Mid-Week Announcements

Thank you to all who participated in our Listening Sunday discussion time this past week. We truly valued everyone’s voice and received some wonderful ideas and reflections from you all. In lieu of not having our regular announcement time in worship, we’d like to send a few reminders here:

Friends In Deed

This week’s donation item for the Friends In Deed pantry is peanut butter or other nut butters.


  • Our “History in the Gospel” with Jennifer Wolfe Sunday School class is running strong thru October 27th at 9am in the Parlor. Feel free to join anytime! “Spiritual Values in Literature” with Rene Scheys will begin on October 6th. Text “Rene” to 626.727.9498 to sign up for Rene’s class so we can order enough copies of Quarantine.

  • Grief Group meets this Sunday, September 22nd, at 9am in Room 214. A special thanks to Jon for leading this past Sunday School class for so many subsequent months. This will be the last class for a season.

  • Bake Sale—We are adding a Silent Auction for whole-baked items made by Kevin (banana trifle), Saskia (key lime pie), Tina (peanut butter cake) and Jonathan (4-layer gluten-free Cherry Chocolate Black Forest Cake). You may fill out a silent auction form in the Lobby for these items and see if you win! Smaller baked items will be about $5 each and you may use this link to purchase (choose Oaxaca Mission Trip from the drop-down menu). Thanks to bakers of our smaller items for both bake sales: Dave P, Hannah L, Ken & Doreen, Linscotts, Mary W, Ochis and Vivian.

  • Our scripture this Sunday is Philippians 1:1-6.

  • Our FBCPride Group potluck lunch is set for this Sunday, September 22nd, after worship in Room 214. The LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies 16+ are welcome, and you can read more about the group here.

  • Our Passive-Aggressive Pickleball group meets this Sunday, September 22nd, at 7pm in the Gym off Union St. 

Mark your Calendars: September 28th

  • Join us next Saturday at 9am for our quarterly Men’s Breakfast in the Park off Union St. You won’t want to miss the meal or the time of fellowship together. Text “bacon” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Also next Saturday, the Holy Walkamolies hiking group invites you to hike with them at 9:30am. The September hike will be the Trail Canyon Falls in Tujunga. Because this is the same day and time as the Men's Breakfast, this is mainly for the ladies or anyone not planning to attend the Men's Breakfast. If you would like to carpool, meet at church at 9am. Please note that an Adventure pass is required to park there. Please sign up here so Nicole has a head count. Thanks!

Community Movies for Consideration

  • Our community partner The Center for Restorative Justice invites the community to two movie screenings. The first is hosted by Fuller Seminary tonight at 7pm in-person and online titled The Gospel According to Bill Pannell. See a trailer here and register here.

  • The second film is this Tuesday at 5pm, put on by the BJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation, the Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign, and this 30-minute documentary explores how voter suppression is tied to white nationalism and is followed by a discussion on how to combat this oppression. Click here for more information.

We’ll send our regular Friday email at 5pm on Friday with more information. Thanks, friends!