FBCP Families | 07.06.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Happy July! I am in North Carolina visiting Gavin's family, and we are heading for the beach. I pray that each of your families experiences lots of rest and play as summer continues. I am so grateful for the new AC units in our kid spaces as the weather heats up. A huge thanks to Dave Ekstrand, the Foundation, and our electricians for making our rooms comfortable for our active kids and adult leaders! 

Youth Movie Night

Tomorrow evening (July 7) the Jennings family is hosting a youth outdoor movie night at their home. The youth can gather for pizza at 7:30, and then they'll start the movie at 8pm when the sun goes down. You can contact Sara at 626-808-3309 if you have questions. They live at 625 Avocado Ave, Pasadena. Yay for extra youth fun, and thanks to the Jennings family!

Youth Swim Party

The Powells have graciously offered their pool and home to us this summer for some fun in the sun. All youth are invited to come hang out after worship on Sunday, July 14, from 12:30-4 pm. We'll gather after worship and head over to the Powell's for lunch, swimming, volleyball, basketball, and trampoline play. Let me know if your youth can join us so I can get a count for food. I'll send out the address to parents as it gets closer. Yay!

Summer Youth Retreat

As a reminder, the retreat will take place July 19-21 in the San Diego area. We are so pumped for this chance to get intentional time with our youth in a new setting! You can register your youth here. Let me know if you have questions about your youth's participation or if cost is an issue. 

Promotion Sunday  | August 11

This year our Sunday for kids to move up to an older age group will be on August 11th! We are excited for our kindergarteners and sixth graders to make their transition to our older kids and youth groups, respectively. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer. In the meantime, they can continue to participate and soak up the time with their current groups. Yay for growth!


One of our own youth, Judah Alvaro, has started his own tutoring services. If you would like to talk to him about working with your child or to find out more about his areas of expertise, check out the flier below for more information. Yay for youth leaning into their gifts!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service and 10:20 AM for those coming just to worship. This week our nursery kids will explore the story of Mary and Martha.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship—Pastor Mary will have that ready in the lobby, and it's always a favorite activity for our kids (and youth!). It will be a beautiful morning together as a church family, and we welcome the presence of our kids in worship.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does discipleship look like?

  • What are ways we become disciples of Chris together?


We are on for our youth hangout this week! Jensen will be leading in my absence. I look forward to seeing our youth next week!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay