Weekly Updates 01.24.2025

Winter Sunday School Reboot

  • Winter Sunday School starts on Sunday, February 2nd, at 9am for five weeks, and the sign-up is open! If you previously signed up, please sign up again; this is a new topic, shifted due to our city’s recent wildfires. Susan Reedy, LMFT, loves Jesus and is ready to teach this class about “Resiliency in Trauma.” This class will teach life skills for processing any kind of life stress or trauma. Click here to sign up. Coffee, pastries and childcare will be provided.


  • A reminder to Family Ministry Volunteers, please arrive to the church office in the education building during your scheduled slot between 9-10:30am for your live scan fingerprinting—thanks!

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! Our scripture this week is Philippians 4:15-23. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the Sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us after worship in the Parlor for thirty minutes of prayer for our American Baptist global servants. If you are interested in joining with this group, please email Judy ahead and she can send you info on the specific matters for which we will be praying.

Wildfire Updates

  • Catch up on Pastor John Jay’s daily updates from the week here on our homepage.

Upcoming Events

  • Happy Lunar New Year on Wednesday, January 29th! Check out these happenings around Pasadena and find a moment to celebrate!

  • Pray for our youth and adult volunteers as they head to Big Bear Mountains next weekend. Their retreat theme this round is resiliency and practices for wholeness in the midst of suffering and communal trauma. Pastor Lindsay has some fun and meaningful activities planned around this theme. Thanks to Jensen, Bri, Michael, and Tina (the kitchen mom!) for helping lead this special time.

  • Join us for our Basics Class + Lunch for Newer Folks on Sunday, February 2nd, after worship in the Southside Room. Pastor John Jay loves a chance to get to know new faces, hear your story, and see what questions you might have about FBCP. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Thanks to our De-Escalation Team for being present each Sunday in worship and helpful in communicating with those who might need attention. Gaby will continue training the team after worship on Sunday, February 9th, and we invite team members to stay for lunch in the Southside Room. Text “calm” to 626.727.9498 if you would like to join the group, or email the office with any questions.

  • We invite families with kids to enjoy pizza and cupcakes after worship in the Park on Sunday, February 16th. We hope you can join us for fun and fellowship together!

The Church Organized for Work

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is fruit & vegetable juice.

  • Wildfire cleanup projects were underway earlier this week, this afternoon, and more planned tomorrow. To stay informed about the latest opportunities, text “volunteer” to 626.727.9498, and the Recovery Team will let you know what’s happening next (Pastor Chip, Jensen, Taylor, Dave P, Matt C, and Sally). You can submit a request here if you need help cleaning up inside or outside your home due to the wildfires. Also, check out our new community digital bulletin board, which has unique ways our church family is offering help to one another. We love the love!

  • Our local friends are also busy at work. Keep your eye on their websites to know how to help in other ways: CCC Resource Hub, The Center, LA Voice, Friends In Deed

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Easy-Going Basketball is on! | Sun 1/26 at 7pm

  • Winter Sunday School | Starting 2/2 at 9am

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Sun. 2/2 after worship | Parlor

Six Weeks at a Glance

Stay tuned, as some events are still being rescheduled after the fires:

1/26 - Prayer for Global Servants
1/29 - Happy Lunar New Year
1/31-2/2 - Winter Youth Retreat
2/2 - Winter Sunday School Begins
2/2 - Basics + Lunch for Newer Folks
2/23 - All-Church Fat Potluck
3/2 - FBCPride Lunch
3/9 - De-Escalation Team Meeting

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

Families | 01.18.2025

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

I am so excited to hug you tomorrow! You and your kids remain in our prayers as you continue to navigate new norms and temporary plans. Pastor Mary and I are here to pray with and for you, so please let us know if you want a call or to meet for coffee. This past week it was so wonderful to know we had kids and caregivers in the building for some moments of play, joy, and connection. A huge thanks to Engry, Barbie, Cindie, Ruthie, Tilli, Warren, Mady, Michael, and Nori for being willing to create a safe and loving space for our kids!

An Opportunity for Kids to Give 

Because the kids will be exploring Epiphany this week, Pastor Mary and I would like to invite our kids to join in giving gifts tomorrow. If your child would like, they can bring some money to donate toward the wildfire relief funds to church. It can be any amount—no amount is too small! Coins are welcome. We hope they learn that any gift given in love is also a gift for Jesus.

Childcare Needs this Week

We are trying to coordinate some childcare offerings again this week, so we would like to get a sense of your needs. If childcare would be helpful this week, can you let me know what days and blocks of time might be most useful to you? We are coordinating with our caregivers in hopes that we can offer a time that will work for as many as possible.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 8:50 AM for those who are attending Sunday School before service. This week our nursery kids will explore the importance of asking for help and offering help.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or sit with Pastor Mary and me in the front pews. This week the kids will spend time exploring Epiphany and what it means to offer gifts just like the magi. We are excited for them to get back to their regular rhythm with their leaders!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What are some of the best gifts you have received?

  • What kind of gifts (both tangible and intangible) have you seen offered in response to the fires?


This week we are back on for our regular youth gathering after worship! Lunch is included, and youth can be picked up at 1:30 PM in the church park off Union Street. Looking forward to getting back to our regular Sunday rhythm with youth!

Prayers for moments of peace, grounding, and connection.

Love you fiercely,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 01.17.2025


  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! Our scripture this week is Philippians 4:10-13. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the Sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

Revised Dates

  • We are excited to start Winter Sunday School classes on Sunday, February 2nd, at 9am for five weeks. Stay tuned, as the class offerings are shifting to adapt to current events; we will let you know soon what is being offered. Coffee, pastries and childcare are provided.

  • Basics Class is rescheduled to Sunday, February 2nd, and we would also like to invite any newer folks to this lunch after worship. Pastor John Jay always loves a chance to get to know new faces and hear more about your story and see what questions folks may have about FBCP. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498.

The Church Organized for Work

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is pasta and pasta sauce.

  • Wildfire cleanup projects were underway earlier this week, this afternoon, and more planned tomorrow. To stay informed about the latest opportunities, text “volunteer” to 626.727.9498, and Taylor will let you know what’s happening next. You can submit a request here if you need help cleaning up inside or outside your home due to the wildfires. Also, check out our new community digital bulletin board, which has unique ways our church family is offering help to one another. We love the love!

  • Our local friends are also busy at work. Keep your eye on their websites to know how to help in other ways: CCC Resource Hub, The Center, LA Voice, Friends In Deed

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Sun. 1/19 after worship | Parlor

  • Winter Sunday School | Starting 2/2 at 9am

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | Stay tuned | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

Stay tuned, as some events are still being rescheduled after the fires:

1/26 - Prayer for Global Servants
1/29 - Happy Lunar New Year
1/31-2/2 - Winter Youth Retreat
2/2 - Winter Sunday School Begins
2/2 - Basics Class
2/23 - All-Church Fat Potluck

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 01.04.2025

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Happy New Year to each of you! I am in North Carolina visiting Gavin's family, so I will miss being with you tomorrow but know it will be a meaningful time of worship for all. The teaching time will focus on renewing our commitments to one another as a church, and that feels like a powerful way to begin this new year together. I am grateful to be rooted in a community with you and look forward to how we will be formed as a church in 2025. This practice of renewing commitments is one you could do in your own home and with the input of your whole household. What are the ways your family wants to honor God, one another, and your growth as a unit? Keeping it simple is key. May you be blessed in whatever way your family is able to bring intention into this new season.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Childcare will be open starting at 10:20 AM. This week our nursery kids will begin to explore the story of Epiphany, when the wise men show up.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship—Pastor Mary will have that ready in the lobby, and it's always a favorite activity for our kids (and youth!). There will be snacks out, too. It will be a beautiful morning including communion as we worship together.

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What is one simple prayer practice your family might want to try this year together?

  • As you think back on 2024, talk as a family about where you noticed God's presence or faithfulness. Take some time to review the year together and invite the Spirit to reveal anything that might encourage or inspire your family in the new year.


This week our youth are invited to help take down the greens! This is an annual tradition where our youth and other congregants get to work and have fun together. Lunch will be provided, and we hope they will stay for this intergenerational time of fellowship. Thanks for helping!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 01.03.2025


  • Join us for worship in the Sanctuary at 10:30am as we partake in communion together (note: crackers are gluten free)! Our scripture this week is Philippians 3:12-16. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the Sanctuary for service. In lieu of our regular youth gathering, all youth can join the church in taking down the greens. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us after service this Sunday, January 5th, for the Taking Down of the Greens as we pack away our Christmas decorations and get our Sanctuary ready for the new year. First, we’ll have lunch together provided by the church (email Pastor Lindsay if you have dietary restrictions). Then, we’ll pack things away in labeled boxes in the tower room near the Lobby. We hope you can stay for this fun communal experience!

Winter Sunday School

Winter Sunday School classes start a week from Sunday (January 12th-February 23rd)! Click here to register for these special options! Let Pastor Lindsay know if you need childcare—thanks!

  • “The Beloved Community: Building God’s Vision for Racial Justice” with John Williams and Nancy Stiles: This class explores a biblical approach to racial justice and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s concept of the Beloved Community. Participants will examine a scriptural framework for confronting racism and reflect on how their social location influences their views on racial justice. We will define individual, systemic, and internalized racism while discussing biblical perspectives on reconciliation, equity, and justice. Through honest dialogue and reflection, we aim to seek ways to embody Gospel values in our racially diverse world. Located in the Parlor.

  • “Teachings of Jesus” with Jerry Brown: Jerry has extensive knowledge of the words of Jesus and themes throughout the gospels. He comes well-prepared each week with handouts and information ready for those eager to learn about Jesus' teachings and some of the core tenets of our faith. Located in the Southside Room.

  • “Doing Life with your Adult Children” with Rich and Kris Laski: Over the course of our lives, we will spend more time with our kids after they become adults than when they were children. This class will be structured around the Jim Burns book Doing Life With Your Adult Children - Keep Your Mouth Shut & The Welcome Mat Out. As parents of six adult children, we will be discussing relationship realities. This class is intended to spark meaningful discussions that will hopefully be helpful for any parent with adult children or any adult child with parents. Located in Room 214.

Coming Up

  • Pastor John Jay and Corrie are leading an 8-week marriage class beginning Wednesday, January 8th, at 6:30pm. They will be working through the book Hold Me Tight. The class is currently full, but stay tuned for another round of classes in future months.

  • Pastor Leslie welcomes new vocalists starting January 8th if you’re interested in joining the FBCP Choir musical fun. There is a special need for baritone/bass voices. Rehearsals happen on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm. Email Pastor Leslie if you are available and interested.

  • Join us on Saturday, January 11th, at 9am for our quarterly Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. John Williams, special guest and ministry partner from The Center for Restorative Justice, will share with our group, and you won’t want to miss! Text “bacon” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Help give the gift of life at our American Red Cross Blood Drive on Sunday, January 12th, in a mobile clinic parked on Holly St. from 9am-3pm. Schedule an appointment here: January 12th Blood Drive Sign-up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave). Thanks for considering this life-saving event!

  • You’re invited to our Basics Lunch after worship on Sunday, January 12th, in the Southside Room. Whether you have been at FBCP for a short period or you would like to be baptized, become a member, or simply learn more about our church, our Basics Lunch covers all the main information about our denomination, history and an opportunity to ask a pastor any questions you may have. We hope that you can stay and get to know a few other folks. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Join us for our next Passive-Aggressive Pickleball Group practice at 7pm on Sunday, January 12th, in the Gym off Union St. Bring a sweater and water, and text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 if you haven’t already. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available to use.

  • We invite the De-Escalation Team to lunch on Sunday, January 19th, after worship in the Southside Room. We’ll continue our discussion on how to best serve the pastors and church during Sunday morning worship. Let Gaby know if you’re part of the team but cannot make it.

The Church Organized for Work

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is cereal.

  • The Homeless Count is coming up! Pasadena Partnership coordinates resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here by this Sunday, January 5th so you can attend a zoom training on January 15th and be ready for the count on January 22-23. Select “yes” for the group option and write in “Chip Barabas” under team leader so we can be together as a group!

  • Born out of the Pastor's Pod of the Clergy Community Coalition, local faith leaders are coming together to host a Palestine/Israel Film Screening series from January to June. This five-film series will offer local Christians across denominations an opportunity to grow together in understanding, prayer, and action in response to the deep suffering and injustices experienced by people in the Holy Land. We especially want to understand the history of what led up to both the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7, 2023, and the retaliation of Israel over the last year, and learn how we can respond as Christians. FBCP is hosting the first month's film screening. Join us in the FBCP Chapel on January 17th at 7 PM for a screening of "The Stones Cry Out: Voices of the Palestinian Christians," followed by communal prayer and discussion. The series is sponsored by the Clergy Community Coalition, the Center for Restorative Justice, and Brehm Film of Fuller Seminary, and is hosted by different Pasadena churches. Register here: bit.ly/palestinefilmseries

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Yarn Crafts Group | Sun. 1/5 after worship | Parlor

  • Marriage Class | Wed. 1/8-2/26 at 6:30pm | John Jay’s Office

  • Winter Sunday School | Sun. 1/12-2/23 at 9am

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | Sun. 1/12 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

1/5 - Taking Down the Greens
1/5 - Sign-up Deadline for Homeless Count
1/11 - Men’s Breakfast
1/12 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/12 - Mobile Blood Drive
1/12 - Basics Class
1/17 - Palestine/Israel Film Screening
1/19 - De-Escalation Team Lunch
1/24 - Community Dinners
1/26 - Prayer for Global Servants
1/26 - Lunch for Newer Folks
1/29 - Happy Lunar New Year
1/31-2/2 - Winter Youth Retreat
2/8 - Women’s Brunch
2/16 - FBCPride Group Lunch

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 12.28.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

Merry Christmas! That greeting has come to mean more each year as we gather and retell the story of Jesus' birth. It was really special to share in communion, singing, and candle lighting on Christmas Eve with you. I am so thankful that you are the community where my own children are learning these traditions and embodied practices. I hope you can join us this Sunday as we hold the story a little longer and read the stories in scripture of the days following Christ's birth. May the imagination of Christ fill our hearts as we labor with a God who is always making all things new.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore the Christmas story as we reflect on the wonder that Jesus is born. 

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship as is our tradition the Sunday after Christmas. Please note that next week will also be an all-church Sunday for kids above nursery age since it is the first Sunday of the month. We are excited to worship with them tomorrow, including a chance to play some fun instruments with our final song. We'll have snacks and coloring sheets for them in the lobby. What a beautiful morning it will be!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What do you find most amazing or challenging about the birth of Christ?

  • What adults in your life bless you and help you learn about God?


We are on for our regular youth gathering this Sunday! We'll have lunch and finish at 1:30 PM as usual. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Join our 8-Week Marriage Class

We are excited to invite you to an 8-week Marriage Class that Pastor John Jay and Corrie are leading. They will be working through the book Hold Me Tight, and they would like to invite couples who want to strengthen their relationship and grow together.


  • What: 8-week Marriage Class, working through Hold Me Tight (2 copies provided per couple)

  • When: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM, from January 8th to February 26th

  • Where: FBCP, in John Jay's office

  • Cost: $20 per couple

  • Who: Open to all committed couples, 7 spots available 

If you will need childcare during the class, please email Sally to make arrangements.

Important: Keep an eye out for a registration link available January 2nd! Seating is limited to 7 couples, so be sure to register early. Please reach out to Corrie or Sally with any questions. 

We hope you’ll join us for this meaningful and enriching experience!


Pastor John Jay and Corrie Alvaro

Corrie Alvaro, MFT Trainee, 626-808-1748

Supervised by: Jennie Marie Battistin, LMFT, CA License #80423

Weekly Updates 12.27.2024


  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that our kids five years old and up will join us in the Sanctuary for service and have the opportunity to play rhythmic instruments during service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the Sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

Year-End Giving

  • Friends, thank you for your faithful generosity throughout this past year. Anyone wishing to give a year-end gift may donate online until midnight December 31st. Checks may be dropped off in-person to the office through Monday, December 30th between 9am-3pm. The office will be closed on Tuesday, December 31st. Checks may also be mailed to FBCP at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena CA 91101, and the amount will go towards 2024 records as long as the date is before January 1st, 2025. Please email Marcie with any questions.

Winter Sunday School

January is around the corner, and we wanted to give you a preview of the fun classes in our next seven-week Winter Sunday School series running from January 12th-February 23rd! Click here to be the first to sign up!

  • “The Beloved Community: Building God’s Vision for Racial Justice” with John Williams and Nancy Stiles: This class explores a biblical approach to racial justice and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s concept of the Beloved Community. Participants will examine a scriptural framework for confronting racism and reflect on how their social location influences their views on racial justice. We will define individual, systemic, and internalized racism while discussing biblical perspectives on reconciliation, equity, and justice. Through honest dialogue and reflection, we aim to seek ways to embody Gospel values in our racially diverse world.

  • “Teachings of Jesus” with Jerry Brown: Jerry has extensive knowledge of the words of Jesus and themes throughout the gospels. He comes well-prepared each week with handouts and information ready for those eager to learn about Jesus' teachings and some of the core tenets of our faith.

  • “Doing Life with your Adult Children” with Rich and Kris Laski: Over the course of our lives, we will spend more time with our kids after they become adults than when they were children. This class will be structured around the Jim Burns book Doing Life With Your Adult Children - Keep Your Mouth Shut & The Welcome Mat Out. As parents of six adult children, we will be discussing relationship realities. This class is intended spark meaningful discussions that will hopefully be helpful for any parent with adult children or any adult child with parents.

Coming Up

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have ten more parking passes left for our garage available for the Rose Bowl Parade, happening on January 1st on Colorado Blvd. If you’d like a pass, please email Kathy today! You must be free to pick up the pass this Sunday before or after worship, or on Monday, December 30th, between 9am-3pm.

  • Join us after service next Sunday, January 5th, for the Taking Down of the Greens as we pack away our Christmas decorations and get our Sanctuary ready for the new year. First, we’ll have lunch together provided by the church (email Pastor Lindsay if you have dietary restrictions). We hope you can stay for this fun communal experience!

  • Pastor Leslie welcomes new vocalists starting January 8th if you’re interested in joining the FBCP Choir musical fun. There is a special need for baritone/bass voices. Rehearsals happen on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm. Email Pastor Leslie if you are available and interested.

  • Join us on Saturday, January 11th, at 9am for our quarterly Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. A special guest and ministry partner from The Center for Restorative Justice, John Williams, will share with our group, and you won’t want to miss! Text “bacon” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Help give the gift of life at our American Red Cross Blood Drive on Sunday, January 12th, in a mobile clinic parked on Holly St. from 9am - 3pm. Schedule an appointment here: January 12th Blood Drive Sign-up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave). Thanks for considering this life-saving event!

  • You’re invited to our Basics Lunch after worship on Sunday, January 12th, in the Southside Room. Whether you have been at FBCP for a short period or you would like to be baptized, become a member, or simply learn more about our church, our Basics Lunch covers all the main information about our denomination, history and an opportunity to ask a pastor any questions you may have. We hope that you can stay and get to know a few other folks. Text “basics” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Join us for our next Passive-Aggressive Pickleball Group practice at 7pm on Sunday, January 12th, in the Gym off Union St. Bring a sweater and water, and text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 if you haven’t already. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available to use.

The Church Organized for Work

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is cereal.

  • The Homeless Count is coming up! Pasadena Partnership coordinates resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here by January 5th so you can attend a zoom training on January 15th and be ready for the count on January 22-23. Select “yes” for the group option and write in “Chip Barabas” under team leader so we can be together as a group!

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Holy Walkamolies | 12/28 at 4pm | Griffith Park Observatory

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 1/5 after worship | Parlor

  • NEW 8-Week Marriage Class!* | 1/8 at 6:30pm | John Jay’s Office

    *keep an eye on your email tomorrow for more information!

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 1/12 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

*Office hours may vary between today and January 5th
1/1 - Happy New Year | Office Closed
1/5 - Taking Down the Greens
1/5 - Sign-up Deadline for Homeless Count
1/11 - Men’s Breakfast
1/12 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/12 - Mobile Blood Drive
1/12 - Basics Class
1/17 - CCC Movie Night
1/19 - De-Escalation Team Lunch
1/24 - Community Dinners
1/26 - Prayer for Global Servants
1/26 - Lunch for Newer Folks
1/29 - Happy Lunar New Year
1/31-2/2 - Winter Youth Retreat

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 12.21.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

We had a blast with our youth last night at our annual Christmas party! It has been such a gift to see our youth deepen their relationships and enjoy their time together. I have witnessed a deepening of friendships across our younger kids, too, and it continues to be a blessing to see our younger members shaping our community. Some of our kids and youth feel comfortable sharing their gratitudes in service. Others love helping behind the scenes with set up and slides. Some of them are part of our rotation of Pastor Leslie's worship team. We are dreaming up more ways for our kids, youth, and adults to connect and learn, and we pray that we would notice all the explicit and subtle ways that we are being mutually formed by one another. Thank you for your willingness to make a space where children are seen, heard, and valued. 

Parents, I know many of you have felt the rush of this season and the extra busy schedules. I pray that you experience rest, joy, play, and whatever your family most needs in the next couple of weeks. May you feel the invitation to breathe deeply and to enjoy quiet moments when they come. Let us know how we can come alongside you in any other prayer requests. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! 

All-Church Sundays

Please note that December 29 and January 5 will be all-church worship services, so kids above nursery age will join us in the sanctuary. This is our yearly rhythm after Christmas, and we are glad to bring in the new year with our communal worship practices. We will have snacks for kids ready in the lobby on those Sundays, and we hope to see you all then!

Youth Retreat

Our winter retreat will take place January 31-February 2. Please register your youth here so we can get an accurate count for lodging and planning purposes. More details to come! Please let me know if you need help to cover the cost; we never want that to keep any youth from participating. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore the Christmas story as we move through the fourth week of Advent.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or in the pews in the front with Pastor Mary and me. They will have a beautiful time together lighting the fourth advent candle and reflecting on Jesus' love. We are so thankful for the intergenerational learning that happens in our family ministry spaces!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • How are hope, peace, joy, and love dependent on one another?

  • How have you seen love change a situation in your life? 


We are on for our regular youth gathering this Sunday! We'll have lunch and finish at 1:30 PM as usual. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 12.20.2024

Youth + Family Emails

  • Pastor Lindsay sends out lovely Saturday emails to families with kids of all ages. If you have kids ages 0-18 but are not receiving her updates, please sign up here so you don’t miss out!


  • Advent Sunday School, taught by Nancy Stiles, finishes this Sunday at 9am in the Parlor. You are welcome to come even if you missed the other sessions. Coffee and pastries provided.

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! Our scripture this week is Luke 1:57-66. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the Sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our Yarn Craft Group welcomes any crafty knitters or crocheters (or any type of crafting) to work on projects this Sunday, December 22nd, after worship in the Parlor. Bring snacks to share (optional) and a water bottle.

  • Check out our December Advent Calendar here.

Christmas Eve

  • Join us this Tuesday, December 24th, at 6pm in the Sanctuary for our annual Christmas Eve service. This intimate hour-long service ends with singing “Silent Night” by candlelight on Marengo Ave. We hope you can join us for this special tradition.

Coming Up

  • Join the Holy Walkamolies hiking group for their next hike at 4pm on Saturday, December 28th. This month’s location is at Griffith Park Observatory. Text “hike” to 626.727.9498 to receive the link to the RSVP page with more information and carpool details.

  • Planning on checking out the Rose Bowl Parade this year? We have ten parking passes for our garage available for the Rose Bowl Parade, happening on January 1st on Colorado Blvd. If you’d like a pass, please email Kathy today!

  • Join us on Saturday, January 11th, at 9am for our quarterly Men’s Breakfast in the Park off Union St. A special guest and ministry partner from The Center for Restorative Justice, John Williams, will share with our group and you won’t want to miss! Text “bacon” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Help give the gift of life at our American Red Cross Blood Drive on Sunday, January 12th, in a mobile clinic parked on Holly St. from 9am - 3pm. Schedule an appointment here: January 12th Blood Drive Sign-up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave). Thanks for considering this life-saving event!

  • Join us for our next Passive-Aggressive Pickleball Group practice at 7pm on Sunday, January 12th, in the Gym off Union St. Bring a sweater and water, and text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 if you haven’t already. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available to use.

Winter Sunday School

January is around the corner, and we wanted to give you a preview of the fun classes in our next seven-week Winter Sunday School series running from January 12th-February 23rd! Stay tuned for a sign-up link in next Friday’s email!

  • “The Beloved Community: Building God’s Vision for Racial Justice” with John Williams and Nancy Stiles

  • “Teachings of Jesus” with Jerry Brown

  • “Doing Life with your Adult Children” with Rich and Kris Laski

The Church Organized for Work

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is buyer’s choice.

  • The Homeless Count is coming up! Pasadena Partnership coordinates resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here by January 5th so you can attend a zoom training on January 15th and be ready for the count on January 22-23. Select “yes” for the group option and write in “Chip Barabas” under team leader so we can be together as a group!

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Advent Sunday School | 12/22 at 9am | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 12/22 after worship | Parlor

  • Holy Walkamolies | 12/28 at 4pm | Griffith Park Observatory

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 1/12 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

12/22 - Advent Sunday School Ends
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25-12/26 - Merry Christmas | Office Closed*
*Office hours may vary between 12/23-1/1
1/1 - Happy New Year | Office Closed
1/5 - Taking Down the Greens
1/5 - Deadline for Homeless Count
1/11 - Men’s Breakfast
1/12 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/12 - Mobile Blood Drive
1/12 - Basics Class
1/17 - CCC Movie Night
1/19 - De-Escalation Team Lunch
1/24 - Community Dinners
1/26 - Prayer for Global Servants
1/26 - Lunch for Newer Folks

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 12.14.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

I am so thankful for our kids, youth, and adults who led in worship and storytelling at the carol service last weekend! It was a rich and beautiful time with candlelight and the voices of our community. Thank you for all the hard work, intention, and fullness you brought to the evening. That service always deepens my love for the story of Christ's birth, and I pray we continue to ponder and worship together this season. You are a gift! 

Youth Christmas Party

Friday, December 20, is our annual Youth Christmas Party! Parents, keep an eye out for an email with more details about time and location. Please note that we will do a white elephant gift exchange, so please bring a wrapped gift ranging $10-$20. If you need help to make that happen, just let me know! We want everyone to be able to participate and enjoy. 



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore the Christmas story as we move through the third week of Advent.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or in the pews in the front with Pastor Mary and me. They will have a beautiful time together celebrating the carol service and telling the story of Christmas together. We are so thankful for the intergenerational learning that happens in our family ministry spaces!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Does joy mean we have to feel "happy" all the time?

  • Where can you cultivate joy even in the midst of something sad or difficult?


We are back on for our regular youth gathering this Sunday! We'll have lunch and finish at 1:30 PM as usual. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 12.13.2024


  • Our Easy-Going Basketball Group will be dribbling on the court tomorrow (not Sunday) from 7-9pm in our Gym on Union St. This is a non-competitive team that welcomes all ages and genders, and players of all levels are free to join. Contact Jason C if you have any questions!


  • Advent Sunday School, taught by Nancy Stiles, continues this Sunday, and lastly on December 22nd. Nancy will focus on themes of Journeying and Birthing at 9am in the Parlor. You are welcome to come even if you missed the first two sessions. Coffee and pastries provided.

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! Our scripture this week is John 16:16-24. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the Sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Check out our December Advent Calendar here.

The Church Organized for Work

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is buyer’s choice.

  • The Homeless Count is coming up! Pasadena Partnership coordinates resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here by January 5th so you can attend a zoom training on January 15th and be ready for the count on January 22-23. Select “yes” for the group option and write in “Chip Barabas” under team leader so we can be together as a group!

Christmas Eve

  • Join us on the evening of Tuesday, December 24th, at 6pm in the Sanctuary for our annual Christmas Eve service. This intimate hour-long service ends with singing “Silent Night” by candlelight on Marengo Ave. We hope you can join us for this special tradition.

Coming Up

  • Our Yarn Craft Group welcomes any crafty knitters or crocheters (or any type of crafting) to work on projects Sunday, December 22nd, after worship in the Parlor. Bring snacks to share (optional) and a water bottle.

  • Join the Holy Walkamolies hiking group for their next hike on Saturday, December 28th. This month’s location is TBD. Please text “hike” to 626.727.9498 to receive the link to the RSVP page.

  • Join us on Saturday, January 11th, at 9am for our quarterly Men’s Breakfast in the Park off Union St. You won’t want to miss the meal or the time of fellowship together. Text “bacon” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

  • Help give the gift of life at our American Red Cross Blood Drive on Sunday, January 12th, in a mobile clinic parked on Holly St. from 9am - 3pm. Schedule an appointment here: January 12th Blood Drive Sign-up (NOTE: Be sure to sign up for the one in Pasadena located at 75 N Marengo Ave). Thanks for considering this life-saving event!

  • Join us for our next Passive-Aggressive Pickleball Group practice at 7pm on Sunday, January 12th, in the Gym off Union St. Bring a sweater and water, and text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 if you haven’t already. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available to use.

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Advent Sunday School | Sundays in December at 9am | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 12/22 after worship | Parlor

  • Holy Walkamolies | 12/28 | TBD

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 1/12 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

12/22 - Advent Sunday School Ends
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25-12/26 - Merry Christmas | Office Closed
1/1 - Happy New Year | Office Closed
1/5 - Taking Down the Greens
1/5 - Deadline for Homeless Count
1/12 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/12 - Mobile Blood Drive
1/12 - Basics Class
1/17 - CCC Movie Night
1/19 - De-Escalation Team Lunch
1/24 - Community Dinners

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 12.07.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

This morning we had a dress rehearsal for the Carol Service, and it was such a gift to see our community working together in worship and storytelling. I am so thankful we get to revisit the story of Christ's birth each year and see it in new ways. I hope to see you all tomorrow night for this longheld tradition that connects us with years past as we sense God's movement in the world to make all things new. 

Carol Service

4 Year Olds & Kindergarteners

Please bring your child to the nursery when you arrive for the service that evening. We  will have childcare for the service, and your child will play until it's time for them to get into costume. After they process into the sanctuary for the nativity, they will remain standing up on the chancel for one song. They will remain there as Pastor John Jay gives some closing remarks before one final song (Go Tell It on the Mountain) and the benediction. Then it's over, and you can reunite with your child! 

Please note: Kindergarteners will sing "Joy to the World" (lyrics here—the kids sing the parts in bold) and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" (lyrics here). Our 4 Year Olds are NOT required to learn and sing the songs.

Kids (Grades 1st-5th) and Youth

Please bring your child to the chapel by 5:45PM on Sunday so they can grab a snack and gather to sit together for the first part of the Carol Service. We will be in charge of them until the service ends. Please pick your child up in the Chapel right after the service so they can return their costumes. Then you can all enjoy the cookie reception!



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore the Christmas story as we move through the second week of Advent.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or in the pews in the front with Pastor Mary and me. We are so thankful for the intergenerational learning that happens in our family ministry spaces!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does peace look like when you imagine it?

  • Where do you see a need for God's peace? How can we be peacemakers?


Please note that we will NOT have our regular youth gathering this Sunday so that everyone has a chance to go home before coming back for the carol service that evening. We will be back on for our regular youth gathering next Sunday!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 12.06.2024

Shout Out

  • Thank you to everyone who helped the staff with Hanging of the Greens last week! It was fun to be with all of you, and our church home is now ready for the season. We would be less without you!


  • Advent Sunday School, taught by Nancy Stiles, continues this Sunday for three more weeks. Nancy will lead the class through themes of Accepting, Journeying, and Birthing at 9am in the Parlor. You are welcome to attend any of the dates in the series. Text “advent” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP or just come on in!

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! Our scripture this week is Jonah 1:15-2:1. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the Sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our Yarn Craft Group welcomes any crafty knitters or crocheters (or any type of crafting) to work on your projects this Sunday, December 8th, after worship in the Parlor. Bring snacks to share (optional) and a water bottle.

  • Join us this Sunday evening for our 81st Annual Candlelight Carol Service at 6pm in the Sanctuary! Our FBCP Choir, Handbell Choir, Men’s Quartet, Children, Youth, Harpist Paul Baker and pastoral team will be leading us in worship! We hope you can join us in person, but if you’re tuning in from home, Click here to listen online starting at 5:45pm. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service. Feel free to pass along an invitation to friends using this link.

  • Check out our December Advent Calendar here.

The Church Organized for Work

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is cereal.

  • Thanks for everyone's generosity in giving gifts to 80 children through Friends In Deed this year! Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the church this Sunday, December 8th, and they should include the child's name and family number. Email Shawn with any questions.

  • Call for Cookies—We need your help with providing the cookies for the reception after the Candlelight Service! If you’re able, please bring 1-2 dozen cookies to share with all our guests, family, and friends. You can drop them off at the Connections Desk this Sunday morning, December 8th, before morning worship.

  • Pasadena Partnership is the primary planning entity coordinating resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here asap so you can plan your online training before January 22-23. Let the office know if you register so we can coordinate zones!

Christmas Eve

  • Join us on the evening of Tuesday, December 24th, at 6pm for our annual Christmas Eve service. This intimate hour-long service ends with singing “Silent Night” by candlelight on Marengo Ave. We hope you can join us for this special tradition.

Coming Up

  • Join the Holy Walkamolies hiking group for their next hike on Saturday, December 28th. This month’s location is TBD. Please text “hike” to 626.727.9498 to receive the link to the RSVP page.

  • Join us on Saturday, January 11th, at 9am for our quarterly Men’s Breakfast in the Park off Union St. You won’t want to miss the meal or the time of fellowship together. Text “bacon” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP.

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Advent Sunday School | Sundays in December at 9am | Parlor

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 12/8 after worship | Parlor

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 1/12 at 7pm | Gym

  • Holy Walkamolies | 12/28 | TBD

Six Weeks at a Glance

12/8 - Candlelight Carol Service
12/22 - Advent Sunday School Ends
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25-12/26 - Merry Christmas | Office Closed
1/1 - Happy New Year | Office Closed
1/5 - Taking Down of the Greens
1/12 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/12 - Mobile Blood Drive
1/12 - Basics Class
1/17 - CCC Movie Night
1/19 - De-Escalation Team Lunch

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 11.30.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

The first Sunday of Advent is upon us, and that means multiple opportunities to gather and engage with the rituals of this liturgical season. I am reminded of the importance of telling the story of Jesus' birth each year as we grapple with the consequences of sin that feel so pervasive—fractured relationships, materialism, poverty, oppression, war, genocide, injustice on every level. The season of Advent invites us to name the suffering in our world, and then it challenges us to hold all of that in light of a God who is neither far nor distant but rather incarnate, right here with us. In Christ we find the light that sparks Hope, Peace, and Joy from the source of Love itself. I am so thankful that we get to move through Advent together and reorient ourselves around the child in a manger. May we be changed by that love this season. I hope to see you tomorrow for worship!

Carol Service

Practice at Home 

Please play these songs for them at home when you can so they can get the lyrics set to memory. You can encourage your child to practice using these listening tracks. Kids in grades 1st-12th will sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" (lyrics here). Kids in K-12th grade will be singing "Joy to the World" (lyrics here—the kids sing the parts in bold) and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" (lyrics here).

Saturday, December 7th: Dress Rehearsal 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM

The kids will get fitted for their costumes for the Carol service, practice singing in the sanctuary, and run through the live nativity. We will provide some snacks! Please bring your child to the Chapel for drop off and pick up.

Sunday, December 8th: Candlelight Carol Service - 5:30 PM

Kids will sing one song in their regular clothing (this is a chance to wear their favorite Christmas outfit!), and then they will change into their nativity costume. Please bring your child to the chapel at 5:30 PM so that we can run through the songs one more time and get kids into place before the service starts at 6:00 PM. We will provide some snacks, too!

Parents of Kindergarteners

Your children are invited to sing and participate in the nativity toward the end of the carol service. They can begin the evening in the nursery. When it is time for them to get into their costumes, we will come and get them from the nursery. It would be a huge help if you could play "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" at home since they won't be able to read all the lyrics during the performance.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will begin to explore the Christmas story as we begin Advent.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for worship and communion since this is the first Sunday of the month. Make sure your child picks up a fun survey to fill out during worship along with some snacks. It will be a beautiful morning together as a church family, and we welcome the presence of our kids in worship. 

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • What does hope mean?

  • Advent is about waiting and paying attention. How can waiting be good for us even though it is hard?

  • What is your favorite part about the Advent season? 


Our youth will join our congregation for our annual hanging of the greens this week! We'll serve them lunch with the rest of the church and are so grateful they can join this time of working together and preparing for Christmas.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 11.29.2024

FBCP is Thankful for YOU


  • Advent Sunday School, taught by Nancy Stiles, starts this Sunday at 9am in the Parlor. The class meets on December 1, 8, 15 and 22, and Nancy will lead the class through themes of Waiting, Accepting, Journeying, and Birthing. You are welcome to attend any of the dates in the series. Text “advent” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP for this Christmas class!

  • Join us for worship in the sanctuary at 10:30am as we partake in communion together (note: crackers are gluten free)! Our scripture this week is Luke 1:1-25. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Please note that because this will be the first Sunday of the month, our kids five years old and up will join us in the Sanctuary for service. Our youth are invited to join us for Hanging of the Greens after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Join us for our annual Hanging of the Greens this Sunday after worship! We would love your help to decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas—everything from unwrapping candles to setting up trees in our baptismal. We’ll have lunch first before turning up the Christmas music and getting to work.

  • Our Passive-Aggressive Pickleball group will play this Sunday, December 1st, at 7pm in the Gym off Union St. Text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 to join the text updates for this group. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available; bring your parking ticket for validation and a bottle of water.

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is cereal.

Advent + 81st Candlelight Carol Service

  • Check out our December Advent Calendar here.

  • Join us for our 81st Annual Candlelight Carol Service on Sunday, December 8th, at 6pm in the Sanctuary! Help us celebrate the Christmas season as we sing together and are reminded of hope made real in the birth of Jesus. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service. Feel free to pass along an invitation to friends using this link.

  • Call for Cookies—We need your help with providing the cookies for the reception after the Candlelight Service! If you’re able, please bring 1-2 dozen cookies to share with all our guests, family, and friends. You can drop them off at the Connections Desk on Sunday, December 8th, before morning worship.

Friends In Deed Gift Drive

  • We are in the middle of our Friends In Deed annual Christmas for the Kids gift drive, and we are excited that last week the rest of the 80 gift tags were taken home! Thanks for everyone's generosity! Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the church no later than Sunday, December 8th, and they should include the child's name and family number. Email the office to arrange a time to stop by, or bring the gifts to worship and drop off at the Connections Desk. Email Shawn with any questions.

Coming Up

  • Our Yarn Craft Group welcomes any crafty knitters or crocheters (or any type of crafting) to work on your projects on Sunday, December 8th, after worship in the Parlor. Bring snacks to share (optional) and a water bottle.

Opportunities to Serve

  • Pasadena Partnership is the primary planning entity coordinating resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here asap so you can plan your online training before January 22-23. Let the office know if you register so we can coordinate zones!

  • Friends, we love the way our community comes around others when they are in need by offering meals or practical help. Please consider joining our Meal Ministry team by letting Pastor Lindsay know that you’d like to get links to Meal Trains whenever they arise (like this one for John S)!

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Advent Sunday School | Starts 12/1 at 9am | Parlor

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 12/1 at 7pm | Gym

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 12/8 after worship | Parlor

  • Holy Walkamolies | 12/28 | TBD

Six Weeks at a Glance

12/1 - Advent Sunday School Begins
12/1 - Hanging of the Greens
12/8 - Candlelight Carol Service
12/22 - Advent Sunday School Ends
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service
12/25-12/26 - Merry Christmas | Office Closed
1/1 - Happy New Year | Office Closed
1/5 - Taking Down of the Greens
1/12 - Winter Sunday School Begins
1/12 - Mobile Blood Drive
1/12 - Basics Class

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 11.23.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

We had a blast with our kids last night at our Parents Night Out! A huge thank you to Cindie and Tina for preparing such a delicious feast for us, and more huge thanks to Engry, Warren, Michael, Krista, and Roman for all their help to make the evening possible. What a fun night for all generations! 

Speaking of all generations, I came across this article and felt a lot of resonance with how we nurture intergenerational worship leadership. Our kids, youth, and adults create such beautiful moments of worship for our community. On that note, we are making final preparations for our Carol Service, so please fill out this form to let us know whether or not your child(ren) plans to participate. We can't wait to have them join us in leading worship at this special service!

Carol Service Details

Practice at Home 

Please play these songs for them at home when you can so they can get the lyrics set to memory. You can encourage your child to practice using these listening tracks. Kids in grades 1st-12th will sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" (lyrics here). Kids in K-12th grade will be singing "Joy to the World" (lyrics here—the kids sing the parts in bold) and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" (lyrics here).

Saturday, December 7th: Dress Rehearsal 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM

The kids will get fitted for their costumes for the Carol service, practice singing in the sanctuary, and run through the live nativity. We will provide some snacks! Please bring your child to the Chapel for drop off and pick up.

Sunday, December 8th: Candlelight Carol Service - 5:30 PM

Kids will sing one song in their regular clothing (this is a chance to wear their favorite Christmas outfit!), and then they will change into their nativity costume. Please bring your child to the chapel at 5:30 PM so that we can run through the songs one more time and get kids into place before the service starts at 6:00 PM. We will provide some snacks, too!

Parents of Kindergarteners

Your children are invited to sing and participate in the nativity toward the end of the carol service. They can begin the evening in the nursery. When it is time for them to get into their costumes, we will come and get them from the nursery. It would be a huge help if you could play "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" at home since they won't be able to read all the lyrics during the performance.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will continue to explore friendship and how to welcome new friends using a storybook and Bible stories.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or in the pews in the front with Pastor Mary and me. We are so thankful for the intergenerational learning that happens in our family ministry spaces!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • How are gratitude and kindness connected?

  • Brainstorm ways you can express gratitude besides simply saying "Thank you!"


Our youth are on for our regularly scheduled gathering this week with lunch included. We'll wrap up at 1:30 as usual and meet parents at the church park for pick up. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 11.22.2024


  • Our Yarn Crafts Group invites you to the SoCal Fiber Fair in Pomona tomorrow afternoon, November 23rd. Tickets are $15 per person (buy online) and we can arrange to carpool. Kids 11 and under are free! Email Whitney or Justine to RSVP or if you have any questions.


  • TRAFFIC ALERT: We advise arriving to our parking structure on Holly St. before 10:30am this week to secure a parking spot before the attendants open up FBCP spots to the Pasadena community for the annual Doo-Dah parade. When you enter the driving structure, drive straight to the area with orange cones reserved for us this week. Tell the parking attendants that you are with First Baptist, and you will not be charged the $20 special event fee.

  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! Our scripture this week is Revelation 1:4-8. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our Yarn Craft Group welcomes any crafty knitters or crocheters (or any type of crafting) to work on your projects this Sunday, November 24th, after worship in the Parlor. Bring snacks to share (optional) and a water bottle.

  • Gratitude Night is this Sunday, November 24th, at 6pm in the Gym! Please enter through the gate on Union St. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring a salad/side (A-G), dessert (H-M), or main dish (N-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBCP friends and family. We hope you join us for a wonderful time of fellowship at our pre-Thanksgiving feast!

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this week is cereal.

Advent Schedule

  • Check out our December calendar here. We hope you can join us for these special weeks leading up to Christmas. An invitation to our 81st Candlelight Carol Service can be found here.

Meal Train

  • Friends, we love the way our community comes around others when they are in need by offering meals or practical help. Please consider joining our Meal Ministry team by letting Pastor Lindsay know that you’d like to get links to Meal Trains whenever they arise (like this one for John S)!

Friends In Deed Gift Drive

  • We are excited to partner once again with Friends In Deed for their annual Christmas for the Kids gift drive, a reminder of God’s generous gift of Jesus to our world. Last week, our community took home about 45 gift tags for specific kids of all ages, and we have about 35 names left. On your way out, we invite you to pick up a child's name and gift information. Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the church no later than Sunday, December 8th, and they should include the child's name and family number. Email the office to arrange a time to stop by, or bring the gifts to worship and drop off at the Connections Desk. Email Shawn with any questions.

Coming Up

  • Join us for our annual Hanging of the Greens on Sunday, December 1st, immediately following service. We would love your help to decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas—everything from unwrapping candles to setting up trees in our baptismal. We’ll have lunch first before turning up the Christmas music and getting to work.

  • Advent Sunday School, taught by Nancy Stiles, will meet in the Parlor from 9-10am for the four Sundays preceding Christmas. Text “advent” to 626.727.9498 to sign up today!

  • Our Passive-Aggressive Pickleball group will play next on Sunday, December 1st, at 7pm in the Gym off Union St. Text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 to join the text updates for this group. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available; bring your parking ticket for validation and a bottle of water.

81st Candlelight Carol Service

  • Join us for our 81st Annual Candlelight Carol Service on Sunday, December 8th, at 6pm in the Sanctuary! Help us celebrate the Christmas season as we sing together and are reminded of hope made real in the birth of Jesus. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service. Feel free to pass along an invitation to friends using this link.

  • Call for Cookies—We need your help with providing the cookies for the reception after the Candlelight Service! If you’re able, please bring 1-2 dozen cookies to share with all our guests, family, and friends. You can drop them off at the Connections Desk on Sunday, December 8th, before morning worship.

Opportunities to Love Our Pasadena Neighbors

  • Consider volunteering with one of our local partners, Union Station Homeless Services, at their annual Dinner in the Park that is quickly approaching! There are a variety of volunteer opportunities to make each of their Dinner in the Park programs possible, including food sorting, preparation, cooking, packaging, and serving. The next Pasadena dinner will be on Wednesday, November 27th. To sign up to volunteer or learn about urgent needs, visit their website here.

  • Pasadena Partnership is the primary planning entity coordinating resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here asap so you can plan your online training before January 22-23. Let the office know if you register so we can coordinate zones!

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 11/24 after worship | Parlor

  • Advent Sunday School | Starts 12/1 at 9am | Parlor

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 12/1 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

11/24 - Gratitude Night
11/28-11/29 - Happy Thanksgiving | Office Closed
12/1 - Advent Sunday School Begins
12/1 - Hanging of the Greens
12/8 - Candlelight Carol Service
12/22 - Advent Sunday School Ends
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.

FBCP Families | 11.16.2024

Beloved Friends and Families with Kids,

As we get closer to the Advent season, we wanted to share some details about the upcoming Candlelight Carol Service. Please fill out this form to let us know whether or not your child(ren) plans to participate. We can't wait to have them join us in leading worship at this special service!

  • Practice at Home | Please play these songs for them at home when you can so they can get the lyrics set to memory. You can encourage your child to practice using these listening tracks. Kids in grades 1st-12th will sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" (lyrics here). Kids in K-12th grade will be singing "Joy to the World" (lyrics here—the kids sing the parts in bold) and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" (lyrics here).

  • Saturday, December 7th: Dress Rehearsal 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM | The kids will get fitted for their costumes for the Carol service, practice singing in the sanctuary, and run through the live nativity. We will provide some snacks! Please bring your child to the Chapel for drop off and pick up.

  • Sunday, December 8th: Candlelight Carol Service - 5:30 PM | Kids will sing one song in their regular clothing (this is a chance to wear their favorite Christmas outfit!), and then they will change into their nativity costume. Please bring your child to the chapel at 5:30 PM so that we can run through the songs one more time and get kids into place before the service starts at 6:00 PM. We will provide some snacks, too!

  • Parents of Kindergarteners | Your children are invited to sing and participate in the nativity toward the end of the carol service. They can begin the evening in the nursery. When it is time for them to get into their costumes, we will come and get them from the nursery. It would be a huge help if you could play "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell It On the Mountain" at home since they won't be able to read all the lyrics during the performance.

Parents Night Out

We are planning a night of fun for kids so parents can enjoy an evening out (also known as "Parents Night Out"). You can drop off and pick up your child anytime between 5:30-8:30 PM on Friday, November 22nd, and then head out to do whatever your heart desires! We'll serve dinner and provide activities for your kids. You can register your kid(s) with this link.



Our nursery room is open this Sunday for babies and toddlers four years old and under. Our nursery staff will be ready at 10:20 AM to receive your amazing kids. This week our nursery kids will explore friendship and how to welcome new friends using a storybook and Bible stories.

Our kids five to ten years old will join us in the sanctuary for the start of worship and then will be dismissed to head to their classrooms together. They can begin service with their families or in the pews in the front with Pastor Mary and me. We are so thankful for the intergenerational learning that happens in our family ministry spaces!

Discussion Questions for the Table at Home:

  • Think about the past week. What different emotions did you experience? How do you think God wants to respond to you and all you are feeling?

  • When did God feel closest to you this week? 


Our youth are on for our regularly scheduled gathering this week with lunch included. We'll wrap up at 1:30 as usual and meet parents at the church park for pick up. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for being such a special community of families!

With deep affection for you,

Pastor Lindsay

Weekly Updates 11.15.2024


  • The Holy Walkamolies Hiking Group invites you hike to the Hollywood Sign tomorrow morning! If you’d like to carpool, meet at the church at 8:30am, or meet at the trailhead at 9am. Read more about the hike here and please RSVP here so Nicole knows who’s in. We look forward to taking in fresh air and views of the city together!


  • Join us at 10:30am for worship in the Sanctuary! Our scripture this week is Philippians 3:1-11. The nursery will be open as usual for our toddlers and babies. Our kids five years old and up can join us for the first part of worship and then will be dismissed to their classrooms with their leaders. They can sit with their parents or join us in the front rows at the start of service. Our youth are invited to join us for our regular lunch and fellowship after service. The Prayer team will be available at the front of the sanctuary toward the end of the service to pray with those who would like to receive prayer.

  • Our next FBCPride Group will gather for lunch this Sunday, November 17th, after worship in the Southside Room. The LGBTQ+ community, parents and allies 16+ are welcome, and you can read more about the group here. Jonathan Fisher is planning to share his story of faith and we’ll have time for table discussions. The church is providing lunch, but you are welcome to bring fruit, dessert or drinks if you would like. Text “pride” to 626.727.9498 to RSVP. Feel free to bring a friend.

  • Join us after worship in the Parlor this Sunday, November 17th, for thirty minutes of prayer for our American Baptist global servants. If you are interested in joining with this group, please email Jeannette or Judy. This will enable them to send you an email about the specific matters for which we will be praying, including information about two new global servants we are considering partnering with starting in 2025.

  • Our Easy-Going Basketball Group meets in the Gym this Sunday at 7pm. This group is for all non-competitive ages and encourages friendly play. Email Jason C if you have questions.

  • The Friends In Deed food pantry item this weekand for the month of November—is cereal.

Friends In Deed Gift Drive

  • We are excited to partner once again with Friends In Deed for their annual Christmas for the Kids gift drive. Every year we get the honor of helping to provide gifts for Friends In Deed’s families with kids as we are reminded of God’s generous gift of Jesus to our world, and this year we are planning to once again provide 80 gifts thanks to your generosity. At service this Sunday, you can pick up a child's name and gift information. Unwrapped gifts should be dropped off at the church no later than Sunday, December 8th, and they should include the child's name and family number. Email the office to arrange a time to stop by, or bring the gifts to worship and drop off at the Connections Desk. Email Shawn with any questions.

Coming Up

  • We are planning a night of fun for kids so parents can enjoy an evening out (also known as "Parents Night Out"). You can drop off and pick up your child anytime between 5:30-8:30 PM on Friday, November 22nd, and then shop, eat, or take a nap! We'll serve dinner and provide activities for your kids! You can register your kid(s) with this link.

  • Our Yarn Craft Group welcomes any crafty knitters or crocheters (or any type of crafting) to work on your projects on Sunday, November 24th, in the Parlor. Bring snacks to share (optional) and a water bottle. Also this weekend, save the date for their annual retreat on Saturday, November 23rd, to the SoCal Fiber Fair in Pomona. Tickets are $15 per person (buy online) and we can arrange to carpool. Kids 11 and under are free! Email Whitney or Justine to RSVP or if you have any questions.

  • Gratitude Night is one of our favorite traditions, and it’s just around the corner! We will meet in the Gym at 6pm on Sunday, November 24th. Based on your last name, as you’re able, please bring a salad/side (A-G), dessert (H-M), or main dish (N-Z) of about 10 servings to share with your FBCP friends and family. We hope you join us for a wonderful time of fellowship at our pre-Thanksgiving feast!

  • Our Passive-Aggressive Pickleball group will play next on Sunday, December 1st, at 7pm in the Gym off Union St. Text “pickle” to 626.727.9498 to join the text updates for this group. Email Tim with questions. We have paddles and balls available; bring your parking ticket for validation and a bottle of water.

Advent is Around the Corner!

  • Join us for our annual Hanging of the Greens on Sunday, December 1st, immediately following service. We would love your help to decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas. We’ll have lunch first before getting to work.

  • Advent Sunday School, taught by Nancy Stiles, will meet in the Parlor from 9-10am for the four Sundays preceding Christmas. Text “advent” to 626.727.9498 to sign up today!

  • Join us for our 81st Annual Candlelight Carol Service on Sunday, December 8th, at 6pm in the Sanctuary! Help us celebrate the Christmas season as we sing together and are reminded of hope made real in the birth of Jesus. Childcare for toddlers and infants (4 years and under) will be provided, and there will be a cookie reception after the service.

  • Call for Cookies—We need your help with providing the cookies for the reception after the Candlelight Service! If you’re able, please bring 1-2 dozen cookies to share with all our guests, family, and friends. You can drop them off at the Connections Desk on Sunday, December 8th, before morning worship.

Opportunities to Love Our Pasadena Neighbors

  • Consider volunteering with one of our local partners, Union Station Homeless Services, at their annual Dinner in the Park that is quickly approaching! There are a variety of volunteer opportunities to make each of their Dinner in the Park programs possible, including food sorting, preparation, cooking, packaging, and serving. To learn more and to sign up to volunteer, visit their website here.

  • Pasadena Partnership is the primary planning entity coordinating resources to end homelessness in our community. Every January they do a headcount on the streets to plan for what they need more accurately, a critical step in securing funding. Anyone wishing to help can register here asap so you can plan your online training before January 22-23. Let the office know if you register so we can coordinate zones!

  • For those who enjoy the work of Friends In Deed, you might be interested in tuning into their ‘State of FID Address’ zoom on Wednesday, November 20th. FID will discuss latest milestones, upcoming goals, and impactful work in our Pasadena community.

    Virtual Event Details

    Date: Wednesday, November 20th 

    Time: 6pm

    Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86406708000 

Regular-ish Happenings

  • Holy Walkamolies | 11/16 at 9am | Hollywood Sign Hike

  • Easy-Going Basketball | 11/17 at 7pm | Gym

  • Yarn Crafts Group | 11/24 after worship | Parlor

  • Advent Sunday School | Starts 12/1 at 9am | Parlor

  • Passive-Aggressive Pickleball | 12/1 at 7pm | Gym

Six Weeks at a Glance

11/17 - “Spiritual Values in Literature” Class Ends
11/17 - Friends In Deed Gift Drive Begins
11/17 - Prayer for Global Servants
11/17 - FBCPride Group Lunch
11/22 - Parents Night Out
11/24 - Gratitude Night
11/28-11/29 - Happy Thanksgiving | Office Closed
12/1 - Advent Sunday School Begins
12/1 - Hanging of the Greens
12/8 - Candlelight Carol Service
12/22 - Advent Sunday School Ends
12/24 - Christmas Eve Service

Grace and peace to you as we head into the weekend. We can’t wait to worship with you in our sanctuary on Sunday!

Less without you,

The FBCP Community

P.S. First Baptist Church of Pasadena has weekly worship services on Sundays at 10:30am at 75 N. Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101. If you’re driving in, we invite you to park at 150 E Holly St and bring in your ticket to the lobby for validation. We are also a block away from the Memorial Park Station on the A Line. Contact the office with questions.