FBCP Families | 09.11.2021

Hi Friends,

Gavin, Brody, and I are preparing to fly back to Los Angeles today, and we are so grateful for the time we had with Gavin’s family. I am excited, though, to be back with everyone at church tomorrow and can't wait to see you! Today's email is short but has all you need to know for Sunday worship and kids programming. Next week I look forward to sharing a resource for parenting that has been helpful to me. I hope to see you tomorrow!


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 10:10 AM until the end of worship. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. We are excited to continue exploring what it means to be a good neighbor and who our neighbors really are. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate and sign their children in for the morning starting at 10:10 AM. After worship in the sanctuary, parents can reunite with their kids in the park. We will have cups for water but also invite kids to bring a reusable water bottle to use at our filling stations. 


This Sunday the youth are invited to join us for worship in the sanctuary followed by our regular time of fellowship and lunch after the service ends. Youth can head to the lobby to gather after worship, and we will plan to wrap up around 1:30 PM. This week we will continue our exploration of Matthew in conjunction with the new preaching series. We are excited to learn more about Jesus and all that we can discover as we look at scripture together. 

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay (with love from Pastor Mary!)