Dear Jesus,
Your compassion always looked like courage.
Strengthen our hearts with your bravery as
we risk,
reach out,
and lift up
our siblings near and far.
Help us keep our eyes on you.
Happy Sunday, Friends!
If you weren’t at Drive-In Church this morning, I hope you got the liturgy that was sent out a little while ago. It has some live elements from Drive-In Church and we hope you are blessed in listening!
We are one week into Compassion Camp, and we hope your campers are enjoying their adventures at home with our virtual campsite. Tomorrow morning I'll be sending out an email with all the information for week two, including a list of what was in your Camper Kit and which activities they are needed for. We are so excited to share another week of compassion with you!
The video below is just some extra fun to give a little introduction and real-life example of this week’s theme at camp. Bonus: It features a special guest from our pastoral staff!
The theme for the second week of camp is "Compassion for Self." We hope that last week you really paid attention to everything around you so that you could spot any chance to show up and be brave by showing compassion. This week, we're asking you to have some self compassion, which can be hard. This article has five ways to cultivate self-compassion in your kids at home. We pray that the activities at camp help them have fun while enjoying all the ways God has made them to be special and valued in God's kingdom.
We'll "see" you tomorrow morning for our second week of camp!
Much love,
Pastors Lindsay and Mary
Hi, Friends!
This email is coming a little later than usual because I was tied up at the Compassion Camp Factory filming Chip while he made a special video for our second week of camp. We can't wait to kick off a new week with a new theme on Monday! We have been so inspired by the photos of creations that you have sent in, so keep sending us photos of all the camping you are doing.
Don't forget about the tomorrow’s excursion!
This week, our in-person camp event will take place on Sunday. Right after Drive-In Church, we will be waiting on Union Street with more fun supplies to share for Week 2 of camp. We also hope you will bring something you have made or colored during the week so you can show us your creation! This will be a drive-through experience with safe distance and loads of fun. Plus, you can wave at all the other campers behind you! If you're coming to Drive-In Church, then after you exit the parking garage, you can swing back around to the Union Street side of church. If you don't plan to come for Drive-In Church, no problem! Just come by anytime between 11:30am-12:30pm and join the fun on Union Street. You can also have the chance to wave at other FBCP friends as they leave worship!
Our theme for Week 2 of camp is "Compassion for Myself," and we are excited to share activities and exercises that kids can do to cultivate compassion for themselves. So today we are sharing this resource for parents because kids aren't the only ones who need to practice compassion for self. It has some basics about the research behind self-compassion and three tips to use in a moment when things feel intense and challenging. If this all sounds a little fluffy or silly, we get it—but the research on self compassion is strong, and it's amazing to learn more about our brains and how they connect with our children's brains. If you need to take a little time to give yourself some compassion, there are some resources and guided exercises here to help you cultivate compassion for yourself. We are praying that this is a week of discovery and kindness turned inward. Parents, you are doing a great job!
This Sunday Pastor Gretchen joins us for a look at the theme of self-compassion as we gear up for Week 2 of Compassion Camp!
NOTE: This week the youth will Zoom at 1:00pm to accommodate for Drive-In Church and our Compassion Camp event. Here is the meeting link that you can use each week to hop on the hangout. We can't wait to hang out with our youth!
Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!
With gratitude for you,
Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary
Even when I don’t see it You’re working
Even when I don’t feel it You’re working
You never stop You never stop working
You never stop You never stop working
Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper
Light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are
Check to verify your temperature is below 100 degrees F.
Confirm you have no symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, chills, repeated shaking with chills, headache, muscle pain, or a new loss of taste or smell before or upon arrival.
You can go here for an online self checker through the CDC.
Check to verify your temperature is below 100 degrees F.
Confirm you have no symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, chills, repeated shaking with chills, headache, muscle pain, or a new loss of taste or smell before or upon arrival.
You can go here for an online self checker through the CDC.
Good morning, Friends!
Compassion Camp starts tomorrow, and we cannot wait to share all the fun and meaningful activities to help campers grow in compassion for our first week! Tomorrow morning I'll be sending out a link to our virtual campsite so that campers can start the fun. If you still want to register your child, we would love to have them join us and can arrange to get them a Camper Kit. Just register with the link below!
Today's video shares a little excitement for camp and some reminders for campers.
The theme for the first week of camp is "Showing Up and Being Brave" with the help of God. This week, look for signs that someone might need compassion, and then ask God to help you show up and be brave to act with compassion and spread the love. All the camp activities will help you practice those things, so we pray you have a great adventure this first week.
We'll "see" you tomorrow morning for our first week of camp!
Much love,
Pastors Lindsay and Mary
Hi, Friends!
Compassion Camp is almost here, and we can't wait to have all the fun with our FBCP families! Tomorrow is when you can pick up a Camper Kit (see below for more info)! If you haven't registered your child yet, it's not too late. Just register below, and we will get them all set up!
If you're still wondering how we are doing to do camp, here are the main things to know:
It's virtual and completely go-at-your-own-pace because you can do all of the activities at home using our pre recorded videos and online instructions.
Each Monday for the next three weeks, we will send out a new set of online materials for you to use throughout the week (you pick and choose what to do and when to do it!).
On Wednesdays (time TBA) we will host a live zoom for kids who want to play some games and see each other and connect.
On the weekends we will have a drive-by option to pick up a treat and show off something you’ve made (safely from the car).
We will grow in compassion while having fun!
Tomorrow morning we are inviting all campers to drive by the church sometime between 10-11AM. You can pull up to the side of the church on Union Street to pick up a Camper Kit and help us kick off Compassion Camp! You can stay safely in your cars, and we will be masked and gloved and ready for a clean handoff. We have had a blast assembling your materials and treasures for the week, so we hope to see you Saturday morning! If you are not able to come for the pick up, let us know so we can arrange to get you your camper kit.
The wonderful folks at SALT have shared these ten ways to savor summer, and they are simple but really meaningful things to do!
When you're stuck at home, come here to continue your child's science learning with our easy-to-follow activities. This space is designed for families to explore, investigate and have fun learning together without leaving home. All activities use common household supplies and are appropriate for a variety of ages.
This Sunday we have some Compassion Commercials to get you ready for Compassion Camp on Monday!
We are back on for our regular noon zoom this week since there is no Drive-In Church. Here is the meeting link that you can use each week to hop on the hangout. We can't wait to hang out with our youth!
Sending you so much love and virtual hugs!
With gratitude for you,
Pastor Lindsay & Pastor Mary
This is a cover of a Sufjan Stevens song combined with original videos from Pastor John Jay’s neighborhood. The song is roughly based on Isaiah 55, which is part of the teaching Scripture this coming Sunday. We hope that you find meaning in these words and images as we turn our attention to God’s good creation this weekend. Grace and peace.
July 12th-August 2nd
We aren't able to host our regular summer camp for kids, but that doesn't mean we can't stay connected, have fun, and grow together. So this summer, we hope you will join us for Compassion Camp!
The theme will be Compassion--for others, for ourselves, and for the world. We feel that compassion is a pretty important thing these days, so we are excited to become a more compassionate church! We are using curriculum from Illustrated Ministry, a super awesome company that designed this camp especially for this season. We are adding in our own touches and are really excited to bring in lots of other church friends to help create content so we can all grow in compassion.
There are three sessions in the program, and each session will take a week. Content and links for videos will be emailed to you weekly. Interactive videos will introduce a new idea/session every Monday, and you and your kids will have the week to complete the crafts and activities as you choose using pre-recorded videos. Our hope is that your family will be able to participate at your own pace and do what is most fun for you. If you don't get to something one week, you will continue to have access to content to use whenever you can. On Wednesdays we will host a live Zoom event for kids who want to join and do some games and activities together. At the end of the week, we will host an in-person event at church that will be short, fun, and a chance for us to safely connect (think drive-by show and tell, ice cream pick up...simple but fun things like that). The specific day for that event will vary each week but will fall on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. We are gearing the content for kids ages 6-11, but the messages and activities can be appreciated and enjoyed by all ages! Some things are already planned, and some things will come as the Spirit moves because the Holy Spirit loves to surprise us! It's going to be a lot of fun and we can't wait to connect with our families.
Because we are hosting a supply pick-up at the start of the three weeks, we need to know how many supplies to order and prepare so that we can send you home with the basic materials you will need for the activities. To help us prepare, we would love to have your registration in by Thursday, July 9th if possible. We are asking families to consider a $15 donation to help cover expenses for supplies, but if that is not doable for your family, we still want you to join. We will send you payment options after you register. If you have friends who want to join us, we would love to get to know them! Because we are planning some in-person options, it's ideal if they live in the area, but if not, they are welcome to join from afar through all the technology!
Come by the Union street side of church on Saturday, July 11th, anytime from 10:00-11:00 AM to pick up your camp kit, wave to your buddies, and kick off your compassion journey! We will be observing safe protocols to make sure this is fun and comfortable for all. Email Pastor Lindsay at if you have any questions.
Tuesday, July 14 – Health & Wellness
Kristy Engel (Global Consultant)
Katherine & Wayne Niles (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Thursday, July 16 – Abolition of Trafficking in Persons & Global Slavery and Mission From Everywhere to Everyone
Jeni Pedzinski (Thailand)
Katie & Taku Longkumer (India)
Tuesday, July 21 – Abolition of Trafficking in Persons & Global Slavery, Education and Evangelism
Annie & Jeff Dieselberg (Thailand)
Gordon & Lee Ann Hwang (Japan)
Thursday, July 23 – Theological Education and Health & Wellness
JD & Rhonda Reed (Bolivia)
Kihomi Ngwemi & Nzunga Mabudiga (Haiti)
Tuesday, July 28 – Economic Development, Mission From Everywhere to Everyone and Short Term Mission Engagement
Ann & Bruce Borquist (Global Consultants)
Madeline Flores-López (Dominican Republic)
Rich and Laura Freeman are two of our global servant partners who work with pastors and leaders in Turkey. You can learn more about their work here.
Dear FBCP,
Things are so crazy here and in Turkey that my communications are thrown off a bit. I really want to thank you for the partnership of 1st Pasadena! Along with the broader ministry of Refugee relief with Pastor Demokan, your support helps a refugee church in Istanbul led by a Syrian refugee pastor, Pastör Armanj. I am copying a recent update from him below.
Hi dear brother,
This is two stores of family we helped last month:
Hesen and his wife Ameena, joining a lot of families giving thanks to God for His help, they were lost in the world looking in a different ways to heaven, but when they saw that the church is helping in these hard times, they've seen the love and grace of God through the church, and and they start to think and ask more about Jesus Christ as we keep praying for them may God bring them to His kingdom.
Ali Gargoor, he has 4 children, and he has diabetics and cholesterol and cannot work hard because of his illness, and he gave praises to God for what he has done in these hard times, no works and a lot of responsibilities, and the help was just in time.
Thank you so much for your help and prayers. It makes difference in our life and church.
by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Good morning, Friends!
This morning we want to introduce you to the theme for our upcoming at-home camp: compassion! We are so excited to learn more about compassion in the weeks to come, and you can read all the information and register for compassion camp using the button below. We hope you will join us!
After you watch the video, you and your family members can use the following discussion prompts and activities to apply the lesson.
Recap: Who showed compassion in the story Jesus told? Who did not show compassion?
Check In With Yourself: How did you feel when you heard that the younger brother returned home?
Wonder: What are you wondering right now as you think about the story of these two brothers and the idea of compassion?
One of the best ways to grow in compassion is to participate in our Compassion Camp! You can register here.
Watch a movie and look for moments when someone needs compassion and when someone chooses to show compassion. Then talk about it! Was it hard for that person to show compassion? Could you relate to the person who needed compassion? How might you be inspired to show compassion after watching the movie?
This week put on your invisible "compassion binoculars" and be on the lookout for moments when someone in your house needs compassion. Try to pay extra attention so that you can be ready to show compassion in the moment. And if you have a hard time wanting to show compassion (like the brother in our Bible story!), then ask God to help you show compassion like Jesus does. At the end of each day, reflect on how compassionate you were—and thank Jesus for His compassion!
We are praying for you! Please remember to email/call/text with any prayer requests you have.
Much love,
Pastors Lindsay and Mary
Items can be brought when you come to drive-in church on July 5th and 19th.
Please avoid all red and all blue backpacks. This is very important to us. Backpacks should be sturdy enough to handle the rigors of a student's day and the crazy amount of books they heft around, especially for our high school students. The supplies needed are recommended by the Pasadena/Altadena area schools.
College ruled notebook paper (this is used more commonly than the “Wide-ruled” paper)
Wide ruled notebook paper (early grades will use this)
Spiral notebooks
Composition Notebooks, hardcover
Pens; red, blue and black
Pencils, including #2 yellow 6-sided for younger grades; mechanical pencils Erasers
Pencil-top Erasers
Copy paper (for printing on computer)
Zipper pouch for pens and pencils (3 holed to go in binders)
Dry Erase Markers
Colored Markers (NO Sharpies or Permanent Markers)
Highlighters, all colors
Colored Pencils
Sharpener for colored pencils (must hold shavings)
24 Colors Crayons (prefer Crayola Brand)
2 Pocket Folders (prefer poly folders)
Student scissors (such as Fiskar)
Rulers (metric & customary)
3" x 5" index cards
Glue Sticks (many schools prefer the sticks to bottles of glue)
3 Ring Binders - 1"- 3" (Prefer with Clear View pocket on front)
Tab Dividers for Binders
Tissue/Kleenex – small little packages that can easily fit into the backpack or school desk