A Year-End Letter

To the congregation of First Baptist Church of Pasadena,

Greetings on the eve of a new year! I want to take a few minutes to share with you what to expect in the coming weeks and months, as well as reflect on all we have endured and nurtured in this impossible year.

But first, I want to extend an invitation to consider any year end financial gifts to your church community. If you want to end your 2020 giving with a special gift or a gift to balance your planned giving, now is the time. You can give by going to fbcpasadena.com/giving and filling the form in on that page. You can also give by texting any amount to (626) 427-0098 and following the steps there. You can also postmark a paper check in the mail by December 31 to have it included on your charitable gifts for 2020. This invitation to give is also an opportunity to practice trust and hope in the face of difficult circumstances. Like my friend Mark Wingfield said in an aptly named recent column, “The best way to finish this dreadful year is with lavish generosity.”

For the next two Sundays, we will be shifting our worship to online only with our Liturgy For the Living Room. As we have shared in previous communications, we need to catch our breath as leaders. We have been pushing hard for a long time, with a final burst of energy for the Advent and Christmas season. Now that we are safely on the other side of this high holy holiday, we want to honor our own limits and create a rhythm of rest and reflection. So we will be sharing audio liturgies for January 3 and January 10, and plan on regathering in the garage for outdoor worship on January 17, 2021. This break from in-person worship also gives our community time to adjust to the ongoing virus surge and any exposure from possible travel and visits. I ask that you pray for the staff and pastors as we take a small step back and gather our strength for the next push toward Easter and summer. If you have lost a practice of joining us for Sunday worship, I want to encourage you to find a way to participate each week. If Sunday mornings do not work for your schedule at this time, then make a plan to listen to the liturgy during the week. A consistent pattern of worship is essential at all times, but especially in a season of such profound disruption and uncertainty, it is crucial to stay connected to God and one another. 

As we move into the beginning of a new year, there are some new shifts and changes that we anticipate. The biggest change for which we are planning: the return to indoor worship in our Sanctuary! We do not have a date in mind at this time, but we want to be ready when the time arrives. So we will be doing some work to the sanctuary space behind the scenes as we approach that day. In the meantime, we will continue with our various ways to engage in worship: outdoor garage worship on Sundays, livestream liturgy online, and ] a version of the recorded liturgy shared for you to engage when you are able. We also plan on maintaining a monthly rhythm of the Family Liturgy in the Park for our families with kids. For the time being, the outdoor garage worship will focus on our drive-in model, where we encourage as many people as possible to stay in their vehicles and participate through your radio and requisite horn honking! We will scale up the outdoor seating area as the virus surge levels off and we can do so with lowered risk. This set of practices and liturgical forms allows us to scale up or down as necessary without significant disruption to our worship life. 

As I have had a few extra hours of sleep, I am reminded of a favorite blessing of mine from John O’Donohue, “For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing.” He says:

You have been forced to enter empty time.

The desire that drove you has relinquished.

There is nothing else to do now but rest

And patiently learn to receive the self

You have forsaken in the race of days.

I feel that deep in my bones, as I know many of you do, too. All of our parents who have been holding up their families and kids while holding down work and their own sanity, we see you. All of our professional leaders and managers who have found creative ways to keep the bottom line from collapsing while keeping as many people employed as possible, we see you. All of our seniors who have been living with heightened risk and watched from a distance as their friends suffer fragile health and intense loneliness, we see you. All of our black and brown friends who have endured a steady uptick in violent rhetoric and brutal news cycles of racism and reopened wounds, we see you. For all of our friends experiencing job loss and the uncertainty of where they will find new work, we see you. We belong to one another, even as this last year has made it difficult to experience that reality. This is where our faith comes into practice, faith that God holds us across great distance, and faith that your church family is holding space for you during our physical absence. 

The next year will be critical for our long term health and vitality. I believe that our perseverance will be honored on the other side of this wilderness, and we will find ourselves in a good land with the bounty of God laid out before us. We already see hints of this with new folks joining our community, with new babies growing up, with emerging opportunities to love our neighbors and with a renewed sense of vision and mission in a post-plague world. We just have to maintain our trust and generosity toward God, one another and our pastoral leadership. 

There is more to say, and thankfully there is plenty of time for the speaking in the days and months ahead. I hope you will join us in the sharing of the Good News as we experience it. We need your eyes and ears to show us all that we would miss without your presence. 

Less without you,

Pastor John Jay  


He Is Born

He is born, the divine Christ Child;
play the oboe and bagpipes merrily!
He is born, the divine Christ Child;
sing we all of the Savior mild.

Through long ages of the past,
prophets have foretold His coming;
through long ages of the past,
now the time has come at last! [Refrain]

O how lovely, O how pure
is this perfect Child of heaven;
O how lovely, O how pure,
gracious gift to humankind! [ Refrain]

Jesus, Lord of all the world,
coming as a Child among us;
Jesus, Lord of all the world,
grant to us Thy heavenly peace. [Refrain]

Sunday Special | EP 42

Happy Sunday, Friends!

Today we wanted to read a story called The Light Gift, an artistic collaboration of Ann Voskamp and her family. It's a fictional story about the birth of Jesus and our call to share light and love with others in all we do—for whatever we do for anyone else, we do for the coming King. We invite your kids to grab some snacks and cuddle up to listen to the story.

We pray that you are able to experience the light of Christ and then share it with the world like Leona, always ready to treat others as we would treat Jesus. Thank you for already being a light to us!

Merry Christmas and so much love,


Pastors Lindsay and Mary

P.S. To learn more about the book and its creation, you can check out this post.

FBCP Families | 51

Hi, Friends!

Merry Christmas! Though this year was not what we would have planned, I do hope that you were able to celebrate the birth of Christ in a meaningful way yesterday. May the joy and hope of Christmas continue to dwell in you as we look to a new year ahead. I am so grateful that we get to worship and follow Jesus together as a church family!

Creation in Photographs

I came across this post today and had to share it—so much goodness in God's creation and in seeing photographs of it! Here's the intro to the post, which features the best nature photos of the year (and, it turns out, looking at those photos is helpful to keeping us grounded in peace!): 

While traveling is not on the table at this point in our pandemic lives, looking at nature photography can also provide a form of mental escape. Various studies have shown that it has soothing effects and helps our brains that are on their way to 2020-induced overdrive to calm down.

Click here to check out all the nature photos!



This week in our video we read a special book about Christmas called The Light Gift. We discovered this story recently and love the way it ties in all the special elements of the nativity. And, of course, if you can make it to Outdoor Church, we will see you there!


This week and next week we will have a Youth Zoom gathering at 2pm. Here is the meeting link that you can use to hop on the hangout. We hope to see you there for some post-Christmas fun!

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary

FBCP Updates and The Star of Bethlehem

Friends at FBCP,

Today we have some important announcements to share with our community.

News about Harold Lane

Today we learned of the death of Harold Lane (91 years old), our Pastor Emeritus at FBC Pasadena. Pastor Lane was the pastor of First Baptist Church from 1978-1994. We will be sharing more information about his memorial service, as well as sharing some personal memories of Pastor Lane in the coming days. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Christmas Eve Service

We will gather in the garage for an outdoor worship service on Christmas Eve at 5PM. The service will include communion and the sharing of the light. We hope you will join us if you are able, but we will also have a livestream of the service for those listening online.

The Star of Bethlehem Tonight

Click the audio below to hear a special word from Brian about the Christmas Star that you can see in today’s early evening sky. Head on outside!

Grace and peace to you on this Monday evening.

Less without you,

John Jay and the FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 50

Hi, Friends!

We had such a blast with you last Saturday at our liturgy in the park! Thanks for bringing so much joy and the Christmas spirit to our church family, and thank you for participating in the Friends In Deed gift drive in support of our neighbors in Pasadena. We hope you are having fun thinking of all the names for Jesus and remembering that Jesus knows you by name, too. And if you're lighting your Advent wreath this week, it's the candle for love. As you think about love this week, know that we love you and are so grateful we get to belong to one another!

Gifts to Make at Home

If you're looking for fun gifts that kids can make at home, check out these ten ideas from KiwiCo. (I love the tin lanterns and the no-bake cookies!) It's also a great time to encourage kids to use their imagination to recycle items around the home to make something new and fun for someone else. Happy creating!



This week we are sharing a special photo video of our liturgy in the park last week, and it's set to a song from our newly released Advent Album (which you can get a copy of here). We hope you enjoy seeing the faces of FBCP friends and hearing the voices of our church!


This week the youth have a gathering in the park, and this week we are having our version of our annual youth Christmas party! We have safe activities planned where we can remain distanced and masked but still experience the Christmas spirit together. We hope to see you around 10:15am, and we will end by 12:30pm. See you there!

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary

Phenomenal Friday #50

Highlights from Today’s Audio:

  • We are worshipping in the garage this Sunday and following these safety protocols in an effort to love each other well:

    • Wearing masks properly anytime we are out of our cars or have our windows down

    • Giving each other ample distance

    • Washing hands and using hand sanitizer

    • Staying home if we are not well

    • Limiting the time we spend mingling before and after service

  • The Advent Album is available! See the link below to order a copy or stream it online.

  • We will have an outdoor worship service on Christmas Eve! More details forthcoming.



FBCP Advent Updates

Friends at FBC,

Today we have important updates to share with you about Outdoor Church, a super fun online listening party, and ways to posture ourselves during Advent. Listen to the audio for all the info and a pastoral word from John Jay.

Less without you,



The Advent Album

We have multiple ways for you to access the album, including a CD and digital formats. We are giving these as a gift to the FBCP community, and you can get a CD at Outdoor Church or via the mail. You can also listen for free on Spotify if you have an active account. However, if you want to purchase one as a donation to Friends In Deed, we have multiple options for you to do so. Head on over to the album page to order a CD or purchase on Amazon and iTunes streaming apps. There’s also a button you can click to make a donation of any amount directly to Friends In Deed. Thanks for passing on your generosity in our gift economy.


The Album Listening Party

This Thursday night at 7pm we will be hosting an online listening party to share tracks from The Advent Album and hear about that magic that went on behind the scenes to produce it. The music makers will be there to help tell all the stories behind the album, and we hope you will join us as we listen and celebrate the gifts of collaboration and song!

Link for Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 884 1611 1813
Passcode: 440228
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88416111813#,,,,,,0#,,440228# US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbWZDDu3iK


Tonight we share Paul on the harp. As you set aside time to listen, we pray that you are able to hear the voice of Jesus, remembering His promise to be our light and our joy.

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"Come unto me and rest;
Lay down, O weary one, lay down
Your head upon my breast."
I came to Jesus as I was,
So weary, worn, and sad;
I found in him a resting place,
And he has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one,
Stoop down, and drink, and live."
I came to Jesus, and I drank
Of that life-giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,
And now I live in him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"I am this dark world’s light;
Look unto me, your morn shall rise,
And all your day be bright."
I looked to Jesus, and I found
In him my star, my sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk
Till trav'ling days are done.

Phenomenal Friday #49


We are back in the garage this Sunday for worship at 10:30AM, and we have increased our safety protocol to make sure we can continue to keep one another safe. These gatherings are a vital part of our life as a church, so we take these agreements as serious acts of love and responsibility to each other. Thanks for helping us keep the following precautions in place:

  • Ensure proper use of masks that cover nose and mouth completely.

  • Allow extra space between people (aim for more like 10ft).

  • Remain in car if you are able to drive in; those who need to sit in the pedestrian area will see a new arrangement with seats more spaced out.

  • Head home when the service ends rather than mingling with other household. This will also help our volunteer team who will be taking down the sanctuary setup.

  • Wash hands extra frequently at home. We will have sanitizer at the garage.

  • Stay home if you are not well or have any symptoms of COVID.


We are super pumped to share songs from our Advent Album in our worship service this Sunday! There are so many individuals from FBCP who have poured their talent and time into the album, and we can’t wait for you to hear all the special elements. Some of the songs will be played live and others will be straight from the album. We hope you will join us if you are able as we reflect on Advent at this special service.


This is the week to bring your gifts if you can come to the garage for worship! Remember to bring the unwrapped gift to church with the child's ID# attached. The easiest way to attach the child's ID# is probably by writing it on masking tape and sticking it to the gift. If you need help getting your gift to us, please reach out to Pastor Gretchen.


We have albums ready to give you on Sunday, and we can’t wait! You can preorder one and pick it up on Sunday if you will be at the garage or we can ship them to you. Click the link below to check out all the fun stories behind the album and to order a digital or CD copy.



FBCP Families | 49

Hi, Friends!

Thanks for being so flexible as we adjusted the date for our Family Liturgy. We had so much fun seeing you at our drive-by Advent event and hope that you have been leaning into the wonder and anticipation of the season with your Advent wreath. We hope to see you tomorrow!

Advent Family Liturgy

As announced, this Saturday, December 12th, we have our Advent Liturgy for Families with Kids at 10:30AM. We will have all the usual elements but some increased safety protocol to make sure we love each other well and gather responsibly to worship. Some of you have reached out to ask about our protocols, especially as numbers continue to increase, and we are grateful for your thoughtfulness and love. Because our kids are a lower risk group and we can gather outdoors with plenty of fresh air and physical distance, we feel confident hosting the liturgy and know it’s a vital part of staying connected. Thanks for all the ways you have been so respectful of one another at our previous liturgies. Y’all are just the best!

Here are some important reminders and additions to note in preparation for our time:

  • Please make sure you have a mask that fits well and that you wear it at all times.

  • We will have circles in the grass as always, but they will be a little more spaced out. (But don't worry—we will help you all connect with each other!)

  • We are going to provide a to-go snack that you can eat at home (or in the car). We believe that wearing masks and maintaining distance outdoors will keep us all super safe. So, to allow us to keep our masks on the entire time, we will send yummy snacks home with you as you leave rather than eat during the event. While this may feel like a bummer, we are happy to take the extra precaution and make sure we can all participate without any added risk or worry.

  • We make sure all materials we provide are packed with sanitized hands and while wearing masks so that your family liturgy kit is safe and clean. We’ll also have hand sanitizer on hand for anyone who needs it.

Don't forget to bring a blanket or towel to sit on. We are also inviting you to wear your comfy winter pajamas if you would like! We hope to see you around 10:15AM in the church park. Yay!

Friends In Deed Gift Drive

Thanks to all the families who signed up to bring a gift for the Friends In Deed Gift Drive! Please bring your gift with you on Saturday if you are able to join us in the park. Click here if you still want to sign up or need to look at the instructions for labeling your gift

Tips for Holidays During the Pandemic

Kara Powell from the Fuller Youth Institute has some simple tips for keeping things meaningful and low stress as we experience Christmas during the pandemic. These are practices that are good all year long, but they are especially helpful reminders now.



This week we won't have a video since we will be together in the park on Saturday. We also hope you will consider coming to the garage for Outdoor Church on Sunday morning since it's a special service featuring songs from our Advent Album! The service will be a beautiful time of song and reflection in place of our regular candlelight carol service. We hope to see you there if you can join us!


This week we will have a Youth Zoom gathering at 2pm. Here is the meeting link that you can use to hop on the hangout. We will have our next youth gathering in the park on Sunday, December 20th, and it will be a special Christmas gathering. We hope to see you there!

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary