FBCP Families | Weekday Wonders 6

Hi, Friends!

Yesterday was Earth Day, so many of the resources we are sharing are related to creation. But before we get to those, I want to make sure you make note of our Kid Movie Party (aka a Parents' Night In) this Saturday starting at 5:00 PM. See the details below for more information.

Without further ado, here are some weekday wonders for you that we are excited to share:

New Wonders

All About Recycling at Home

This post has tons of fun ideas about how to help reduce waste at home, and it even links to some fun online games that teach kids about recycling. I love the roles they have for family members to each do their part to cut down on waste and save money, too!

Regrow Vegetables With Water and a Bowl

Did you know you can grow a new head of lettuce and other vegetables with just some water and a container? No dirt required, and it's easy even for those of us who don't have green thumbs. Plus, it's free and super helpful now that our grocery store trips are so limited. Happy super easy gardening!

Nature Art

This post has great ideas about how to make art using items found in nature. You could do Cynthia's guided nature prayer with the family to help get everyone more in tune to creation around your home, and then let the creativity flow! 

Petting Zoo for Instruments

That's right—the Virginia Symphony has curated a virtual petting zoo for instruments, and it's pretty cool! They have a bunch of videos about each of their beloved music makers and some worksheets to go with them. Developed for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade, the videos introduce children to how each instrument makes sound, how they are made, and how they are used within the symphony.

Sunday Specials

Sunday Video

This Sunday Pastor Mary and I will be exploring what it looked like for Thomas to doubt God and what we can do when we doubt, too. We always want our kids and youth to feel allowed to express their doubts and questions when it comes to their faith, and we trust that God knows how to help us get through those times of uncertainty. It should be a fun morning of growing together! Oh, and you can always check out previous Sunday worship stuff at this page on our website.

Youth Hangout

We have had a great time with our youth on Sundays, and we are so grateful that we can stay connected with them. Here is the meeting link that you can use each week to hop on the hangout. Yay for youth—we love you!

Connection Corner

Kid Movie Party/Parents' Night In

Before all of this virus stuff happened, we had originally planned to do another Parents' Night Out this coming Saturday. While we know that parents can't go out, we thought that it would be fun to do a virtual movie night with the kids (and maybe parents can make use of that time, too!). So, this Saturday evening from 5:00-7:00ish pm, all kids are invited to pull up a chair/bean bag/couch/big pillow, grab a picnic dinner, and join us in front of a computer or device for a movie night together while we are apart. We will show the movie from my computer by sharing my screen, so all your kids need is access to Zoom. We are so sad that we can't provide popcorn and delicious treats, but you can certainly bring whatever you want to eat at the party. Pets and stuffed animals are welcome, too. Here is our Zoom link to join the fun. Hope to see you there!

Keep In Touch (safely!)

Pastor Mary and I will continue to reach out to families and make sure you have  what you need, but we are always a phone call, text, or email away! We can pray, tell you a joke, figure out a way to get you supplies, entertain your child so you can drink some coffee—whatever you need. You also will be hearing from someone else in the church who is one of our Connection Team leaders, and they are eager to come alongside you as well. 

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary