Sunday Special | EP 35 — FBC Pasadena

Sunday Special | EP 35

Happy Sunday, Friends!

This morning we are excited to share some photos of our fun adventures reverse Trick-or-Treating with our families! 

And we also want to make sure you mark your calendars for the next Liturgy for Families with Kids on November 14th at 10:30AM in our church park. We will have songs, a Bible lesson, a craft, and some yummy things to eat. Best of all, we will be there together Worshipping God!

Much love,


Pastors Lindsay and Mary


P.S. Speaking of worship, this week's teaching was on the tabernacle. We invite you to remember that you can make your own place of worship right at home as a portable sanctuary! Gather whatever helps you worship God—something to play or make music, your Bible, a blanket, some stuff animal friends, a journal or something to write on, coloring sheets, a nice place to sit outside—you can use lots of things to make a space where you can pray, sing, and worship God!