FBCP Families | 06.24.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Kids Camp was a total blast! We explored the transforming power of light and the beautiful ways we were created to shine with God's light, too. We celebrated Juneteenth, did a drum circle, learned some sign language, sang songs, ate delicious snacks, took light photos, planted a church garden, made tree journals, played glow-in-the-dark capture the flag, completed LEGO challenges, hiked a trail by JPL, and used yoga poses to explore our daily themes. We even had puppets visit us! It was total intergenerational fun with our staff, adult volunteers, and youth leaders. Thanks to everyone who made this year such a delight. We love camp!

This Sunday our kids from camp will get to lead two songs in worship. Parents, please bring your kids to the sanctuary at 9:30 AM so we can run through the songs one last time with them. We'll have breakfast treats for parents in the courtyard so that you can also have time to connect and hang out that morning. Yay for kids leading in worship!

Youth Summer Events

Youth parents, keep an eye out for an email with some upcoming events for our youth. Mark your calendars for Monday, July 17, and August 1-4. We are planning some fun hangouts and a potential summer trip for a couple of nights in that first week of August. We'll also be sending out information to our rising youth about when they will make that transition and how we will honor them in worship. Thanks to our amazing youth families for all the ways you bless our larger church community!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. All our kids from camp will begin service in the front two rows. Those who couldn’t make it to camp can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week we will continue our series exploring what it means to live our faith fully embodied and share some more ideas about how we can be light in the world. We'll also celebrate June birthdays. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What can our desires teach us about God, our creator?

  • How can taking a deep breath, eating, and singing be sacred things to do?


This week we are back on for our regular youth programming! Parents can pick up their youth at 1:30 down in the park. Lunch will be provided as always.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 06.23.2023


  • We hope those going to the Dodgers vs. Astros Game will enjoy a fun, safe outing tonight, and Go Dodgers! Meet Pastor Chip at the Metro across the street from the church at 5:15pm, or meet at the game at 7pm. Email Pastor Chip with any last-minute questions.


  • All are invited to join us for a special service of blessing and sending for the Mattesich family on June 24th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. Jeff, Jenny, Henry, and Russell have been a blessing to our church family these past months, and we are grateful to have a time to honor and bless them as they prepare to move to Ventura where Jeff has accepted a lead pastor position. Thank you for praying for this beloved family as they begin a new season. Email the office with any questions.

  • You are invited to stop by the Pasadena Pride event in front of Pasadena City Hall tomorrow between 6-9pm! Help us show our community that we know how to love at FBCP! We will give out bracelets, flyers and candy while we work on making a giant rainbow heart out of post-it notes. Also, to purchase the adorable rainbow balloon shirts you may have seen, click this link to donate $25 if you would like one! We have S, M and L sizes left and proceeds go to help Rainbow Railroad, which helps LGBTQ+ individuals get to safety around the world.


  • Spring Sunday School classes finish up this Sunday, June 25th. Thank you to Rene, Jerry and Gaby for three wonderful classes!

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. Kids from camp will sit together in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This Sunday, June 25th, after worship, the public theology group will host an end-of-the-year wrap-up party. We’ll celebrate our victories, look toward what the future will hold in the fall and beyond, and spend time in fellowship with one another practicing all we’ve learned this year about sharing our stories.

  • We hope you can join the FBCPride Group to wrap up our first year of monthly Pride meetings on Sunday, June 25th, from 5-6:30pm. We’ll have a potluck, games and prizes. You won’t want to miss, and we encourage you to wear your most colorful outfit or the new FBCPride t-shirt!

  • Dribble with us this Sunday, June 25th, with our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7pm in the Gym. Headed by Jason C, this team is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • Also at 7pm this Sunday, we invite you to listen to beautiful classical music played by the Pasadena Summer Youth Chamber Orchestra in the Sanctuary. Our talented friend and cellist Nat Yue will be featured as a soloist in a performance of the Dvořák cello concerto. More information can be found here. You won’t want to miss!

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is peanut butter (or any kind of nut butter).

  • On June 6, the vast and strategic Kakhovka dam on the Dnieper River in southern Ukraine was breached, threatening hundreds of thousands of people across the region and potentially endangering Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. Water surged from the dam, unleashing flooding across the region, endangering around eighty settlements, sparking thousands of evacuations, and triggering warnings of an ecological disaster. The devastation unleashed in the breaching of the Kakhovka dam means that American Baptist Ukrainian partners are beginning again with addressing basic humanitarian needs of shelter, food, and water. Additional relief is urgently needed, and you can support relief efforts online at fbcpasadena.com/giving. Please select "One Great Hour of Sharing" from the drop down menu.

Next Week

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due this Monday, June 26.

  • We hope everyone ages 55+ can join us next Wednesday, June 28th, at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch in the Southside Room! It will be great to continue getting to know one another. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

Coming Up

  • Join us on Sunday, July 2nd, after worship service for a 20-minute prayer circle to pray for our global partners Mel Baggao (Lebanon) and Kit Ripley (Thailand). We’ll meet in the Parlor.

  • Pastor John Jay will be leading his second of three “Healing the Masculine” sessions on July 8th. In this session, we will be studying grief and pain and healthy ways to process these emotions. This work is not limited to men, but it is geared toward people exploring the masculine side of their humanity. We welcome anyone 14 and older because it is better to learn these practices early. There is a $50 fee which goes towards our Deacons Fund to help our church family in need. Please email the office if the cost prohibits your attendance, and we can make other arrangements. Join us at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. Sign-up and payment information is found on the link above.

  • Save the Date for Saturday, July 15th, for an FBCPride group hike. FBCPride members, friends and families are welcome. Details to come!

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Last class 6/25 at 9am

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | On break until 7/6

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 6/25 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 6/25 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

6/25 - Public Theology Meeting
6/25 - FBCPride Party
6/25 - Orchestra Concert
6/26 - Foundation Scholarship Deadline
6/28 - Senior Lunch
7/2 - Prayer for Global Servants
7/8 - Healing the Masculine #2
7/15 - FBCPride Summer Hike Social
7/21 - Movie Outing: Oppenheimer
7/26 - Senior Lunch
8/3 - Healing the Masculine #3

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

Kids Camp

Dear Families,

We are so excited to spend this coming week with your kids! This year's camp is all about light—why God made it, what it can do, and why Christ is called the light of the world. It turns out that light is pretty amazing, so we can't wait to explore it with your amazing kids. There will be delicious snacks, super fun adults and youth leaders, and lights galore. We pray that we finish next week understanding what it means to let our light shine bright!

Here are some things to know as you prepare for the week:

Online Medical Release Form

We are committed to providing a fun and safe environment for your kids. In order to do so, we need you to complete this online form for each of your campers. Please make sure you complete the waiver before Monday morning. Thanks!


Each day camp officially starts at 9 AM with our opening praise and learning session. You are welcome to drop your child off anytime between 8:40 and 9:00 AM. Those who arrive early can play together while we wait for the opening session to start. We'll also have some morning snacks available to get our campers going. Camp ends at 12:15 PM each day.

Check-In and Check-Out

Campers will need to be checked in each morning at the entrance to the park. You can enter off the Union Street side of the church. We'll also confirm each day who will be picking up your child so we make sure everyone gets home safely.

Thursday Excursion

Everyday at camp will be an adventure, but on Thursday we will head out on an en-lightenting excursion! We will still meet at church at our regular time for our praise session. Then we'll pack some snacks and get ready for the day together. We will head out to some nearby nature spots and return at noon. If you have any questions or concerns about our Thursday plan, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Kid Activity Kits for Union Station

As we explore God's invitation to be light in the world, we are inviting campers to help bless the families at Union Station Homeless Services by making activity kits for kids. On Monday we will explain this to the kids and send a sign-up sheet so you can volunteer to bring different items as you are able. We will assemble on Friday, so if you could drop off your items by Thursday, that would be awesome. We encourage you to have your kids help you shop and consider what they would want to use to be creative and have fun. Thank you for helping us spread some light with these kits! 


That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates during camp, but let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. Thank you for allowing us to spend the week with your kids. We love you!

With great joy and anticipation,

Pastors Lindsay and Mary

FBCP Families | 06.17.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Kids camp starts Monday, and we are so pumped to explore light in all its forms with our kids. Thank you to all our volunteers who have signed up to learn and play alongside our kids. It's going to be an awesome week together, and we welcome your prayers for a fun week encountering the light of Christ! Parents, keep an eye out for a special camp email coming today with final details and information as you prepare for Monday.

During camp our kids will be learning two worship songs. The Sunday after camp, June 25th, our kids will get to lead those songs in worship with the congregation. Parents, please bring your kids to the sanctuary at 9:30 AM that morning. We'll have breakfast treats for parents in the courtyard so that you can also have time to connect and hang out that morning. Yay for kids leading in worship!

Celebrate Juneteenth

The City of Pasadena is hosting a celebration of Juneteenth from 11am-3pm at Robinson Park in Pasadena today. Join the community in celebrating the achievements of our African American friends and family. This family friendly event will include music, arts and crafts and food for purchase. See this flyer for more details.

Celebrate Octavia Butler

Today at La Pintoresca Public Library from 1-2 PM, you and your families can discover Octavia Butler's books, life and legacy, and passion for libraries. Be the first to see La Pintoresca's newest portrait, commissioned by our La Pintoresca Library Associates, honoring our neighborhood's homegrown heroine, the Grand Dame of Science Fiction! Refreshments will be provided. See flyer below for more information.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week, in line with the rest of the congregation, we will continue our series exploring what it means to live our faith fully embodied. We'll also have time to create something special for the father figures in our lives. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does it mean to love God with all your heart?

  • What do you appreciate about the father figure(s) in your life?


This week our youth will be off so they can spend time with their families on Father's Day. I apologize for missing that in last week's email. We will be back on for our regular youth programming on Sunday, June 25th. Thanks to all the youth who will join us at camp as leaders!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 06.16.2023


  • All women and girls are invited to our Women’s Brunch tomorrow, June 17th, from 10am-12pm in the Southside Room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear our speaker Gaby Martinez’s story of faith. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Lindsay.

  • The City of Pasadena is hosting a celebration of Juneteenth from 11am-3pm at Robinson Park in Pasadena tomorrow. Join the community in celebrating the achievements of our African American friends and family. This family friendly event will include music, arts and crafts and food for purchase. See this flyer for more details.


  • Spring Sunday School classes continue on Sundays at 9am for two more Sundays. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

    1. Spiritual Values in Literature: Gilead by Rene Scheys (Parlor)

    2. Spiritual Growth by Jerry Brown (Southside Room)

    3. Emotion Management by Gaby Martinez (Room 211)

  • We invite all men to enjoy a five-minute complimentary massage this Sunday. Massage chairs will be set up in the back of the sanctuary and will be available throughout the service.

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to spend extra time with families in honor of Father’s Day, and we will resume our regular lunch and fellowship next Sunday. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is Fruit & Vegetable Juice.

Coming Up

  • Kids Camp starts Monday and goes through Friday, from 9am-12pm. We are so excited and ask you to keep us in your prayers.  Email Pastor Lindsay with anything related to Kids Camp.

  • LA Voice would like to invite you into a deeper understanding of the systemic issues that undergird our community organizing efforts through their summer formation series. The next one is on June 21st for those who are interested.

  • Last chance to join us for the Dodgers vs the Astros game next Friday, June 23rd at 7pm. As of today only 6 tickets left! You can drive and meet us at the game or join a group of us gathering at the church at 5:30pm to ride the metro train in together. Email Pastor Chip if cost is a concern or if you have any questions. Text the word "Dodgers" to 626.727.9498 for info on how to sign up.

  • All are invited to join us for a special service of blessing and sending for the Mattesich family on June 24th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. Jeff, Jenny, Henry, and Russell have been a blessing to our church family these past months, and we are grateful to have a time to honor and bless them as they prepare to move to Ventura where Jeff has accepted a lead pastor position. Thank you for praying for this beloved family as they begin a new season. Email the office with any questions.

  • We’ll have a FBCPride Group booth outside Pasadena City Hall at the Pasadena’s Pride month celebration event on June 24th from 6-9pm. Stop by our booth and say hi, and help us create a huge rainbow heart with post-it notes!

  • On June 25th after worship, the public theology group will host an end-of-the-year wrap-up party. We’ll celebrate our victories, look toward what the future will hold in the fall and beyond, and spend time in fellowship with one another, practicing all we’ve learned this year about sharing our stories.

  • We hope you can join the FBCPride Group to wrap up our first year of monthly Pride meetings on Sunday, June 25th, from 5-6:30pm. We’ll have a potluck, games and prizes. You won’t want to miss!

  • Dribble with us next Sunday, June 25th, with our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7 p.m. in the Gym. Headed by Jason C, this team is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due June 26.

  • We hope everyone ages 55+ can join us on Wednesday, June 28th, at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch in the Southside Room! It will be great to continue getting to know one another.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9am thru 6/25

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | On break until 7/6

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 6/25 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 6/25 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

6/17 - Women’s Brunch
6/18 - Father’s Day (Massage!)
6/19 - Kids Camp (thru 6/23)
6/23 - Dodgers Game
6/24 - Mattesich Blessing Service
6/25 - Public Theology Meeting
6/25 - FBCPride Party
6/26 - Foundation Scholarship Deadline
6/28 - Senior Lunch
7/2 - Prayer for Global Servants
7/8 - Healing the Masculine #2
7/15 - FBCPride Summer Hike Social
7/21 - Movie Outing: Oppenheimer

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 06.10.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Last week it was beautiful to see our kid and adult choirs singing together in worship. What a stunning picture of intergenerational praise and collaboration! Thank you to the kids and their families for making such a special moment possible, and a huge thanks to Cynthia and Pastor Leslie for their gifts of music and leadership with our choirs. I am so thankful for the ways that our congregation comes together in these poignant moments—truly a gift!

Speaking of music, here are some ideas for making instruments from household items. As summer kicks off, I hope your kids find ways to create and discover activities that bring them joy. Happy music-making!

Kids Camp

We hope you saved the date for June 19-23 for our annual kids summer camp! We are focusing on all the ways that God has created us for light and goodness as we explore both literal and metaphorical light. Our summer camp is always an awesome time for our kids to get to know each other and other adults in their church family better. We invite members of our congregation to lead activities based on their own passions and expertise, and this year is going to be a blast! You can still register your kids here! Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. If you are an adult in our community and you want to help with any part of camp, let us know! 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week, in line with the rest of the congregation, we will begin a series exploring what it means to live our faith fully embodied. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does it mean to be created in the image of God?

  • What do our bodies tell us about God's purpose and design for people?


This week our youth are invited to join the rest of the church at our potluck after worship. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 06.09.2023


  • Austin-based musician Jon Guerra will be playing a concert at FBCP tonight at 7pm in the Chapel. He’s a super-talented Christian singer-songwriter in a contemplative prayer music style. Tickets are $20 and can be found here, or simply show up and let them know that you’re with the church to receive a reserved free ticket. Here’s a couple songs for you to enjoy:  Citizens & Lord's Prayer.Yes tha


  • The FBCPride Group hopes you can all join us at the Altadena Walkabout tomorrow, June 10th. This event is an LGBTQ pride month celebration, which promotes resources and acceptance in the local community. At 11am, we will be meeting at the corner of Lake Ave. & Mariposa St. to walk along the shops together. Another opportunity is to pop by our booth between 3-6pm at the Altadena Senior Center, say hi, and check out the many other resource tables around our community. Email pride@fbcpasadena.com with any questions.


  • Spring Sunday School classes continue on Sundays at 9 a.m. through June 25th. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

    1. Spiritual Values in Literature: Gilead by Rene Scheys (Parlor)

    2. Spiritual Growth by Jerry Brown (Southside Room)

    3. Emotion Management by Gaby Martinez (Room 211)

  • It’s potluck time! If you’re able, please bring a dessert (A-G), main dish (H-Q), or side or salad (R-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. The hospitality team will be happy to take your dish before service begins. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Youth are invited to join us for potluck in lieu of our regular gathering after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Dribble with us this Sunday, June 11th, with our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7 p.m. in the Gym. Headed by Jason C, this team is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • Calling graduates of all ages! We would love to honor you this week in service and we will ask all educators to join us up front as we pray for you.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is Cereal.

Coming Up

  • Happy 40th birthday to our Lead Pastor John Jay Alvaro! Take a quick minute to wish him a special Monday, June 12!

  • All women and girls are invited to our Women’s Brunch on Saturday, June 17th, at 10 a.m. in the Southside Room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear our speaker Gaby Martinez’s story of faith. Text “brunch” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Lindsay.

  • Kids Camp is around the corner, June 19th-23rd, from 9am-12pm. This year we will explore how God created us to shine with light and goodness. There are so many ways God has infused creation with light, both literally and metaphorically. We are excited to tap into the light of Christ as we hang out, learn, and create with one another. If your kids have other friends who want to get to know our church community, you are welcome to invite them—and adults, let us know if you’re interested in volunteering.  Sign up here and email Pastor Lindsay with anything related to Kids Camp.

  • LA Voice would like to invite you into a deeper understanding of the systemic issues that undergird our community organizing efforts through their summer formation series. The next one is on June 21st for those who are interested.

  • Join us for fun and fellowship at the Dodgers game against the Houston Astros on Friday, June 23rd, at 7pm. Tickets are $25 each—they are going fast, so reserve your ticket soon if you’d like to join us. You can drive and meet us at the game or join a group of us gathering at the church at 5:30pm to ride the metro train in together. Email Pastor Chip if cost is a concern or if you have any questions. Text the word "Dodgers" to 626.727.9498 for info on how to sign up.

  • All are invited to join us for a special service of blessing and sending for the Mattesich family on June 24th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. Jeff, Jenny, Henry, and Russell have been a blessing to our church family these past months, and we are grateful to have a time to honor and bless them as they prepare to move to Ventura where Jeff has accepted a lead pastor position. Thank you for praying for this beloved family as they begin a new season.

  • We’ll have a FBCPride Group booth outside Pasadena City Hall at the Pasadena’s pride month celebration event on June 24th from 6-9pm. Stop by our booth and say hi, and help us create a huge rainbow heart with post-it notes!

  • On June 25th after worship, the public theology group will host an end-of-the-year wrap-up party. We’ll celebrate our victories, look toward what the future will hold, fall and beyond, and spend time in fellowship with one another, practicing all we’ve learned this year about sharing our stories.

  • We hope you can join the FBCPride Group to wrap up our first year of monthly pride meetings on Sunday, June 25th from 5-6:30pm. We’ll have a potluck, games and prizes. You won’t want to miss!

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due June 26.

  • As we continue to pray for those in Ukraine and the ongoing war, we wanted to share a recent update from one of our American Baptist Global Servants who is serving in the region. Kristy Engels is a trained pediatric nurse who went to Hungary and Ukraine in late January 2023 to serve alongside partners who provide mobile medical clinics to IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) living in shelters in the far-western regions of Ukraine near the Hungarian border. She also held a well-child clinic at a nearby church one evening so that parents could bring their kids after they finished work. You can read her poignant reflection on her experience and how to continue praying in her recent update.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9am 4/23 thru 6/25

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | On break until 7/6

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12pm | 6/25 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7pm | 6/11 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

6/9 - Jon Guerra Concert
6/10 - Altadena Pride Walkabout
6/11 - Church Potluck
6/17 - Women’s Brunch
6/18 - Father’s Day (Massage!)
6/19 - Kids Camp (thru 6/23)
6/23 - Dodgers Game
6/24 - Mattesich Blessing Service
6/25 - Public Theology Meeting
6/25 - FBCPride Party
6/26 - Foundation Scholarship Deadline
6/28 - Senior Lunch
7/8 - Healing the Masculine #2
7/9 - Prayer for Global Servants
7/21 - Movie Outing: Oppenheimer

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 06.03.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

I sure missed you last week, but I had a really rich and meaningful retreat experience. Thanks to Pastor Mary, Michael, Karin, Cynthia, and Chip for their extra help so that I could be off. I am so excited to worship with you this coming Sunday, especially since your kids will be singing in service! As you know, they have been practicing "Way Maker" each week with Cynthia and have been sounding so good. Please bring your kids at 9:30 AM this Sunday so they can rehearse in the sanctuary and be ready for the morning. We'll have coffee and breakfast snacks for parents in the courtyard during that time so you can hang out together. Please note that all kids who are singing will sit in the first two rows together at the start of service and then can sit with their families after we are done singing. Thanks for your help in allowing our kids to lead worship in song!

Kids Camp

We hope you saved the date for June 19-23 for our annual kids summer camp! We are focusing on all the ways that God has created us for light and goodness as we explore both literal and metaphorical light. Our summer camp is always an awesome time for our kids to get to know each other and other adults in their church family better. We invite members of our congregation to lead activities based on their own passions and expertise, and this year is going to be a blast! You can register your kids here. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. If you are an adult in our community and you want to help with any part of camp, let us know! 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship—Pastor Mary will have that ready in the lobby, and it's always a favorite activity for our kids (and youth!). Any kids who are coming early with parents attending a Sunday School class can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM. You might want to have some discussion this week about how your kids are experiencing church and our worship service. It's a great time to let them ask questions, too!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What part of worship was most memorable for you this week? What made it stand out to you?

  • Why do you think  we begin each service with gratitudes? 


We are excited to have our regular youth gathering after worship this week! Parents can pick up their youth at the park gate on Union Street at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 06.02.2023


  • Our men’s ministry hopes you can join us for breakfast tacos tomorrow, June 3rd, from 9-10 a.m. before Pastor John Jay’s “Healing the Masculine” seminar. It will be a great time of food and fellowship, and we promise to have coffee, too!

  • Pastor John Jay’s first of three summer sessions on “Healing the Masculine” starts tomorrow. These sessions build upon one another, so it is best to attend all three. This work is not limited to men, but it is geared toward people exploring the masculine side of their humanity. We welcome anyone 14 and older because it is better to learn these practices early. The sessions will be held on June 3rd, July 8th, and August 5th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Chapel. Sign up and payment information is found on the link above, or you may come to the Chapel a few minutes early and sign-up at the door.


  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee and scones with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. this Sunday, June 4th, in his office (enter on Holly St.). Sign up by texting “coffee” to 626.727.9498. Come with any questions or comments and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • Spring Sunday School classes continue on Sundays at 9 a.m. through June 25th. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

    1. Spiritual Values in Literature: Gilead by Rene Scheys (Parlor)

    2. Spiritual Growth by Jerry Brown (Southside Room)

    3. Emotion Management by Gaby Martinez (Room 211)

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service and a special time of singing with the choir. Our youth are invited to join us for worship and for our regular youth gathering and lunch afterward. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our Yarn Crafts Group will meet again after service this Sunday, June 4th, in the Parlor. They will continue finishing a special project, and after this week the next meeting will be on June 25th. Text “yarn” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new!

  • Calling all graduates! Let us know what you studied and where you are graduating from on this form. We would love to honor all the graduates during worship service on June 11th.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry item is Buyer’s Choice.

Coming Up

  • On June 9th at 7pm, Austin-based musician Jon Guerra will be playing a concert with his wife, Valerie, in the Sanctuary. He’s a super-talented Christian singer-songwriter, less Sunday worship and more Monday morning contemplative prayer music. Tickets are $20 and can be found here. Here’s a couple songs for you to enjoy: Citizens & Lord's Prayer.

  • The FBCPride Group invites the church to attend the Altadena Walkabout next Saturday, June 10th. This event is an LGBTQ pride month celebration, which promotes resources and acceptance in the local community. For more information about the pride group, text “pride” to 626.727.9498, and for more information about the event, click here for a flyer. We’ll have a booth at the 3-6 p.m. resource table event and hope to see you!

  • It’s potluck time! Join us after worship in the Gym on Sunday, June 11th, for one of our favorite traditions. Potlucks are a special time for us to come together as church family and meet a new friend or say hi to a dear one. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a dessert (A-G), main dish (H-Q), or side or salad (R-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Dribble the ball next Sunday, June 11th, with our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7 p.m. in the Gym. Headed by Jason C, this team is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • All women and girls are invited to our Women’s Brunch on Saturday, June 17th, at 10 a.m. in the Southside Room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear a speaker share her story of faith with us. Text “brunch” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Lindsay.

  • Kids Camp is around the corner, June 19th-23rd, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. This year we will explore how God created us to shine with light and goodness. There are so many ways God has infused creation with light, both literally and metaphorically. We are excited to tap into the light of Christ as we hang out, learn, and create with one another. If your kids have other friends who want to get to know our church community, you are welcome to invite them—and adults, let us know if you’re interested in volunteering.  Sign up here and email Pastor Lindsay with anything related to Kids Camp.

  • Last week, the Public Theology Group invited you all to the LA Voice Rally to Save SB567. Through our advocacy efforts we were able to get this bill passed through the Senate. LA Voice would like to invite you into a deeper understanding of the systemic issues that undergird our community organizing efforts through their summer formation series. The next one is on June 21st for those who are interested.

  • Join us for fun and fellowship at the Dodgers game against the Houston Astros on Friday, June 23rd, at 7 pm. Tickets are $25 each. You can drive and meet us at the game or join a group of us gathering at the church at 5:30 pm to ride the metro train in together. Email Pastor Chip if cost is a concern or if you have any questions. Text the word "Dodgers" to 626.727.9498 for info on how to sign up.

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due June 26.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9 a.m. 4/23 thru 6/25

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12 p.m. | 6/11 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | 6/11 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

6/3 - Men’s Breakfast
6/3 - Healing the Masculine
6/4 - Coffee + Conversation
6/10 - Altadena Pride Walkabout
6/11 - Church Potluck
6/17 - Women’s Brunch
6/18 - Father’s Day (Massage!)
6/19 - Kids Camp (thru 6/23)
6/23 - Dodger Game
6/25 - FBCPride Party
7/8 - Healing the Masculine #2
7/9 - Prayer for Global Servants
7/21 - Movie Outing: “Oppenheimer”

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 05.27.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

This morning I am off to a local but overnight retreat for the weekend, so I will miss seeing you on Sunday. I am grateful for this retreat and the time to listen more intently to the Spirit, which feels right in line with Pentecost Sunday. Thanks to all of our volunteers for helping to lead and serve with kids and youth this week!

Parents, next Sunday, June 4th, our kids will be singing in service. As you know, they have been practicing each week with Cynthia and have been sounding so good! Please bring them at 9:30 AM next Sunday so they can rehearse in the sanctuary and be ready for the morning. We'll have coffee and breakfast snacks for parents in the courtyard during that time so they can hang out together. Thanks for your help in allowing our kids to lead worship in song!

Kids Camp

We hope you saved the date for June 19-23 for our annual kids summer camp! We are focusing on all the ways that God has created us for light and goodness as we explore both literal and metaphorical light. Our summer camp is always an awesome time for our kids to get to know each other and other adults in their church family better. We invite members of our congregation to lead activities based on their own passions and expertise, and this year is going to be a blast! You can register your kids here. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. If you are an adult in our community and you want to help with any part of camp, let us know! 

Youth Families, our summer camp is also a chance for our youth to serve and have fun together as camp leaders. Let us know if your youth is able to join us for the week or part of the week. We love hanging with our youth, kids, and adult volunteers!

New Access Points  

Our new doors and access controls are up and running! Parents, if you still need to get set up on your phone, you can follow the steps below. If your activation link has expired, just email me and I will have a new one sent to you.

  1. Please go here to download the app that works for your phone.

  2. Keep an eye out for an email from ProdataKey Cloud Systems that will have an activation link. If you have the app and you press the link in the email, you should automatically be set up and ready to go. You'll need to enable Bluetooth on your phone for the system to work. 

  3. To enter the door, you just need to have the app open on your phone when you get close to the reader. The phone can remain in your purse or pocket; it just needs to be on your person. You'll hear a click and the door will be unlocked for you. That's it!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. We are excited to celebrate Pentecost with them and to retell the story of the birth of the church.. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What happened on Pentecost?

  • Why is the church important to God?


We are excited to have our regular youth gathering after worship this week! Michael Mann and Cynthia will be leading the group and preparing the youth  to help lead worship at kids camp. Parents can pick up their youth at the park gate on Union Street at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 05.26.2023


  • We are excited to have Riley Taylor joining our FBCP staff as a summer intern from May 27th-August 13th. Keep an eye out for him this Sunday as he joins us in worship. He will be assisting with the Thursday Bible study, Sunday worship team, preaching, music-making, grabbing coffees with people, navigating the metro system, and lots more! Be sure to say hi and welcome him to our church family! To hear an introduction audio recording from Riley, you can click here.


  • Spring Sunday School classes continue on Sundays at 9 a.m. through June 25th. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

    1. Spiritual Values in Literature: Gilead by Rene Scheys (Parlor)

    2. Spiritual Growth by Jerry Brown (Southside Room)

    3. Emotion Management by Gaby Martinez (Room 211)

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the Sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us in thanking Pastor Angel for her amazing service to our congregation as she transitions off staff this week. She had her hand on everything from pastoral care meetings with folks, navigating complex electrical and plumbing updates, to streamlining our computer programs and everything in-between. We are so thankful for who she is and how she has juggled many hats while working on her PhD at Fuller. Thank you Pastor Angel!

  • Our Yarn Crafts Group will meet after service Sunday in the Parlor, and they have a special project to work on together. Text “yarn” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new!

  • Dribble the ball this Sunday with our Easy-Going Basketball Group at 7 p.m. in the Gym. Headed by Jason C, this team is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • Tyler recorded a beautiful reading of this week's scripture, Romans 16. Listen to her collaboration with John Jay here in preparation for Sunday worship.

  • Calling all graduates! Let us know what you studied and where you are graduating from on this form. We would love to honor all the graduates during worship service on June 11th.

  • This week the Friends In Deed food pantry items are soup, stew or chili.

Coming Up

  • We'll be hosting a Blood Drive in the Gym on Friday, June 2nd, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. If you or someone you know is able and willing to donate, please sign up here. We greatly appreciate you joining forces with us to generously give the gift of life.

  • Pastor John Jay will be leading three sessions this summer on “Healing the Masculine.” These sessions build upon one another, so it is best to attend all three. This work is not limited to men, but it is geared toward people exploring the masculine side of their humanity. We welcome anyone 14 and older because it is better to learn these practices early. The sessions will be held on June 3rd, July 8th, and August 5th at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. Sign-up and payment information is found on the link above.

  • Our men’s ministry hopes you can join us for breakfast tacos on Saturday, June 3rd, from 9-10 a.m. before Pastor John Jay’s “Healing the Masculine” seminar. It will be a great time of food and fellowship, and we promise to have coffee, too!

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee and scones with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, June 4th, in his office (enter on Holly St.). Sign up by texting “coffee” to 626.727.9498. Come with any questions or comments and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • The FBCPride Group invites the church to attend the Altadena Walkabout on Saturday, June 10th. This event is an LGBTQ pride month celebration, which promotes resources and acceptance in the local community. For more information about the pride group, text “pride” to 626.727.9498, and for more information about the event, click here for a schedule of the day and here for a map of the route.

  • It’s potluck time! Join us after worship in the Gym on Sunday, June 11th, for one of our favorite traditions. Potlucks are a special time for us to come together as church family and meet a new friend or say hi to a dear one. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a dessert (A-G), main dish (H-Q), or side or salad (R-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Kids Camp is around the corner, June 19th-23rd, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. This year we will explore how God created us to shine with light and goodness. There are so many ways God has infused creation with light, both literally and metaphorically. We are excited to tap into the light of Christ as we hang out, learn, and create with one another. If your kids have other friends who want to get to know our church community, you are welcome to invite them—and adults, let us know if you’re interested in volunteering.  Sign up here and email Pastor Lindsay with anything related to Kids Camp.

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due June 26.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9 a.m. 4/23 thru 6/25

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12 p.m. | 5/28 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | 5/28 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

5/29 - Memorial Day | Office Closed
6/2 - Blood Drive
6/3 - Men’s Breakfast
6/3 - Healing the Masculine
6/4 - Coffee + Coversation
6/10 - Altadena Pride Walkabout
6/11 - Church Potluck
6/17 - Women’s Brunch
6/18 - Father’s Day (Massage!)
6/19 - Kids Camp (thru 6/23)
6/23 - Dodger Game
6/25 - FBCPride Party
7/8 - Healing the Masculine #2

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 05.20.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

This morning I was reading some of the resources I receive in my inbox each week, and an article from the Fuller Youth Institute caught my attention. Steve Argue offers two mantras for ministering to young people, the first being, "Don’t give them answers, receive their questions." It struck me that this idea is right in line with two of our core values as a community: curiosity and generosity. When I think about our ministry to young people, those values shape how we make space to learn with them. When kids and youth come to us with questions—deep questions about faith and life and hope and despair—we can easily try to offer an answer. But as Steve points out, the harder and deeper work is to receive their questions fully, to be curious about what is driving them, and to be humble and generous enough to offer something greater than our own sense of expertise or simplistic answers. I'm grateful that our community is one where our youth can show up fully and know that they belong. Thank you for continuing to receive their questions well. May we all—regardless of age—be brave enough to ask hard questions and to receive them from one another.

Kids Camp

We hope you saved the date for June 19-23 for our annual kids summer camp! We are focusing on all the ways that God has created us for light and goodness as we explore both literal and metaphorical light. Our summer camp is always an awesome time for our kids to get to know each other and other adults in their church family better. We invite members of our congregation to lead activities based on their own passions and expertise, and this year is going to be a blast! You can register your kids here. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. If you are an adult in our community and you want to help with any part of camp, let us know

Youth Families, our summer camp is also a chance for our youth to serve and have fun together as camp leaders. Let us know if your youth is able to join us for the week or part of the week. We love hanging with our youth, kids, and adult volunteers!

New Access Points  

Our new doors and access controls are up and running! Parents, if you still need to get set up on your phone, you can follow the steps below. If your activation link has expired, just email me and I will have a new one sent to you.

  1. Please go here to download the app that works for your phone.

  2. Keep an eye out for an email from ProdataKey Cloud Systems that will have an activation link. If you have the app and you press the link in the email, you should automatically be set up and ready to go. You'll need to enable Bluetooth on your phone for the system to work. 

  3. To enter the door, you just need to have the app open on your phone when you get close to the reader. The phone can remain in your purse or pocket; it just needs to be on your person. You'll hear a click and the door will be unlocked for you. That's it!

Please let me know if you have any questions, and send along any feedback as we try out this new system. We are so thankful to our Foundation and the Earle family for their generous support to make this happen, and to Dave Ekstrand for all his logistical help.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. We are excited to share more stories of Jesus and to work on a creative project for one of our congregants who is sick. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • How can creativity and art help us to love people well?

  • How can we love like Jesus and help  one another when we can't "fix" everything?


We are excited to have our regular youth gathering after worship this week! Parents can pick up their kids at the park gate on Union Street at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 05.19.2023


  • Community Dinners are happening all across town! Thank you to our host homes—Winchell, Ellis, Hoover-Pallais, Kerns, Linscott, Loose and Perera. Enjoy!


  • Our Spring Sunday School classes are in full swing! Simply come to class on Sundays at 9 a.m. through June 25th if you’d like to join a class. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

    1. Spiritual Values in Literature: Gilead by Rene Scheys (Parlor)

    2. Spiritual Growth by Jerry Brown (Southside Room)

    3. Emotion Management by Gaby Martinez (Room 211)

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our next Public Theology meeting is this Sunday, May 21st, after service. We value all voices, and we hope you can join us for lunch in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group, and lunch will be provided. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

  • Our Yarn Crafts Group invites all folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to continue learning and working on individual yarn projects after service Sunday in the Parlor. As members continue to gain practice, we will be able to develop charity projects to give to the community, made with love. Text “yarn” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new. BYO snacks or lunch and be ready to have fun!

  • At our next FBCPride gathering, Pastor John Jay will be sharing some thoughts on desire, embodiment and the masculine/feminine archetypes. We will also explore how repressive forms of religion may have wounded our self-understanding in these areas. Join us this Sunday, May 21st, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new. Dinner provided, though optional donation is appreciated through this link. We hope to see you!

  • This week, the Friends In Deed food pantry items are oil and seasonings.

Coming Up

  • We hope everyone ages 55+ can join us on Wednesday, May 24th, at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch in the church park area off Union St. We’ll be planning ideas for summer fun while we eat!

  • Our Easy-Going Basketball Group continues next Sunday, May 28th, at 7 p.m. in the Gym. Headed by Jason C, this team is for everyone who loves the game but isn’t fresh off the college bench. Email Misterjchen@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • We'll be hosting a Blood Drive in the Gym on Friday, June 2nd, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. If you or someone you know is able and willing to donate, please sign up here. We greatly appreciate you joining forces with us to generously give the gift of life.

  • Pastor John Jay will be leading three sessions this summer on “Healing the Masculine.” These sessions build upon one another, so it is best to attend all three. This work is not limited to men, but it is geared toward people exploring the masculine side of their humanity. We welcome anyone 14 and older because it is better to learn these practices early. The sessions will be held on June 3rd, July 8th and August 5th at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. Sign-up and payment information is found on the link above.

  • Our men’s ministry hopes you can join us for breakfast tacos on Saturday, June 3rd, from 9-10 a.m. before Pastor John Jay’s “Healing the Masculine” seminar. It will be a great time of food and fellowship, and we promise to have coffee, too!

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee and scone with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, June 4th, in his office (enter on Holly St.). Sign up by texting “coffee” to 626.727.9498. Come with any questions or comments and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • The FBCPride Group invites the church to attend the Altadena Walkabout on Saturday, June 10th. This event is an LGBTQ pride month celebration, which promotes resources and acceptance in the local community. For more information about the pride group, text “pride” to 626.727.9498, and for more information about the event, click here for a schedule of the day and here for a map of the route.

  • It’s potluck time! Join us after worship in the Gym on Sunday, June 11th, for one of our favorite traditions. Potlucks are a special time for us to come together as church family and meet a new friend or say hi to a dear one. Based on your last name, if you’re able, please bring a dessert (A-G), main dish (H-Q), or side or salad (R-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here at FBCP. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Kids’ Camp is around the corner, June 19th-23rd, from 9am-12pm. This year we will explore how God created us to shine with light and goodness. There are so many ways God has infused creation with light, both literally and metaphorically. We are excited to tap into the light of Christ as we hang out, learn, and create with one another. If your kids have other friends who want to get to know our church community, you are welcome to invite them.  Sign up here and email Pastor Lindsay with any questions.

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due June 26.

Meals for Tyler

  • Our dear friend Tyler could use extra love as she nurses her knee back to full strength after an injury a couple weeks ago. She is not able to leave her home and we ask for your generous consideration of helping her and her husband Galvin this week with meals. Sign up at this link to take a meal, or send a Door Dash gift card to gntbrewingtonmathis@gmail.com.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9 a.m. 4/23 thru 6/25 | Locations vary

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12 p.m. | 5/21 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | 5/28 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

5/19 - Community Dinners
5/21 - Public Theology
5/21 - FBCPride Meeting
5/24 - Senior Event
5/29 - Memorial Day | Office Closed
6/2 - Blood Drive
6/3 - Men’s Breakfast
6/3 - Healing the Masculine
6/4 - Coffee + Coversation
6/10 - Altadena Pride Walkabout
6/11 - Church Potluck
6/17 - Women’s Brunch
6/18 - Father’s Day (Massage!)
6/19 - Kids Camp (thru 6/23)

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 05.13.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

I know this month is a busy one for many, especially families with kids. With graduations, end-of-year activities, and final exams, there is a lot you are being asked to do and to carry. I pray that your family can find time to rest and take deep breaths in the midst of it all. I look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow as we gather to pause and ground ourselves as a church family. We'll have massages for all the women in honor of Mother's Day, and I am so thankful for the mother figures in our congregation and all the ways you carry God's love in the world. You are loved and appreciated tomorrow and always!

New Access Points  

Last week we had our first trial run with the new security system, and we are ready for everyone to give it a try this week. Parents, if you still need to get set up on your phone, you can follow these steps:

  1. Please go here to download the app that works for your phone.

  2. Keep an eye out for an email from ProdataKey Cloud Systems that will have an activation link. If you have the app and you press the link in the email, you should automatically be set up and ready to go. You'll need to enable Bluetooth on your phone for the system to work. 

  3. To enter the door, you just need to have the app open on your phone when you get close to the reader. The phone can remain in your purse or pocket; it just needs to be on your person. You'll hear a click and the door will be unlocked for you. That's it!

Please let me know if you have any questions, and send along any feedback as we try out this new system. We are so thankful to our Foundation and the Earle family for their generous support to make this happen, and to Dave Ekstrand for all his logistical help.

Kids Camp

We hope you saved the date for June 19-23 for our annual kids summer camp! We are focusing on all the ways that God has created us for light and goodness as we explore both literal and metaphorical light. Our summer camp is always an awesome time for our kids to get to know each other and other adults in their church family better. We invite members of our congregation to lead activities based on their own passions and expertise, and this year is going to be a blast! You can register your kids here. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. If you are an adult in our community and you want to help with any part of camp, let us know! 

Youth Families, our summer camp is also a chance for our youth to serve and have fun together as camp leaders. Let us know if your youth is able to join us for the week or part of the week. We love hanging with our youth, kids, and adult volunteers!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. We are excited to spend time together as we explore God as our heavenly mother and make gifts for the mother figures in our lives. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What do you appreciate most about your mom or the mother figures in your life?

  • What can we learn about God from the love of mothers in our lives?


This week our youth will not meet so that they can spend time with their families on Mother's Day. We will resume our regular youth gathering next week, and we hope you have a wonderful Sunday honoring your moms and mother figures in your life.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 05.12.2023


  • We invite all women to enjoy a five-minute complimentary massage this Sunday. Massage chairs will be set up in the back of the sanctuary and will be available throughout the service.

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to spend extra time with families in honor of Mother’s Day, and we will resume our regular lunch and fellowship next Sunday. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed food pantry item is pasta and pasta sauce.

Meals for Tyler

  • Our dear friend Tyler could use extra love as she nurses her knee back to full strength after an injury last week. She is not able to leave her home and we ask for your generous consideration of helping her and her husband Galvin this week with meals. Sign up at this link.

Coming Up

  • The Public Theology Group invites the church to attend a rally this Tuesday, May 16th, at 5:30 p.m. at Pasadena City Hall to learn about Senate Bill (SB) 567. This bill expands tenant protections and helps preserve existing affordable housing. To learn more about our Public Theology group, text “local” to 626.727.9498, and to learn more about the rally, click here for a flyer.

  • We hope you can join us Wednesday, May 17th, at 6 p.m. in the Chapel to honor and remember our beloved church member Kathy Danowsky. Kathy was part of the FBCP Choir, and they will be offering a piece in her memory.  There will be a reception following the service in the Southside Room.

  • Community Dinners are happening next Friday, May 19th! Spots are full and we hope you signed up, but if not there will be another chance on September 8th!

  • At our next FBCPride gathering, Pastor John Jay will be sharing some thoughts on desire, embodiment and the masculine/feminine archetypes. We will also explore how repressive forms of religion may have wounded our self-understanding in these areas. Join us on Sunday, May 21st, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new. Dinner provided, though optional donation is appreciated through this link. We hope to see you!

  • We hope everyone ages 55+ can join us on Wednesday, May 24th, at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch in the church park area off Union St. We’ll be planning ideas for summer fun while we eat!

  • We'll be hosting a Blood Drive in the Gym on Friday, June 2nd, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. If you or someone you know is able and willing to donate, please sign up here. We greatly appreciate you joining forces with us to generously give the gift of life.

  • Pastor John Jay will be leading three sessions this summer on “Healing the Masculine.” These sessions build upon one another, so it is best to attend all three. This work is not limited to men, but it is geared toward people exploring the masculine side of their humanity. We welcome anyone 14 and older because it is better to learn these practices early. Space is limited, so consider if you are ready to explore this kind of deep work before signing up. The sessions will be held on June 3rd, July 8th and August 5th at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. Sign-up and payment information is found on the link above.

  • Our men’s ministry hopes you can join us for breakfast tacos on Saturday, June 3rd, from 9-10 a.m. before Pastor John Jay’s “Healing the Masculine” seminar. It will be a great time of food and fellowship, and we promise to have coffee, too!

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee and scone with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, June 4th, in his office (enter on Holly St.). Sign up by texting “coffee” to 626.727.9498. Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

  • The FBCPride Group invites the church to attend the Altadena Walkabout on Saturday, June 10th. This event is an LGBTQ pride month celebration, which promotes resources and acceptance in the local community. For more information about the pride group, text “pride” to 626.727.9498, and for more information about the event, click here for a schedule of the day and here for a map of the route.

  • The FBCP Foundation is a separate entity established in 1958 by members committed to contributing financially to the church in the present and future years. Each year the Foundation has some funds set aside to disburse to FBCP members for post-secondary educational scholarships. Members interested in applying for the 2023-24 academic year can apply here. Due June 26.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9 a.m. 4/23 thru 6/25 | Locations vary

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12 p.m. | 5/21 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | 5/28 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

5/14 - Mother’s Day (Massage!)
5/16 - City Hall Housing Rally
5/17 - Kathy Danowsky’s Memorial Service
5/19 - Community Dinners
5/21 - Public Theology
5/21 - FBCPride Meeting
5/24 - Senior Event
5/29 - Memorial Day | Office Closed
6/2 - Blood Drive
6/3 - Men’s Breakfast
6/3 - Healing the Masculine
6/4 - Coffee + Coversation
6/10 - Altadena Pride Walkabout
6/17 - Women’s Brunch
6/18 - Father’s Day (Massage!)

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 05.06.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

We are also happy to announce that we have installed some new doors and a user-friendly entry system for our kid spaces. You probably noticed the new doors on the second floor last week and a small reader installed on our nursery door. We take the safety of our kids seriously, and we have been working for many months to update our access points so that our kid spaces are secure with a seamless system.

This week we are ready for our parents and volunteers to try it out! Because this Sunday is a first Sunday, only our nursery rooms will be used for kids. Next week our parents of older kids will be able to try out the second floor doors. Nursery parents, that means you'll be our first to use the new system. You’ll use the middle door in the nursery wing as usual; there is a small black reader on the door. All other doors will remain closed and locked during childcare hours.

To get set up, you'll need a smartphone. If you do not have one, just let me know and we will make arrangements for you. For smartphone users, follow these steps:

  1. Please go here to download the app that works for your phone.

  2. Keep an eye out for an email from ProdataKey Cloud Systems that will have an activation link. If you have the app and you press the link in the email, you should automatically be set up and ready to go. You'll need to enable Bluetooth on your phone for the system to work. 

  3. To enter the door, you just need to have the app open on your phone when you get close to the reader. The phone can remain in your purse or pocket; it just needs to be on your person. You'll hear a click and the door will be unlocked for you. That's it!

If you need help, we will be available on Sunday to assist. Please let me know if you have any questions, and send along any feedback as we try out this new system. We are so thankful to our Foundation and the Earle family for their generous support to make this happen, and to Dave Ekstrand for all his logistical help.

Kids Camp

Yay! We hope you saved the date for June 19-23 for our annual kids summer camp for ages 5-11 years old. We are focusing on all the ways that God has created us for light and goodness as we explore both literal and metaphorical light. Our summer camp is always an awesome time for our kids to get to know each other and other adults in their church family better. We invite members of our congregation to lead activities based on their own passions and expertise, and this year is going to be a blast! You can register your kids here. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. If you are an adult in our community and you want to help with any part of camp, let us know! 

Youth Families, our summer camp is also a chance for our youth to serve and have fun together as camp leaders. Let us know if your youth is able to join us for the week or part of the week. We love hanging with our youth, kids, and adult volunteers!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship—Pastor Mary will have that ready in the lobby, and it's always a favorite activity for our kids (and youth!). Any kids who are coming early with parents attending a Sunday School class can be dropped off upstairs at 8:50 AM. You might want to have some discussion this week about how your kids are experiencing church and our worship service. It's a great time to let them ask questions, too!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • In a church family, do we all have to agree on everything all the time?

  • How do our differences make us a better community?


We are excited to have our regular youth gathering after worship this week! Parents can pick up their kids at the park gate on Union Street at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 05.05.2023


  • On Saturday, May 6th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel, everyone is invited to attend a short 30-minute recital given by our very own cellist, Nat, and his chamber group, Nth Trio. Nth Trio was selected as one of 20 chamber groups worldwide to compete at the 50th annual Fischoff Chamber Competition, and this recital on May 6th is an opportunity to play for friends and family.


  • Spring Sunday School Classes are in motion on Sundays at 9 a.m., and it’s not too late to join! Our three wonderful classes include Spiritual Growth by Jerry Brown in the Southside Room, Emotions Management by Gaby Martinez in Room 211, and Spiritual Values in Literature: Gilead by Rene Scheys in the Parlor. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for worship and for our regular youth gathering and lunch afterward. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • We will have our FBCP Basics Class after worship service this Sunday, May 7th, at 12:30 pm in the Southside Room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed food pantry item is toiletries including feminine products and baby products.

  • John Jay scored one of the most poignant descriptions of finding meaning in life, an excerpt from John O’Donohue’s To Bless the Space Between Us. Listen here to find out what haunts all of us in our search for vocation, if you missed yesterday’s text.

Coming Up

  • We hope you can join us on Wednesday, May 17th, at 6 p.m. in the Chapel to honor and remember our beloved church member Kathy Danowsky. Kathy was part of the FBCP Choir, and they will be offering a piece in her memory.  There will be a reception following the service in the Southside Room.

  • Sign ups are happening now for Community Dinners on Friday, May 19th! Text “dinner” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. These dinners are a wonderful time to share a meal, and it is a great way to get to know other church members better. We hope you can participate whether you are new or seasoned!

  • Our next Public Theology meeting is Sunday, May 21st, after worship service. We value all voices, and we hope you can join us for lunch in the Southside Room. Text “local” to 626.727.9498 if you’re new to the group, and lunch will be provided. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any food restrictions, please.

  • Our next FBCPride Group will meet from 5:00-6:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 21st. Pastor John Jay will explore the topic of “Gender” to close out our meetings before our June (pride month) party and summer break. Stay tuned for some summer social activities.

  • We'll be hosting a Blood Drive in the Gym on Friday, June 2nd, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. If you or someone you know is able and willing to donate, please sign up here. We greatly appreciate you joining forces with us to generously give the gift of life.

  • Pastor John Jay is starting a monthly summer course called “Healing the Masculine.” During these sessions on June 3rd, July 8th and August 5th at 10 a.m. in the Chapel, he will explore the constraining language many of us have learned around the masculine and strive to teach a more expansive vision. Open to those exploring the masculine side of themselves, ages 14 & up. Cost is $50. If the cost is prohibitive, please email sally@fbcpasadena.com for financial assistance. Registration and payment links are found on the link above.

  • Our men’s ministry hopes you can join us for breakfast tacos on Saturday, June 3rd, from 9-10 a.m., before Pastor John Jay’s “Healing the Masculine” seminar. It will be a great time of food and fellowship, and we promise to have coffee, too!

  • We would like to invite any new folks to enjoy a cup of coffee and scone with Pastor John Jay from 9-10 a.m. on Sunday, June 4th, in his office (enter on Holly St.). Sign up by texting “coffee” to 626.727.9498. Come with any questions or comments, and get to know more about our church through this casual conversation.

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9 a.m. 4/23 thru 6/25 | Locations vary

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12 p.m. | 5/21 in the Parlor

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | 5/28 in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

5/6 - Nat’s Chamber Recital
5/7 - Basics Class
5/14 - Mother’s Day (Massage!)
5/17 - Kathy Danowsky’s Memorial Service
5/19 - Community Dinners
5/21 - Public Theology
5/21 - FBCPride Meeting
5/24 - Senior Event
5/29 - Memorial Day | Office Closed
6/2 - Blood Drive
6/3 - Men’s Breakfast
6/3 - Healing the Masculine
6/4 - Coffee + Coversation
6/10 - Altadena Pride Walkabout
6/17 - Women’s Brunch

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families 04.29.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

The weather finally feels like spring is here and summer is around the corner! We are praying for our families with kids as many of them begin the final month of school with all the events and activities that come at the end of the year. We are also looking forward to our summer camp, and registration is open starting today! See below for details.

We are also happy to announce that we have installed some new doors and a user-friendly entry system for our kid spaces. You'll notice the new doors this week, but we are still getting the system ready for our parents and volunteers to use. Keep an eye out for an email next week with more information. We are excited for the updated security and ease of access for our families! 

Kids Camp

Yay! We hope you saved the date for June 19-23 for our annual kids summer camp! We are focusing on all the ways that God has created us for light and goodness as we explore both literal and metaphorical light. Our summer camp is always an awesome time for our kids to get to know each other and other adults in their church family better. We invite members of our congregation to lead activities based on their own passions and expertise, and this year is going to be a blast! You can register your kids here. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. If you are an adult in our community and you want to help with any part of camp, let us know! 

Youth Families, our summer camp is also a chance for our youth to serve and have fun together as camp leaders. Let us know if your youth is able to join us for the week or part of the week. We love hanging with our youth, kids, and adult volunteers!

Youth Hospitality This Week

This Sunday is a fifth Sunday, and that means our youth are invited to join our hospitality team. They can arrive for our 10:00 AM huddle and then Pastor Chip will get them ready for the morning. It's a fun way for our youth to help us welcome guests and set the tone for a joyful morning together. Email Pastor Chip if your youth is able to join!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. We are excited to spend time together as we continue to explore how Jesus spent his time after the resurrection. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does it mean to be a good leader?

  • What does it mean to be a good follower?

  • When is it hard for you to follow or lead?


We are excited to have our regular youth gathering after worship this week! Parents can pick up their kids at the park gate on Union Street at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 04.28.2023


  • Our Spring Sunday School classes continue this Sunday at 9 a.m., and it’s not too late to sign up. Click here or simply come to class on Sunday. Email Pastor Chip with any questions.

  • Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service (and thank you to those youth who volunteered to help with hospitality this week!). The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us today after worship service for a 20-minute prayer circle to pray for our global partners Mel Baggao (Lebanon) and Kit Ripley (Thailand).

  • Our crafty group invites all folks ages 7 & up (all skill levels) to continue learning and working on individual yarn projects after service today in the Southside Room. As members continue to gain practice, we will be able to develop charity projects to give to the community, made with love. BYO snacks or lunch and be ready to have fun!

  • Our basketball night for folks who just like having a good time continues to meet every other Sunday at 7 p.m. in the Gym. We hope you can join us Sunday night! No RSVP needed.

  • This week, the Friends In Deed food pantry item is rice.

Coming Up

  • On Saturday, May 6th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel, everyone is invited to attend a short 30-minute recital given by our very own cellist, Nat, and his chamber group, Nth Trio. Nth Trio was selected as one of 20 chamber groups worldwide to compete at the 50th annual Fischoff Chamber Competition, and this is recital on May 6th is an opportunity to play for friends and family.

  • We will have our FBCP Basics Class after worship service next Sunday, May 7th, at 12:30 pm in the Southside Room for those who are interested in learning more about our church and/or becoming a member. Pastors John Jay and Chip will go over our history as an American Baptist church and what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Lunch will be provided. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip for more details and/or if you are attending and will need childcare.

  • Sign ups start now for Community Dinners happening on Friday, May 19th! Text “dinner” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. We could still use a couple more host homes, so contact Pastor Chip if you’re interested. These dinners are a wonderful time to share a meal, and it is a great way to get to know other church members better. We hope you can participate whether you are new or seasoned!

Weekly + Biweekly Happenings

  • Spring Sunday School | Weekly at 9 a.m. 4/23 thru 6/25 | Locations vary

  • Thursday Noon Bible Study | Weekly at 12 p.m. | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Biweekly at 12 p.m. | Sunday in the Southside Room

  • Easy-Going Basketball | Biweekly at 7 p.m. | Sunday in the Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

4/30 - Prayer Circle for Global Servants
5/6 - Nth Trio Recital
5/7 - Basics Class
5/14 - Mother’s Day (Massage!)
5/19 - Community Dinners
5/21 - Public Theology Meeting
5/21 - FBCPride Meeting
5/29 - Memorial Day | Office Closed
6/3 - Healing the Masculine
6/10 - Altadena Pride Walkabout
6/17 - Women’s Brunch (updated date)

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

FBCP Families | 04.22.2023

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Happy weekend! I pray that you are able to enjoy the sunny weather and some time to be outside. This week I read an article from The New York Times about the benefits of walking. It was a good reminder of all the ways that our physical bodies are connected to the invisible parts of us (like creativity and joy): "Hippocrates proclaimed that 'walking is man’s best medicine.' The good doctor also knew that walking provided more than mere physical benefits when he suggested: 'If you are in a bad mood, go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood, go for another walk.' He was alluding to what so many who came after would attest, that walking not only nourishes the body but also soothes the mind while it burns off tension and makes our troubles recede into a more manageable perspective." I hope with this beautiful weather that you are able to find some time to walk around. Thanks be to God for spring!

Youth Hospitality Next Week

Next Sunday is a fifth Sunday, and that means our youth are invited to join our hospitality team. They can arrive for our 10:00 AM huddle and then Pastor Chip will get them ready for the morning. It's a fun way for our youth to help us welcome guests and set the tone for a joyful morning together. Email Pastor Chip if your youth is able to join!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. We are excited to spend time together as we continue to explore how Jesus spent his time after the resurrection. We can't wait to see your precious kids!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What was Jesus trying to teach his disciples after He rose from the dead?

  • What did Jesus seem to care about the most?


We are excited to have our regular youth gathering after worship this week! Parents can pick up their kids at the park gate on Union Street at 1:30 PM. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay