FBCP Families | 11.18.2021

Hi Friends,

It's hard to believe that this Sunday we will be decorating our sanctuary for Christmas at our annual Hanging of the Greens event after worship! You and your families are invited to stay and help (lunch included). As we draw near to the season of Advent, we are excited to enter a time of expectation and reflection together. We'll be sharing some family advent devotional materials on Sundays if you are able to come to church. We hope they are a resource for families with kids—and a reminder that less truly is more! If you aren't able to pick up printed copies, you can still access a digital copy of the family devotional and accompanying poster

Adult Advent Sunday School

During the four Sundays of Advent, there will be one adult Sunday School offering taught by Rene Scheys and John Jay. The class will center on theology and the poetry of Mary Oliver, and it will correspond to a devotional we'll share with the church at large. If you are planning to attend that class, please click here to sign up so we can plan accordingly for childcare . Thanks so much!


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open from 8:50 AM until the end of worship so that parents can also opt to join one of our Sunday School classes. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids five to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together starting at 8:50 AM, too! Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in and can reunite with their kids in the park after worship. Pastor Mary and I have some different games and activities they can choose from during the adult Sunday School hour, and then we'll transition to our regular Bible lesson and time of play during the worship hour at 10:30 AM. This week we continue to turn our focus toward gratitude and those who have encouraged us in the faith. We can't wait to explore what scripture has to tell us about this theme for the next few weeks!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Paul tells the church that when they are anxious, they should pray and give thanks. What does it mean to be anxious?

  • How might praying to God and giving thanks help us when we are anxious?

Children's Choir

For the Candlelight Carol Service, our kids will be singing two songs. Cynthia will be teaching the kids the songs during their regular Sunday morning programming. Here are listening tracks for the songs so they can practice at home: Do You Hear What I Hear? and Go Tell It On the Mountain. Here is a lyric sheet for your reference. In addition, both kids and youth are invited to participate in the nativity. We look forward to an intergenerational service as we reflect on the arrival of the Christ child!


This Sunday the youth will participate in the Hanging of the Greens (it's tradition for youth to help, too!). Lunch will be provided and we'll have a great time getting ready for Advent with all the decorations and Christmas music. Parents are welcome to stay, too! We look forward to an intergenerational time together. 

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay 

P.S. Once again, here are some important dates you can mark for kids and youth:

  • December 4: Youth Christmas Party at FBCP

  • December 11: Candlelight Carol Service Rehearsal 10:30am-12:00pm — Kids and Youth 

  • December 12: Candlelight Carol Service — Kids and Youth arrive by 5:30pm