FBCP Families | 06.01.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Tomorrow, June 2, our kids and youth will be joining our adult choir in singing during worship. We have been practicing during our regular Sunday time with kids and youth, and you can help them practice at home one last time with this listening track and with these lyrics. We are asking parents to please bring kids and youth to the sanctuary at 9:30 am tomorrow to practice with the choir one last time. All kids who are singing will sit together in the front pews for the start of worship and then can return to sit with their parents after the choir anthem.  We'll have pastries for parents so they can hang out before worship. On this Sunday we will also take time to honor and celebrate our graduates, so it will be a full and beautiful service with a chance to bless those in this milestone moment. I look forward to a full time of worship with your families tomorrow!

Summer Youth Retreat

We are making final arrangements for our upcoming youth trip and can't wait to hang with your amazing kids. In order to secure lodging, we would like to get a head count by next Monday, June 3, if possible. As a reminder, the retreat will take place July 19-21 in the San Diego area. You can register your youth here. Let me know if you have questions about your youth's participation or if cost is an issue. 

Kids Camp Registration

We are already making plans for camp this summer, and registration is now open! Camp will run June 24-28 from 9am-12pm each day. We are excited to help our kids encounter God's love together with people from our church family! Youth families, please note that the youth are invited to help again this year, and this can count for community service hours if they have any requirements through school or other organizations. 

Opportunity for Youth in Worship

Instruments of Praise is a community nonprofit organization based in Pasadena and is part of the Clergy Community Coalition. They would like to invite any musically-talented teens to a training week on the APU campus June 16-22. To learn more, check out their website and share this flyer with a friend!

Promotion Sunday  | August 11

This year our Sunday for kids to move up to an older age group will be on August 11th! We are excited for our kindergarteners and sixth graders to make their transition to our older kids and youth groups, respectively. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer. In the meantime, they can continue to participate and soak up the time with their current groups. Yay for gr



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service and 10:20 AM for those coming just to worship. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore the story of Jesus feeding the crowd.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship—Pastor Mary will have that ready in the lobby, and it's always a favorite activity for our kids (and youth!). This week we will begin to explore our church mission and guiding principles as our new teaching series for summer kicks off. It will be a beautiful morning together as a church family, and we welcome the presence of our kids in worship!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What do you appreciate most about our church?

  • What are some things we do together as a church family? 

  • Why does each person matter in our church family?


This week our youth will join us for our regular gathering after worship. We will wrap up at 1:30pm as usual.  Please note that next Sunday, June 9, our youth will do a special creative project for our youth room during our youth gathering, so please try to make it if you are in town! 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay