we take a Sunday off from our regular youth gathering. Next week our youth will be back on for our regular time of lunch and discussion. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 10.27.2023


  • All women and girls are invited to our Women’s Brunch tomorrow morning at 10am in the Southside Room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear a personal story of faith from Staa, a beautiful woman in our community. If you have any questions, please email the office.

All Saints Sunday

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the sanctuary. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Since this is the fifth Sunday of the month, our youth are invited to help out on the Hospitality Team before service. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our regular youth time after service is postponed until next week to give families extra time together. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer. This week, we will pause to remember those in or connected to our community who have died in the past year by saying their names out loud. It is our tradition to hold our loss and grief together as the body of Christ in this sacred practice. Please use the form link below to share their names with us if you haven’t texted or completed the google form yet.

 Click here to share a Name 

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is pasta and pasta sauce.

  • Check out the latest Genesis scripture audio on our Listen page.

Town Hall + Gratitude Night

  • Immediately after Sunday service next Sunday, November 5th, there will be a Town Hall meeting in the sanctuary to present the 2024 budget proposal and board nominees to the congregation for consideration as we prepare to vote on them at our Gratitude Night potluck on Sunday, November 19th. Mark your calendars for these important dates as we give thanks and remember God’s faithfulness this past year while also looking toward what God has for us in the months ahead. We will share some supporting materials next week so you can pray and prepare.

  • Gratitude Night will be another time for potluck (yum, yum)! We’ll meet in the gym at 6pm on Sunday, November 19th. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring dessert (A-G), a main dish (H-Q), or a side/salad (R-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBCP friends and family. We hope you join us for a wonderful time of fellowship at our pre-Thanksgiving feast!

Coming Up

  • Our next Public Theology meeting is Sunday, November 12th, after worship service. We value all voices, and we hope you can join us for lunch in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group, and lunch will be provided. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

  • Join us as we pray for our global servants around the world on Sunday, November 19th, after worship in the Parlor. We invite you for thirty minutes of prayer for our FBCP-supported American Baptist servants in Mexico, Lebanon, Turkey and Thailand.

  • The FBCPride Group invites anyone ages 16+ to join us for an Ally Panel on Sunday, November 12th, at 5pm in the Southside Room. Our friends Iris, Jason, Mark and Nori will be discussing what being an ally has meant to them, and our own Michael Mann will be facilitating the discussion. Whether you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, a parent or an ally, we would love to have your voice as we expand our understanding of the stories around us. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new.


  • Interested in learning more about the Foundation of FBCP? Members of the Foundation help to steward a long-standing endowment, which supports the church financially when assistance is needed for projects that go above and beyond the regular church operating budget. More information about the Foundation’s mission and how to become a member can be found at fbcpasadena.com/foundation.

  • The Yarn Crafts Group has two exciting invitations for all of you! First, you are welcome to attend the Fiber Fair with them in Pomona on Sunday, November 19th. Tickets are $15 online or $20 at the door. Participants will be able to explore amazing yarns at the fair while getting to know one another! Also, they invite you to help make blankets ahead of Christmas. They are putting together square kits and invite anyone interested to help knit one square that will be joined with other squares to create blankets for donation. Email Justine and Whitney if you are interested in this project or the Fiber Fair (or to arrange a carpool to the fair), and keep a lookout in the lobby on Sunday for the square kits!

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online (select WMO from the drop down menu), or make your offering during Sunday worship.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Fall Sunday School | Parlor | Southside Room | Room 211

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | Nov. 5th after Town Hall

Six Weeks at a Glance

10/28 - Women’s Brunch
10/29 - All Saints’ Day
11/5 - Town Hall
11/12 - Last Day of Fall Sunday School
11/12 - Public Theology Meeting
11/12 - FBCPride Group Meeting
11/19 - Prayer for Global Servants
11/19 - Fiber Fair with Yarn Crafts Group
11/19 - Gratitude Night
11/23-11/24 - Thanksgiving Break | Office Closed
11/26 - Hanging of the Greens
12/3 - Advent Sunday School Begins
12/3 - Hospitality Team Lunch
12/10 - Annual FBCP Carol Service

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 10.21.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Our Oaxaca team left yesterday, and their team is a beautiful picture of intergenerational service! Check out the team and their prayer requests here (you will notice lots of familiar faces like Pastor Mary, Pastor Chip, Megumi, Nori, Tim, and Hannah!). We are excited to hear all about their adventures and experiences when they return. 

Youth Hospitality

Our youth are invited to serve on the hospitality team next Sunday,  October 29th. If your youth is able to serve, you can let Jason Chen know since he will be overseeing the team that morning (Pastor Chip will be there that week but will have just flown in from Oaxaca the night before). Thanks to our youth for being an important part of our welcoming community! 

Kids Choir

Our Kids Choir is in full effect! Throughout the year we work with Pastor Leslie and Cynthia to create opportunities for our kids and adult choirs to sing together and for our kids to help lead the congregation in worship. We use time at the end of our Sunday mornings to rehearse and sing together, and it's a beautiful time to worship with our kids. Right now we are working on learning to both sing and sign the song "The Blessing." Our kids will be singing this in worship service on Sunday, November 5. Our own Kevin Bishop (who is an expert ASL teacher) is teaching our kids and adult choirs the sign language for the song, too. You can help your child practice at home with this song file and this lyric sheet. Here is the video of the sign language that goes along with the song. Please note that on Sunday, November 5, we will ask our kids to arrive at 9:30 AM to rehearse (and we'll have pastries for our parents!). It's going to be a beautiful time of worshiping in song and movement!

Nursery Updates

Each week our youngest ones are exploring different ideas about God and learning some stories from the Bible. We have a new take-home sheet with some fun activities for families to do at home, so make sure you get one each week if you are interested in using that resource. We are also looking for more volunteers in the nursery as we prepare to have more babies joining us—so exciting! If you want to join our team once a month, please let us know. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will explore the story of Noah and the animals on the ark.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM.  This week the kids will spend time thinking about other people they want to pray for. As part of our lesson on petitioning, we'll use bandaids and paper to make a visual for praying over those who are hurting. We are excited to spend time in prayer with our kids.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Think about one or two people (or groups of people) you and your family care about and could pray for together this week. Then set a time to pray each day.

  • How does prayer help when we feel concerned about someone and a challenge they are facing?


This week our youth are back on for our regular time of lunch and discussion. We are excited to get into studying Genesis with them over the next few weeks!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 10.20.2023



  • Fall Sunday School has four weeks left, and it meets Sundays at 9am. Rene’s class, Spiritual Values in Literature: The Ninth Hour, meets in the Parlor. Jeannette’s class, Paul Pastors from Prison, meets in Room 211. Chris and Jessica’s class, Pattern, Symbol, and Form: Exploring Faith Through Design, meets in the Southside Room. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • We invite you to join the LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies for our FBCPride Group monthly gathering this Sunday, October 22nd, at 5pm in the Southside Room. This month, we will hear the story of Steve Scauzillo and learn what God has taught him through his faith and life experience. Join us for a potluck meal, and if you are able to bring an item (no pressure), check out what we need at our Potluck Sign-up. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group and want to receive our emails!

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is peanut butter or any kind of nut butter.

  • Check out the next Genesis scripture audio on our Listen page if you missed the Thursday text.

Next Week

  • All women and girls are invited to our Women’s Brunch on Saturday, October 28th, at 10am in the Southside Room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear a personal story of faith from Staa, a beautiful woman in our community. Text “brunch” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Lindsay.

All Souls Sunday

  • On All Saints Sunday, October 29th, we will pause to remember those in or connected to our community who have died in the past year by saying their names out loud. It is our tradition to hold our loss and grief together as the body of Christ in this sacred practice. Please use the form link below to share their names with us.

Town Hall + Gratitude Night

  • Immediately after Sunday service on November 5th, there will be a Town Hall meeting in the sanctuary to present the 2024 budget proposal and board nominees to the congregation for consideration as we prepare to vote on them at our Gratitude Night potluck on Sunday, November 19th. Mark your calendars for these important dates as we give thanks and remember God’s faithfulness this past year while also looking toward what God has for us in the months ahead. We will share some supporting materials ahead of these meetings so you can pray and prepare.

  • Gratitude Night will be another time for potluck (yum, yum)! We’ll meet in the gym at 6pm on Sunday, November 19th. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring a salad/side (A-G), dessert (H-M), or main dish (N-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBCP friends and family. We hope you join us for a wonderful time of fellowship at our pre-Thanksgiving feast!


  • The Yarn Crafts Group has two exciting invitations for all of you! First, you are welcome to attend the Fiber Fair with them in Pomona on Sunday, November 19th. Tickets are $15 online or $20 at the door. Participants will be able to explore amazing yarns at the fair while getting to know one another! Also, they invite you to help make blankets ahead of Christmas. They are putting together square kits and invite anyone interested to help knit one square that will be joined with other squares to create blankets for donation. Email Justine and Whitney if you are interested in this project or the Fiber Fair (or to arrange a carpool to the fair)!

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online (select WMO from the drop down menu), or make your offering during Sunday worship.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Fall Sunday School | Parlor | Southside Room | Room 211

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 10/22 in the Southside Room

Six Weeks at a Glance

10/22 - FBCPride Group Meeting
10/28 - Women’s Brunch
10/29 - All Saints’ Day
11/5 - Town Hall
11/12 - Last Day of Fall Sunday School
11/12 - Public Theology Meeting
11/12 - FBCPride Group Meeting
11/19 - Prayer for Global Servants
11/19 - Fiber Fair with Yarn Crafts Group
11/19 - Gratitude Night
11/23-11/24 - Thanksgiving Break | Office Closed
11/26 - Hanging of the Greens
12/3 - Advent Sunday School Begins

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 10.14.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

We will gather for worship tomorrow as we always do, and we will set aside time to listen and pray for Israel and Palestine. In these moments where words fail to capture our sorrow and grief, I'm thankful for the community of parents that you are. I imagine that you, like me, have hugged your kids extra tight this week and felt your heart cry out in solidarity with the parents who face unimaginable realities in the ongoing conflict. I know we are raising kids of various ages and stages of development. If you are looking for a resource on how to talk about what's happening with your kids, this post might be a good place to start. (I try to steer clear of social media in times like these, but Dr. Becky usually has some helpful tools.) Thank you for being a community where lament and worship are possible so that we might be deeply formed in such a time as this. As always, we are available to pray and talk as you need. Much love to you all.

Kids Choir

Our Kids Choir is in full effect with Cynthia leading the way! Throughout the year we work with Pastor Leslie and Cynthia to create opportunities for our kids (ages 5-10) and adult choirs to sing together and for our kids to help lead the congregation in worship. We use time at the end of our Sunday mornings to rehearse and sing together, and it's a beautiful time to worship with our kids. Right now we are working on learning to both sing and sign the song "The Blessing." Our kids will be singing this in worship service on Sunday, November 5. Our own Kevin Bishop (who is an expert ASL teacher) is teaching our kids and adult choirs the sign language for the song, too. You can help your child practice at home with this song file and this lyric sheet. Here is the video of the sign language that goes along with the song. Please note that on Sunday, November 5, we will ask our kids to arrive at 9:30 AM to rehearse (and we'll have pastries for our parents!). It's going to be a beautiful time of worshiping in song and movement!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will explore the story of Noah and the animals on the ark.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM.  This week the kids will learn about Oaxaca and our team who will be serving there soon. Pastor Mary and Megumi are on that team, so it will be especially fun to learn how we can pray for their adventure in serving!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Where is Oaxaca?

  • What is the FBCP team going to do while they are in Oaxaca?

  • What is one way we can pray for our team?


This week our youth are invited to join the all-church potluck after worship. We will resume our regular youth gathering next Sunday. Parents, stay tuned for some exciting youth offerings starting up next month!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 10.13.2023


  • Chris and Jessica’s class, Pattern, Symbol, and Form: Exploring Faith Through Design, begins this Sunday at 9am in the Southside Room (text “design” to 626.727.9498 to be added to this new class). Rene’s class, Spiritual Values in Literature: The Ninth Hour, continues in the Parlor. Jeannette’s class, Paul Pastors from Prison, continues in Room 211.

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Youth are invited to join us for potluck in lieu of our regular gathering after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us after worship this Sunday, October 15th, in the Gym, for an all-church potluck. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a side dish (A-I), dessert (J-N), or main dish (O-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. Thank you for your generosity, and we can’t wait to catch up with you (come whether you bring a dish or not)!

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is fruit and vegetable juice.

  • This Sunday is the last Sunday of our Recycling Drive. Thanks so much for your participation!

  • Check out the latest scripture audio on our Listen page.

All Souls Sunday

  • On All Saints Sunday, October 29th, we will pause to remember those in or connected to our community who have died in the past year by saying their names out loud. It is our tradition to hold our loss and grief together as the body of Christ in this sacred practice. Please use the form link below to share their names with us.

Meal Train

  • Calling all generous spirits to pour out some love by cooking a meal or picking up takeout for Mark as he recovers from another surgery this week. We sent out a letter on Wednesday and wanted you to have the link handy if you would still like to sign up. Thanks for your consideration!

Next Week

  • We invite you to join the LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies for our FBCPride Group monthly gathering on Sunday, October 22nd, at 5pm in the Southside Room. This month, we will hear the story of Steve Scauzillo and learn what God has taught him through his faith and life experience. Join us for a potluck meal, and if you are able to bring an item check out what we need at our Potluck Sign-up. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group and want to receive our emails!

Coming Up

  • All women and girls are invited to our Women’s Brunch on Saturday, October 28th, at 10am in the Southside Room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear a personal story of faith from Staa, a women in our community. Text “brunch” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Lindsay.

  • Immediately after Sunday service on November 5th, there will be a Town Hall meeting in the sanctuary to present the 2024 budget proposal and board nominees to the congregation for consideration as we prepare to vote on them at our Gratitude Night potluck on Sunday, November 19th. Mark your calendars for these important dates as we give thanks and remember God’s faithfulness this past year while also looking toward what God has for us in the months ahead. We will share some supporting materials ahead of these meetings so you can pray and prepare.


  • Preparations for Advent are underway, and you are invited to participate! We are assembling an Advent Handbell Choir for the Candlelight Carol Service. We are looking for 6 more people to participate. It will involve weekly rehearsals beginning Monday, October 30th, at 7pm, dress rehearsal on December 9th, and the performance on December 10th. You do not need prior handbell experience to participate, though some basic music knowledge will be helpful. Email Pastor Leslie to sign up.

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online (select WMO from the drop down menu), or make your offering during Sunday worship.

  • This Sunday, we will have a time of blessing for our team going to Oaxaca next week to serve. We invite you to consider the prayer requests mentioned in this letter as you remember the team October 20-27.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Fall Sunday School | Parlor | Southside Room | Room 211

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 10/22 in the Southside Room

Six Weeks at a Glance

10/15 - Potluck
10/22 - FBCPride Group Meeting
10/28 - Women’s Brunch
10/29 - All Saints’ Day
11/5 - Town Hall
11/12 - Public Theology Meeting
11/12 - FBCPride Group Meeting
11/19 - Prayer for Global Servants
11/19 - Gratitude Night
11/23-11/24 - Thanksgiving Holiday | Office Closed
11/26 - Hanging of the Greens

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 10.07.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Now that fall is underway with school and activity schedules in full effect, I have been thinking about our parents and want to remind you that you are doing a great job! In an economy based on always achieving, producing, and being more than you currently are, this is your friendly reminder that in God’s economy, you are enough and less is, indeed, more. Pastor Mary and I are praying for you and your family, and we would welcome any specific prayer requests for your family that might be on your hearts in this season. Feel free to share those using the button below. Your presence is a gift to our community, and we love you dearly. Thanks for sharing your family with us; we are truly less without you. 

Kids Choir

Our Kids Choir is in full effect with Cynthia leading the way! Throughout the year we work with Pastor Leslie and Cynthia to create opportunities for our kids and adult choirs to sing together and for our kids to help lead the congregation in worship. We use time at the end of our Sunday mornings to rehearse and sing together, and it's a beautiful time to worship with our kids. Right now we are working on learning to both sing and sign the song "The Blessing." Our kids will be singing this in the worship service on Sunday, November 5. Our own Kevin Bishop (who is an expert ASL teacher) is teaching our kids and adult choirs the sign language for the song, too. You can help your child practice at home with this song file and this lyric sheet. Here is the video of the sign language that goes along with the song. Please note that on Sunday, November 5, we will ask our kids to arrive at 9:30 AM to rehearse (and we'll have pastries for our parents!). It's going to be a beautiful time of worshiping in song and movement!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM.  This week we will continue to explore embodied ways to pray—from counting, to painting, to building, to moving our bodies. We have an awesome team of leaders ready to spend quality time with our kids as we explore prayer together, and we are so thankful for the wonderful kids in our community!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What questions are you wondering about prayer?

  • What is a prayer practice the family could try doing together? 


This week our youth are invited to join our regular gathering after worship. We will spend time eating in fellowship and discussion. We love our youth and are so thankful for their presence in our church family! 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 10.06.2023


  • Preparations for Advent are underway, and you are invited to participate! We are assembling an Advent Handbell Choir for the Candlelight Carol Service. We are looking for 8-11 people to participate. It will involve weekly rehearsals beginning Monday, October 30th, at 7pm, dress rehearsal on December 9th, and the performance on December 10th. You do not need prior handbell experience to participate, though some basic music knowledge will be helpful. Email Pastor Leslie to sign up.

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. Patti and Tim Long are examples of global servants that FBCP has supported over the years and we wanted to share this video update as they head into their last year of ministry before retirement. You will hear updates from other global servants throughout October during worship. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online (select WMO from the drop down menu), or make your offering during Sunday worship.


  • Men, you are invited to join us for a time of fellowship tomorrow at 9am in the Park off Union St. Our quarterly Men’s Breakfast always turns out to be a great time sharing a meal and hearing a story of faith. Thanks to Pastor Chip, Rich, Brandon and Rene for organizing a great time of breakfast tacos and sharing. Faith and food—win-win!

  • If you’re intrigued by the intersection of faith and horror, you’re invited to the Fearmakers Conference tomorrow from 10am-5:30pm at Fuller Seminary. Pastor John Jay is playing music, Ken Fong is moderating a panel and Steve Sheidler is part of the lead team. The conference is put on by Uncommon Voices, which is an organization that brings together filmmakers, visionary artists, renowned theologians, and horror lovers alike. Email Steve if you’re interested in attending!


  • Fall Sunday School is about halfway into its ten-week session, and it meets Sundays at 9am. Rene’s class, Spiritual Values in Literature: The Ninth Hour, meets in the Parlor. Jeannette’s class, Paul Pastors from Prison, meets in Room 211. Jason’s film class is done, and the arts track has one week off before Chris and Jessica’s class, Pattern, Symbol, and Form: Exploring Faith Through Design, begins on October 15th. Click here or email Pastor Chip to join in the fun!

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is canned chicken and tuna.

  • Check out the next Genesis scripture audio on our Listen page if you missed the Thursday text.

Next Week

  • Join us after worship in the Gym on Sunday, October 15th, for an all-church potluck. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a side dish (A-I), dessert (J-N), or main dish (O-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. We are also looking for a few people for our Potluck Volunteer Squad. If you’re able to donate some time either before service or after the potluck, please sign up in the lobby on Sunday or let Pastor Chip know. Thank you for your generosity.

  • Thank you to those who have contributed to our recycling drive to raise funds for our Oaxaca missions team! Please continue to bring aluminum and plastic with CRV markings through October 15. Please wash them out and do not remove labels. No glass. (If you have large quantities to donate, you can collect the money yourself and donate the cash here under ‘Oaxaca Missions Trip.’) Contact Nori if you have questions about Oaxaca, and contact Kathy O. if you have questions about recycling. Thank you!

Coming Up

  • We invite you to join the LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies for our FBCPride Group monthly gathering on Sunday, October 22nd, at 5pm in the Southside Room. This month, we will hear the story of Steve Scauzillo and learn what God has taught him through his faith and life experience. Join us for a potluck meal, and if you are able to bring an item check out what we need at https://form.church/potluck. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group and want to receive our emails!

  • All women and girls are invited to our Women’s Brunch on Saturday, October 28th, at 10 a.m. in the Southside room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear a personal story of faith from one of the women in our community. Text “brunch” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Lindsay.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Fall Sunday School | Parlor | Southside Room | Room 211

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 10/8 in the Southside Room

Six Weeks at a Glance

10/7 - Men’s Breakfast
10/15 - Potluck
10/22 - FBCPride Group Meeting
10/28 - Women’s Brunch
10/29 - All Saints’ Day
11/5 - Town Hall
11/12 - Public Theology Meeting
11/12 - FBCPride Group Meeting
11/19 - Prayer for Global Servants
11/19 - Gratitude Night

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 09.30.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Last Sunday our youth helped to hang all the prayer flags that you have made over the last few weeks. It was a joy to see so many physical representations of our hearts being poured out to God. You will get to see them this Sunday hanging over the pews in the sanctuary, and I hope you feel surrounded by the community and our collective prayers to a God who loves and sees us. It occurred to me that you could easily adapt that kind of prayer installation at home for a season. Get some paper, string, and some paper clips or clothespins, and then let family members add their prayers as they feel moved. You could hang it across a wall, over a mantle, or any space the family gathers. It's a gift to shift from imagining prayer happening only in our heads and instead moving them through our bodies and into the spaces we inhabit together. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship—Pastor Mary will have that ready in the lobby, and it's always a favorite activity for our kids (and youth!). Pastor John Jay will be preaching on Genesis 12. It will be a beautiful morning together with communion, too!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Think of a time when something important ended. How did that feel?

  • Now consider a time when something new began. How did that feel?

  • When has an ending made a new beginning possible?


This week our youth are invited to join our regular gathering after worship. We will spend time eating in fellowship. We love our youth and are so thankful for their presence in our church family! 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 09.29.2023

Prayer Retreat Tomorrow

  • We’ll see you tomorrow morning for our Prayer Retreat. The gates will open at 8:45am for coffee and check-in. For those who signed up for Prayer in Nature, bring an umbrella in case there’s a little rain. Anyone interested in a last-minute sign-up, check out the options here. We are looking forward to slowing down our rhythm and focusing on prayer tomorrow with our participants!


  • Fall Sunday School is only partway into its ten-week session, Sundays at 9am. Rene’s class, Spiritual Values in Literature: The Ninth Hour, will be on break this week. Jeannette’s class, Paul Pastors from Prison, meets in Room 211. Jason’s class, Sin & Redemption in Four Films, meets in the Southside Room (he requests that you try to watch Tree of Life before this Sunday’s class). To read more about the classes and sign up, click here, or feel free to just show up!

  • Thanks to our youth’s work in finishing off the Prayer Practice flags last Sunday, our sanctuary has turned into an immersive representation of the prayers we are offering to God together. There’s something about looking up at these floating prayer representations that feels lighter and more manageable than carrying burdens on our own. We hope you enjoy the reminder that we are together in this journey of lifting our prayers to the one who hears.

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together (crackers are gluten-free)! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for worship and for our regular youth gathering and lunch afterward. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us for our FBCP Basics Class after worship this Sunday, October 1st, at 12:30pm in the Southside Room. This is a time for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or membership or baptism. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is buyer’s choice.

  • Check out this week’s Genesis 12 scripture audio on our Listen page as we move into a new series.

Next Week

  • Have you ever watched a horror movie that not only chills the spine but also delves into the profound truths of existence? You’re invited to the Fearmakers Conference, which is offering us free tickets for those who are interested—Ken Fong is moderating a panel, Pastor John Jay is playing music, and Steve Sheidler is part of the lead team. The conference is put on by Uncommon Voices, which is an organization that brings together filmmakers, visionary artists, renowned theologians, and horror aficionados to explore the intersection of faith and horror. Text “horror” to 626.727.9498 if you’re interested in attending!

  • We are planning a time for men’s fellowship on Saturday, October 7th, at 9am in the Park off Union St. Our quarterly Men’s Breakfast always turns out to be a great time sharing a meal and hearing a story of faith. Faith and food—win win!

  • Our Public Theology Group will meet Sunday, October 8th, after worship. To learn more about FBCP’s thoughts on local outreach and politics, read more here. Lunch will be provided in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

Coming Up

  • Join us after worship in the Gym on Sunday, October 15th, for an all-church potluck. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a side dish (A-I), dessert (J-N), or main dish (O-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. We are also looking for a few people for our Potluck Volunteer Squad. If you’re able to donate some time either before service or after the potluck, please sign up in the lobby on Sunday or let Pastor Chip know. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Thank you to those who have contributed to our recycling drive to raise funds for our Oaxaca missions team! Please continue to bring aluminum and plastic with CRV markings through October 15. Please wash them out and do not remove labels. No glass. (If you have large quantities to donate, you can collect the money yourself and donate the cash here under ‘Oaxaca Missions Trip.’) Contact Nori if you have questions about Oaxaca, and contact Kathy O. if you have questions about recycling. Thank you!

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 10/8 in the Southside Room

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 10/1 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

9/30 - Prayer Retreat
10/1 - FBCP Basics
10/7 - Men’s Breakfast
10/8 - Public Theology Meeting
10/15 - Potluck
10/22 - FBCPride Group Meeting
10/28 - Women’s Brunch
11/5 - Town Hall
11/12 - Public Theology Meeting
11/12 - FBCPride Group Meeting

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 09.23.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Last week we spent time exploring the ways counting can help us pray. We read most of Matthew 18 with the kids and saw all kinds of counting and math and numbers in the stories. Jesus invited his disciples to stop counting the wrongs of others and to stop ranking each other's status. He showed them how valuable each one of us is, and how to count each other as sacred. We tried a five-finger tap prayer for those of us who feel lots of energy through the day and a bouncing ball prayer for those who love to play. It was a beautiful morning together, and we are so thankful for the ways God invites us to pray in all kinds of ways. You can check out a more detailed explanation and ideas for counting with prayer here.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM.  This week we will continue to explore prayer with our kids, and our focus this Sunday is on trust as a form of prayer. Our kids and leaders will get to act out the story of Daniel and explore all the ways that trust is part of our everyday experience (even with eating!). We hope that families will spend time talking about prayer at home and all the ways we were created to communicate with God, both in speaking to God and in listening to God's voice in our lives. 

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Who is someone you have found to be really trustworthy?

  • Does God feel like someone you can trust? Why or why not?

  • How might speaking words of trust out loud in prayer help us to grow in trust?


This week our youth are invited to join our regular gathering after worship. We will get to work on the prayer installation for the congregation and pray as we work together. We love our youth and are so thankful for their presence in our church family! 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 09.22.2023


  • Fall Sunday School is underway for eight more weeks, Sundays at 9am. Rene’s class, Spiritual Values in Literature: The Ninth Hour (books provided), meets in the Parlor. Jeannette’s class, Paul Pastors from Prison, meets in Room 211. Jason’s class, Sin & Redemption in Four Films, meets in the Southside Room (he requests that you try to watch No Country For Old Men before this Sunday’s class). To read more about the classes and sign up, click here, or feel free to just show up!

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for lunch after service, and this week they will be assisting with a special project in the sanctuary until 1:30pm. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is baking supplies (small bags of flour, sugar, etc).

  • Check out this week’s scripture audio on our Listen page.

Prayer Retreat

  • Join us next Saturday, September 30th, for our Prayer Retreat, from 9am-4pm at FBCP. We are so excited to have a time of reflection and prayer practices, which will range from praying with music to praying through our breath. Register here today to secure your spot. $10 covers the cost of lunch (but let us know if you’d like it waived). You won’t want to miss this meaningful time together. (If you have already registered, make sure you have selected your preferred breakout sessions here. Thanks!)

Coming Up

  • Join us for our FBCP Basics Class after worship a week from Sunday, on October 1st, at 12:30pm in the Southside Room. This is a time for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or membership. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means for us. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • We are planning a time for men’s fellowship on Saturday, October 7th, at 9am in the Park off Union St. Our quarterly Men’s Breakfast always turns out to be a great time, sharing a meal and hearing a story of faith. Faith and food—win win!

  • Our Public Theology Group will meet Sunday, October 8th, after worship. To learn more about FBCP’s thoughts on local outreach and politics, read more here. Lunch will be provided in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

  • Join us after worship in the Gym on Sunday, October 15th, for an all-church potluck. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a side dish (A-I), dessert (J-N), or main dish (O-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. We are also looking for a few people for our Potluck Volunteer Squad. If you’re able to donate some time either before service or after the potluck, please sign up in the lobby on Sunday or let Pastor Chip know. Thank you for your generosity!


  • Thank you to those who have contributed to our recycling drive! Please continue to bring aluminum and plastic with CRV markings through October 15. Please wash them out and do not remove labels. No glass. (If you have large quantities to donate, you can collect the money yourself and donate the cash here under ‘Oaxaca Missions Trip.’) Contact Nori if you have questions about Oaxaca, and contact Kathy O. if you have questions about recycling. Thank you!

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 10/8 in the Southside Room

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 10/1 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

9/30 - Prayer Retreat
10/1 - FBCP Basics
10/7 - Men’s Breakfast
10/8 - Public Theology Meeting
10/15 - Potluck
10/22 - FBCPride Group Meeting
10/28 - Women’s Brunch
11/5 - Town Hall
11/12 - Public Theology Meeting
11/12 - FBCPride Group Meeting

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 09.16.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

As we continue with our series on prayer, we are excited to spend time exploring creative ways to pray with your kids. Last week they looked at singing as prayer, and if your family is like mine, then singing and dancing are features of our time playing at home. I love the way our everyday routines are also holy opportunities to experience God's joy and presence. I came across a version of the nightly examen prayer in Richard Rohr's weekly email and thought I would share it here as another prayer practice you might engage with, as a family or individually (you can find it toward the bottom of the page). It's a simple but profound practice to review your day and invite God to show you what you might have missed in some of the seemingly mundane moments. May we be encouraged to become a people who pray without ceasing.

Peaceful Parenting Discussion

Our own Iris Chen will be hosting a parent discussion at Crowell Public Library in San Marino on Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm. She'll be talking about recognizing the stress, pressure, and negative outcomes of traditional definitions of success and cultivating a new mindset towards success that is rooted in connection, competence, choice, and consent. We are so thankful for her work in parenting and the wisdom she has to share! You can check out more information here.

Parent Webinar on Child Anxiety

On Wednesday, September 20th, at 12pm our own Allyson Self-Stoico will be part of a free webinar for parents around the topic of child and teen anxiety. As a leading pediatrician, she will offer some tips for helping your child navigate worry and understanding the kinds of support that could help with anxiety. The event is being hosted by the Institute for Girls Development, where our own Grace Goodman works. You can find out more and register for this free event here

We are so thankful for the wisdom and expertise in our community!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM.  This week we will continue to explore prayer with our kids with a focus on counting as a form of prayer. We'll look at the things Jesus counted and what we would be wise not to count. Cynthia will also be teaching our kids a song for the Lord's Prayer, which will be a wonderful way for our kids to know those words by heart. We hope that families will spend time talking about prayer at home and all the ways we were created to communicate with God, both in speaking to God and in listening to God's voice in our lives. 

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What are ten things you are thankful for today? 

  • Is there anyone you need help to forgive? Start by asking God to help you forgive that person—then see where that prayer takes you.

  • Choose three people to pray for as a family, and commit to pray for them once a week.


This week our youth are invited to join our regular gathering after worship. We will also be exploring prayer practices this month together. We love our youth and are so thankful for their presence in our church family! 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 09.15.2023

Bake Sale

  • Keep an eye out for treats baked by the Oaxaca Missions Team to raise money for their trip in October. Thank you so much to those who purchased last week and helped them raise over $600! You can find the baked goods on your way into Sunday School, or before service begins in the lobby. Recommended donation: $5 cash or online. Thank you!


  • Coffee with Pastor John Jay is happening before worship at 9am. Bring your curiosity and conversation, and enjoy some coffee and treats in Pastor John Jay’s office. Enter through the wooden doors on Holly St. Text “coffee” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Fall Sunday School is underway for nine more weeks, Sundays at 9am. Rene’s class, Spiritual Values in Literature: The Ninth Hour (books provided), will meet in the Parlor. Jeannette’s class, Paul Pastors from Prison, will meet in Room 211. Jason’s class, Sin & Redemption in Four Films, will meet in the Southside Room (he requests that you try to watch Iron Giant before this Sunday’s class). To read more about the classes and sign up, click here, or feel free to just show up!

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us as we pray for our global servants around the world, missionaries who love to share God’s love to others through acts of service and restoration. We invite you to be involved through prayer with supporting our missionaries in Mexico, Lebanon, Turkey and Thailand. We’ll meet in the Parlor for 30 minutes on Sunday after worship.

  • Our Yarn Crafts Group invites all folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to continue learning and working on individual yarn projects after service this Sunday. Note we will be in the Southside Room this week. Text “yarn” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new. BYO snacks or lunch and be ready to have fun!

  • We are excited to kickoff our second year of monthly FBCPride Meetings this Sunday, September 17th, at 5pm in the Southside Room. We can’t wait to reconnect with the LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies. Email pride@fbcpasadena.com with any questions. Check out our potluck sign-up here.

  • Dribble the ball at our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7pm in the Gym this Sunday, September 17th. Jason C. invites all ages to play with a generous, noncompetitive spirit. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is soup/chili/stew.

  • Check out Pastor John Jay’s latest scripture audio on our Listen page.

Prayer Retreat

  • Join us for our Prayer Retreat on Saturday, September 30th, from 9am-4pm, right here at FBCP. The staff and Prayer Team will join together in leading us through a time of reflection and prayer practices. We hope this retreat gives some new ideas for our prayer lives and shows us how to pray whether we are still or moving. Register here today to secure your spot. $10 covers the cost of lunch (but let us know if you’d like it waived). You won’t want to miss this meaningful time together.

New Date for Basics

  • We will have our FBCP Basics Class after worship service on Sunday, October 1st, at 12:30pm in the Southside Room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

Additional Notes

  • Thank you to the twelve people that came out (and the over 30 people who committed to praying) for the Glendale USD march in support of the safety and respect of queer kids in public schools. At a time when these conversations are once again becoming heated in their board room meetings, the teachers were very grateful to have our presence before the start of this month’s meeting, and prayers were answered with no sign of violence around us. Praise God.

  • Thank you to those who have contributed to our recycling drive! Please continue to bring aluminum and plastic with CRV markings through October 15. Please wash them out and do not remove labels. No glass. (If you have large quantities to donate, you can collect the money yourself and donate the cash here under ‘Oaxaca Missions Trip.’) Contact Nori if you have questions about Oaxaca, and contact Kathy O. if you have questions about recycling.

  • If you’ve lost anything at the church, email the office to check our Lost & Found box in the kitchen. The box is getting pretty full, and we will donate unclaimed items in a couple of weeks (it is mostly water bottles and sweatshirts).

  • We have a new phone system in the church office! We recommend storing the following number in your phone as FBCP Office: 626.793.7164. If you’d like to leave a message for a staff member, listen to the menu options, or press the following extensions right away: Pastor John Jay-101, Pastor Leslie-102, Pastor Lindsay-103, Operations Manager Marcie-104, Pastor Chip-105, Assistant Children’s Pastor Mary-106, Project Manager Dave-107, Local Ministries Director Cynthia-108, or Office Administrator Sally-109. These extensions will go directly to our individual lines, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 9/17 in the Southside Room

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 9/17 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

9/17 - Coffee with John Jay
9/17 - Prayer for Global Servants
9/17 - FBCPride Group Meeting
9/30 - Prayer Retreat
10/1 - FBCP Basics
10/7 - Men’s Breakfast
10/8 - Public Theology Meeting
10/15 - Potluck
10/22 - FBCPride Group Meeting
10/28 - Women’s Brunch

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 09.09.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Last week we began our sermon series on prayer with an emphasis on the Lord's Prayer. Our kids and youth will be invited to learn that prayer this month, and it's a great prayer for discussion and praying together as a family. This week I came across these poems by Mary Oliver, and they speak to the idea of prayer as a way of living. They are beautiful reminders of the way nature invites us to be fully present to God's goodness and the invitation to be astonished by it. Enjoy!

Peaceful Parenting Discussion

Our own Iris Chen will be hosting a parent discussion at Crowell Public Library in San Marino on Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm. She'll be talking about recognizing the stress, pressure, and negative outcomes of traditional definitions of success and cultivating a new mindset towards success that is rooted in connection, competence, choice, and consent. We are so thankful for her work in parenting and the wisdom she has to share! You can check out more information here.

Parent Webinar on Child Anxiety

On Wednesday, September 20th, at 12pm our own Allyson Self-Stoico will be part of a free webinar for parents around the topic of child and teen anxiety. As a leading pediatrician, she will offer some tips for helping your child navigate worry and understanding the kinds of support that could help with anxiety. The event is being hosted by the Institute for Girls Development, where our own Grace Goodman works. You can find out more and register for this free event here

We are so thankful for the wisdom and expertise in our community!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service.  

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. If they are coming early with parents who are in a Sunday School class, they can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM.  This week we will continue to explore prayer with our kids, and our focus this Sunday is on singing as a form of prayer. Cynthia will also be teaching our kids a song for the Lord's Prayer, which will be a wonderful way for our kids to know those words by heart. We hope that families will spend time talking about prayer at home and all the ways we were created to communicate with God, both in speaking to God and in listening to God's voice in our lives. 

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does the Lord's Prayer show us about our relationship with God?

  • What are some songs you love to sing? 

  • How could you use song as a form of prayer if that's not already your practice?


This week our youth are invited to join our regular gathering after worship. We will also be exploring prayer practices this month together. We love our youth and are so thankful for their presence in our church family! 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 09.08.2023


  • Our Community Dinners are happening around town tonight! Thank you to our hosts—the Dormans, Chens, Ekstrands, Laskis, Martinezes, Perrys and Snyder/Hallets—for welcoming our church community into their homes.

Bake Sale

  • Keep an eye out for treats baked by the Oaxaca Missions Team to raise money for their trip in October. You can find the baked goods on your way into Sunday School, or before service begins in the lobby, this week and next. Recommended donation: $5 cash or online. Thank you!


  • Fall Sunday School kicks off this Sunday at 9am. Rene’s class, Spiritual Values in Literature: The Nineth Hour (books provided), will meet in the Parlor. Jeannette’s class, Paul Pastors from Prison, will meet in Room 211. Jason’s class, Sin & Redemption in Four Films, will meet in the Southside Room (he requests that you try to watch On the Waterfront before this Sunday’s class). To read more about the classes and sign up, click here.

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is pasta and sauce.

  • Our Public Theology Group will meet this Sunday after worship. We are excited to kick off the new year with lunch in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

  • Check out Pastor John Jay’s latest scripture audio on our Listen page.

September 17th

  • Coffee with Pastor John Jay is happening before worship on Sunday, September 17th, at 9am. Bring your curiosity and conversation, and enjoy some coffee and treats in Pastor John Jay’s office. Enter through the wooden doors on Holly St. Text “coffee” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Join us as we pray for our global servants around the world, missionaries who love to share God’s love to others through acts of service and restoration. We invite you to be involved through prayer with supporting our missionaries in Mexico, Lebanon, Turkey and Thailand. We’ll meet in the Parlor for 30 minutes on Sunday, September 17th, after worship.

  • Our Yarn Crafts Group invites all folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to continue learning and working on individual yarn projects after service Sunday, September 17th, in the Parlor. Text “yarn” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new. BYO snacks or lunch and be ready to have fun!

  • We are excited to kick-off our second year of monthly FBCPride Meetings this fall with a new lineup beginning Sunday, September 17th, at 5pm in the Southside Room. This year, we hope to connect with one another more and leave a little more time for reflection and conversation, in addition to hearing from some great speakers. We can’t wait to connect with the LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies. Email pride@fbcpasadena.com with any questions, or reach out to Sally or Kevin. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Dribble the ball at our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7pm in the Gym on Sunday, September 17th. Jason C. invites all ages to play with a generous noncompetitive spirit. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

September 24

  • We will have our FBCP Basics Class after worship service on Sunday, September 24th, at 12:30 pm in the Southside Room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

Prayer Retreat

  • Join us for our Prayer Retreat on Saturday, September 30th, from 9am-4pm, right here at FBCP. The staff and Prayer Team will join together in leading us through a time of reflection and prayer practices. We hope this retreat gives some new ideas for our prayer lives and shows us how to pray whether we are still or moving. Register here today to secure your spot. $10 covers the cost of lunch (but let us know if you’d like it waived). You won’t want to miss this meaningful time together.

And also…

  • Thank you to those who have contributed to our recycling drive! Please continue to bring aluminum and plastic with CRV markings through October. Please wash them out and do not remove labels. No glass. (If you have large quantities to donate, you can collect the money yourself and donate the cash here under ‘Oaxaca Missions Trip.’) Contact Nori if you have questions about Oaxaca and contact Kathy O. if you have questions about recycling.

  • We have a new phone system in the church office! We recommend storing the following number in your phone as FBCP Office: 626.793.7164. If you’d like to leave a message for a staff member, listen to the menu options, or press the following extensions right away: Pastor John Jay-101, Pastor Leslie-102, Pastor Lindsay-103, Operations Manager Marcie-104, Pastor Chip-105, Assistant Children’s Pastor Mary-106, Project Manager Dave-107, Local Ministries Director Cynthia-108, or Office Administrator Sally-109. These extensions will go directly to our individual lines, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 9/17 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 9/17 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

9/8 - Community Dinners
9/10 - Fall Sunday School Starts
9/10 - Public Theology Meeting
9/17 - Coffee with John Jay
9/17 - Prayer for Global Servants
9/17 - FBCPride Group Meeting
9/24 - FBCP Basics Class
9/30 - Prayer Retreat
10/7 - Men’s Breakfast

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 09.02.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

This Sunday we will begin a new series on prayer in worship service, and we'll be exploring different types of prayer with our kids the rest of the month, too. We are excited to learn different ways to pray each week and hope that our kids will feel more freedom to connect with God in ways that feel natural and accessible to them. Cynthia will also be teaching our kids a song for the Lord's Prayer, which will be a wonderful way for our kids to know those words by heart. We hope that families will spend time talking about prayer at home and all the ways we were created to communicate with God, both in speaking to God and in listening to God's voice in our lives. 

Parents of Nursery Kids

We are excited to share that this Sunday we will begin a new format in the nursery rooms to allow our infants, young toddlers, and preschoolers to have their time structured around each group's unique developmental needs. Parents, keep an eye out for a more detailed email today with information about what you can expect and how this will impact drop off and pick up. Yay for all the amazing growth for our little ones!

Peaceful Parenting Discussion

Our own Iris Chen will be hosting a parent discussion at Crowell Public Library in San Marino on Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm. She'll be talking about recognizing the stress, pressure, and negative outcomes of traditional definitions of success and cultivating a new mindset towards success that is rooted in connection, competence, choice, and consent. We are so thankful for her work in parenting and the wisdom she has to share! You can check out more information here.

Parent Webinar on Child Anxiety

On Wednesday, September 20th, at 12pm our own Allyson Self-Stoico will be part of a free webinar for parents around the topic of child and teen anxiety. As a leading pediatrician, she will offer some tips for helping your child navigate worry and understanding the kinds of support that could help with anxiety. The event is being hosted by the Institute for Girls Development, where our own Grace Goodman works. You can find out more and register for this free event here. 

We are so thankful for the wisdom and expertise in our community!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 10:20 AM so parents can head to the sanctuary for worship. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship—Pastor Mary will have that ready in the lobby, and it's always a favorite activity for our kids (and youth!). Pastor John Jay will be preaching on the Lord's Prayer, and one of our kids is reading the scripture. It will be a beautiful morning together with communion, too!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What is prayer?

  • What does the Lord's Prayer show us about our relationship with God?

  • What questions do you have about prayer?


This week our youth are invited to join our regular gathering after worship. We will also be exploring prayer practices this month together. We love our youth and are so thankful for their presence in our church family! 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 09.01.2023


  • The FBCP Choir Half-Day Retreat is tomorrow from 9am-1pm at Atherton. We will have coffee and snacks in the morning and will conclude our time together with lunch at noon. Email Pastor Leslie if you have any questions.


  • Because our sanctuary does not have air conditioning, we encourage you to bring a water bottle and dress lightly on Sundays for worship service. Although there are hand fans throughout the sanctuary in the back of the pews, you may also want to bring your own hand fan as the summer heat continues.

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together (crackers are gluten-free)! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for worship and for our regular youth gathering and lunch afterward. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is peanut butter and other nut butters.

Coming Up

  • Our Community Dinners are set for Friday, September 8th. You will be receiving an email soon with your home assignment if you signed up. Email Pastor Chip if you’d like to be on the waitlist.

  • Our Fall Sunday School lineup begins next Sunday, September 10, from 9-10am thru November 12th. Text “school” to 626.727.9498 to sign up and read more about the classes here:

    • Paul Pastors from Prison

    • Spiritual Values in Literature: The Ninth Hour  by Alice McDermott

    • Sin + Redemption in Four Films

    • Pattern, Symbol, and Form: Exploring Faith Through Design

  • Our Public Theology Group returns from summer break on Sunday, September 10th, after worship. We are excited to kick off the new year with lunch in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group, and lunch will be provided. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

September 17th…so much happening that it gets its own section

  • Anyone new-ish to the church (or anyone who has been around, but thought of some questions for our lead pastor), is invited to Coffee with Pastor John Jay before worship on Sunday, September 17th, at 9am. Bring your curiosity and conversation, and enjoy some coffee and treats in Pastor John Jay’s office. Text “coffee” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Join us as we pray for our global servants around the world, missionaries who love to share God’s love to others through acts of service and restoration. We invite you to be involved through prayer with supporting our missionaries in Mexico, Lebanon, Turkey and Thailand. We’ll meet in the Parlor for 30 minutes on Sunday, September 17th, after worship to pray.

  • We are excited to kick-off our second year of monthly FBCPride Meetings this fall with a new lineup beginning Sunday, September 17th, at 5pm in the Southside Room. This year, we hope to connect with one another more and leave a little more time for reflection and conversation, in addition to hearing from some great speakers. We can’t wait to connect with the LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies, and know one another more deeply this year. Email pride@fbcpasadena.com with any questions, or reach out to Sally or Kevin. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

Prayer Retreat Coming!

  • We are thrilled to announce a Prayer Retreat on Saturday, September 30th, from 9am-3:30pm, on our church campus! The pastors and prayer team will join together in leading us through a time of reflection and prayer practices. Topics will include Listening Prayer, Walking in Nature Prayer, and other engaging practices. We hope this retreat gives some new ideas for our prayer lives and shows us how to pray whether we are still or moving. Register here today to secure your spot. You won’t want to miss this meaningful time together.

Other Reminders

  • Thank you to those who have contributed to our recycling drive! Please continue to bring aluminum and plastic with CRV markings through October. Please wash them out. No glass. (If you have large quantities to donate, you can collect the money yourself and donate the cash here under ‘Oaxaca Missions Trip’) Contact Nori if you have questions about Oaxaca and contact Kathy O. if you have questions about recycling.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Thursday Bible Study | Weekly at Noon | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 9/3 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 9/3 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

9/2 - Choir Half-Day Retreat
9/4 - Labor Day | Office Closed
9/8 - Community Dinners
9/10 - Fall Sunday School Starts
9/10 - Public Theology Meeting
9/17 - Coffee with John Jay
9/17 - Prayer for Global Servants
9/17 - FBCPride Group Meeting
9/24 - FBCP Basics Class
9/30 - Prayer Retreat

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community