
 Outdoor Church

Sundays @ 10:30

Each Sunday we gather in a makeshift sanctuary outside, like a Tabernacle of sorts. This is the most responsible way to gather our community for worship, and all current health guidelines are respected. Masks, physical distance, tons of sanitizer! Simple rules for the sake of being together. So come join us in our shaded parking garage. There is generously spaced seating, as well as an option to stay in your vehicle and listen through your radio (like a drive-in movie).

Click below for a sampling of previous liturgies and worship experiences from weeks past.


A different kind of media

We intentionally have a lean social media presence for our church. We believe that the greatest gift we offer to one another is our embodied presence—looking one another in the eye, a real embrace, the nuance of a spoken blessing across a kitchen table. None of those things is found on social media, so we have chosen to direct our energy elsewhere. Some of our staff have a normal social media presence. Others have deleted all of their accounts. As a church, we have made a conscious decision to focus our energy away from social media. This decision is not for everyone, although we do encourage you to reflect on whether your social media habits are helping or hindering your sense of peace.


Deep Belonging

Our Connection Teams are one of the first things we organized at the beginning of the pandemic. We knew that everyone would need practical ways to stay grounded and known, as well as a way to share crisis needs as they arose. So we partnered with a group of church folks to care for our community while scattered. The idea is simple. Each person/family is cared for by someone in our church, mainly through regular texts/calls. If you are new to our community and would like to be part of a Connection Team, signing up for text updates is the best way to get the process started.


 Keep Praying

Normally prayer would emerge in a community based on embodied interactions. But in a scattered and sheltered season, we are finding new ways to carry one another’s joys and burdens. Our prayer wall is a living and growing conversation between God and one another. Click below to read our prayers and to share your own.


 Becoming Benedictions

Our church is about more than rituals and ideas about God. We are cultivating a faith that is embodied and alive. Benediction/blessing is how we understand the flow of God through us and into our world. If you resonate with this kind of calling, then we would love to share with you some ways we are focusing our energies.