Easter Bag Delivery Surprise!

Hi, Parents!

This Saturday evening, we have a crew who will be dropping off Easter surprises for FBCP kids and youth at their homes. We have followed strict sanitary protocol to ensure that what we are delivering is germ-free. Masks, gloves, sanitizer, and proper "wait times" for items to sit out once they were delivered to us have all been part of our process, and, thankfully, Pastor Mary had ordered much of the items before the outbreak of Covid-19. Our delivery folks will be like stealth ninjas in the night, so we wanted to give you a heads up and make sure we have your permission to deliver a little Easter gift to your child.

If you do not wish for us to drop off an Easter bag for your child, we understand. Just let us know to save it for later. 

If you would like us to leave a bag for your child, great! Please just confirm your address and give us any instructions about the best place to leave it for you. We also have sidewalk chalk, so let us know if we can write a message somewhere on the ground!

Our hope is that your child wakes up on Easter feeling loved by the church and by God so that they can celebrate the resurrection of Christ with extra joy! Thanks for keeping this a secret in the meantime.

So, again, please email/text/call me with this information (and any questions!):

  1. Can we deliver an Easter bag to your home?

  2. If so, what is your address, and are there any instructions we should know about where to leave our goodies?

  3. And can we use sidewalk chalk somewhere outside your home?

Thanks for helping us love on your sweet kids!

P.S. Don’t forget to send us a video of your child saying “Christ is Risen!” if you are able! More info here.