Our Women’s Brunch is tomorrow at 10 a.m. in the Southside Room! It will be a time to share a delicious meal, get to know some awesome ladies, and hear Saskia Pallais share her story of faith with us. Text “brunch” to 626.727.9498 to sign up. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Lindsay.
This Sunday
Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular youth gathering after worship. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.
Thanks to everyone who signed up to watch the movie Black Panther, Wakanda Forever after church at 1:30 p.m. at the AMC Theaters at the Americana at Brand in Glendale! We have a few tickets left for $10 each. Email Pastor Chip to claim your ticket today. It’s more fun when you’re there!
Join us at 12:10 p.m. in the parlor for twenty minutes of prayer for our global servant Melanie Baggao. If you are interested in joining with this group, please email Jeannette ( or Judy ( if you have not already done so. This will enable us to send you an email about the specific matters for which we will be praying.
As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online (select WMO from the drop down menu), or make your offering during Sunday worship.
The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is non-perishable Thanksgiving foods.
Future Happenings & Other News
You’ll find a list of our regular weekly happenings and the upcoming events for the next six weeks at the very bottom of this page. Event details will be provided as its date nears.
Parents, mark your calendars for Parents’ Night Out on November 18th from 5:30-8:30 p.m.! Pastors Lindsay and Mary are planning a night of fun for all kids so that parents can have an evening to themselves. We will provide programming, food, and fun for kids so that you can have a few hours to use as you wish (dinner out? a nap? a movie? Christmas shopping?). Kids can come for the full time or any fraction of it. Click here to RSVP so we can plan for food and care accordingly.
Join us after worship on Sunday, November 20th, for the Oaxaca Missions Information Lunch. Our own Nori Ochi has a longstanding relationship with the director of Adventures in Life Mission, and you can join us if you would like to hear information about ministry opportunities to Oaxaca, Mexico, or if you have any questions about Adventures In Life in general. Lunch is provided. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 18th. Text “missions” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Email Pastor Chip if you have any questions.
Gratitude Night will be another time for potluck (yum, yum)! We’ll meet in the gym at 6 p.m. on Sunday, November 20th. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring a side or salad (A-G), dessert (H-O), or main dish (P-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBCP friends and family. We hope you join us for a wonderful time of fellowship, food, and friendship!
On Sunday, November 27th, we’ll start our 4-week Advent Sunday School series led by Rene Scheys. The class will meet at 9 a.m. Email Pastor Lindsay if you plan to attend and need childcare.
Join us on Sunday, November 27th from 5-6:30 p.m. for our monthly FBCPride group from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Southside Room. We will hear one member share about theology that he has studied throughout his journey as a young gay man. He will give some resources and information that will be helpful to the LGBTQ community, parents, and allies alike. Text “pride” to 626-727-9498 to RSVP, or email for more information.
Help give the gift of life! Sign up to participate in the American Red Cross’ Blood Drive FBCP is hosting on Friday, December 2nd, in the gym from 9 am - 3 pm. Sign up and schedule an appointment here: December 2 Blood Drive Sign up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave.)
The memorial service for Joseph “Champ” Singleterry will be Saturday, December 3rd, at 3 pm in the sanctuary. There will be a reception and meal afterwards. We hope you join us as we remember this dearly loved and special member of our congregation.
Join us here at FBCP for an art therapy workshop led by Kit Ripley on Saturday, December 3rd, from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Kit is one of the global servants we support who works with women and girls in Thailand. She’ll begin by sharing how she uses art therapy to help people heal from trauma. Then we will eat lunch before Kit leads us in a hands-on art therapy workshop. She'll take you through a creative and contemplative exercise designed to help you take stock of where God has you in your current season of life and process what God might be inviting you to next. No artistic abilities required—this workshop is not about creating a polished product! We value the way that creative practices can connect us to God, and this will be a really rich time of listening and creating together. Text "art" to 626.727.9498 to sign up. Email Pastor Lindsay if you have any questions.
Save the Date for our Candlelight Carol Service on Sunday, December 11th, at 6 p.m. This special annual service will include music from the choir, handbells, and children!
Opportunities to Love Our Pasadena Neighbors
If you are looking for a different way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, consider volunteering with one of our local partners, Union Station Homeless Services, at their annual Dinner in the Park that is quickly approaching! There are a variety of volunteer opportunities to make each of their Dinner in the Park programs possible, including food sorting, preparation, cooking, packaging, and serving. If you want to donate food to their meals in the park, you can purchase through their Amazon and Target wish lists. Volunteer registration is now open on their website through the Volunteer Portal.
Hoving Home, another local partner we support, is having their Christmas Tea on Friday, December 2nd, from 6-8 p.m. at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena. There will be a silent auction as well as performances from the Hoving Home Choir with all proceeds from the evening going to provide women struggling with addiction and abuse a safe and loving community to rebuild their lives and fulfill their God-given purpose. Click here to learn more and purchase event tickets.
Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!
Less without you,
The FBCP Community
Weekly Happenings
Fall Sunday School (9-10 a.m.; until 11/13)
Sunday Worship Service (10:30 a.m., Sanctuary)
Thursday Noon Bible Study (noon - 1 p.m., Parlor)
Upcoming Events 2022
11/12 - Women’s Brunch
11/13 - Church Movie Day
11/18 - Parent Night Out
11/20 - Gratitude Night Annual Meeting & Potluck
Friends in Deed Christmas Gift Drive Begins
Oaxaca Missions Information Lunch
11/21, 23-24 - Union Station Dinner in the Park
11/24 - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY (no Noon Bible Study)
11/27 - Advent Sunday School Series Begins
Hanging of the Greens
FBCPride Monthly Meeting
12/2 - Red Cross Blood Drive
12/3 - Art Therapy Workshop with Kit Ripley
Champ Singleterry’s Memorial Service
12/4 - Public Theology & LA Voice Interest Meeting
12/11 - Candlelight Carol Service
Friends In Deed Gift Drive Ends
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service