Hi Friends,
Tomorrow is an exciting day as we kick off our Sunday School classes for adults and youth! If you are still interested in joining a class, it's not too late. Childcare is available so that parents can participate, too. You can register here or let us know if you have questions about the different offerings we have. Note that these first classes will last eight weeks, and then a new set of classes will be offered as we continue with future sessions. Read on for more information about our plans for kids during the 9 o'clock hour.
Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 8:50 AM until the end of worship so that parents can also opt to join one of our Sunday School classes. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary.
Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together starting at 8:50 AM, too! We have some different games and activities they can choose from during the adult Sunday School hour, and then we'll transition to our regular Bible lesson and time of play during the worship hour at 10:30 AM. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in and can reunite with their kids in the park after worship. This week we are starting a new series looking at the book of Matthew together. We will begin by thinking about all the people we call "family," whether they are part of our family of origin or chosen friends in our lives. We hope to see your kids there!
This Sunday the youth are invited to join us for worship in the sanctuary followed by fellowship and lunch after the service ends. If they want to come early, they can help with kids, join a Sunday School class, or set up communion. This week the youth will stay in the sanctuary to help put away communion after worship, and then we will head to the parlor for our regular time together. We will plan to wrap up around 1:30 PM. We can't wait to hang with our youth!
With love and gratitude for you,
Pastor Lindsay
P.S. I know the weather isn't sure what time of year it is, but it's October and the fall season is upon us! For those of you with kids who love science and nature, you might have fun trying these fall-themed experiments with things like leaves and pumpkins.