FBCP Families | 11.06.2021

Hi Friends,

We have lots of exciting happenings this month for our church family, including our Town Hall meeting this Sunday right after worship and our Gratitude Night potluck dinner on November 14th. If you want to stay after worship for Town Hall, you can pick your kids up in the park or the nursery after the meeting is over. At Gratitude Night, we will have childcare for babies and toddlers. All other kids are welcome to join us in the gym for dinner. 

We are also excited to look ahead to the season of Advent. Because we know the calendar can fill up fast, here are some important dates you can mark for kids and youth:

  • November 21: Hanging of the Greens after worship — Open to everyone of all ages!  The youth will participate in lieu of our regular gathering. Lunch is provided.

  • December 4: Youth Christmas Party at FBCP

  • December 11: Candlelight Carol Service Rehearsal 10:30am-12:00pm — Kids and Youth 

  • December 12: Candlelight Carol Service — Kids and Youth arrive by 5:30pm

For the Candlelight Carol Service, our kids will be singing two songs. In addition, both kids and youth will be invited to participate in the nativity. Cynthia will be preparing the children's choir during their regular Sunday morning programming (yay!), and I'll be sending some song tracks over email to help your kids sing along and practice at home. We look forward to an intergenerational service as we reflect on the arrival of the Christ child. We'll be sending out more details about each event in the weeks to come, but we wanted to be sure you have those dates in mind as we head into Advent. 


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open from 8:50 AM until the end of worship so that parents can also opt to join one of our Sunday School classes. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids five to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together starting at 8:50 AM, too! Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in and can reunite with their kids in the park after worship. Pastor Mary and I have some different games and activities they can choose from during the adult Sunday School hour, and then we'll transition to our regular Bible lesson and time of play during the worship hour at 10:30 AM. This week we are turning our focus toward gratitude and various practices that ground us in thankfulness. We can't wait to explore what scripture has to tell us about this theme for the next few weeks!


This Sunday the youth will gather after worship for lunch and fellowship. We'll spend time talking about this week's scripture passage from Matthew and then work on our youth room renovation plans. Parents can pick up their youth at the park gate off Union at 1:30PM. 

As a reminder, on Sunday, November 14, we have an inaugural gathering with the Pasadena Youth Coalition at McDonald Park from 2-4 pm. Keep an eye out for another email with details about that event.  We're excited to partner with other youth in our city to see what we can learn and do together!

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay 

Weekly Updates 11.05.2021


Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • This Sunday we are worshipping in the sanctuary at 10:30AM, and this week we will partake in communion together. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then will gather afterwards in the lobby. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • Immediately after Sunday service there will be a Town Hall meeting in the sanctuary to present the 2022 budget proposal and board nominees to the congregation for consideration as we prepare to vote on them at Gratitude Night on Sunday, November 14th. Click here for more information.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: When have you been grateful for a spark of light during a heavy/painful/scary season in your life?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation from Matthew 8:23-28.

  • This week we are asking you to bring canned chicken or tuna for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month, you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online or make your offering during worship on Sunday.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • As our staff begins preparing for some office transitions, you’ll notice some changes as we settle into new rhythms. One change is that starting with this coming Sunday’s service, the Sunday liturgy recording will be posted and made available the next day on Monday. Please note this does not impact listening to the livestream on Sundays at 10:30 am.

  • Gratitude Night will be another time for potluck (yum, yum)! We’ll meet in the gym at 6 pm next Sunday, November 14th, as noted above. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring a side or salad (A-G), dessert (H-O), or main dish (P-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBC friends and family. We’re looking forward to another delicious time of fellowship, food, and friendship with you all!

  • As the last year and a half has made the reality of how precious life is, our church wants to invite you to help give a gift of life by participating in the American Red Cross’ Blood Drive that FBCP is helping to host in the gym on Friday, November 19th, from 10 am - 4 pm. For more information and/or to sign up and schedule an appointment, go here: November 19 Blood Drive Sign up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave.)

  • The time to decorate for Christmas is here! Come and join us after service on Sunday, November 21st, in the sanctuary as we hang garlands, put up lights, and have fun while listening to some Christmas music. We’ll eat lunch together before getting to work.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 10.30.2021

Hi Friends,

Happy weekend! Tomorrow marks the start of traditions in the liturgical calendar and in our neighborhoods. Here is a summary (adapted from SALT's weekly Almanac) of this weekend's special celebrations:

October 31 is Halloween, or “All Hallow’s Eve.” Though on the surface it can seem like Halloween is all about candy and scary costumes, it's also a beautiful picture of intergenerational sharing and joy when we open our homes to friends and strangers alike. You can read a brief theology of Halloween here (I share it every year because it's such a good reminder of what the day can mean!). November 1 is All Saints' Day, a festival celebrating all the saints, known and unknown. November 2 is All Souls’ Day, honoring those who have died (especially relatives). All three of these days — October 31 through November 2 — are sometimes collectively called “Allhallowtide.” And in communities of Mexican heritage, many celebrate this three-day period as the Dia de los Muertos, “The Day of the Dead,” a time for gathering to pray, remember, and commune with friends and family members who have died.

Tomorrow in worship we will set aside time to honor the names of loved ones who died in the last year, and it will be a beautiful time to come together and bear witness both to loss and our shared hope. Read on for details about kids and our plans for them!


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open from 8:50 AM until the end of worship so that parents can also opt to join one of our Sunday School classes. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids five to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together starting at 8:50 AM, too! Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in and can reunite with their kids in the park after worship. Pastor Mary and I have some different games and activities they can choose from during the adult Sunday School hour, and then we'll transition to our regular Bible lesson and time of play during the worship hour at 10:30 AM. This week in our lesson from Matthew, we will look at the end of the book of Matthew and Jesus' final instructions to his disciples.  

Pastor Mary and I invite kids (of all ages!) to wear a costume to church tomorrow if that would bring them joy! We'll have fun Halloween snacks and activities as we learn about spreading God's love and light (both while trick-or-treating and all the time). If your child isn't into costumes, no problem! It'll be a fun morning for all, and we look forward to learning and growing together with your precious kids.


This Sunday the youth are invited to join the Hospitality team in the morning, and then we will gather after worship for lunch and fellowship. We'll spend time talking about this week's scripture passage from Matthew and then work on our youth room renovation plans. There may also be treats and definitely a few tricks. Parents can pick up their youth at the park gate off Union at 1:30PM. We look forward to this time with our youth!

Upcoming Youth Happenings
As a reminder, the youth have a room renovation planning party on Friday, November 5, from 5:30-9:30 pm. On Sunday, November 14, we have an inaugural gathering with the Pasadena Youth Coalition at McDonald Park from 2-4 pm. Keep an eye out for another email with reminders about those events. 

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay 

Weekly Updates 10.29.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • On Sunday for All Saints Remembrance we will pause to remember those who have died in the past year by saying their names out loud. It is our tradition to hold our loss and grief together as the body of Christ in this sacred practice. Please use the form linked below to share their names with us.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: How has the practice of gratitude affected other parts of your life? Do you notice your attention shift in response to regular gratefulness?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation from Matthew 8:18-22.

  • This week we are asking you to bring cereal for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month and next, you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online or make your offering during worship on Sunday.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Immediately after Sunday service next week on November 7th, there will be a Town Hall meeting in the sanctuary to present the 2022 budget proposal and board nominees to the congregation for consideration as we prepare to vote on them at Gratitude Night on Sunday, November 14th. Mark your calendars for these important dates as we give thanks and remember God’s faithful goodness this past year while also looking toward what God has for us in the year ahead. We will share some supporting materials ahead of these meetings so you can pray and prepare.

  • Gratitude Night will be another time for potluck (yum, yum)! We’ll meet in the gym at 6 pm on November 14th as noted above. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring a side or salad (A-G), dessert (H-O), or main dish (P-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBC friends and family. We’re looking forward to another delicious time of fellowship, food, and friendship with you all!

  • As the last year and a half has made the reality of how precious life is, our church wants to invite you to help give a gift of life by participating in the American Red Cross’ Blood Drive that FBCP is helping to host in the gym on Friday, November 19th, from 10 am - 4 pm. For more information and/or to sign up and schedule an appointment, go here: November 19 Blood Drive Sign up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave.)

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 10.22.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • This Sunday, October 24th, at 6 pm in the chapel, we will have an evening service of prayer and healing centered around songs and communal prayer. We are all carrying a lot, and we hope this is a time to set some of those burdens down and connect to God, self and one another.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to pay special attention to your Saturday and Sunday morning for moments of wonder and/or astonishment as you consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: In the last couple of days, where have you been astonished by beauty?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recordings. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation from Matthew 8:1-17.

  • This week we are asking you to bring canned vegetables or fruit for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month and next, you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online or make your offering during worship on Sunday.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Next Sunday, October 31st, for All Saints Remembrance we will pause to remember those who have died in the past year by saying their names out loud. It is our tradition to hold our loss and grief together as the body of Christ in this sacred practice. Please use the form linked below to share their names with us.

  • It’s hard to believe, but the time has come again for our annual Town Hall and Gratitude Night potluck! Immediately after Sunday service on November 7th, there will be a Town Hall meeting to present the 2022 budget proposal and board nominees to the congregation for consideration as we prepare to vote on them at Gratitude Night on Sunday, November 14th at 6 pm. Mark your calendars for these important dates as we give thanks and remember God’s faithful goodness this past year while also looking toward what God has for us in the year ahead. We will share some supporting materials ahead of these meetings so you can pray and prepare.

  • As the last year and a half has made the reality of how precious life is, our church wants to invite you to help give a gift of life by participating in the American Red Cross’ Blood Drive FBCP is helping to host in the gym on Friday, November 19th, from 10 am - 4 pm. For more information and/or to sign up and schedule an appointment, go here: November 19 Blood Drive Sign up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave.)

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 10.15.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30AM. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and the potluck. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • Baptisms, new member service, and potluck are all this coming Sunday, October 17th! We’re so excited to celebrate this time together as a family during service and afterward as we share a potluck meal in the park. We always love the diversity of flavors people bring to our communal table! Just so none of us overloads on yummy baked goods, we’d like to ask based on your last name, if you’re able, to bring a main dish (A-J), a side/salad (K-R), or a dessert (S-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here. Potlucks are a special time here at FBCP, so we hope you’ll join us that day for some fantastic food and fellowship.

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation from Matthew 7.

  • This week we are asking you to bring canned chicken or tuna for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • We started our new Sunday School hour for all ages. Don’t worry if you missed the last two weeks - there’s still one more chance to join! We are excited to have four different classes you can choose from based on your interests, and each class will meet at 9:00AM on Sunday mornings before worship. Childcare will be provided so parents can opt in, too. To learn more about our class offerings and sign up, please use this form.

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month and next, you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online or make your offering during worship on Sunday.

  • This past Sunday we introduced the newest member to join the FBC staff—Astyn! She’ll be helping out as a Worship Associate so you’ll be seeing plenty more of her. Here’s a little intro from her:

    I’m from right here in Pasadena! I literally grew up in church, being a pastor’s kid. I graduated college in 2019 and have been doing full time music ever since: singing, writing, arranging, and worship leading. I’m so excited to be here and to help encourage involvement in worship!

    Join us in welcoming Astyn to our quirky but oh-so-awesome FBC family!

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Next Sunday, October 24th, at 6 pm in the chapel, we will have a service of prayer and healing centered around songs and communal prayer. We are all carrying a lot, and we hope this is a time to set some of those burdens down and connect to God, self and one another.

  • On All Saints Sunday, October 31st, we will pause to remember those who have died in the past year by saying their names out loud. It is our tradition to hold our loss and grief together as the body of Christ in this sacred practice. Please use the form linked below to share their names with us.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 10.12.2021

Hi Friends,

Last week we shared that we have another new baby in our community, and I'm happy to report that Danielle and Craig Christen are home now with baby Margaret! Their daughter Adelaide loves her baby sister, and they are adjusting to this new stage of life. One of the practical ways we can support them is to bring them a meal. Here is a meal train link for anyone who wants to help them in that way. Thanks for being a generous and loving community!

This coming Sunday we have a special service with three baptisms and the reception of multiple new members. It's going to be a beautiful time of worship followed by a potluck, which is always a specialty at FBCP! We hope you can join us for the morning, and parents can read more below about how we will invite kids to be part of some of the worship service.


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 8:50 AM until the end of worship so that parents can also opt to join one of our Sunday School classes. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together starting at 8:50 AM, too! Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in and can reunite with their kids in the park after worship. Pastor Mary and I have some different games and activities they can choose from during the adult Sunday School hour, and then we'll transition to our regular Bible lesson and time of play during the worship hour at 10:30 AM. This week in our lesson from Matthew, we will explore how Jesus views justice and peace. 

Please note that we will pause our regular morning plans to bring the kids to the sanctuary during some of the baptisms. Pastor Mary and I feel safe inviting them into this special time of worship while everyone is masked, and we will have a special section where they can sit to join in this important moment in the life of our congregation. We will then return to the park for the duration of the morning and then see everyone at the potluck. It's going to be such a beautiful morning! If you have questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out.


This Sunday the youth will join the all-church potluck! We look forward to a time of fellowship and good food with them and our community at large. Next Sunday we will resume our regular youth gathering after worship. 

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay 

FBCP Families | 10.09.2021

Hi Friends,

I have exciting news to share—we have another new baby in our community! Danielle and Craig Christen had a sweet baby girl yesterday, and both mom and baby are doing well. You can pray for them as they welcome this newest addition and for their daughter Adelaide who is now a big sister. I'll be sharing a meal train link in the coming week for anyone who wants to help support them that way. Praise God for this gift of new life in our church!

One of the best parts of being in a community is when we each have space to share our gifts and passions with one another. Some of you may know Jose and Jessica Lim, and we are grateful for their presence in our community. Their daughter Grace is a high school student who started her own online art classes for kids—and they are free! If you would like to enroll your child for the next class session, you can check out this website and fill out the boxes under the "Sign Up" section. Materials are included for up to 24 students. The next class starts October 21, and what a gift to give our kids the chance to explore their creativity and learn from passionate teachers like Grace! 


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 8:50 AM until the end of worship so that parents can also opt to join one of our Sunday School classes. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together starting at 8:50 AM, too! Pastor Mary and I have some different games and activities they can choose from during the adult Sunday School hour (including one that will smell yummy and get us in the fall spirit!), and then we'll transition to our regular Bible lesson and time of play during the worship hour at 10:30 AM. This week we continue with our series looking at the book of Matthew together. We will explore what it means for us to be salt and light, and we have a fun science experiment to help us with the lesson. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in and can reunite with their kids in the park after worship. 


This Sunday the youth are invited to join us for worship in the sanctuary followed by fellowship and lunch after the service ends. If they want to come early, they can help with kids or join a Sunday School class. We'll gather in the parlor and do some more work on our youth renovation project. To simplify things for pick up, parents can meet their youth in the park at 1:30PM. We can't wait to hang with our youth!

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 10.08.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30AM. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then will gather afterwards in the lobby. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: What is a friendship for which you are particularly grateful?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation focusing on the Lord’s prayer.

  • This week we are asking you to bring a jar of peanut butter for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • Last Sunday we started our new Sunday School hour for all ages. Don’t worry if you missed last week - there’s still time to join! We are excited to have four different classes you can choose from based on your interests, and each class will meet at 9:00AM on Sunday mornings before worship. Childcare will be provided so parents can opt in, too. To learn more about our class offerings and sign up, please use this form.

  • In the months of October and November we are highlighting the ways God is at work around the world and inviting you into a season of extra generosity. As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month and next, you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. Here is one inspiring story of the ways IM global servants are being equipped to help children who are most vulnerable. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO.

Future Happenings

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Next Friday, October 15th, the Pasadena Senior Center will be holding a Life Remembrance Service beginning at 11:30 a.m. in memory of Michael Coxson, a loved member of their community and ours. John Jay will be officiating the service as we join them in remembering Michael. This service is open to any in our community who would like to attend.

  • Baptisms, new member service, and potluck are all coming up Sunday, October 17th! We’re so excited to celebrate this time together as a family during service and afterward as we share a potluck meal in the park. We always love the diversity of flavors people bring to our communal table! Just so none of us overloads on yummy baked goods, we’d like to ask based on your last name, if you’re able, to bring a main dish (A-J), a side/salad (K-R), or a dessert (S-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here. Potlucks are a special time here at FBCP, so we hope you’ll join us that day for some fantastic food and fellowship.

  • On Sunday, October 24th, at 6 pm in the chapel, we will have a service of prayer and healing centered around songs and communal prayer. We are all carrying a lot, and we hope this is a time to set some of those burdens down and connect to God, self and one another.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 10.02.2021

Hi Friends,

Tomorrow is an exciting day as we kick off our Sunday School classes for adults and youth! If you are still interested in joining a class, it's not too late. Childcare is available so that parents can participate, too. You can register here or let us know if you have questions about the different offerings we have. Note that these first classes will last eight weeks, and then a new set of classes will be offered as we continue with future sessions. Read on for more information about our plans for kids during the 9 o'clock hour. 


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 8:50 AM until the end of worship so that parents can also opt to join one of our Sunday School classes. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together starting at 8:50 AM, too! We have some different games and activities they can choose from during the adult Sunday School hour, and then we'll transition to our regular Bible lesson and time of play during the worship hour at 10:30 AM. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in and can reunite with their kids in the park after worship. This week we are starting a new series looking at the book of Matthew together. We will begin by thinking about all the people we call "family," whether they are part of our family of origin or chosen friends in our lives. We hope to see your kids there!


This Sunday the youth are invited to join us for worship in the sanctuary followed by fellowship and lunch after the service ends. If they want to come early, they can help with kids, join a Sunday School class, or set up communion. This week the youth will stay in the sanctuary to help put away communion after worship, and then we will head to the parlor for our regular time together. We will plan to wrap up around 1:30 PM. We can't wait to hang with our youth!

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay 

P.S. I know the weather isn't sure what time of year it is, but it's October and the fall season is upon us! For those of you with kids who love science and nature, you might have fun trying these fall-themed experiments with things like leaves and pumpkins

Weekly Updates 10.01.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

  • This Sunday we are worshipping in the sanctuary at 10:30AM, and this week we will partake in communion together. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then will gather afterwards in the lobby. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: As you practice daily gratitude, is there a theme arising in your thankfulness?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. That link will take you to a playlist of all the recordings so far for Matthew, and this week you’ll see there are two new tracks! Happy listening and meditating on scripture.

  • This Sunday, October 3rd, we are launching a new Sunday School hour for all ages—that means adults, too! We are excited to have four different classes you can choose from based on your interests, and each class will meet at 9:00AM on Sunday mornings before worship. Childcare will be provided so parents can opt in, too. To learn more about our class offerings and sign up, please use this form.

  • This week we are asking you to bring a a hearty soup/chili for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Baptisms, new member service, and potluck are all coming up Sunday, October 17th! We’re so excited to celebrate this time together as a family during service and afterward as we share a potluck meal in the park. We always love the diversity of flavors people bring to our communal table! Just so none of us overloads on yummy baked goods, we’d like to ask based on your last name, if you’re able, to bring a main dish (A-J), a side/salad (K-R), or a dessert (S-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your friends here. Potlucks are a special time here at FBCP, so we hope you’ll join us that day for some fantastic food and fellowship.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 09.25.2021

Hi Friends,

Last Saturday we had a beautiful time of food and fellowship at the Women's Brunch, and it was such a special intergenerational gathering for our church family. Jessica Henson shared about her own walk of faith and how her understanding of God's Kingdom has required a process of constantly learning and expanding her vision and way of thinking—and that it's taken community and more people at the proverbial table to grow as God keeps calling her to grow. It was a great reminder of our call at FBCP to help expand our collective vision of the Kingdom. 

For those of you who are parents, that includes our ever-growing understanding of what it means to love our children and raise them in healthy and supportive ways. I love to share resources with you when I come across something that I imagine might be helpful to others, too. Today I want to share a reminder about a seemingly obvious but precious resource we have—each other. In the past weeks I have had the privilege of talking with multiple parents in our community, and while each of their stories is unique, there are many common threads. You all have such wisdom, experience, and profound questions when it comes to parenting and faith, and I'm so thankful that we can lean on each other and share our journeys as we seek the best for our children. We look forward to creating more opportunities for our parents to connect and deepen their relationships, for those are some of the greatest resources God has gifted to us. Thank you for being such a special village to my family and to one another.


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 10:10 AM until the end of worship. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. We are excited to wrap up our unit on what it means to be a good neighbor. Pastor Mary and some fabulous Family Ministry volunteers will be helping the kids assemble special packs they can pass out to neighbors in need, and we are excited for them to spread love outside our church walls. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate and sign their children in for the morning starting at 10:10 AM. After worship in the sanctuary, parents can reunite with their kids in the park. 


This Sunday the youth are invited to join us for worship in the sanctuary followed by our regular time of fellowship and lunch after the service ends. Youth can head to the lobby to gather after worship, and we will plan to wrap up around 1:30 PM. This week we will continue our exploration of Matthew in conjunction with the new preaching series and making plans for our youth room renovation. We can't wait to hang with our youth!

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay 

Weekly Updates 09.24.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

  • Join us this Sunday for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30AM. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then will gather afterwards in the lobby. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • The Rose Bowl Half Marathon is Sunday morning with limited street access around the church from 6AM- 12:30PM. Be sure to check out the road closure map so you can plan your route and give yourself extra time you might need for getting to service.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: When has Jesus been faithful to bring healing or help when you felt powerless?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. The passage is Matthew 4:12-25, and you’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this week’s meditation.

  • This week we are asking you to bring a baking item (e.g., flour, sugar, oil, etc.) for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • On Sunday, October 3rd, we are launching a new Sunday School hour for all ages—that means adults, too! We are excited to have four different classes you can choose from based on your interests, and each class will meet at 9:00AM on Sunday mornings before worship. Childcare will be provided so parents can opt in, too. To learn more about our class offerings and sign up, please use this form.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 09.17.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

  • Join us this Sunday for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30AM. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then will gather afterwards in the lobby. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: What is a verse or passage of scripture for which you have found yourself most grateful recently?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to Sunday’s scripture in this recording by Pastor John Jay. The passage is Matthew 4:1-11, and you’ll hear a combination of music and scripture in this week’s meditation.

  • This week we are asking you to bring your favorite non-perishable dinner food item for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • We are super excited to once again host a Women’s Brunch this Saturday, September 18th, at 10AM! Join us in the park for a delicious meal and the chance to get to know one another. We’ll also hear a personal story of faith from our own Jessica Henson (you can check out her work here!). All women and girls are welcome, and feel free to bring a friend who could use an encouraging time of food and fellowship. Register here so we can prepare enough chairs and food.

  • On Sunday, October 3rd, we are launching a new Sunday School hour for all ages—that means adults, too! We are excited to have four different classes you can choose from based on your interests, and each class will meet at 9:00AM on Sunday mornings before worship. To learn more about our class offerings and sign up, please use this form.

  • Today’s the last day to register for the annual gathering for American Baptist Churches in our region. This year’s meeting takes place September 30-October 2 at Gardena Valley Baptist Church. You can also choose to attend virtually if you are not able to join in person. You can click here for the Annual Meeting Brochure, which has information about the sessions and speakers for each day. Click here to register online, or you can click here for the mail-in registration form. If you have questions or would like to attend as a delegate, please contact Pastor Lindsay. Let us know if you have any questions or need help registering.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 09.11.2021

Hi Friends,

Gavin, Brody, and I are preparing to fly back to Los Angeles today, and we are so grateful for the time we had with Gavin’s family. I am excited, though, to be back with everyone at church tomorrow and can't wait to see you! Today's email is short but has all you need to know for Sunday worship and kids programming. Next week I look forward to sharing a resource for parenting that has been helpful to me. I hope to see you tomorrow!


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 10:10 AM until the end of worship. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. We are excited to continue exploring what it means to be a good neighbor and who our neighbors really are. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate and sign their children in for the morning starting at 10:10 AM. After worship in the sanctuary, parents can reunite with their kids in the park. We will have cups for water but also invite kids to bring a reusable water bottle to use at our filling stations. 


This Sunday the youth are invited to join us for worship in the sanctuary followed by our regular time of fellowship and lunch after the service ends. Youth can head to the lobby to gather after worship, and we will plan to wrap up around 1:30 PM. This week we will continue our exploration of Matthew in conjunction with the new preaching series. We are excited to learn more about Jesus and all that we can discover as we look at scripture together. 

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay (with love from Pastor Mary!)

Weekly Updates 09.10.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

  • Thanks for your prayers over John Jay’s dad, Jay. We are happy to share that he is now home and recovering well. You can listen to the full update here. Praise God and thanks to this community for all the prayerful support!

  • This Sunday we are worshipping in the sanctuary at 10:30AM. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then will gather afterwards in the lobby. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: Recall a time when you heard the voice of God. Was your response gratitude... or something else?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to Sunday’s scripture in this recording by Pastor John Jay. The passage is Matthew 3:13-17, and you’ll hear it repeat in the style of Lectio Divina with different sounds that add texture and demand attentive listening.

  • This week we are asking you to bring canned tuna or canned chicken for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • We are super excited to once again host a Women’s Brunch on Saturday, September 18th, at 10AM! Join us in the park for a delicious meal and the chance to get to know one another. We’ll also hear a personal story of faith from our own Jessica Henson. All women and girls are welcome, and feel free to bring a friend who could use an encouraging time of food and fellowship. Register here so we can prepare enough chairs and food.

  • On Sunday, October 3rd, we are launching a new Sunday School hour for all ages—that means adults, too! We’ll have different classes you can choose from based on your interests, and each class will meet at 9:00AM on Sunday mornings before worship. Email rsvp@fbcpasadena.com for more information and to sign up.

  • You’re invited to attend the annual gathering for American Baptist Churches in our region! This year’s meeting takes place September 30-October 2 at Gardena Valley Baptist Church. You can also choose to attend virtually if you are not able to join in person. You can click here for the Annual Meeting Brochure, which has information about the sessions and speakers for each day. Click here to register online, or you can click here for the mail-in registration form. If you have questions or would like to attend as a delegate, please contact Pastor Lindsay. Let us know if you have any questions or need help registering.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 09.04.2021

Hi Friends,

I pray that you are able to find rest and refreshment this weekend, for I know from many of you that this is a busy and stressful time. I'm in North Carolina visiting Gavin's family this week so they could see Brody after being apart so long. One of Gavin's favorite things to do when he's here is to go fishing, and coincidentally this morning I read this post about the connection between fishing and the way our walk of faith can feel at times. In the midst of these days which seem for many to be full of both hope and waiting, joy and heaviness, these words felt timely: "For some people, God seems easily attainable, as familiar as a lucky coin in the pocket, as conjurable as steam from a teapot. But for many of us, God is more elusive, and at best, we hope God is there, here, in here, but we can claim no rational certainty. In this way, encountering God is a lot like encountering a cutthroat trout that you can’t see. You can place yourself in a suitable location, prepare yourself, reach out your line, and—wait. And hope. And wait. And hope some more. And wait some more." Whether you are waiting, hoping, or wondering if God is near, know that you have a church community who loves you and is with you out on the waters. I hope you have a beautiful time of worship and a blessed week ahead.

Joining our Team

We are growing our Family Ministry volunteer team, and we would love to talk to you about helping us minister to the younger generations in our church family. It's a fun and meaningful way to deepen your own faith, learn alongside our kids, and build relationships that help us see more of who God is. Let us know if you want to learn more!


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 10:10 AM until the end of worship. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. Pastor Mary will be there with Michael for a fun morning together! Parents can enter from the Union Street gate and sign their children in for the morning starting at 10:10 AM. After worship in the sanctuary, parents can reunite with their kids in the park. We will have cups for water but also invite kids to bring a reusable water bottle to use at our filling stations. 


This Sunday the youth are invited to join us for worship in the sanctuary followed by our regular time of fellowship and lunch after the service ends. Youth can head to the lobby to gather after worship, and we will plan to wrap up around 1:30 PM. This week we will begin our study of Matthew in conjunction with the preaching series that kicks off on Sunday. We are excited to learn more about Jesus and all that we can learn together as we look at scripture. 

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay with love from Pastor Mary

Weekly Updates 09.03.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

  • This Sunday we are worshipping in the sanctuary at 10:30AM, and this week we will partake in communion together. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then will gather afterwards in the lobby. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: What is a new beginning or fresh start for which you are grateful?

  • Hearing Scripture in a new way: Pastor John Jay here. I want to share something fun, a little weird, and hopefully helpful. I am always looking for new ways to hear Scripture. Sometimes I will take the weekly text to an unexpected location to read it, like the top of a mountain hike or the roof of my house. Other times I will illuminate the words by hand as a way to slow down my own listening. Lately I have been putting all of my new music and sound skills to use in my weekly Scripture study. This week I am sharing my study track with you so you can hear what I am using to prepare for Sunday. This particular track is a combination of several interesting sound textures. The most obvious sound you hear is the reading from Matthew 3:1-12. This is both looping like a Lectio Divina reading and also sampled on top of itself like a glitchy artifact. If you listen with earphones (you really should), you will notice the spoken word audio keeps leaping toward you and falling away. Sometimes this emphasizes sections that will surprise you. Parts of it are hard to discern the specific words, as they crash together into a sonic jumble. This will force deep listening, which is kind of the point. The main musical melody is a short cello sample from last Sunday. I recorded the rehearsal on my field recorder and was able to create a melody sample from a few cello bars played by Nat.

    This is my latest mad process for Scripture study. It makes use of the unique tools I have learned and the way I process ideas and content through the week. I encourage you to find your own practice around Bible reading and study. Too often we engage the Bible as a dry academic textbook. This is a tragedy. Give that much of the Bible is poetry, we would be better served reading it like a love letter or a songbook, not for how we can master its knowledge, but how we can be awakened by its call. Click here to listen to the track. Happy listening/reading.

  • This week we are asking you to bring canned soup or chili for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • We are super excited to once again host a Women’s Brunch on Saturday, September 18th, at 10AM! Join us in the park for a delicious meal and the chance to get to know one another. We’ll also hear a personal story of faith from one of the women in our community. All women and girls are welcome, and feel free to bring a friend who could use an encouraging time of food and fellowship. Register here so we can prepare enough chairs and food.

  • You’re invited to attend the annual gathering for American Baptist Churches in our region! This year’s meeting takes place September 30-October 2 at Gardena Valley Baptist Church. You can also choose to attend virtually if you are not able to join in person. You can click here for the Annual Meeting Brochure, which has information about the sessions and speakers for each day. Click here to register online, or you can click here for the mail-in registration form. If you have questions or would like to attend as a delegate, please contact Pastor Lindsay. Let us know if you have any questions or need help registering.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 08.28.2021

Hi Friends,

We know that those of you who are parents have a lot on your plate right now as we navigate uncertainty in school settings, life with unvaccinated kids, and the stress of so many daily decisions. It's especially tough when it feels as though others without those concerns seem able to move on more easily despite the pandemic. We see the hard work, persistence, and faithfulness you have poured out as parents—and that you are still being asked to extend. It's been a marathon, not a sprint, and we haven't lost sight of your unique challenges. We are praying for you and are here to listen, pray, and help in any way we can. You are not alone, and you are dearly loved!

If you aren't a parent with school-aged children, we have a meaningful way you can encourage our families with kids. Just email us and we will get back to you with a fun and easy way to come alongside them. We are grateful that this community is one of support and love in the midst of challenges.

Having and Being Good Listeners

This article points to one of the many reasons we know it’s so important that we choose to be in community with one another, to tell our stories and to listen well. I pray that this congregation is one where you feel seen and heard. If you’re still getting to know folks or haven’t yet plugged in fully, this reading is a great reminder about the way we were designed to need one another. May we live into that calling as relational people of a relational God.


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers under four years old. Childcare will be open from 10:10 AM until the end of worship. Parents can enter the building through the park gate on Union Street or from the courtyard by the sanctuary. 

Our kids four to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate and sign their children in for the morning starting at 10:10 AM. After worship in the sanctuary, parents can reunite with their kids in the park. We will have cups for water but also invite kids to bring a reusable water bottle to use at our filling stations. It's been hot, so we will keep them hydrated!


This Sunday the youth will have our regular time of fellowship and lunch after the service ends.  Youth can head to the park for our gathering, and we will plan to wrap up around 1:30 PM.

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary

Weekly Updates 08.27.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

  • This Sunday we are worshipping in the sanctuary at 10:30AM. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for our time together. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for worship in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: In what ways are you grateful for a practice that has helped calm your anxieties, fears and/or anger?

  • After worship this week we will hold our Basics class for folks who are new to our congregation and want to know more about who we are and what life in our community looks like. This class is also part of our membership process, so if you are wanting to join our community officially, this is for you! If you want to attend but haven’t signed up, please email Pastor Chip to be added to the list!

  • This Sunday the nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies, and those parents can enter through the park or the courtyard off the sanctuary and pick their kids up after worship ends. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and parents can drop them off at the Union Street gate. Youth will be serving on our hospitality team and then will gather after worship. Yay for all ages learning and growing in our church!

  • This week we are asking you to bring cereal for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Calling all singers: Choir Retreat is almost here! On Saturday, September 4, at 9AM we will have a half day retreat here at FBCP for a time of reflection and rehearsal. We will have coffee and snacks in the morning and will conclude our time together with lunch at noon. If you have never been involved in choir, now is the time to check things out. Wednesday rehearsals at 7:00PM will resume on September 8 as well. For more information, contact leslie@fbcpasadena.com.

  • You’re invited to attend the annual gathering for American Baptist Churches in our region! This year’s meeting takes place September 30-October 2 at Gardena Valley Baptist Church. You can also choose to attend virtually if you are not able to join in person. You can click here for the Annual Meeting Brochure, which has information about the sessions and speakers for each day. Click here to register online, or you can click here for the mail-in registration form. If you have questions or would like to attend as a delegate, please contact Pastor Lindsay. Let us know if you have any questions or need help registering.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community