Weekly Updates 07.05.2024


  • The Holy Walkamolies group is on the move! This month’s hike is starting earlier (8am) due to heat, and the location has changed to Deukmejian Wilderness Park in La Crescenta (due to road closures at Sunset Ridge). Thanks to Magda for leading a “forest bathing experience” tomorrow morning, July 6th. She is ANFT-certified and will lead the group through a sensory immersive experience, noticing the breeze, the sounds and the movements of the forest. Please RSVP here if you are planning to attend.


  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30am as we partake in communion together (note: crackers are gluten free)! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our Yarn Craft Group welcomes any crafty knitters or crocheters to join the biweekly fun in the Parlor after worship this Sunday, July 7th. Bring snacks to share (optional) and a water bottle. Email Whitney or Justine if you have any questions. 

  • Everyone is welcome to play at our Passive-Aggressive Pickleball meetup this Sunday, July 7th, at 7pm in the gym off Union St. Text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 if you haven’t already. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available; bring your parking ticket for validation and a bottle of water. It is likely to be warm!

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is granola bars and other single-serve items.

Friends In Deed Backpack + Supply Drive

  • First Baptist Church of Pasadena invites you to participate in our partner organization Friends In Deed's Backpack + School Supply Drive thru July 21. Click here to read a list of recommended items to donate. Please bring all items to worship between now and July 21. If you prefer to donate money, visit fbcpasadena.com/giving, select “Friends In Deed” from the drop down menu, and Shawn will shop for you. Email our Ministry Administrator Sally if you would like to arrange a time to drop items off to the office Monday-Thursday from 9am-3pm. Thank you for your participation! 

More in July

  • Our monthly Grief Group will meet on Sunday, July 14th, at 9am in Room 214. It is a space for anyone experiencing grief or loss to be with others in a similar season. Reach out to Jon Rinkus if you are interested in joining this group. Jon is a trained Hospital Chaplain through Fuller and provides a rich space for folks to process grief. 

  • Our youth are invited to enjoy a weekend in San Diego for their Summer Retreat from July 19-21. Parents, remember to register soon to secure your tween/teen’s spot! Church family—we would love help feeding the group attending this retreat! Please consider preparing a meal that the team can heat up while they are in the rental house. Check out this form for more details. Contact Pastor Lindsay with questions.

  • Anyone new-ish to the church is invited to Lunch with Pastor John Jay after worship on Sunday, July 21st. Bring your curiosity and conversation, and enjoy lunch and fellowship in the Southside Room. Text “lunch” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • One of our favorite traditions, Community Dinners, is around the corner on Friday, July 26th, at homes across the city. Text “dinner” to 626.727.9498 to reserve your spot today! Text “host” if you’re up for hosting a dinner. Email Pastor Chip if you have any questions. These dinners of 6-8 folks at each home are a fun way to get to know people in a casual setting.

  • Join us as we pray for our global servants around the world on Sunday, July 28th, after worship in the Parlor. We invite you for thirty minutes of prayer for our FBCP-supported American Baptist servants in Mexico, Lebanon, Turkey and Thailand as they love and support others around the world and share the light of Christ through service.

Dodger Game | Tickets are here!

  • We hope you can join us for Dodgers vs Pirates game on Friday, August 9, at 7pm. You can drive and meet us at the game or join a group of us gathering at the church at 5:30pm to ride the metro train in together. Click this link to purchase tickets, or text “baseball” to 626.727.9498Email Pastor Chip if cost is a concern or if you have any questions. He hopes to know how many folks are going by Monday to confirm our seats with Dodger Stadium—thanks!

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Holy Walkamolies Hiking Group | 7/6 | 8am | Deukmejian Wilderness Park

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 7/7 after worship | Parlor

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 7/7 at 7pm | Gym

  • Grief Group | 7/14 at 9am | Room 214

Six Weeks at a Glance

6/30-7/21 - FID Backpack Drive
7/14 - Youth Swim Party
7/19-7/21 - Summer Youth Retreat
7/21 - Lunch with Pastor John Jay
7/26 - Community Dinners
7/27 - Youth Backpack Sorting at FID
7/28 - Prayer for Global Servants
8/3 - Women’s Brunch

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community