Weekly Updates 06.23.2023


  • We hope those going to the Dodgers vs. Astros Game will enjoy a fun, safe outing tonight, and Go Dodgers! Meet Pastor Chip at the Metro across the street from the church at 5:15pm, or meet at the game at 7pm. Email Pastor Chip with any last-minute questions.


  • All are invited to join us for a special service of blessing and sending for the Mattesich family on June 24th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. Jeff, Jenny, Henry, and Russell have been a blessing to our church family these past months, and we are grateful to have a time to honor and bless them as they prepare to move to Ventura where Jeff has accepted a lead pastor position. Thank you for praying for this beloved family as they begin a new season. Email the office with any questions.

  • You are invited to stop by the Pasadena Pride event in front of Pasadena City Hall tomorrow between 6-9pm! Help us show our community that we know how to love at FBCP! We will give out bracelets, flyers and candy while we work on making a giant rainbow heart out of post-it notes. Also, to purchase the adorable rainbow balloon shirts you may have seen, click this link to donate $25 if you would like one! We have S, M and L sizes left and proceeds go to help Rainbow Railroad, which helps LGBTQ+ individuals get to safety around the world.


  • Spring Sunday School classes finish up this Sunday, June 25th. Thank you to Rene, Jerry and Gaby for three wonderful classes!

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. Kids from camp will sit together in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This Sunday, June 25th, after worship, the public theology group will host an end-of-the-year wrap-up party. We’ll celebrate our victories, look toward what the future will hold in the fall and beyond, and spend time in fellowship with one another practicing all we’ve learned this year about sharing our stories.

  • We hope you can join the FBCPride Group to wrap up our first year of monthly Pride meetings on Sunday, June 25th, from 5-6:30pm. We’ll have a potluck, games and prizes. You won’t want to miss, and we encourage you to wear your most colorful outfit or the new FBCPride t-shirt!

  • Dribble with us this Sunday, June 25th, with our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7pm in the Gym. Headed by Jason C, this team is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • Also at 7pm this Sunday, we invite you to listen to beautiful classical music played by the Pasadena Summer Youth Chamber Orchestra in the Sanctuary. Our talented friend and cellist Nat Yue will be featured as a soloist in a performance of the Dvořák cello concerto. More information can be found here. You won’t want to miss!

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is peanut butter (or any kind of nut butter).

  • On June 6, the vast and strategic Kakhovka dam on the Dnieper River in southern Ukraine was breached, threatening hundreds of thousands of people across the region and potentially endangering Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. Water surged from the dam, unleashing flooding across the region, endangering around eighty settlements, sparking thousands of evacuations, and triggering warnings of an ecological disaster. The devastation unleashed in the breaching of the Kakhovka dam means that American Baptist Ukrainian partners are beginning again with addressing basic humanitarian needs of shelter, food, and water. Additional relief is urgently needed, and you can support relief efforts online at fbcpasadena.com/giving. Please select "One Great Hour of Sharing" from the drop down menu.

Next Week

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due this Monday, June 26.

  • We hope everyone ages 55+ can join us next Wednesday, June 28th, at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch in the Southside Room! It will be great to continue getting to know one another. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

Coming Up

  • Join us on Sunday, July 2nd, after worship service for a 20-minute prayer circle to pray for our global partners Mel Baggao (Lebanon) and Kit Ripley (Thailand). We’ll meet in the Parlor.

  • Pastor John Jay will be leading his second of three “Healing the Masculine” sessions on July 8th. In this session, we will be studying grief and pain and healthy ways to process these emotions. This work is not limited to men, but it is geared toward people exploring the masculine side of their humanity. We welcome anyone 14 and older because it is better to learn these practices early. There is a $50 fee which goes towards our Deacons Fund to help our church family in need. Please email the office if the cost prohibits your attendance, and we can make other arrangements. Join us at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. Sign-up and payment information is found on the link above.

  • Save the Date for Saturday, July 15th, for an FBCPride group hike. FBCPride members, friends and families are welcome. Details to come!

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Last class 6/25 at 9am

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | On break until 7/6

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 6/25 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 6/25 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

6/25 - Public Theology Meeting
6/25 - FBCPride Party
6/25 - Orchestra Concert
6/26 - Foundation Scholarship Deadline
6/28 - Senior Lunch
7/2 - Prayer for Global Servants
7/8 - Healing the Masculine #2
7/15 - FBCPride Summer Hike Social
7/21 - Movie Outing: Oppenheimer
7/26 - Senior Lunch
8/3 - Healing the Masculine #3

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community