FBCP Families | 05.18.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Right now at the church, some amazing intergenerational work is happening (see below)! Our park space is full of people of all ages digging in dirt so that new life can grow and make our space even more beautiful. Knowing that these plants came from Brian and Renee's home where there was so much destruction is a brilliant image of God bringing new life from ashes and beauty persisting in spite of loss. Our youth room is full of youth and adults who are painting, cleaning, eating donuts, and rocking out to music. Many thanks to all our helping hands for giving time on a Saturday to connect with each other and create spaces for us to gather meaningfully. A special thanks to Jesen and Jessica for leading the youth room renovation—I am so thankful for their initiative and vision!

Mark Your Calendars for June 2!

On Sunday, June 2, our kids and youth will be joining our adult choir in singing during worship. We will be practicing during our regular Sunday time with kids and youth in the coming weeks, and you can help them practice at home, too. You can play the listening track and sing along with these lyrics. We'll ask kids and youth to arrive at 9:30 am that day to practice, and we'll have pastries for parents so y'all can hang out before worship. On that Sunday we will also take time to honor and celebrate our graduates of all ages, so it will be a full and beautiful service with a chance to bless those in this milestone moment. Please fill out this form if someone in your family is graduating from high school or any higher education so we can include you in the blessing!

Kids Camp Registration

We are already making plans for camp this summer, and registration is now open! Camp will run June 24-28 from 9am-12pm each day. We are excited to help our kids encounter God's love together with people from our church family! Youth families, please note that the youth are invited to help again this year, and this can count for community service hours if they have any requirements through school or other organizations. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service and 10:20 AM for those coming just to worship. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore how Jesus taught and healed people.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary in the front pews. This week we explore Pentecost Sunday and celebrate as a church family. We are so excited to share in this special time together!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What do we celebrate on Pentecost?

  • What stands out to you as you hear the story of Pentecost? What are you wondering?


We are back on for our youth gathering this week, but this time with a special guest! Jenn Edic will be joining us to share about her experience in Benin, and we are excited to hear more about her friends on the other side of the world. We'll have lunch and wrap up at 1:30pm as usual. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay