FBCP Families | Weekday Wonders 4

Hi, Friends!

This Sunday is Easter, and we are filled with anticipation for it. But first we have to get through Thursday and Friday, which have their own meaning and intention as we remember the journey Jesus made to the cross. Today is Maundy Thursday, which is when we remember when Jesus established the practice of communion. It’s also a day we typically focus on the practice of foot washing, remembering Christ’s call to serve one another with humility as He served the disciples. The daily encouragement will be a chance to reflect on the meaning of today. If you want an extra activity to observe Maundy Thursday, you might want to bake some unleavened bread. The ingredients are super simple, but baking it can be full of meaning as we remember Jesus' days leading up to his death and resurrection.

Without further ado, here are some weekday wonders for you that we are excited to share:

New Wonders

Kids can Spread Love!

We have some folks in our church who live alone or are not able to be plugged into technology. We want to love them well, and Pastor Mary is working behind the scenes to get letters from kids to our folks who need a little love the old-fashioned way. If your child would like to draw a picture, write a note, or create some other form of love and joy to share, please email us and let us know! We would love to help your kids serve their church in this special way.

Create At Home

This is a fantastic collection of art resources that Pastor Mary shared, and it's full of ways to create at home. It has ideas for integrated, visual, media, performing, musical, and healing arts—so much goodness  The site itself is fun to explore!

Recreate Your Favorite Art

To keep the appreciation for the arts alive, the Getty Museum in Los Angeles asked people to recreate their favorite works of art using household objects. Check it out for a good laugh and an afternoon challenge!

Hot Cross Buns for Easter

Here is a (fairly) easy recipe to make hot cross buns for Easter. Bakers, we would love to see photos of what you are up to during this season! (And could you please freeze some goodies for us to try when quarantine is over?)

Resource Hub

And, of course, our Thriving at Home page is still live and expanding. Let us know if you have something to add.

Sunday Specials

Sunday Video

This Sunday Pastor Mary and I will be ready to celebrate Easter with you over video, and we can't wait! You can watch while wearing your fancy Easter clothes or your pajamas or anything in between. No more details needed besides that. Just get excited! Oh, and you can always check out previous Sunday worship stuff at this page on our website.

Youth Hangout! 

We are still planning to hang out with our youth this Easter if they want to join us at noon! Here is the meeting link that you can use each week to hop on the hangout. Yay for youth—we love you!

Connection Corner

Parent Zoom

We are hosting a parent and kid (and pets) zoom a week from today—next Thursday, April 16,  at 4:00 pm! We hope you will join us to see each other, laugh, and spread some love over zoom. Here is the link. Can't wait to see you!

Keep In Touch (safely!)

Pastor Mary and I will continue to reach out to families and make sure you have  what you need, but we are always a phone call, text, or email away! We can pray, tell you a joke, figure out a way to get you supplies, entertain your child so you can drink some coffee—whatever you need. You also will be hearing from someone else in the church who is one of our Connection Team leaders, and they are eager to come alongside you as well. 

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary