FBCP Families | 02.06.2021

Hey, Friends!

I hope you are able to enjoy this beautiful weather and all the good sunshine! We are excited to be back in the garage for worship tomorrow but will also share a livestream and a recorded version later in the day. If you're able to join us for garage worship, we have snacks and some activity sheets for your kiddos and we would love to see them, too!

February Liturgy for Families with Kids

It's been so wonderful to gather safely once a month with our families and kids, and we are so excited to have another time of worship and fun this month! The next Liturgy for Families with Kids is Saturday, February 13th, at 10:30AM in the FBCP park. We will maintain our safety protocol with distance and masks so that we can keep each other healthy. And, of course, we will worship God with songs, a Bible lesson, and activities for the whole family. Plus, this month we will also have some Lent materials for kids and families to use at home in the coming months. You can RSVP here to help us plan ahead for supplies. If you want to invite some friends who need a church family to belong to, we would love to have them! Just share this info and our RSVP link so we can have things ready for them, too!

Oh—and don’t forget to bring a warm hat, jacket, or poncho to donate to Friends In Deed if you are able. Those items will go directly to folks who don’t have shelter during these winter months. If you attended the liturgy last month, then remember to bring back your finished blanket, too!

Support Group for Parents Raising a Child with Autism 

Mady Snyder is a part of our church family, and she is going to begin leading a support group for parents raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is particularly looking to create a group with Christian parents, and we are grateful to have someone in our community with the therapy skills and expertise to offer this kind of family support. You can email her at madysnydertherapy@gmail.com for more information or fill out this form to get connected. Feel free to share this with other parents who might be interested, too!



Here is a new family resource you can use to worship and read the Bible with kids at home. It's  a passage from Isaiah 40:21-31, and it includes a fun activity to help kids think about how God cares for people and how we can help one another. We pray you find ways to pray and talk about God in whatever way is fun and meaningful for your family!


This week the youth are back in the park—yay! We look forward to a safe and physically distanced time of fellowship where we can connect with each other and with God. We hope to see you around 10:15AM tomorrow morning!

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary