FBCP Families | 11.30.2024 — FBC Pasadena

FBCP Families | 11.30.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

The first Sunday of Advent is upon us, and that means multiple opportunities to gather and engage with the rituals of this liturgical season. I am reminded of the importance of telling the story of Jesus' birth each year as we grapple with the consequences of sin that feel so pervasive—fractured relationships, materialism, poverty, oppression, war, genocide, injustice on every level. The season of Advent invites us to name the suffering in our world, and then it challenges us to hold all of that in light of a God who is neither far nor distant but rather incarnate, right here with us. In Christ we find the light that sparks Hope, Peace, and Joy from the source of Love itself. I am so thankful that we get to move through Advent together and reorient ourselves around the child in a manger. May we be changed by that love this season. I hope to see you tomorrow for worship!

Carol Service

Practice at Home 

Please play these songs for them at home when you can so they can get the lyrics set to memory. You can encourage your child to practice using these listening tracks. Kids in grades 1st-12th will sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" (lyrics here). Kids in K-12th grade will be singing "Joy to the World" (lyrics here—the kids sing the parts in bold) and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" (lyrics here).

Saturday, December 7th: Dress Rehearsal 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM

The kids will get fitted for their costumes for the Carol service, practice singing in the sanctuary, and run through the live nativity. We will provide some snacks! Please bring your child to the Chapel for drop off and pick up.

Sunday, December 8th: Candlelight Carol Service - 5:30 PM

Kids will sing one song in their regular clothing (this is a chance to wear their favorite Christmas outfit!), and then they will change into their nativity costume. Please bring your child to the chapel at 5:30 PM so that we can run through the songs one more time and get kids into place before the service starts at 6:00 PM. We will provide some snacks, too!

Parents of Kindergarteners

Your children are invited to sing and participate in the nativity toward the end of the carol service. They can begin the evening in the nursery. When it is time for them to get into their costumes, we will come and get them from the nursery. It would be a huge help if you could play "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" at home since they won't be able to read all the lyrics during the performance.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will begin to explore the Christmas story as we begin Advent.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship along with some snacks. It will be a beautiful morning together as a church family, and we welcome the presence of our kids in worship. 

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does hope mean?

  • Advent is about waiting and paying attention. How can waiting be good for us even though it is hard?

  • What is your favorite part about the Advent season? 


Our youth will join our congregation for our annual hanging of the greens this week! We'll serve them lunch with the rest of the church and are so grateful they can join this time of working together and preparing for Christmas.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay