Outdoor Church Update

Friends at FBCP,

Today John Jay and Ruthie bring you some really important updates about Outdoor Church and what to expect this Sunday for worship. Make sure you watch the video for all the details! Our hope is to continue gathering safely as long as we are able to do so. Here are the most important highlights regarding our agreements for safety (aka loving each other well):

  • Ensuring proper use of masks that cover nose and mouth completely

  • Allowing extra space between people (aim for more like 10ft)

  • Reduced chairs that are more spaced out in the seating area

  • Remaining in car if you are able to drive in

  • Heading home when the service ends rather than mingling with other households

  • Washing hands extra frequently

  • Staying home if you are not well or have any symptoms of COVID

You’ll also hear some news about our Advent Album, including an online listening party next Thursday night. We are so excited to share the album and all the stories behind it with you! More reminders and updates will be coming in the regular Friday post. We pray you stay safe and healthy.

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming

Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming
From tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse's lineage coming
As men of old have sung.
It came, a flower bright,
Amid the cold of winter
When half-gone was the night.

Isaiah 'twas foretold it,
The Rose I have in mind:
With Mary we behold it,
The virgin mother kind.
To show God's love aright
She bore to men a Savior
When half-gone was the night.

This Flower, whose fragrance tender
With sweetness fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor
The darkness everywhere.
True man, yet very God,
From sin and death He saves us
And lightens every load

Family Liturgy Reminders

Hey, Friends!

Thank you for being so flexible at the last minute and attending our Drive-By Advent party! Our Liturgy for Families with Kids is back on for this coming Saturday at 10:30AM, and we are so pumped! We heard from most of our families, but you can still fill out this quick RSVP form if you didn't have a chance to yet. (But please know that we will welcome all on Saturday morning, no matter what!)

We will also be collecting gifts for the Friends In Deed Gift Drive, so don’t forget to bring yours on Saturday! Thanks to all who have been able to sign up. We still have spots left if you want to participate.

And Corrie has been designing our fun postcards for our family liturgies, and we are so grateful to her! You can watch the postcard design unfold in the little video below. Enjoy!

And for those who tune into our weekly videos, we had to take this week off for good reason. Some of you may remember that Pastor Mary has a brother-in-law, Rand, who is battling cancer, and this weekend he had some more complications arise. Pastor Mary spent time with her sister and made herself available to help—that was just where Jesus needed her to be. Thank you for praying for Rand and for Pastor Mary's family as they continue to walk this tough journey together with God. Your prayers are felt and appreciated so much!

We love you and are praying for you this week—and we hope to see you Saturday!

Much love,

Pastors Lindsay and Mary

P.S. Oh! I almost forgot! We will be celebrating Chip’s birthday on Saturday, so you are welcome to bring him a card if you want to help wish him a belated happy birthday!

Gift Drive & Secret Santa

Hi, Friends!

We still have two ways you can participate in generosity and gift-giving this Advent season. The first is through our local partner Friends In Deed so that we can bring Christmas joy to the most vulnerable kids and families in Pasadena. The second is a chance to give gifts to one another through a secret Santa exchange. Read on for all the details!

Friends In Deed Gift Drive

Our annual Friends In Deed Gift Drive has a week left, and there are still about 30 kids whom we can bless with gifts! Take a look at the spreadsheet below and let us know if you have any questions about how to sign up. If you need help using the sign-up sheet, click the link provided to watch an instructional video from Shawn and Michael. We will be collecting those at Outdoor Church this Sunday, December 13th. Thanks for being such a generous church and for loving our neighbors well!


FBCP Secret Santa Gift Exchange

Rebekah and Shawn put together a super fun Secret Santa gift exchange for anyone in our church who wants to participate! Sign up on the sheet below to get added to the list of gift-giving fun with our FBCP family.

Thanks for being a generous and fun church, especially this Christmas.

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 38

Hi, Friends!

In light of the recent surge coming off of the Thanksgiving holiday, we met with our COVID Advisory Team in collaboration with the Board to determine the safest and most responsible way forward with our Advent gatherings. After much discussion, we decided to take this weekend off from in-person gatherings. This will allow us to take the time needed to examine and tighten our safety protocol and make sure we have the safest ways to gather going forward. It also allows one more week of distance in case anyone was exposed during Thanksgiving travel. Next week we plan to return to gathering with some extra protocols in place (like increased spacing between seats, temperature checks, etc.). Our goal is to continue to move through advent together as safely as possible.

So, that also means we have decided to postpone the Advent Liturgy for Families with kids by one week, but we still have a special and safe drive-by event happening tomorrow during the time we would have had the liturgy in the park. Read on for all the details!

Saturday, December 5th

We will be at the church tomorrow at 10:30AM with hot cocoa, cookies, and some very special Advent materials for you to use at home. You can drive by anytime between 10:30-11:30AM and pick up your Advent supplies and yummy treats. Our kit has an Advent wreath for you to make and a special devotional just for families and kids. We want you to have it this week so that you can celebrate and "do" Advent well! Drive by on Union Street to pick up all your goodies from the safety of your car.

Saturday, December 12th

We will then have our Advent Liturgy for Families with Kids next Saturday at 10:30AM in the park with all the usual joy and fun. We hope you will join us both Saturdays for the chance to celebrate Advent and connect safely with one another!

Friends In Deed Gift Drive

As part of the Advent liturgy in the park, we are also inviting our families and kids to embrace a spirit of generosity and love for our neighbors. As you may know, each year at FBCP we participate in a gift drive for Friends In Deed. They know the neighbors in our city who are most in need, and we get the joy of buying Christmas gifts for them. This is a fun and special way that we get to love others and remember God's generosity to us. It's simple—just click on the button below to see the sign up sheet and all the instructions. We hope you will take a look at the list of kids and their gift wishes so that you have time to purchase something and bring it to our Family Liturgy on December 12th. Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for being Jesus to other kids in our neighborhood!

Winter Crafts

We've had pretty beautiful weather, but if you are craving some snow and ice then check out these fun activities to help bring winter into the house! In each project, use ice (or creative substitutes) to get hands-on with the “magic” of winter. I love the ice lanterns! 



This week we have another story for Advent and ways you can use your Advent wreath. We hope you will make time to celebrate as a family and really savor the days leading up to Christmas!


This week we will have a Youth Zoom gathering at noon, and we will be sending lunch via DoorDash! Here is the meeting link that you can use to hop on the hangout. Parents, I will send out an email to get their lunch orders.

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary

Phenomenal Friday #48

Today we have some important updates about worship this week and the rest of Advent. John Jay explains it all in the audio below along with some updates about ways you can engage in the Advent season outside of Sundays. See below for a written version of the update.




Hey friends,

Pastor John Jay here. Very important set of updates for you today, so please listen to the end. I am going to share some changes to Sunday worship, and then Pastor Lindsay will share some exciting other announcements. This coming Sunday, December 6th, we will be suspending our outdoor worship service for one week. In its place, we are putting together a special Advent Liturgy for the Living Room. We are also postponing our Saturday family worship in the grass, and will be setting a new December date for that family worship event. Pastor Lindsay will be in communication with our families once we finalize details.

So why the changes and cancelations? Simply put, we recognize that the virus is surging in our area and want to take extra precautions to continue worshipping safely and together. Our Covid Advisory Team in collaboration with our Board and staff met this week over Zoom to adjust our winter plans so that we can keep meeting safely. Our plan is to return to the garage in one week on December 13, with some adjusted expectations and safety measures. We are returning to a more drive-in model of worship, especially for folks who are high risk. We will therefore be reducing our seating area and spreading the chairs out a little further, as well as doing temperature checks on the way into the garage for everyone. We also will be asking everyone to head on home pretty soon after worship concludes to avoid mixing households in close conversation. I get it, we love and miss one another. And we will keep doing everything possible to safely gather for worship together. But we need everyone to continue in our community agreements and practices while in this critical period of time. The end is in sight, so lets all get there together!

So far none of our staff or leadership have gotten the virus, thanks be to God. This has been at great personal sacrifice on the part of these leaders, who all have cut every unnecessary risk out of our lives so that we can continue in our vocational service. Please pray for your pastors and leaders. And pray for one another. The holidays are a season full of heightened emotions, and we want to keep showing up for one another in generosity and love. To do that we will be asking you to embrace our four main practices when in the garage. Please correctly wear a mask at all times when not in your vehicle. Especially we must all give our neighbors at least 6 feet of physical distance when talking. If you have been symptomatic or been exposed to someone who has tested positive, please stay home and listen to our streamed worship service online until you are able to return safely for yourself and others. And continue to sanitize your hands and avoid touching your face often.

Thank you for your support and prayers as we make some adjustments for our continued safety and togetherness.


Sunday Special | EP 38

Hey, Friends!

Our next Liturgy for Families with Kids is this coming Saturday, December 5th, and we are so pumped! We'll have songs, a Bible story, Advent crafts, yummy snacks, and so much joy to share. We hope you can join us for this safe time of worship together! Because we want to be sure to have enough supplies, it would be great if you could fill out this quick RSVP form.  Thanks to all those who have let us know they can join—we get so excited to see you!


For those who tune into our weekly videos, we had to wait an extra day to make this week's episode. You can watch it here! Pastor Mary reads a short book to help us get into the Advent season and focus on hope this week since we lit the hope candle on our Advent wreath at Outdoor Church. You can take time this week to look for signs of hope in your life. Watching the sunrise is one way to remember how the light of Christ invades the shadows—a sign of hope we get every morning. Happy Advent!

Much love,


Pastors Lindsay and Mary

FBCP Families | 37

Hi, Friends!

Yesterday my family and I spent time sharing the things we are grateful for, and you and your families were part of that list! I hope you have been able to find time for rest, play, and gratitude no matter what this holiday week looked like for you this year. We continue to thank God for you and your beautiful families! Read on for information about our upcoming Advent Liturgy for Families with Kids (we are so excited!).

Advent Liturgy for Families with Kids

Our next worship party in the park is Saturday, December 5th, at 10:30AM. We will have songs, a Bible story, Advent crafts, and all the joy and fellowship we need to get into the spirit of Christmas. We hope you’ll join us for this safe outdoor worship experience in our church park! If you know you are coming or hope to come, would you take a minute to RSVP using the link below so that we can make sure to have enough special Advent supplies for all? Thanks!


Friends In Deed Gift Drive

As part of the Advent liturgy in the park, we are also inviting our families and kids to embrace a spirit of generosity and love for our neighbors. As you may know, each year at FBCP we participate in a gift drive for Friends In Deed. They know the neighbors in our city who are most in need, and we get the joy of buying Christmas gifts for them. This is a fun and special way that we get to love others and remember God's generosity to us. It's simple—just click on the button below to see the sign up sheet and all the instructions. We hope you will take a look at the list of kids and their gift wishes so that you have time to purchase something and bring it to our Family Liturgy on December 5th. Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for being Jesus to other kids in our neighborhood!

Advent Devotional

This Sunday at Outdoor Church we will be sharing an Advent devotional made by the folks over at SALT. This year's booklet features poetry by Maya Angelou with weekly prayers and activities to help journey through the Advent season with intention. You can access a digital copy of it here. We hope it blesses you as you prepare your heart for the coming of Christ. (Parents, please note that a an Advent devotional for kids will be given out at our liturgy in the park!)



This week we are sharing a special story to help us begin a thoughtful season of Advent together. Perhaps this year more than ever we need to pay extra attention to all the special (and sometimes strange!) moments leading up to the birth of Christ, and we are excited to be on the journey of Advent with you.


This week we will have a Youth Zoom gathering at 2PM. Here is the meeting link that you can use to hop on the hangout. Our next gathering in the park will be December 6th, so mark your calendars. Keep an eye out for more information about Christmas happenings for youth, too!

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With so much gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary

Happy Thanksgiving from FBCP

Friends at FBCP,

On this Thanksgiving, we are so grateful for our beloved church family and all the ways you love each other well. In case you missed Gratitude Sunday, we wanted to share our staff gratitudes for this community along with a Thanksgiving prayer from Mary to bless your holiday and remind you of God’s goodness. We always thank God for each of you and remember you in our prayers.

Less without you,

The FBCP Staff


Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with thee;
Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not;
As thou hast been thou forever wilt be.

Great is thy faithfulness!
Great is thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed thy hand hath provided.
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love. [Refrain]

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow–
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! 

Advent Liturgy In the Park

Dear Families with Kids,

We are so excited to invite you to our upcoming liturgy in the park on Saturday, December 5th, at 10:30AM! We will have singing, Advent crafts, a Bible story along, and yummy treats, along with all the joy that multiplies when we are together. We can't wait!

As part of that special service, we are also inviting our families and kids to embrace a spirit of generosity and love for our neighbors. As you may know, each year at FBCP we participate in a gift drive for Friends In Deed. They know the neighbors in our city who are most in need, and we get the joy of buying Christmas gifts for them. This is a fun and special way that we get to love others and remember God's generosity to us. It's simple—just click on the button below to see the sign up sheet and all the instructions. We hope you will take a look at the list of kids and their gift wishes so that you have time to purchase something and bring it to our Family Liturgy on December 5th. Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for being Jesus to other kids in our neighborhood!

We know that Christmas will be different this year, but our love for you and the gift of Jesus will only continue to grow. We can't wait to celebrate and prepare our hearts to receive the baby born in a manger!

With joy,

Pastors Lindsay and Mary