Phenomenal Friday

Your Weekly Community Mixtape

Friends at FBCP,

Starting today, we are going to send out a roundup of all our daily encouragements in a list that you can listen to at your own pace. You can always check out the daily encouragement on our website each evening, but we figured a compilation each week would be super fun and convenient.

So, we are excited to drop our first mixtape full of diverse and generous voices from our community. This week we have a fantastic lineup, complete with a guided prayer walk in nature by Cynthia, a song by John Jay, a heartfelt and silly gratitude from Chip and Lindsay, and a pastoral word and special invitation from Gretchen.

Turn up your speakers or grab your headphones, and get ready to jam out to our first encouraging mixtape. We promise you will be blessed in listening. Feel free to share with all those you love.

A Letter From Our Board Moderator

Family at FBCP,

On behalf of the Board of Deacons at First Baptist Church of Pasadena (FBCP), blessings to you and your family during these unusual and uncertain times. While each of us has had to adapt to changes in our regular activities in the way we shop, work, worship, and relate to each other, remember we still have unfettered and continuous access to God through prayer.

Since the COVID-19 crisis began, the Pastor, staff, and Board have continued to meet and discuss the many issues related to changes in our worship services, daily communications, outreach, and the administration of business. As such, in order to comply with local requirements (Stay Home and Safe Distancing), the Board has been meeting via telecon and virtual teleconferencing. While this is not ideal and outside of the specific language in the FBCP bylaws (which state “…regular Board meetings will be held at the church”), the Board unanimously determined this adjustment is necessary to continue the essential work of the church and to ensure effective planning and operations until this crisis is resolved. While this change was necessary, we do take the bylaws seriously. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at  or Pastor John Jay at

As you may know, there are members of FBCP (or their family members) who have been impacted directly or indirectly by COVID-19. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!! The leadership, staff, and volunteers of FBCP want to help. If you are aware of an unmet need or a member who is suffering from anxiety, depression or isolation, please reach out to the pastoral staff. Resources have been identified and additional information is available to assist during this time. While this has been an exceedingly difficult time, it is the time for us to be “The Church.” Although we are not in a physical building, we are “The Church.”  Let us reach out to one another and be proactive in serving our elderly members, physically limited members, and those members who are alone. Let us live our faith and remember we are the hands that serve others in love and gratitude for the glory of the Father!

Until we meet again, and I am hoping it is soon!


Barbara A. Walker | FBCP Moderator

FBCP Administrative Office (626) 793-7164 

Board of Deacons

Pastor John Jay

Pastor Gretchen Saalbach

Pastor Lindsay Dorman