Sunday Special | EP 37 — FBC Pasadena

Sunday Special | EP 37

Happy Sunday, Friends!

Today we have a video about gratitude because God seems to think that thankfulness is really important. We read a special book and have a time of giving thanks for our FBCP families. Oh—and there's also information about how to develop a super power! Feel free to wear a superhero cape as you watch.

Parents, we know that the holiday season might be a reason for your young ones to feel disappointed, sad, and maybe even angry. We pray that they will have space to be honest about their feelings (or in fancy terms, to lament) while also starting a regular practice of gratitude to help them stay rooted in God's love and hope. You might even consider making an "Appreciation Station" in your home: just put out a jar, some note cards and pens, and each day reflect on what was worthy of appreciation. Write it down and place it in your jar, remembering that it usually takes us 21 days to form a habit. See how this practice affects your family, and don't forget that writing is more powerful than just thinking it to ourselves! (See this post for inspiration.)

We are so thankful for you!

Much love, 

Pastors Lindsay and Mary