Weekly Updates 05.03.2024


  • Our gardening project has been postponed to Saturday, May 18th, from 9am-1pm. We especially need strong diggers and folks with shovels on the front end of the time frame. We are grateful for Renee and Brian leading this fun time of communal landscape beautification. Text “plant” to 626.727.9498 if you can make it for any amount of time. Mark your calendars!🌸🌵

  • Ready for fun while you serve in our nursery or kids classes? Join the Family Ministry Training on Saturday, May 4th, from 11am-1pm in the Southside Room. Pastors Lindsay and Mary will go over how they thoughtfully connect with kids of all ages during worship. Lunch provided. Thanks for considering this fun way to partner in nurturing the community at FBCP! Text “train” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP for the training, and email Pastors Lindsay and Mary with questions.

  • End the afternoon with some music in the front yard of the Ellis home. Bennett shared a gratitude last week about the excitement of putting on a musical show with other neighborhood kids, and his family was kind enough to share this flyer if anyone is interested in attending from 3-6pm. Bring a blanket and enjoy!


  • Our Spring Sunday School classes continue through May 19. Details can be found here. Email Pastor Chip with questions.

  • Come get a copy of Pastor John Jay’s first book(let)! Ordinary Theology is a condensed treatment of the core beliefs motivating the leadership of our church community, written from the context of the primary teaching pastor. We printed these booklets small enough to fit in your back pocket or purse/fanny pack, and the costs have been covered by the Foundation (many thanks). We printed a few hundred in this first run, so plenty to go around. This booklet is just the beginning in a series of public writings for our church community and beyond, so keep your eyes peeled for more writings in the months ahead. If you love what you read, take a second copy and share with a friend. Yay books!

  • Name Tag First Sundays—we invite you to find the table in the lobby on each first Sunday of the month and write out your name as a step towards learning new faces and meeting new friends.

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30am as we partake in communion together (note: crackers are gluten free)! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join the all-church potluck in the gym after worship this week. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This Sunday, May 5th, is our all-church potluck after worship in the gym. Thank you to our Volunteer Crew Kathy, Carol, Susan, Matt, Cindy, Michael S, Mary W, Rich, Dave E, Cindie and Eric. The church will provide drinks and desserts for this Cinco de Mayo potluck, and we encourage you to bring a main dish for 8-10 people to share if you can.

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is soup/chili/stew.

Coming Up

  • Movie producer and FBCP member Bruno invites us all to a sneak peek showing of his latest project Why in the World on Friday, May 10th, at 6pm in the Chapel. This movie explores the deeper questions of life, and Bruno can’t wait to hear your thoughts!  In it, two friends follow a wise, slightly eccentric homeless man who they hope will show them the meaning of life.  Armed with nothing in their quest but five basic questions, they cross more than 50 countries in search of answers, piling one uproarious misadventure on top of another as they seek to crack the code of existence. Text “movie” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. See you there!

Also in May

  • We invite all women to enjoy a five-minute complimentary massage on Mother’s Day, May 12th. Massage chairs will be set up in the back of the sanctuary and will be available throughout the service.

  • Pastor Lindsay and team are so excited to begin fixing up the youth room to make it more inviting and useful for gatherings. If you want to help, we could use some help in a few ways. First, we are collecting used (but in good condition) picture frames of various sizes and styles. If you have any you don't want anymore, they would gladly take them! And if you're a pro at thrift stores and happen to see any there, they would gladly take those, too. Second, they are planning a work day to rip out carpet and paint the walls. Lastly, if you would like to prepare some lunch or snacks for the work day, that's another way you could join the fun. If you're up for helping, join the group on May 18th! More details to come, but you can text “paint” to 626.727.9498 to let Pastor Lindsay know you want to help. Thanks for supporting our growing youth as they reimagine their space and all the ways they can share it with the congregation at large! 

  • You’re invited to our next FBCPride Group Meeting on Sunday, May 19th, from 5-7pm in the Southside Room. We always enjoy our potluck together, so please sign up here if you are able. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP if you are new, and email Kevin and Sally if you have any questions. This group is open to the LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies ages 16+.

  • Calling all service-oriented folks to our final recruitment meeting for our October missions trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. Pastor John Jay would love for you to join him on this trip! We’ll gather for lunch after worship on Sunday, May 26th, for about an hour to nail down details and solidify our team. The cost for this week-long trip will be about $1000 plus your airfare. Text “Oaxaca” to RSVP for the 26th.

  • Join us as we pray for our global servants around the world for 30 minutes after worship on Sunday, May 26th, in the Parlor. We use this time to remember our FBCP-supported American Baptist servants in Mexico, Lebanon, Turkey and Thailand as they love and support others around the world and share the light of Christ through service.


  • Help us prepare for our Blessing of Graduates on Sunday, June 2, as we take time to honor and celebrate our graduates of all ages. Please fill out this form if you are graduating at any level high school or above so we can include you in the blessing!

  • Help give the gift of life! Sign up to participate in the American Red Cross’ Blood Drive FBCP is hosting on Sunday, June 2nd, in a mobile clinic parked on Holly St. from 9 am - 3 pm. Schedule an appointment here: June 2nd Blood Drive Sign-up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave.)

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Sundays through 5/19 | 9-10am

  • Grief Group | 5/5 at 9am | Room 214

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 5/19 at 12pm | Parlor

  • FBCPride Group Meeting | 5/19 at 5pm | Southside Room

  • Holy Walkamolies Hiking Group | 5/25 | 9am | TBD

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 5/26 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

5/05 - All-Church Potluck
5/10 - All-Church Movie Screening
5/12 - Mother’s Day Massages
5/19 - Spring Sunday School Ends
5/19 - FBCPride Group Meeting
5/26 - Prayer for Global Servants
5/31 - 55+ Group Event
6/01 - Pasadena Pride Flag-Raising Event
6/02 - Blessing for Graduates

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community