Conversational theology

Everything about our church structures and practices has changed in the last few months. So we are finding creative ways to stay connected and grow in our faith. Much of my pastoral style is dialogical. This is especially true in Sunday morning teachings, where I loved to walk among the community and have conversations while speaking. This allowed me to texture my words by your presence, where we could think and learn together. I would like to try a new version of this, where you all can share your questions about faith, God, virus, suffering, etc and we will respond. Make sense?

Below is a form you can use to submit questions. Your pastors will receive those questions and use them in various ways to integrate your voices deeper into our work together. There is a check box in the form if you would like to keep your question anonymous when shared with the congregation. And of course we will not be able to respond to every question, but will do our best to honor your inquiries. So bring the confusion, consternation and chaos. We are excited to see where this leads!