Compassion Camp Info

Join us for Compassion Camp: Be Loved, Be Kind, Be You!

July 12th-August 2nd

We aren't able to host our regular summer camp for kids, but that doesn't mean we can't stay connected, have fun, and grow together. So this summer, we hope you will join us for Compassion Camp!


The theme will be Compassion--for others, for ourselves, and for the world. We feel that compassion is a pretty important thing these days, so we are excited to become a more compassionate church! We are using curriculum from Illustrated Ministry, a super awesome company that designed this camp especially for this season. We are adding in our own touches and are really excited to bring in lots of other church friends to help create content so we can all grow in compassion.


There are three sessions in the program, and each session will take a week. Content and links for videos will be emailed to you weekly. Interactive videos will introduce a new idea/session every Monday, and you and your kids will have the week to complete the crafts and activities as you choose using pre-recorded videos. Our hope is that your family will be able to participate at your own pace and do what is most fun for you. If you don't get to something one week, you will continue to have access to content to use whenever you can. On Wednesdays we will host a live Zoom event for kids who want to join and do some games and activities together. At the end of the week, we will host an in-person event at church that will be short, fun, and a chance for us to safely connect (think drive-by show and tell, ice cream pick up...simple but fun things like that). The specific day for that event will vary each week but will fall on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. We are gearing the content for kids ages 6-11, but the messages and activities can be appreciated and enjoyed by all ages! Some things are already planned, and some things will come as the Spirit moves because the Holy Spirit loves to surprise us! It's going to be a lot of fun and we can't wait to connect with our families.


Because we are hosting a supply pick-up at the start of the three weeks, we need to know how many supplies to order and prepare so that we can send you home with the basic materials you will need for the activities. To help us prepare, we would love to have your registration in by Thursday, July 9th if possible. We are asking families to consider a $15 donation to help cover expenses for supplies, but if that is not doable for your family, we still want you to join. We will send you payment options after you register. If you have friends who want to join us, we would love to get to know them! Because we are planning some in-person options, it's ideal if they live in the area, but if not, they are welcome to join from afar through all the technology!


Come by the Union street side of church on Saturday, July 11th, anytime from 10:00-11:00 AM to pick up your camp kit, wave to your buddies, and kick off your compassion journey! We will be observing safe protocols to make sure this is fun and comfortable for all. Email Pastor Lindsay at if you have any questions.