Sunday Special EP 8

Hi, Friends!

Thanks for helping us celebrate Pastor Mary last week! We hope you are finding ways to celebrate family and friends in new and creative ways. We talk about that in this week's video in case you need ideas.

After you watch the video, you and your family members can use the following discussion prompts and activities to apply the lesson—woot!

Talk It Out

  • Recap: How were the disciples trying to go back to their old ways?

  • Check In With Yourself: How are you feeling as you think about what life will be like when we can leave our homes freely again?

  • Wonder: What are you wondering right now as you think about the disciples choice to go back to fishing after Jesus rose from the dead

Apply It

  • Set up a breakfast like Jesus did! Grab any breakfast foods or some bread and fish crackers. Imagine what it would have been like for the disciples to eat breakfast with Jesus after a long night of fishing. Invite anyone in your house to join you and read the story together from John 21!

  • Think about what Pastor Mary said about how she has changed during this quarantine season. Draw a picture or make a list of the ways you have changed, even in small ways, and how you want to stay changed whenever we are out of social distancing. 

  • Jesus was present with the disciples, and that meant the world to them. Is there someone who could use a little drive-by parade or a short visit from a safe distance? Talk to your parents and see if you can think of someone who needs your presence, even if it's over a video call or from the car.

We are praying for you! Please remember to email/call/text with any prayer requests you have.  Happy Easter, friends! 

Much 💗,

Pastors Lindsay and Mary