FBCP Families | 09.10.2022 — FBC Pasadena

FBCP Families | 09.10.2022

Hi Friends,

I'm looking forward to being  with you tomorrow for worship, the book reading, and the LA Voice event. It's going to be a full and fun Sunday! Today there are lots of reminders about upcoming events, so read on for all the details and let me know if you have any questions. We have missed you and are excited to be back with our church family!

Book Reading

You’re invited to join us for a special book reading after worship this Sunday! Our own Bri Johnson-Rinkus wrote a children’s book, and Corrie Alvaro illustrated it. They are excited to share this special story about finding our true worth. We’ll serve a light lunch and then gather in the chapel for the reading and book signing. We'll have some copies of the book for our families with kids, and there will be additional copies available for purchase and to be signed by Bri and Corrie. It’s a story for all ages, and we hope you can join us for this family event with our congregation!

LA Voice Event

(Youth are invited, too!)

FBCP will host LA Voice and partner congregations in the sanctuary this Sunday at 4 pm for LA Voice’s Season of Action Rally related to their city-wide listening campaign and strategic planning for the year. This service is open to all, and youth are invited to attend as well. We expect youth from other churches in the area to be in attendance, and we are eager to explore ways that our youth and adults can come together in some of the work LA Voice has identified as the most critical for the thriving of all people in our region. FBC recently decided to officially partner with LA Voice as part of our local missions strategy, so this is a great opportunity for you to see the unique way LA Voice functions in collaboration with partner congregations and communities. Doors open at 3:30 pm.

All-Church Beach Day!

Join us for a beach day on Saturday, September 17th, from 3-8 pm at Bolsa Chica Beach for games, hanging out, s’mores, and more! This is a family-friendly event and all are invited.  A group will be carpooling from the church. Click here for more information and/or to sign up. You can also sign up on Sunday at the Connections Desk in the lobby.


(Youth are invited!)

Pastor Leslie is assembling a group to play handbells at our Candlelight Carol Service in December, and our youth are welcome to join. She is looking for 8-11 people to participate. It will involve weekly rehearsals beginning Monday, October 3rd, at 7 pm, dress rehearsal on December 10th, and the performance on December 11th. You do not need prior handbell experience to participate, though some basic music knowledge will be helpful. Email Pastor Leslie to sign your youth up.



Please check your kids in with the iPad near the Connections Desk in the lobby as you enter. Someone will be there to help you navigate our online system if that is new to you. It will print out a name tag for your child and a parent tag that matches. Online check-ins are one more way we keep our kids safe. Thanks!

Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 10:15 AM. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship, and then they will be dismissed with their leaders. This week we will continue to explore the ways God has brought us together as a church family with all of our differences and unique gifts. Our kids will get to share more about who they are individually as we celebrate our belonging and connectedness as a group, too. You might consider asking the following questions the next time you share a meal or family time together.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What are ways we can make people feel like they belong at church?

  • What makes a church community different from other groups we belong to?


This week the youth are invited to attend the book reading after worship in lieu of our regular gathering. We hope they can join us for this fun and meaningful event as a church family! We'll be back on for our regular youth gathering next Sunday.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Much love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay