Sunday Special | EP 7

Hi, Friends!

Are you finding ways to stay cool? We pray that you are drinking lots of water and staying in the shade! 

Thanks for all your prayers for Brody last week. We have an update on that in our video this morning, which is another look at doubting Thomas and some ways we can deal with our own doubts. This is a very strange time, and it's normal to feel afraid and to wonder if God cares. Join us as we talk all about it and hear a personal story from Pastor Mary about trusting God!

After you watch the video, you and your family members can use the following discussion prompts and activities to apply the lesson—woot!

Talk It Out

  • Recap: What did Jesus say to Thomas after he showed him the scars?

  • Check In With Yourself: How are you feeling this week—does it feel easy to trust God or hard?  

  • Wonder: What are you wondering right now as you think about the way Jesus responded to Thomas?

Apply It

  • Make your own Trust-O-Meter! You can draw a simple one like we had in the video, with one end saying something like "No thank you" and the other end saying something like "I'm all in!" Then think about where you are with your own trust in God. And be honest! God wants you to feel free to say how you are feeling. Then pray for God to help you trust.

  • Ask someone to read with you the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (what awesome names!)  in chapter 3 of the book of Daniel in the Bible. It's a great story about trusting God in a very scary situation. Ask God to encourage you as you read it! Here is an adapted version of the story for younger readers.

  • Watch and sing along with this song about trusting God instead of being afraid. Sing it as a way to help you feel God's love and blessing!

We are praying for you! Please remember to email/call/text with any prayer requests you have.  Happy Easter, friends!


Much 💗,

Pastors Lindsay and Mary