Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,
I am excited to share a spiritual practice that I had the gift to learn today. This morning I was able to attend the Black Contemplative Prayer Summit, a virtual summit where Black spiritual teachers and thought leaders facilitated powerful and enriching sessions on prayer and contemplative practices. One of the sessions led by Alfonso "Trey" Campbell included a simple but profound practice of lectio divina using one of Howard Thurman's poems, "I Will Sing a New Song." The poem was written in 1937 in the midst of national and global strife—a familiar descriptor for our own times. I thought I would share the practice here as one you could do with family or friends.
First, we began our session with a time to center and breathe while listening to "Blue in Green" by Miles Davis, which was really grounding. Then this excerpt of the poem was read over us:
I will sing a new song.
I must learn the new song for the new needs.
I must fashion new words born of all the new growth
of my life – of my mind – of my spirit.
I must prepare for new melodies that have never been mine before,
that all that is within me may lift my voice unto God.
The poem was read three times with space to pause and reflect after each reading. The invitation was to notice which words shimmered and resonated, and then sit with those prayerfully. You could have different family members or friends take turns reading the poem. Then make space to share what God prompted and where you might need a new song to sing in this season. For those in the session with me, the poem spoke to multiple layers of experience, from personal situations to global crises. I pray that you and your families feel encouraged by the song God gives you to sing, and may you lift your voice to God with all that is within you. See you tomorrow for worship as we come to lift our voices together!
Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore peace and the power of calming down.
Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit in the front pews with any of the leaders. This week Arielle and the volunteers will be exploring the foundational truth that they are made in God's image and they are tov (good). They are excited to learn and build relationships across generations!
Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:
What can you learn about God when you think about how everyone is made in God's image?
How does it make you feel to know that God calls you good? What questions does that bring up for you?
This week our youth will be joining our all-church potluck. We will resume our regular youth gathering next week. We are excited to share in these events where our youth can fellowship with their larger church family.
Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!
With deep affection for you,
Pastor Lindsay