in memory of

Harold E. Lane

6.4.1929 - 12.21.2020


Dave and Cindie Ekstrand

Dave worked for Harold from 1979 – 1983, first as an intern and then as the Youth Minister for First Baptist. Harold presided at our wedding in 1987.  Circles intersect in strange ways in the Christian Community. Harold was the pastor that baptized my brother-in-law in Chicago, long before he was my brother-in-law.  He was a people-person, as all pastors need to be. He seemed never to forget a name. In 1990, there were a slew of kids born in the church.  Later, he would come to us and say that Tim “is my favorite!” I am sure he said that to all the parents, but we totally believed him.

Harold engendered loyalty. Our Associate Pastor Randolph Farrar followed him to FBCP from a previous church. He expected a lot from the staff and congregation but was also a pastor to them. Because of his involvement in ABC-USA he empowered staff to take a larger role in Denomination events. We also had some fun as a staff. At the annual Christmas party one year, his White Elephant gift was a can of “elephant stew” that he picked up from one of his trips to Africa. 

 Harold had a fair voice and Randolph had a trained voice, so the three of us would perform “We Three Kings.” Passable, but fortunately well before the ability to record with a smart phone. 

Over the years we saw him change some as well. When we were married Harold told her that slacks were not acceptable for staff wives, she had to wear a dress to Service.  Over the years that requirement relaxed. He also relented from the strict Baptist “no dancing in Church” to allowing a square-dance company come though It had to be advertised as “folk games”. Early on he insisted that all groups that were on a retreat for the weekend must be in the Service on Sunday.  That eventually fell by the wayside.

He had a heart for missions. Our church was always one of the top givers for missions in our denomination. If we were falling short of our pledge for one of the mission offerings, Harold had “his people” that he could call to make up the difference. He encouraged his staff to put together several Youth Mission trips, to Mexico, Oklahoma, and Haiti. He served for many years on the Board of Evangelize China, Paul Szeto’s organization, and traveled extensively with them.

He was a good man, devoted husband and father, and caring pastor. He will be missed.

Paul and Dorcas Szeto

Baptism of Tedd and Christine Szeto (1982)

Baptism of Tedd and Christine Szeto (1982)

Dr. Harold Lane was a close friend of the Szeto family for more than four decades. He baptized two of our three children (Theodore and Christine) at First Baptist Church. He also provided timely pastoral encouragement which motivated both to obtain their Doctoral degrees from UCLA. Dr. Lane was also deeply committed to global mission. He travelled with Paul to many Asian countries for preaching and sharing in various mission conferences. Dr. Lane’s messages blessed thousands of Christian leaders.

During the years of serving the church board, Dorcas was deeply grateful for the partnership of Tom Harris (Church Moderator) and Bob Maase (Prayer Group). Their strong commitment to serve God in church growth impacted many lives.

No words can express the deep grief we have in loosing all three in such a short time. By God’s grace, we will meet again in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Discussion of Global Mission

Discussion of Global Mission

Celebration of Dr. Lane’s 90th birthday (2019)

Celebration of Dr. Lane’s 90th birthday (2019)

Carolyn Demcak

My husband, Frank, was the moderator of the church when Harold Lane was chosen and installed as our new pastor. Tom Harris was either the chairman of the Search Committee or the Deacons as he was a part of the installing team. I remember their picture together. I really enjoyed Pastor Harold Lane as he focused on two priorities: one was to love everyone and the other was to do all he could to help each person receive salvation through Jesus Christ. He had an amazing ability to remember names, which helped grow the church, and he was an eager "hugger" of people. We felt his genuine care for each of us. He liked to perform weddings so he could counsel couples in proper Christian lifestyle and get them to join and attend our church. Our church grew from the new young people from those weddings.

Harold Lane was a good preacher and Bible study leader. Frank and I were in a Bible study with him meeting in different homes and enjoyed the learning time. Dolores was a great wife who was at most things with him like the Bible studies. She complemented him in his ministry and made it stronger. She was active in other facets of church life also, like American Baptist Women's program.

I appreciated how he taught two or three classes at Fuller Theological Seminary in the areas of Baptist history and polity. He had the Fuller seminarians and their families over every Fall at the beginning of the Quarter for lunch and swim time after Sunday Worship. Many liked getting to know him more casually in that way. He would choose some seminarians to be interns at the church where he mentored them in calling on members and visitors, serving communion in worship and to shut-ins and practicing baptizing people. He tried to prepare them to be a pastor when they graduated.

He was a wonderful mentor to many people. One stand out memory was when he said he chose Mary Winchell to be our Children's Minister. I wondered how she would know what to do when she did not attend church in her early childhood. But Harold Lane mentored her so well that she was the longest serving and most creative Children's Pastor we ever had. He Mentored her well and gave her "wings to fly." She did an amazing job and won us an award for the church in our whole denomination which grew 22% over the summer while many other churches had fewer attenders. Mary said everyone had to attend Sunday School and Church worship in order to attend the swim and Bible study during the week. Many children had not seen a pool, so it was a huge draw. Once each summer the children and youth were able to swim with Harold Lane in his pool which was awesome to many. It was a team effort to grow the church and it was great to watch everyone work together in wonderful support for each other.

Harold was active in American Baptist ministries, regional activities and Pasadena ministries. He kept us connected to others as we grew under his leadership. He encouraged us to do activities within the church, so we had all-church Mission dinners, all-church vacation bible school with adults enjoying the lessons, too, plus celebrations for different occasions. Many people were working in different capacities, so we learned to serve joyfully. I thank God for Harold Lane and his family who ministered with him.

Billy Lahpai 

Dr. Lane was a wonderful Pastor. He is my mentor and great friend. We had a Kachin Fellowship from Burma when Dr. Lane was a pastor. I also served as an executive member for all the International Ministries at FBC. We had a great time under Dr. Lane’s leadership. I could go on and on. He will be missed forever.

Steve Hasper

The first time I saw the First Baptist Church building I was attending some denominational event. I recall walking down Union Street and looking at the structure and at those lower windows and thinking, “Wow this is a really big, old building. Glad I don’t have to deal with something like that.” I mention such because, at that season, Dr. Lane was “dealing with” the place; and doing more than dealing with it, he was leading the congregation as a faithful, strong, engaged American Baptist Church. Dr. Lane previously served churches in Indianapolis and Menlo Park. His tenure at FBCP was marked by many accomplishments those of that era can note, among them mentoring numerous interns from Fuller Seminary as well as teaching the Baptist Church history class at the seminary. 

Joyce and I first met Dr. Lane and his wife, Dolores, or Dee as she was known, at Pasadena’s famous Beckham Grill, gone but nor forgotten. I was just beginning my ministry at the church and Tom Harris, who led the search committee that hired me,  wanted me to meet Harold, now retired from his many years of church ministries. So the six of us, Tom and Marcie, Hal and Dee, and Joyce and I had a marvelous meal made all the better by getting to know the Lanes. Harold informed me that they no longer attended the church and would not be attending, except on special occasions, as he did not want to interfere in any way. He repeated this to me on several other occasions as our paths would cross. When I began at the church he had already been retired nine years or so and was the chaplain at Royal Oaks. Actually I wished he would regularly join us in worship. 

I think it was Jerry Sutton, a long time and faithful FBCP member, who told me that when the Lane’s first moved to Altadena and bought their home, it needed a roof. So the men got together and they put a new roof on the house! Not really a barn raising like the old days, but certainly the same idea of friends coming together to help out in a practical way. I must confess I couldn’t picture Dr. Lane on the roof of his house as he always seemed to me quite dignified and to be in a suit.

As I reflect on his life, I do so valuing the moments we spent together, occasionally in his home or at an event. Joyce and I always experienced him as very supportive and encouraging. He was gracious asking how the ministry was going or offering any help or advice I might seek. Thanks be to God for Harold Lane and a life-time of service to God's church and the kingdom. Well done good and faithful service.

Randolph and Pat Farrar

I served with Dr. Lane 1971 (starting as an Intern) through his retirement in 1995. I served with him at Menlo Park Baptist (CA), Indianapolis F.B.C., then at Pasadena F.B.C. (until 1996).

Dr. Lane (later 'Hal') was always an evangelist, and very effective. The Menlo Park Baptist Church grew to over 600 active members. His definition of 'active' was always, Baptized (always Immersion) with a Testimony of Faith in Christ and who would participate in person at Church no less than once a month.

The Indianapolis FBC was a congregation of nearly 1,000 members. Dr. Lane started the ministry there with rededicating a member of the Deacons through re-Baptism (the meaning of "AnaBaptist”). Now that was a way of capturing the attention of the Congregation! This was the start of a completely different direction for this "Old First Church."

At Pasadena FBC, Dr. Lane started during a challenging time. There had been talk about the eventual closing of the building because of lack of finances to provide upkeep. It is my memory that it took 2 years, 8 months to equal the new members through Baptism with those valued elder Saints who passed away. Then the Church really embarked on a Ministry to all peoples.

At one time in the 1980s there were 17 distinct language groups part of the Congregation, with Bible groups and Worship in Kachin (an ethic group from Burma/Myanmar), Spanish, Tagalog (Philippines), Chinese and English.

At the time of Dr. Lane's retirement, the Church had a Sunday School averaging 396 a week, multiple mid-week Bible Studies, a children's weekday program with 60 plus and Sunday Worship (in 3 languages) with average attendance of over 600.

Linda Allsbury

It has taken me too long to be able to sit down and write a memory...mostly because Dr. Harold Lane was such a huge part of my life. I just didn't know where to start or stop. I will do my best to stay concise, while trying to share my respect and love for this Godly man who became like a father to me.

Way back in 1981, I was a 23 year old mom. Our wonderful neighbors, Don and Kay Foster, asked if they could take our 3 year old daughter Andrea, to their church for Sunday school. I had not been brought up with any belief in God, but for a few years, I was feeling prodded to visit a church and learn more. Later I came to know this as the Spirit of God preparing my heart for all He was about to do. The Fosters took Andrea to church many Sundays, but we did not go. Finally after about a year we attended the service together as a family. What a blessing to my heart! I loved everything about our experience, the music and singing, the people who greeted us, and most of all, the scriptures Dr. Lane shared from God's Bible and how it resonated in my soul. We attended for quite a while before I stepped out and wrote on the card in the pew that I wished to have a visit...that I had some questions. Not knowing much at all about how churches worked, I thought that someone might call and meet with us some time in the future. Well we had just arrived home from church that very day and not 10 minutes later, Dr Lane and Rev Farrar were at our door! What a wonderful visit we had. I don't remember what the exact questions were, but I know for sure I felt the presence of the Lord and that my future looked brighter than ever before in my life! The next Sunday, without a word to anyone, as the invitation was made and the music played, with happy tearful eyes I walked down the aisle to Dr Lane to publicly invite Jesus into my heart forevermore. I never looked back! Our lives were changed forever because of Jesus and Dr. Lane was a huge part of His plan.

From that day forward, Dr. Lane was an integral part of my life and my family's life. Exactly one year from my accepting Jesus on April 6, 1984, our son Andrew John was born, That truly was a miracle. 3 weeks later, Dr. Lane was there to perform Andrew's Dedication Service. Dr. Lane baptized me in 1984 and was also the Pastor that Andrea went forward in church to, with Rev. Farrar, to publicly invite Jesus into her heart on February 10th, 1985 at 7 years old She was baptized by Dr Lane in May of 1985. He also baptized our oldest son Shane.

Dr Lane and FBC Pasadena has been a huge part of our family for over 40 years. I was so blessed to have worked together with him on various church boards including the missions board and the executive board. We loved being a part of all of the events, VBS, childrens' camps, mission trips, sunday school classes and so much more. Dr Lane suggested me for a position as a board member for ECF's Ministry. Since the beginning, he encouraged me to always stretch my faith learning and studying His Word, by listening to the Holy Spirit and growing in my relationship with Jesus. I felt God's leading me to accept the position and we served together at ECF for many years. I was blessed by being a part of an unforgettable trip to China with ECF, the Szeto's, Dr. Lane, Nancy Lane and other board members. Our daughter Andrea was also able to travel with us... an experience of a lifetime that we speak of often.

Dr. Lane walked through life with our family. There were some dark times, hard times, that he made better by being His hands and feet and by reminding us that God would never leave us or forsake us. He always reminded us that the Lord would give us whatever we needed to make it through into the light once again as long as we kept our eyes on Jesus. And he was there with us through all the celebrations and good times.. .which were many, like Andrea's admission into Westmont College, which he had encouraged her to strive for when she was 13 years old. He also performed her wedding to Rory, 4 years later after graduating Westmont.

So many more thoughts and memories cross my mind as I write about how the Lord used this amazing man to bless our lives so abundantly. I suppose though, that we will have eternity, when we meet up in our heavenly home, to remember all of the blessed times and the love of Jesus that was shared between us all. I am still able to hear him leading us in singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and feel him with us here until we meet again.

John Allsbury

Throughout my childhood I was blessed to be raised by Godly parents who brought me up in church fellowship. As a young adult I drifted from my church relationship. Although I never lost my faith or my salvation, I did wander far from my fellowship roots in an endeavor to be a successful man of the world. During this time I met and married the love of my life, my precious wife Linda. Although she was a beautiful and genuine person she did not know the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. As the years progressed with the influence of my precious mother she was introduced to Jesus and to the word of the Lord. Still I was rebellious in my returning to a fellowship with church and believers. Possibly a little bit of shame was eating at my desire to seek relationships with fellow Christ followers. As God would have it, between my mother and our dear neighbors Don and Kay Foster, we began attending First Baptist Church of Pasadena. During this period my wife Linda, our daughter Andrea, our son Shane all accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They were baptized by Dr. Lane. In the following years our son Andrew and our adopted son Chris would also accept Christ and make public professions of faith. Although Harold had retired from his position as our pastor, by that time it was definitely his influence and teaching that brought them to the cross. For me personally it was Dr. Lane who walked me through my spiritual growth and a rededication in my life to our Lord. I cannot properly ever verbalize the depth of love and admiration I have for this beloved man of God. Without his ministry and support of myself and our family, I truly do not believe I might have reached the place I am today in my faith and my joy in the Lord. Harold walked with me through some very dark and trying times and gave me the strength to grow and prevail. He shared the joyful times as well while always encouraging me to step out and grow in my service and faith. I praise the Lord for his life, influence, and friendship. I was blessed to continue my relationship with him even after he left First Baptist Church of Pasadena and we moved out of state. Few if any could be the humble shepherd that Dr. Lane was every day throughout his entire life. For me Dr. Harold Lane will always be my pastor, my mentor, and my guide. I look forward to the day we will be reunited for eternity.

Mary Winchell

I knew Dr. Lane when my name was Mary Stewart. In fact, Dr. Lane performed the wedding ceremony when I married Dave and became Mary Winchell in 1983. Dr. Lane also gave me a beautiful gift that keeps on giving! He is the first person to ask if I would be interested in working with children. I told him that I was not sure I even liked kids, but if he was willing to take a chance on me, I was willing to take the job as Children’s Worker at Pasadena First Baptist Church. Thanks to Dr. Lane, I learned that I adore children and have happily worked with them for about 35 years! He always made me feel loved, and that is another gift that keeps on giving!

Myrna D. Funtecha, Ph. D.

I was a guest at the First Baptist Church (FBC), Pasadena in 1987.  I was introduced to the then pastor of the Church, Dr. Harold Lane.  When he learned that I just finished writing a book he suggested a Book Signing at the Church on the next Sunday.  So, I had Book Signing in the lobby of FBC on February 26, 1987, after the service.  I was so impressed with Dr. Lane’s warm welcome.  From that time on, my family and I have faithfully been attending FBC.  My son,

Gilbert, Jr., then 13 years old, practically grew up in this Church.  It was also Dr. Lane who assigned my husband, Gilbert, Sr., to help Mrs. Carolyn Demcack, supervise the Sunday School Classes.  I can say, we all grew up spiritually in this Church.

One Sunday, I overheard an old, little, American, Caucasian lady saying, “Dr. Harold Lane always   makes me feel important when I attend the Church every Sunday,” Perhaps it was because after the service, Dr. and Mrs. Lane would be at the door warmly greeting church goers even for just 5 or 6 seconds, shaking hands, greeting them by first names, and saying things like, “How is the new job?’, “How is your mother?’, How is your son doing in the military?”, “The prayer team and I will continue to pray for you.” etc. 

Surely, I agree with that lady who said Dr. Lane made her feel important.  I must add, “Dr. Lane makes us all feel important in the eyes of God. He shows he cares for everyone regardless of the color of the skin and ethnic background.”

Bunny Boctor

I would like to share with you a few memories about my family’s relationship with Dr. Lane.  Dr. Lane married, buried, and dedicated almost everyone in our big family.

Several years ago, Ramsis and I were planning a vacation trip to Ireland.  Dr. Lane (Hal) met us for breakfast with suggestions on where to go and what to do in Ireland.  By the way, Hal came dressed in Irish clothes all in green!

When my mom, Mary Dunlap, had a serious stroke and was in the hospital, a large group of family and friends gathered there waiting and praying.  Dr. Lane went and got coffee and sweets and served everyone.  He then took my Dad (Orin) to the chapel for prayer.  Dad said it helped him so much.

Dr. Lane was my pastor and my friend and I will always miss him.

Kathleen Victory

Dr. Harold Lane was my pastor for many years. One sweet story comes to mind that I will offer as one tribute to Dr. Lane's life of love and service.

Around my seventh year of being a special education teacher, I had the opportunity to become department chair. At the time, I had no clue as to whether I was interested in the position, or if I even possessed the necessary skills to do the job. I reached out to Dr. Lane during this time and asked if he could meet with me. It may sound silly, but this was a big deal for me to have a "one-on-one counseling appointment with the pastor."

When I met with Dr. Lane one afternoon, I explained the situation and my lack of clarity about how to move forward. I always will be thankful for his simple question to me, "Kathleen, will you touch more lives by taking the position?" With that question, the answer was clear. I stepped into the role of Special Education Department Chair at San Gabriel High School. And God moved in mighty ways . . .

Dr. Lane's impact on me will continue for the rest of my days here on Earth. ️Grateful to have been one in his flock, Kathleen Victory

Karen Veir

I have wonder ful memories of Hal. First of all I was the wedding coordinator for 25 years starting in 1981. Dr lane and I did over 250 weddings together. He was a joy to work with, happy upbeat and always calm! Second I recall our volleyball games. He was a pretty good player, pretty athletic! Third, our times at Royal oaks when I was there to play flute for the Sunday chapel service. Then we would chat over dinner, sharing memories of the great old days at Pasadena first Baptist. I will miss his wisdom and kindness. At last you are back together with Dee and abiding with our Lord and Savior. From Karen Veir, FBC member from 1978- 2009