FBCP Families 02.15.2025

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

My youngest child, Emma Kate, has continued to cling more tightly to me as her way of processing all the feelings around the fire and the lack of routine last month. She has cried everyday at drop off (she used to not even say goodbye or look back!), but she always proclaims, "I had a great day!" when I pick her up. It has been a reminder of the extra patience, attunement, and compassion that we all need for one another and ourselves. One of the practices we have done regularly with the youth lately is to ask them to name what they need on a deeper level. Many of them are very tender from the suffering around them and overwhelmed by a desire to change things for the better. They have identified that they need things like strength, peace, balance, love, courage, hope, and release. Our younger kids do not always have language for their needs, so it shows up in tears at drop off. Our older kids can benefit a great deal from having permission to identify and name what they most need underneath all the obvious demands and tasks they have to do. That could be a practice you try as a family—an invitation to reflect and prayerfully name the deeper thing they need in the coming days. I pray that each of your families feels held in ways you can easily recognize this week, knowing it is okay to cling more tightly or shed some tears. Hope to see you tomorrow for worship!

Honoring Pastor Mary

All are invited to appreciate and honor Pastor Mary this Sunday after worship in the gym. We hope you can be there to let her know what she has meant to you as she transitions out of her official role on staff. FBCP will provide Prime pizza and cupcakes, and everyone is invited to write a message in a scrapbook, take a photo, and greet her in a receiving line. I hope you can join us!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will explore peace and the power of calming down.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week the kids will have a fun interactive Bible story, yummy snacks, and good relational time together with Pastor Mary and each other.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Who in your life could use some extra encouragement and blessing, and how might you offer them some support?

  • What are some small ways people have cared for you that made a big difference for your life?


This week our youth will be joining our special lunch to honor Pastor Mary. Next week is an all-church potluck, so we will resume our regular youth gatherings the week after that. We are excited to share in these events where our youth can fellowship with the church at large. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay