FBCP Families | 04.01.2021

Hey, Friends!

Today's email is brief because I know this week is full of the stories we are trying to retell about Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection. I pray that you are able to observe Holy Week as a family in ways that allow room for reflection, questions, and nearness to God. You might want to hold a foot-washing ceremony as a family or read some of the scriptures about Jesus' last days together. Here are some additional ideas from the Fuller Youth Institute for honoring Holy Week at home as a family. Youth Families, I recommend offering  your youth the chance to do the walking pilgrimage experience that we released on Tuesday. It might be meaningful to make space at home for any questions or reflections they have after completing it. We hope to see as many of you as are able to join us on Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection and the ways that God is bringing new life into our lives!

Easter Liturgy for Families with Kids

This Easter we are so excited that we have ways to gather in person after staying home last year. We have two services happening Easter Sunday, and our families with kids are invited to attend both if they want. First, we will have our all-church worship service in the garage at 10:30AM with all the beautiful elements that go in an Easter service. Following garage worship, families with kids are invited to head to the park area where they can hang out in a circle and bring a picnic lunch to eat. You could also get some food in Old Town and bring it back to the park. Then at 1:30pm we will have a Liturgy for Families with Kids, complete with songs, a Bible lesson, and lots of fun Easter activities! So, you can join us for both events or come to the one that works for your family, but you are invited to both. Please note that we will also have some car-friendly activities and snacks for kids who come to the garage service in the morning. We hope to see you on Easter for this special day when we celebrate new life and all the hope that comes with the resurrection! You can let us know your plans for Easter with this RSVP link.

Easter for Youth

The Youth are invited to attend our all-church service in the garage on Easter morning. We'll have some special goodies for them and hope they will join our church family as we remember the resurrection of Jesus and celebrate together. If your youth wants to help with our Pit Crew, let me know! We are so grateful for the ways we have to gather safely and celebrate this special morning as a church family.

Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!

With gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary