Sunday Special | EP 37

Happy Sunday, Friends!

Today we have a video about gratitude because God seems to think that thankfulness is really important. We read a special book and have a time of giving thanks for our FBCP families. Oh—and there's also information about how to develop a super power! Feel free to wear a superhero cape as you watch.

Parents, we know that the holiday season might be a reason for your young ones to feel disappointed, sad, and maybe even angry. We pray that they will have space to be honest about their feelings (or in fancy terms, to lament) while also starting a regular practice of gratitude to help them stay rooted in God's love and hope. You might even consider making an "Appreciation Station" in your home: just put out a jar, some note cards and pens, and each day reflect on what was worthy of appreciation. Write it down and place it in your jar, remembering that it usually takes us 21 days to form a habit. See how this practice affects your family, and don't forget that writing is more powerful than just thinking it to ourselves! (See this post for inspiration.)

We are so thankful for you!

Much love, 

Pastors Lindsay and Mary

FBCP Families | 36

Hi, Friends!

We had so much fun with our families last Saturday at our liturgy in the park! Thanks for those who were able to join us for a morning of worship, fun, and gratitude. Make sure you see the info below about our next park liturgy (yay it's almost Christmas season!). As Thanksgiving approaches, we know that this year holds a lot of loss in terms of holiday celebrations and time with loved ones. We pray that the practice of gratitude gives you peace and joy this week and that you know how loved and important you are to us at FBCP.  We thank God for each of you!

Advent Liturgy for Families with Kids!

Our next worship party in the park is Saturday, December 5th, at 10:30AM. We will have songs, a Bible story, Advent crafts, and all the joy and fellowship we need to get into the spirit of Christmas. We hope you’ll join us for this safe outdoor worship experience in our church park! I’ll be sending out an RSVP link soon so that we can make sure to have enough special Advent supplies for all.

Holiday Cooking and STEM

One of the best parts of the holiday season is cooking (or eating!), and KiwiCo has some great ideas for teaching your kids about STEM as you make yummy creations in the kitchen. Here's to learning as we cook!



This week we are making a video about gratitude in honor of Thanksgiving week. We have a special book to read, too, and some ways to develop your own super power in the midst of challenging circumstances.


This week we are gathering safely in the park at 10:15AM! We will continue to practice safe physical distance, wear masks, and use hand sanitizer. After our regular time together we will head up to the garage for the Gratitude Celebration with the church at large. Hope to see you Sunday!

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary

FBCP Families | 35

Hi, Friends!

YAY! It's time for our next Liturgy for Families with Kids tomorrow at 10:30AM, and we hope you will be there! We'll gather in the church park for an outdoor and safely-distanced worship event full of song, stories, activities, and the joy of being together. Bring blankets, water bottles, and masks—we'll provide the rest! 

Serving Our Pasadena Neighbors on Thanksgiving

If you are looking for a different way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, then you might want to look into volunteering with Union Station Homeless Services. In addition to help preparing and packaging food, they also need volunteers to help serve dinner in a safe way to those who otherwise will not have a meal that night. You can find all the information and volunteer applications here.

Gratitude Activities for Kids

We are called to practice gratitude all year long, but Thanksgiving is the perfect time to start new practices of thankfulness and renew our sense of gratitude. Here's a printable set of practices for kids (and adults!) that might be helpful in your home. We are certainly thankful for our church family!



Because we will worship together in the park tomorrow, we will not have a video on Sunday. We hope you have a beautiful sabbath together and that your family experiences true rest and play!


This week we will have a Youth Zoom gathering at 2PM. Here is the meeting link that you can use to hop on the hangout. Our next gathering in the park will be November 22nd, so mark your calendars. 

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary

Online Safety

Some of you have been receiving emails from an account disguised as John Jay’s, so we want to take this opportunity to address that issue and give some tips and reminders about online safety. Rest assured that the emails are not because of a hack or any kind of account invasion, but rather some kind of phishing scheme. With so much happening online these days, we know how important it is to protect your information. So, here’s a pastoral word on digital safety from John Jay!

Key Points to Remember:

  • All church emails will come from “<name>”, never from gmail or other places.

  • The church will only ask for money via check or through our online giving methods we discuss in the service (not in urgent-sounding emails!).

  • Delete and/or forward any scam emails to a staff member; do NOT respond or open any attachments.

  • John Jay shares other pro tips in the audio, so make sure to listen for those!

Sunday Special | EP 35

Happy Sunday, Friends!

This morning we are excited to share some photos of our fun adventures reverse Trick-or-Treating with our families! 

And we also want to make sure you mark your calendars for the next Liturgy for Families with Kids on November 14th at 10:30AM in our church park. We will have songs, a Bible lesson, a craft, and some yummy things to eat. Best of all, we will be there together Worshipping God!

Much love,


Pastors Lindsay and Mary


P.S. Speaking of worship, this week's teaching was on the tabernacle. We invite you to remember that you can make your own place of worship right at home as a portable sanctuary! Gather whatever helps you worship God—something to play or make music, your Bible, a blanket, some stuff animal friends, a journal or something to write on, coloring sheets, a nice place to sit outside—you can use lots of things to make a space where you can pray, sing, and worship God!