FBCP Families | 03.05.2022

Hi Friends,

I hope you had a chance to read the letter that went out last week outlining our plans moving forward in terms of Covid protocols. Today I want to share our additional plans for kids and their spaces in the coming weeks and months. This is an overview, and I will share more pertinent details as we approach each of the following dates. 

  • Starting April 3rd, kids who are not in the nursery will join us for worship in the sanctuary every first Sunday of the month. We believe this is an important practice for multiple reasons—and I'll explain all of that in next week's email!

  • On April 10th, our programming for kids will return to our indoor classrooms. Their rooms have been reorganized and cleaned out with a new reading room, too! We will still venture outside whenever it makes sense for us to use the park area for a lesson or activity, but we are so excited to be in our permanent kid spaces once again. As we get closer to April 10th, I'll send a reminder about which classrooms are for which age groups. 

  • April 10th is also Palm Sunday, and our kids will join the adult choir as they process into the sanctuary with palm leaves. It will also mark the start of our regular routine for kids to join the worship service for the first part before being dismissed to their classrooms—more on that coming soon as well.

We are so excited to welcome kids back into their spaces and to have more opportunities for them to join the church at large! Keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks.

Join Our Team

Our ministry is growing, which is fantastic! In order to love and serve our kids well, we need more caring adults to help and teach on Sunday mornings. If you have wondered what it means to be part of our team and want to find out more, please join us on Sunday, March 27th, at 9:00 AM for an informational meeting and training. Email us if you are interested!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for parents who are attending a Sunday School class. 

Our kids five to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. For any parents who plan to attend our adult Sunday School class, we will make sure we are ready to receive kids at 8:50 AM. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in. Our team will be ready for a fun morning together with your kids! This week we will introduce the season of Lent and provide some simple practices you can do at home over the coming weeks. We hope that you feel inspired as a family to move through Lent with intention and open hearts.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What is the season of Lent about? 

  • What spiritual practice are you most excited to try this Lent?

  • What helps you feel close to God? 


This Sunday the youth are invited to attend worship and then gather for their usual time of lunch and fellowship following the service, and this week we'll meet in the park. We'll be following the scripture from worship service as we reflect on the book of Matthew together. We'll wrap up by 1:30 PM for pickup.

Starting March 13th, the youth will return to meeting in the youth room on the second floor. We will also continue our room renovation together in the coming months. We’ll share ways that you can contribute to the youth space in the coming months (like donating games, painting, and other fun stuff!).

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope to see you Sunday!

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 03.04.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

COVID-19 Update

  • If you are on our all church email list, you should have received our latest COVID-19 update announcing our plans to remove all our COVID-19 restrictions beginning Sunday, March 13th. You can read the entire update on our practices and plans for worshiping together here.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As we move out of the Omicron peak, FBCP’s latest COVID-19 practices and plans can be found here.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is canned chicken/tuna.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • The Red Cross will have a blood drive in the gym on Friday, March 11th, from 10 am - 4 pm. To schedule an appointment, sign up here. Red Cross volunteers will also be in the lobby space to take sign ups Sunday morning before and after service.

  • The funeral service for longtime beloved member Ulysses “Chappy” Chapman will be Saturday, March 12th, at 10 am in the sanctuary. A reception will follow afterward at 11 am in the gym.

  • Community dinners will be Friday, March 18th, at 6:30 pm with a few spots still remaining. You can stop by the Connections Desk on Sunday to sign up. You can also sign up to be an alternate in case someone needs to drop out.

  • In addition to our regular tithes and offering, we are taking an additional offering for Ukraine emergency relief. You can find out more information about how to support those suffering in Ukraine through prayer and finances here.

  • In celebration of Black History Month, we highlighted some of the lives and voices who have shaped our communal life and faith at large as well as locally here at FBCP. Some of those highlighted included Dr. William Pannell, Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor, and Dr. Carolyn L. Gordon. You can learn more here.

  • We have been invited by Stormie and Dustin Miller to support them in prayer as they face some complications with their pregnancy. Learn more about the specific ways you can be lifting them up here.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Support for Ukraine

Friends at FBCP,

Today we wanted to let you know about some ways you can come alongside those suffering in the midst of the attack on Ukraine. As an American Baptist Church, we are connected to the larger body of American Baptists, including those serving in Europe, and we want to share with you the opportunity to support their ongoing efforts with your financial gifts and your prayers.

In response to immediate needs resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, International Ministries (IM) has sent an initial grant of $15,000 in emergency relief to the European Baptist Federation. As part of the One Great Hour of Sharing fund, the money will go to provide humanitarian aid for Ukrainian Baptists. This grant joins a larger, global Baptist response to this evolving situation. Initial relief will provide basic provisions—food, shelter, medicine, and hygiene items—to at least 2,500 people who are fleeing their homes. Displaced people will be served by distribution centers set up by the Ukrainian Baptists to provide temporary shelter and relief. In addition, the threat of the incursion and the invasion have resulted in refugees fleeing to neighboring countries. In those countries, Baptists are also responding. There will be ongoing needs both within Ukraine and in the surrounding countries.

Additional financial relief is urgently needed. Beyond your regular offerings and tithes, you can support relief efforts through FBCP by giving online; just select "Ukraine Relief" on the drop-down menu. You can also send checks directly to the church at 75 N Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. Please designate your contribution “OGHS–Ukraine Relief” in the memo line of your check. On Sunday we will have an opportunity for you to make a contribution during our offering time as well.

While financial support will provide for physical needs, the need for prayer is paramount. IM Area Director for Europe, the Middle East and Liberia Rev. Charles Jones shares, “We ask American Baptists to join in prayer for our Baptist sisters and brothers, and all the people of Ukraine: for protection and provision for those who suffer, and for peace to be restored. And for our Baptist sisters and brothers and all peace-loving people in Russia, that God will give them courage to pursue peace.” American Baptist global servants in Europe are all well and safe; we ask for your prayers for their continued security.

Thank you for joining our American Baptist brothers and sisters during this crisis.

less without you,

Pastor John Jay and the FBCP staff


FBCP Families | 02.26.2022

Hi Friends,

Tomorrow is another chance for us to gather together for a time of worship and connection. It is a joy to see your kids and youth and to witness their curiosity and faith from week to week. I want to give a special thanks to Ada, Bennett, and Ruthie for sharing their gifts in our scripture reading last week. I was so moved by their participation and the chance for our kids to join the larger church in worship. What a beautiful church family we have!

As I look forward to our time together tomorrow, I also am weary with the news of war and tragedy in our world. In crises like these, I can't help but think about the children impacted and the ways they need protection and refuge. If your own children are at a stage where you can talk about what's happening, I encourage you to invite them to pray with you as a family, while also reminding them that they are safe with you. I try to steer clear of social media, but this post has some good tips on having these kinds of hard conversations. At the end of this email you'll find a prayer written by Kate Bowler, an author we have shared before (and one of John Jay's professors from Duke). Use it if you need help to find the words, or invite your family to write their own prayer together.


This Wednesday we will have an Ash Wednesday service at 6pm in the chapel to mark the beginning of Lent, which is the 40-day period leading up to Easter. Childcare will be available for our toddlers and babies, and all other children are invited to join us in the service. We’ll be sharing some Lenten resources for families next Sunday, and we hope they will allow you to make some room for reflection and connection in this liturgical season.


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for parents who are attending a Sunday School class. 

Our kids five to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. For any parents who plan to attend our adult Sunday School class, we will make sure we are ready to receive kids at 8:50 AM. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in. Our team will be ready for a fun morning together with your kids! This week we will wrap up our study of Paul's letter to the Corinthians and his focus on love, and we'll talk about Black History Month together. What a perfect time to remember the church's call to love well! You can help your child explore that at home by starting some conversations with your family using the questions below.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Who showed you love this week? 

  • What are some simple ways we can love other people well everyday?

  • Where do you see a need for more love in our world?


This Sunday the youth are invited to attend worship and then gather for their usual time of lunch and fellowship following the service, and this week we'll meet in the park. We'll be following the scripture from worship service as we reflect on the book of Matthew together. We'll wrap up by 1:30 PM for pickup. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope to see you Sunday!

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

A blessing for Ukraine
written by
Kate Bowler

God, the unthinkable has happened.

Swiftly, relentlessly,
by stealth and through open destruction,
the peace and beauty of the ordinary,
has been shattered in a day.

O God of justice and might,
We call to you to come and bring this suffering to an end.
Comfort these trembling hearts.
Shield the vulnerable.
Strengthen those with the resources and the resolve
to protect what they love
in the face of such overwhelming force.

Grant wisdom to the nations of our world, to our leaders, and to us,
to grasp the unfathomable,
to see evil in its true light,
and come against it unflinchingly.

Dear Ukraine,
though we shudder to watch what is happening
We will not look away.

Weekly Updates 02.25.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

COVID-19 Update

  • If you are on our all church email list, you should have received our latest COVID-19 update sent earlier this afternoon announcing our plans to remove all our COVID-19 restrictions beginning Sunday, March 13th. You can read the entire update on our practices and plans for worshiping together here .

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As we move out of the Omicron peak, FBCP’s latest COVID-19 practices and plans can be found here.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is peanut butter.

  • John Jay and Corrie are leading a new couples class that meets once a month on a Sunday evening. The first class will be Sunday, February 27th, 5-6:30 pm in the chapel. Childcare is provided. Learn more about the class and/or sign up here.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • For the rest of February in celebration of Black History month, we will be highlighting some of the lives and voices who have shaped our communal life and faith at large as well as locally here at FBCP. This past week featured Dr. Gardner C. Taylor. You can learn more here.

  • Join us as we begin the Lenten season on Wednesday, March 2nd. We will gather at 6:00 pm in the chapel for a worship service which will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Childcare for those four years and younger will be provided.

  • The Red Cross will have a blood drive in the gym on Friday, March 11th, from 10 am - 4 pm. To schedule an appointment, sign up here.

  • The funeral service for longtime beloved member Ulysses “Chappy” Chapman will be Saturday, March 12th, at 10 am in the sanctuary. A potluck reception will follow afterward at 11 am in the gym.

  • Community dinners will be Friday, March 18th, at 6:30 pm. Signups will begin this Sunday, February 27th.

  • We have been invited by Stormie and Dustin Miller to support them in prayer as they face some complications with their pregnancy. Learn more about the specific ways you can be lifting them up here.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 02.18.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is canned chicken/tuna.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • For the rest of February in celebration of Black History month, we will be highlighting some of the lives and voices who have shaped our communal life and faith at large as well as locally here at FBCP. This past week featured Dr. William Pannell. You can learn more here.

  • John Jay and Corrie are leading a new couples class that meets once a month on a Sunday evening. The first class will be Sunday, February 27th, 5-6:30 pm in the parlor. Childcare is provided. Learn more about the class and/or sign up here.

  • Join us as we begin the Lenten season on Wednesday, March 2nd. We will gather at 6:00 pm in the chapel for a worship service which will conclude with the imposition of ashes. Childcare for those four years and younger will be provided.

  • The Red Cross will have a blood drive in the gym on Friday, March 11th, from 10 am - 4 pm. To schedule an appointment, sign up here.

  • We have been invited by Stormie and Dustin Miller to support them in prayer as they face some complications with their pregnancy. Learn more about the specific ways you can be lifting them up here.

  • As we move out of the Omicron peak, you can read the latest update on FBCP’s Covid practices and plans here.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


FBCP Families | 02.18.2022

Hi Friends,

We hope you enjoyed the cookies and notes of love that our kids passed out after worship last Sunday. They sure are wonderful examples of God's love! I'm excited for our kids to be present for part of worship this coming Sunday (see below for more details). This week's scripture will be read by one of our kids, and it will be a special chance to honor the diversity of age that makes our community so beautiful and healthy. In future months, we are excited to create more opportunities  for our entire church to be together for spiritual formation after so much segregation by age due to Covid precautions the last two years. We'll be inviting more of you to be involved in Family Ministries, too, and we hope you will consider joining our team as we prepare to move back into our classrooms. Stay tuned for more information about how you can be part of all the fun!


John Jay and Corrie are leading a new couples class that meets once a month on a Sunday evening. The first class will be Sunday, February 27th, from 5:00-6:30 pm in the parlor. Childcare is provided, and we will provide some food for the kids since it takes place during a typical dinner time. Learn more about the class and/or sign up here. If you plan to bring your kids for childcare, let us know so we can prepare enough supplies and food. We hope this will be a place where couples can receive meaningful encouragement and support.


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for parents who are attending a Sunday School class. 

Our kids five to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. For any parents who plan to attend our adult Sunday School class, we will make sure we are ready to receive kids at 8:50 AM. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in. Our team will be ready for a fun morning together with your kids!

Please note that we will head into the sanctuary at 10:40 AM this week so the kids can be there for part of worship. If you arrive at the park and don’t see us, don’t worry! You can bring your child to the sanctuary and they can join us there. Parents can pick up their kids in the park after worship as usual.

This week we will continue our emphasis on the church's call to love well. You can help your child explore that at home by starting some conversations with your family using the questions below.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Who is an example of God's love in your life?

  • What kinds of words does Paul use to describe love?

  • Where do you see a need for more love in our world?


This Sunday the youth are invited to attend worship and then gather for their usual time of lunch and fellowship following the service. This week we'll meet in the park. We'll be following the scripture from worship service as we reflect on the book of Matthew together. We'll wrap up by 1:30 PM for pickup. 

Youth parents, I thought you might find this article from the Fuller Youth Institute helpful. It talks about how to begin conversations about mental health at home and offers some ideas for supporting youth who may be struggling with issues like anxiety or depression. We know our youth have faced a lot during the pandemic, and we are here to walk alongside you and them as we navigate this next season of life together.

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope to see you Sunday!

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

FBCP Families | 02.12.2022

Hi Friends,

I cannot tell you how good it was to be back with you all last Sunday after being away for two months. My heart was full of so much joy seeing all of you and your precious kids. I cannot wait for Emma Kate to meet all of you and for her to grow up surrounded by your love and example. Thank you for all the ways you have supported us in this season!

I'm excited to be back in regular communication with you through these weekly emails. If you are new to this mailing list, you can expect to receive these once a week with all the information you need to know for FBCP families with kids. We include details for Sunday worship and often share other resources that might be useful. Read on for all the things!


John Jay and Corrie are leading a new couples class that meets once a month on a Sunday evening. The first class will be held Sunday, February 27th, from 5:00-6:30 pm in the parlor. Childcare is provided. Learn more about the class and/or sign up here. We hope this will be a place where couples can receive meaningful encouragement and support.


Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for parents who are attending a Sunday School class. 

Our kids five to ten years old can join us in the park for a time of learning and playing together. For any parents who plan to attend our adult Sunday School class, we will make sure we are ready to receive kids at 8:50 AM. Parents can enter from the Union Street gate to sign their kids in. Our team will be ready for a fun morning together with your kids! This week we will continue our new focus on the church's call to love well. Our kids will spend time looking at verses from 1 Corinthians before preparing some tangible expressions of love for the congregation. Parents, this Sunday you can reunite with your kids in the sanctuary lobby after worship; our kids will be waiting there to spread some love to folks as they leave worship!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Why do you think Paul wrote to the church about love?

  • What kinds of words does Paul use to describe love?

  • Where do you see a need for more love in our world?


This Sunday the youth are invited to attend worship and then gather for their usual time of lunch and fellowship following the service. Note that this week we will gather in the courtyard area right beside the sanctuary (not the park). We'll be following the scripture from worship service as we reflect on the book of Matthew together. We'll wrap up by 1:30 PM, and parents can pick up their kids in the courtyard.

This Sunday I have a special opportunity for the youth to serve. After the teaching time during worship, all youth are invited to join me in heading to the park to help tear down the tables and supplies from the kids ministry. Our kids will be occupied with handing out a special love gift at the end of service, and they could use our help getting the park ready for a private event later that day. It will be an easy and fun way to serve our church in love! We'll head to the courtyard afterward for fun, food, and fellowship (candy included).

I hope to see you tomorrow as we gather for a beautiful morning together.

With love and gratitude for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 02.11.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is peanut butter.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • For the rest of February in celebration of Black History month, we will be highlighting some of the lives and voices who have shaped and continue to shape our communal life and faith at large as well as locally here at FBCP. A new highlight will come out every Saturday beginning February 12th.

  • John Jay and Corrie are leading a new couples class that meets once a month on a Sunday evening. The first class will be Sunday, February 27th, 5-6:30 pm in the parlor. Childcare is provided. Learn more about the class and/or sign up here.

  • Join us as we begin the Lenten season on Wednesday, March 2nd. We will gather at 6:00 pm in the chapel for a worship service which will conclude with the imposition of ashes.

  • We have been invited by Stormie and Dustin Miller to support them in prayer as they face some complications with their pregnancy. Learn more about the specific ways you can be lifting them up here.

  • As we move out of the Omicron peak, you can read the latest update on FBCP’s Covid practices and plans here.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 02.04.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • For best practices, we recommend upgrading your masks if you’re able to double masking a cloth mask with a 3-ply medical/surgical mask or switching to N95, KN95, or KF94 masks.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is canned chicken/tuna.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • John Jay and Corrie are leading a new couples class that meets once a month on a Sunday evening. The first class will be Sunday, February 27th, 5-6:30 pm in the parlor. Childcare is provided. Learn more about the class and/or sign up here.

  • The 2021 year-end giving statements were just mailed out and should be received shortly.

  • Noon Bible study resumes this coming Thursday, February 10th. Email Pastor Chip if you’re interested.

  • If you were unable to attend Tom Harris, Sr.’s memorial service, you can learn more about his life and listen to a recording of the service available here.

  • We have been invited by Stormie and Dustin Miller to support them in prayer as they face some complications with their pregnancy. Learn more about the specific ways you can be lifting them up here.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 01.28.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • For best practices, we recommend upgrading your masks if you’re able to double masking a cloth mask with a 3-ply medical/surgical mask or switching to N95, KN95, or KF94 masks.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry item for this Sunday is non-perishable fruit/vegetable juice and/or canned chicken/tuna.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • We will have a memorial service for beloved FBCP member Willie McNair this coming Thursday, February 3rd, at noon in the chapel. All are welcome to attend as we remember Willie together.

  • There is no noon Bible study this coming Thursday, February 3rd. The study will resume the following week on February 10th. Email Pastor Chip if you’re interested.

  • If you were unable to attend Tom Harris, Sr.’s memorial service, you can learn more about his life and listen to a recording of the service available here.

  • We have been invited by Stormie and Dustin Miller to support them in prayer as they face some complications with their pregnancy. Learn more about the specific ways you can be lifting them up here.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 01.21.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Saturday

  • Tom Harris, Sr.’s memorial service is tomorrow, January 22nd, at 11 am in the sanctuary with the reception to follow in the gym. While there will not be a livestream of the service, an audio recording of it will be made available later for those of you unable to attend. All are welcome as we gather to remember, honor, and celebrate Tom Harris, Sr.’s life and legacy.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • As we exercise best practices amid learning how to live with COVID, we recommend upgrading your masks if you’re able from cloth ones to those proven to be more effective in protecting against the virus. Upgrades in masking options include double masking a cloth mask with a 3-ply medical/surgical mask or switching to N95, KN95, or KF94 masks. This will help us to continue to develop sustainable practices as we learn how to thrive together as a community.

  • Join our new Sunday School classes that just started! Classes meet from 9-10 am before service. We have two classes you can choose from, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. You can find out more information about the Winter classes being offered and/or sign up here.

  • This Sunday we are asking you to bring hearty soup/chili for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry as you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Do you love to sing? Come join the FBCP choir, no experience required! Our wonderful choir just started back up and we’d love to have you be a part of it. We meet Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the fellowship hall. Email Pastor Leslie for more information.

  • We will be honoring the memory of beloved member Willie McNair on Thursday, February 3rd, at noon in the chapel. All are welcome to attend as we remember Willie together.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 01.14.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • The Rose Bowl Half Marathon will be taking place Sunday morning with limited street access around the church from 6 am - 1 pm. Be sure to check out the road closure map so you can plan your route and give yourself extra time to get to service.

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • As we exercise best practices amid learning how to live with COVID, we recommend upgrading your masks if you’re able from cloth ones to those proven to be more effective in protecting against the virus. Upgrades in masking options include double masking a cloth mask with a 3-ply medical/surgical mask or switching to N95, KN95, or KF94 masks. This will help us to continue to develop sustainable practices as learn how to thrive together as a community.

  • Sign up to join our new series of Sunday School classes starting this Sunday from 9-10 am. We’ll have two different classes you can choose from, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. Please note that class choices have been adjusted for this Winter 2022 session with some of the classes being moved to Sunday school for Spring 2022. To find out more information about the Winter classes being offered and/or to sign up, click here.

  • This Sunday we are asking you to bring can openers and/or a non-perishable food item of your choice for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry as you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Do you love to sing? Come join the FBCP choir, no experience required! Our wonderful choir just started back up and we’d love to have you be a part of it. We meet Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the fellowship hall. Email Pastor Leslie for more information.

  • The memorial service for long-time and beloved FBCP member Tom Harris Sr., will be next Saturday, January 22nd, at 11 am in the sanctuary with the reception to follow in the gym. Tom’s legacy, both spiritual and financial, continues to have an indelible and direct impact on FBCP that will be felt well into the future. His faithful generosity is one of the reasons we have been able to minister with abundance. All are welcome as we gather to remember, honor, and celebrate Tom Harris Sr.’s life and legacy.

Grace and peace to you as we head into this MLK weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 01.07.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! Instead of fellowship time in the lobby before service, we will be having a more quiet and contemplative time of music being played as people enter for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship. Youth will have lunch after service before helping out with taking down the decorations in the sanctuary. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • As we exercise best practices amid learning how to live with COVID, we recommend upgrading your masks if you’re able from cloth ones to those proven to be more effective in protecting against the virus. Upgrades in masking options include double masking a cloth mask with a 3-ply medical/surgical mask or switching to N95, KN95, or KF94 masks. This will help us to continue to develop sustainable practices as we learn how to thrive together as a community.

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation on Matthew 12:22-37 read by Jeannette.

  • We need volunteers to help us take down the greens after service Sunday! Come join us as we take down the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary. We’ll eat lunch together before getting to work taking everything down and making sure everything is labeled and organized for proper storage.

  • This Sunday we are asking you to bring canned chicken or tuna for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry as you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Did you know that the deep breathing associated with singing can help to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety? Choir will be resuming this coming Wednesday, January 12th, at 7 pm, and this is the perfect opportunity to join, no experience required. We will be meeting in the fellowship hall for the next few weeks. Contact Pastor Leslie for more information.

  • Sign up to join our new series of Sunday School classes starting Sunday, January 16th, from 9-10 am. We’ll have four different classes you can choose from, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. Please note that the start date has been pushed back one week as we’ve had to make some adjustments due to COVID. To find out more information about the different classes being offered and/or to sign up, click here.

  • The Rose Bowl Half Marathon will be taking place Sunday morning, January 16th, with limited street access around the church from 6 am - 1 pm. Be sure to check out the road closure map so you can plan your route and give yourself extra time to get to service.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 01.01.2022

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we kick off 2022! Instead of fellowship time in the lobby before service tomorrow, we will be having a more quiet and contemplative time of music being played as people enter for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up will join us in the sanctuary. Youth are also invited to join us for worship. Please note that there is no youth gathering after service tomorrow, and that Children’s Church will resume meeting outside in the park on Sunday, January 9th. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • As we exercise best practices amid this continued season of COVID, we recommend upgrading your masks if you’re able from cloth ones to those proven to be more effective in protecting against the virus. Upgrades in masking options include double masking or switching to 3-ply medical/surgical masks, N95 and/or KN95 masks. This will help us to continue to develop sustainable practices as learn how to thrive together as a community.

  • Given reduced staff resources this Sunday, we will shift communion from the sanctuary to your homes. You can expect an audio recording from Pastor John Jay to guide folks receiving communion wherever you are gathered and whoever you are with.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: When things are really hard, how does gratitude ground your spirit?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation on Matthew 12:1-14 read by Pastor Chip.

  • This Sunday we are asking you to bring any non-perishable food item of your choice or a can opener for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry as you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

Future Happenings & Other News

  • Our Thursday noon Bible study will resume meeting next week on Thursday, January 6th. Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • We need volunteers to help us take down the greens after service on Sunday, January 9th. If you’re free, we’d love to have your help with taking down the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary and putting them back in storage. We’ll eat lunch together before getting to work taking everything down and making sure everything is labeled and organized for proper storage. Email our office if you’re interested in helping out.

  • Sign up to join our new series of Sunday School classes starting on Sunday, January 16th from 9-10 am. We’ll have four different classes you can choose from, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. Please note that the start date has been pushed back one week as we’ve had to make some adjustments due to COVID. To find out more information about the different classes being offered and/or to sign up, click here.

  • The Rose Bowl Half Marathon will be Sunday morning, January 16th, with limited street access around the church from 6-11 am. Be sure to check out the road closure map so you can plan your route and give yourself extra time you might need for getting to service.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the new year. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 12.24.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

Join us for Christmas Eve service tonight!

Celebrate Christ’s birth at our Christmas Eve Communion Service this evening at 6 pm in the chapel. We’ll be giving our childcare workers the night off to be with their families, but the parlor space connected to the chapel will be open and available for our families with young children for a family friendly worship space. Please note that we will not have any service tomorrow on Christmas day itself.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! Heating in the sanctuary is down so be sure to bring a warm coat and/or blanket this Sunday. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up will join us for service so our Children’s Church teachers can have a holiday rest these next two Sundays. Youth are also invited to join us for worship. Please note there will be no youth gathering after service this Sunday. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: As you reflect on 2021, what part of this past year are you most grateful for?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation on rest for the weary from Matthew 11:25-30.

  • The Friends In Deed Food Pantry will be closed from Christmas to New Year’s so we will not be collecting any food items this Sunday. We will resume our weekly practice of contributing to their pantry the following week by asking you to bring any non-perishable food item of your choice and/or can openers on Sunday, January 2nd.

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have eight remaining free parking passes for our garage available for the Rose Bowl Parade. If you’d like one, you can ask for one at the Connections desk in the lobby on Sunday. They’ll be given out on a first come, first serve basis.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • Our Thursday noon Bible study is on a holiday break for the rest of this month and will resume meeting in the new year on Thursday, January 6th. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Sign up to join our new 8-week series of Sunday School classes starting on Sunday, January 9th from 9-10 am. We’ll have four different classes you can choose from, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. To find out more information about the different classes being offered and/or to sign up, click here.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 12.17.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! Heating in the sanctuary is down so be sure to bring a warm coat and/or blanket this Sunday. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship. Please note there is no youth gathering after service this Sunday. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: What is one aspect of your hometown for which you are grateful?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. This week’s meditation on Matthew 2:13-23 is a combination of the slaughter of the innocents and O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

  • This year’s Advent devotional uses Mary Oliver’s poetry from her book Devotions. Feel free to pick up a printed copy at the Connections desk in the lobby or click here for a digital copy.

  • Click here to listen to FBCP’s The Advent Album. You can also pick up a CD copy on Sunday at the Connections desk in the lobby. Any and all proceeds will go directly to support our local partners, Friends In Deed.

  • Join Rene and John Jay from 9-10 am this Sunday for our last class in the Advent Sunday School series that explores the season and all of its power and promise. The class will meet in the parlor, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. The curriculum uses the exquisite poetry of Mary Oliver as a lens to focus our hearts uniquely on Advent themes and practices. Copies of the poems will be provided, and no experience or expertise is required!

  • This week we are asking you to bring cereal for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

Future Happenings & Other News

  • Our Thursday noon Bible study will be taking a holiday break for the rest of this month and resume meeting in the new year on Thursday, January 6th. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Celebrate Christ’s birth at our Christmas Eve Communion Service on Friday evening, December 24th, at 6 pm in the chapel. We’ll be giving our childcare workers the night off to be with their families, but Pastor Mary will send out more information about the evening’s accommodations for our families with small children. Please note that we will not have any service on Christmas day itself, but will meet for our regular worship service the day after on Sunday, December 26th.

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have up to ten free parking passes for our garage available for the Rose Bowl Parade. If you’d like one of the passes, please email our office for more details.

  • We’ll be starting a new 8-week series of Sunday School classes in the new year on Sunday, January 9th. Similar to before, classes will meet from 9-10 am before service and childcare will be available so parents can attend too. We’ll be offering the following four classes this time:

    • Spiritual Values in Literature - Champ Singleterry and Rene Scheys

    • Contemporary Issues, Practices of Inclusion - Nori Ochi

    • Early Christian History - Jennifer Wolfe

    • Pattern, Symbol, and Form: Exploring Faith Through Design - Jessica Henson and Chris Torres

    More information about each class will be coming next week. You’ll be able to sign up for classes either online or at the Connections Desk in the church lobby starting on Sunday, December 26th.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 12.10.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am! Heating in the sanctuary is currently under repair so you’ll want to bring a warm coat and/or blanket this Sunday. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship. Please note there is no youth gathering after service this Sunday. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: What’s bringing you joy?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation on Matthew 2:1-12.

  • This year’s Advent devotional uses Mary Oliver’s poetry from her book Devotions. Feel free to pick up a printed copy at the Connections desk in the lobby or click here for a digital copy.

  • Click here to listen to FBCP’s The Advent Album. You can also pick up a CD copy on Sunday at the Connections desk in the lobby. Any and all proceeds will go directly to support our local partners, Friends In Deed.

  • Join Rene and John Jay from 9-10 am for our Advent Sunday School class that explores the season and all of its power and promise. The class meets in the parlor Sunday mornings during Advent until December 19th, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. The curriculum uses the exquisite poetry of Mary Oliver as a lens to focus our hearts uniquely on Advent themes and practices. Copies of the poems will be provided, and no experience or expertise is required! Click here if you still want to sign up.

  • This week we are asking you to bring canned chicken/tuna for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • Gifts for the Friends In Deed Christmas for the Kids gift drive are due this Sunday, December 12th! All gifts need to be unwrapped and labeled with the child’s name and family number. You can drop the gifts off at the Connections Desk in the lobby. If you forgot your child’s name and/or family number, you can check the sign up sheet here.

  • Calling all bakers and/or cookie lovers…we need cookies for our Candlelight Carol Service cookie reception this Sunday! Whether you do the baking yourself or someone else does it for you, we’re asking, if possible, for you to bring 2-3 dozen cookies to share with family and friends. Cookies can be dropped off Sunday morning, December 12th, at the Connections Desk before morning worship service so we can prepare them later in the evening for the Carol Service.

  • Come and bring your friends this Sunday, December 12th, at 6 pm to join in our 78th Annual Candlelight Carol Service in the sanctuary! Help us celebrate the Christmas season as we sing together and are reminded of hope made real in the birth of Jesus. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Please note that next week’s study on Thursday, December 16th, will be our last study for 2021. We will take a break for the rest of December and resume our noon study in the new year on Thursday, January 6th. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Celebrate Christ’s birth at our Christmas Eve Communion Service on Friday evening, December 24th, at 6 pm in the chapel. We’ll be giving our childcare workers the night off to be with their families, but Pastor Mary will send out more information about the evening’s accommodations for our families with small children. Please note that we will not have any service on Christmas day itself, but will meet for our regular worship service the day after on Sunday, December 26th.

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have up to ten free parking passes for our garage available for the Rose Bowl Parade. If you’d like one of the passes, please email our office for more details.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 12.03.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we partake in communion together. Come early to hang out with folks in the lobby and prepare for worship. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our youth lunch and Christmas party. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: What are you grateful for?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a combination of sounds and scripture in this meditation on Matthew 1:18-25.

  • Advent began last Sunday and this year’s Advent devotional uses Mary Oliver’s poetry from her book Devotions. Feel free to pick up a printed copy at the Connections desk in the lobby or click here for a digital copy.

  • Click here to listen to FBCP’s The Advent Album. You can also pick up a CD copy on Sunday at the Connections desk in the lobby. Any and all proceeds will go directly to support our local partners, Friends in Deed.

  • Join Rene and John Jay from 9-10 am for our Advent Sunday School class that explores the season and all of its power and promise. The class meets in the parlor Sunday mornings during Advent until December 19th, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. The curriculum uses the exquisite poetry of Mary Oliver as a lens to focus our hearts uniquely on Advent themes and practices. Copies of the poems will be provided, and no experience or expertise is required! Click here if you still want to sign up.

  • This week we are asking you to bring hearty soup and/or chili for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • Partner with us in generosity through Friends In Deed’s annual Christmas for the Kids gift drive. Every year we get the honor of helping to provide gifts for Friends In Deed’s families with kids as we are reminded of God’s generous gift of Jesus to our world. This will be the last Sunday to sign up and we still have 36 unclaimed gift requests left to fill! Click the button below to sign up to bring a gift. Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the church no later than Sunday, December 12th.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Come and bring your friends next Sunday, December 12th, to join in our 78th Annual Candlelight Carol Service at 6 pm in the sanctuary! Help us celebrate the Christmas season as we sing together and are reminded of hope made real in the birth of Jesus. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service. Feel free to grab some of our invitation cards in the lobby area to share with friends.

  • Calling all bakers and/or cookie lovers…we need cookies for our Candlelight Carol Service cookie reception! Whether you do the baking yourself or someone else does it for you, we’re asking, if possible, for you to bring 2-3 dozen cookies to share with family and friends. Cookies can be dropped off Sunday morning, December 12th, at the lobby desk before our regular morning worship service so they can be prepared and put out later in the evening for the carol service.

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community


Weekly Updates 11.26.2021

Friends at FBCP,

Here are the updates and announcements you need for the week.

This Sunday

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 am as we begin Advent. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids four years old and up can join us in the park, and youth are invited to join us for worship and then stay for our regular youth gathering and lunch. As a reminder, here are our community guidelines for being together in the sanctuary.

  • We’ll begin our service with an open time of sharing gratitudes, so we invite you to consider this prompt as we head into Sunday: Knowing that the holidays can sometimes be a time of heightened tension, is there a family or friendship practice which you are especially excited and grateful for this year?

  • You can also prepare for worship by listening to this week’s scripture recording. You’ll hear a full song in this meditation on Matthew 1:1-17.

  • Advent begins this Sunday and this year’s Advent devotional uses Mary Oliver’s poetry from her book Devotions. Feel free to pick up a printed copy at the lobby desk or click here for a digital copy.

  • Join Rene and John Jay this Sunday, November 28th, from 9-10 am as they kick off a special Advent Sunday School class that explores the season and all of its power and promise. The class will meet in the parlor for 4 weeks until December 19th, and childcare will be available so parents can attend. The curriculum will utilize the exquisite poetry of Mary Oliver as a lens to focus our hearts uniquely on Advent themes and practices. Copies of the poems will be provided, and no experience or expertise is required! Click here to sign up.

  • Interested in finding out more about FBCP, our history as an American Baptist church, and what we’re all about? New to FBCP? Join this upcoming Basics class in the Southside Room after worship service this Sunday when Pastor John Jay and Pastor Chip will go over what it means to be part of the FBCP community. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • This week we are asking you to bring peanut butter for the Friends In Deed Food Pantry if you are able. Right now this will help meet a major need in their supply. Thanks for contributing!

  • As an American Baptist Church, we share in the long history of global servants who have been called to work cross-culturally to show people the love of Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation. This month, you can give to the World Mission Offering (WMO) in support of International Ministries (IM), the organization that sends and supports the American Baptist global servants. We hope you will step into the flow of generosity as you consider how you might give above and beyond your regular offering to support God’s work around the world through the WMO. Click here to give online or make your offering during worship on Sunday.

Future Happenings & Other News

  • You’re invited to our Thursday noon Bible study! Join us each week on campus for a lively discussion about the upcoming Sunday teaching text. Email Pastor Chip for more details.

  • Come and bring your friends on Sunday, December 12th, to join in our 78th Annual Candlelight Carol Service at 6 pm in the sanctuary! Help us celebrate the Christmas season as we sing together and are reminded of hope made real in the birth of Jesus. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service. Feel free to grab some of our invitation cards in the lobby area to share with friends.

  • Calling all bakers and/or cookie lovers…we need cookies for our Candlelight Carol Service cookie reception! Whether you do the baking yourself or someone else does it for you, we’re asking, if possible, for you to bring 2-3 dozen cookies to share with family and friends. Cookies can be dropped off Sunday morning, December 12th, at the lobby desk before our regular morning worship service so they can be prepared and put out later in the evening for the carol service.

  • Partner with us in generosity through Friends in Deed’s annual Christmas for the Kids gift drive. Every year we get the honor of helping to provide gifts for Friends in Deed’s families with kids as we are reminded of God’s generous gift of Jesus to our world. Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the church no later than Sunday, December 12th. Click the button below to sign up to bring a gift!

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community