pentecost, one more time

Today I want to ask you to revisit the Sunday liturgy. The last week has been a lot to take in. It has been for me. I have felt full and joyful watching Barbara and other church friends leading a powerful prayer and protest gathering. I felt pain and indictment at the outpouring of grief from our black brothers and sisters. I have felt my sinfulness, and I have felt our promise. So when I was having a hard time setting down these burdens to rest, I slowed down and listened to our voices in the liturgy. I was again feeling grateful for our staff and their generosity. I needed Pastor Lindsay’s expansive imagination and David’s gentle soundscape. I was reminded of how Corrie’s voice carries her honesty and kindness. I heard the members of our scattered choir as one voice, one body singing. Angel thanked my wife and kids for their labors, which takes someone with keen attention to notice and acknowledge. I needed to hear Lisa invite me to see creation again in all its beauty. Atherton and Ruth’s neighbors still need prayer for safety, so I stopped to do that. Scripture read in the fullness of our diverse languages—how great a blessing is this! Pastor Gretchen teaching me, and her final words were like water. Our friend John whose arrangement of Holy Spirit, that felt like praise and prayer all at once. Paul’s hymn reminded me of how the precious few minutes we spoke each Sunday always lifted my spirits. Warren basically says in the credits what I am trying to say here, only better. So go listen again, or for the first time. You need it. I know I did.

Less without you,

Pastor John Jay

P.S. In our Sunday morning scramble, we missed an important element. We need your help blessing Temna.



Use the form below and we will send your notes his way. And thank you for blessing our friend Temna.