Weekly Updates 03.15.2024


  • Our Lenten Sunday School meets for two more Sundays at 9am in the Parlor to explore spiritual practices with a book by Henri Nouwen called The Way of the Heart.  Bailey will begin the topic of Prayer this week, and you may attend even if you missed previous weeks. More information can be found here. Please let Pastor Lindsay know if you need childcare.

  • The Grief Group meets this Sunday, March 17th, at 9am in Room 214 and biweekly moving forward. It is a space for anyone experiencing grief or loss to be with others in a similar season. Reach out to Jon Rinkus if you are interested in joining this group. Jon is a trained Hospital Chaplain through Fuller and provides a rich space for folks to process grief.

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary this Sunday! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our FBCPride Group invites everyone to join them for a showing of the movie Milk this Sunday, March 17th, at 5pm in the Chapel. Milk is a 2008 American biographical drama film based on the life of gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California, as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Email Sally and Kevin with questions.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is buyer’s choice.

Coming Up

  • Folks ages 55+, join us for our next potluck lunch this Wednesday, March 20th, at 12:30pm in the Southside Room. It’s always a yummy spread of food and a fun time together, and we look forward to the fellowship. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

  • Our new hiking group, the Holy Walkamolies, has its first hike scheduled to meet at the Millard Canyon Campground Parking Lot at 8:30am on Saturday, March 23rd. Nicole hopes to plan about one hike per month in different areas around LA. Text “hike” to 626.727.9498 if you would like to RSVP and join in the fun. The weather is looking perfect for time outdoors!

Holy Week

Palm Sunday | March 24 | Regular Worship Time @10:30am

Join us as we hear the children and youth sing with the FBCP Choir and welcome Holy Week with palms waving.

Maundy Thursday | March 28 | 6pm in the Chapel

This will be an intimate service that includes a reflective time of prayer, communion and foot-washing. Childcare will be provided for nursery-aged children.

Good Friday | March 29 | 6pm in the Chapel

This special service will serve as an invitation to listen to scripture and our wonderful FBCP Choir as we remember Christ’s crucifixion and His death on the cross. The service ends with a procession out of the Chapel in silence. Childcare will be provided for nursery-aged children.

Flowers for the Cross

Help us decorate the cross on Easter with greenery from all over our city! Snip and bring in some flowers when you come for brunch at 10am on March 31st.

Easter Brunch + Service | March 31 @10am

We will celebrate Easter Sunday on March 31st beginning with a potluck brunch and mariachi band at 10am in the Park on Union St!  Based on your last name, if you’re able, we’re asking you to bring about 10 servings of something savory (A-Q) or sweet/fruit (R-Z) to eat and share with your friends here. Worship service will be immediately afterward at 11am with the children joining us for service to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Nursery care will be provided for ages four and under. We hope you can join us for both!

Coming Up

  • Anyone new-ish to the church (or anyone who has been around, but thought of some questions for our lead pastor), is invited to Lunch for Newer Folks with Pastor John Jay after worship on Sunday, April 7th. Bring your curiosity and conversation, and enjoy lunch and fellowship in the Southside Room. Text “new” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Pastors Lindsay and Mary are planning a night of fun for kids so parents can enjoy an evening out (also known as "Parent Night Out"). You can drop off and pick up your child anytime between 5:30-8:30 PM on Friday, April 12th, and then go do whatever you want. We'll serve dinner and provide activities for your kids! You can register your kid(s) with this link.

  • After our Lenten Sunday School ends on March 24th, we’ll have a two-week break and then begin a set of Spring Sunday School Classes. Stay tuned for the class options!

  • Calling all families with kids or youth to join us in the Park after worship on Sunday, April 14th, for a potluck lunch to hang out and get to know one another better. It takes a village to raise kids, and it’s nice to find some friends as you raise your own. Bring a dish to share and enjoy some time with other families! Text “village” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP for this event.

  • We will have our Basics Class after worship service on Sunday, April 21st, at 12:30pm in the Southside Room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details and/or if you are attending and will need childcare.

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Grief Group | 3/17 at 9am | Room 214

  • Holy Walkamolies Hiking Group | 3/23 at 8:30am

  • Lenten Sunday School | Sundays thru 3/24 | 9-10am | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 3/24 at 12pm | Parlor

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 3/24 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

3/17 - FBCPride Group Meeting
3/20 - 55+ Event
3/24 - Lenten Sunday School Ends
3/24 - Palm Sunday Service
3/28 - Maundy Thursday Service
3/29 - Good Friday Service
3/31 - Easter Potluck Brunch + Service

4/07 - Lunch for Newer Folks
4/12 - Parent Night Out
4/14 - Spring Sunday School Begins
4/14 - Family Lunch Hangout
4/21 - FBCP Basics Lunch
4/21 - FBCPride Group Meeting

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community