FBCP Families | Weekday Wonders 7

Hi, Friends!

We send you lots of love in this eighth week apart from each other. Wherever you are, know that we are praying for you and holding you in our hearts. Our gratitude for you in this season has only grown. We pray you feel encouraged and proud of all the ways you have adapted in a very unpredictable and hard time. You are such rockstars, even if you don't always feel like it!

Here are some weekday wonders for you that we are excited to share:

New Wonders

AT-Home Space Travel

NASA has curated some fun and educational resources and activities for people of all ages! Get out of the house and into the galaxies if you need a change of scenery.

Ham it Up!

If you loved Hamilton, then check out all the free resources at EduHam! Through EduHam, students study primary source documents from the Founding Era, learn how Lin-Manuel Miranda used such documents to create the musical Hamilton, and finally create their own original performance pieces based on the same material. EduHam at Home participants will be invited to submit their own Hamilton-inspired pieces (songs, raps, spoken-word poems, or scenes), and selected student performances will be shared on social media and this website.

Reminders for families

Eight weeks in, you may have a good rhythm down at home. You also may be hitting a wall or finding that you still could use some strategies to help everyone find a healthy flow together. Here are three simple reminders about keeping things balanced at home.

Journaling through Challenge

This printable journal is one helpful way to help kids process things that are hard and reflect on the ways they are succeeding in a challenging time. It might be a good tool to start meaningful conversations and remind your kids that they can thrive in this challenging season even when things feel like failures. 

Sunday Specials

Sunday Video

This Sunday Pastor Mary and I will be exploring the story of Jesus' third appearance to the disciples. It involves lots of fish and some bread, so if you have any fish crackers or a loaf of bread, feel free to gather some before you watch! Oh, and you can always check out previous Sunday worship stuff at this page on our website.

Youth Hangout! 

We have had a great time with our youth on Sundays, and we are so grateful that we can stay connected with them. Here is the meeting link that you can use each week to hop on the hangout. This week we are delivering food to our youth since we normally would share a meal. We hope it reminds you how much we love and miss you! 

Connection Corner

Kids can Spread 💗

There are many folks in our church who were homebound before social distancing began or who live alone, and they could use an extra boost of love. We would love for our kids and youth to help encourage those church family members with a note or drawing. Please use the button below to get all the information you need to help brighten someone’s day and help our church stay connected!

Safe Visiting

We are offering some individual connection times next week! If you would like us to visit you over Zoom or from a safe distance in front of your home, let us know. We would love to "see" you in some way! 

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary